THE PATTON COURIER, MAY 4 Patton Courier. Roy Eaton Decker, ESTABLISHED - . ———— 1898, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. $150,000 Fur Twelve Novels, It cost $150,000 to secure a new ser- ies of fiction to be published in the Sunday issue of The Pittsburg Dis- patch, jecommencing May 6. Subserib- ers to that paper can read 12 great books by 12 great American and Eng- lish authors during the next 12 months Socough this 24th doy of April, D. 1906. A. W. J. DONNELLY, Borgess of Patton Borough, ORDINANCE NO, 87, An ordinance assessing a sewage tax | on the property owners adjacent to sewer on Magee avenue in the borough its wear. Yours truly, F. W. DEVOE & Co. | P. 8. Binder & Starrett sell our paint. Zinc costs no more than lead; and we | of | gess and town council of the borough Patton this 24th day of April, Borough Secretary. | Edward Little...... } | Pomgratz Wiltusnic...... | Approved by the Yusgess of Patton | Beech Creek (foal & Coke Co...... payment of said sewer, the assessment | being made according to the foot grind by machinery. | A. D. 1906. | front rule: . We have no patent on zine; bub no- | H. S. LINGLE, Joseph lanier iiasess 50 feet § 28 92 body else is treating it right. Devoe is President of Council. | Beech Creek Coal & Coke Co 50 v 28 02 | your paint. Attest: -— Gray & Felton...... 3“ 172 Ep S. MOORE; | F. E. Farabaugh.. 47 4 85.03 28 92 28 92 693 i Pe 5090 | ————— wii ¥ Sars Bloomberg. oh 28 02 | i M. Sheehan... wip» Nn | Joseph A. Gray. 50 veel Frank Dunnegmn.. ooo wipe one h 28 0 Enacted and ordnined by the bur. | gess and town council of the borough of Patton this 24th day of April, A. D, 1606 IH. 8. LINGLE, house. Everything in season. Litile Bros. Butchers and Dealers in All Kinds of Fresh and Smoked Meats. PATTON, PA. | Lincoln Building. | % : oe 3 "| to make payment, and those having claims to Patronize the home print shop. | present the same without delay, to We are better prepared than ever to RicHARD ROWLAND, Executor, Pattoh, Pa. turn out commercial printing of all oa kinds and at prices that can’t be dupli- cated for good work. Sime ors» one pene: ip utvanes, . - 81.00 | without paying one cent extra (one |of Patton. President of ¢ i o papers discontinued until all arrear-| pl : . resident of Council, . are pid, unless at the option of the complete book each month. ) Be it enacted and ordained by the | Attost:— » blisher. The same novels, if published in [burgess and town council of the bor- | ED. 8. MOORE, Entered at the Postoffice at Patton as second- | book form, would sell from $1 to $1.50 | ough of Patton, Pa., and it is bereby | Borough Secretary. class mall matter, each. This means that subscribers to |enacted and ordained by authority of| Approved by the burgess of Patton S— the Sunday Dispatch will get from $12 | the same. | borough this 24th day of April, A. D. Ki ADVERTISING RATES, to $18 worth of new books that are ab-| That, whereas the actual cost of con- | 1906. | Re all the money they wane } y Legal notices $1 per inch for three insertions. golutely new stories free with their | structing the sewer on Magee avenue, | W. J. DONNELLY, | g Card of thanks fe per line, subscription. All you have to do is to | beginning at a, point at or near the | Burgess of Patton Borough. in THE SAT P g g JReuchiuime 3 yer ive. | buy the Sunday Dispatch at the regu- | terminus of the present sewer opposite ORDINANCE NO. 90. bi E VENING POST ’ : ry Se per line. rice—five cents per copy arty of 3 0 y / Business locals 5e per line, lar price five cents per copy. : the property of James Mellon and ex-| 4, srdinance assessing a sewage tax ;, afew hours a week after school. Display ads 10c per inch flat. The installments each Sunday will | tending west to Little Ohest creek, lon the property owners adjacent to g/, It isn’t luck ; it isn't that they are |g Foreign advertising must be paid for invar- | occupy a separate section and are con- | constructed in pursuance to ordinance | sewer on Magee avenue, west of Little any brighter than you; It isn't ae fably in advance. No commission paid to | venient to bind. Leave your order |of the borough of Patton No. 76, apP- | ohest creek. in the borough of Pat. | that they have any better ; mdvertising agents. with your newsdealer now and next |proved the 9th day of June, A. D. pb chances than you. # RX " y p y |b Pa hess are hest” rates-—no ouiers £0. Sunday (May 6) you will receive the | 1905, i scertained to be $368.50, mak- ots They just 106k hold ofthe work lay (May 6) yo ecelv 8 a YoU5.0U, M2 Je ib "enacted and ordained by the heartily, and found that making first installment of the first novel, ling a pro ratio cost of $256.63 for euch | " y y money came loi i z ROLITICHL. ANNOUNCEMESY Bron er afue +p oa oi ib Jo bsaref [burgess and town council of the bor- | ey lots Susie than RB ock in the Baltic,” by that famous |fifty-foot lot so adjacent, it is therefore | ough of Patton, and is hereb enacted | ey expected. ‘Most svery. ? FOR SHERIFF—I hereby announce- | author, Robert Barr. [enacted and ordained that a sewage |. ian ) i y : i body who sees THE POST : 3 | y and ordained by authority of the | | wants it. And what we want myself as a candidate for Sheriff, sub- tax be and is assessed upon the follow- | coe you to do is to show THE POST BR aw duiaqon of tb» Fepuniean H P ing, being all the property OWLErs| mpg, whereas the actual cost of con- | ¥ tothe people in your town, to get them primaries and convention. adjacent to said street or line of sewer, | st ycting the sewer on Magee avenue, gn let you Selyes it every week. Jo 2 few e Letin : agee nue, | weeks you’ ave a regular li - Jussi BE. DALE. to the Teliowiis Jmonie, and $hat the beginning at the bridge crossing Little | 4 tomers and be Tr et April 26, 1906. Patvor, Pa. KE EP STRONG same be col ecte according to law and | Ghest creek and extending west to | te You don't need a cent to startin, We on Te x = — EEERMERS applied towards the cost of construct- bridge at or near the mili of W. J. | 4 end ten copies of THE POST free. Sell © open shop’ so far has meant a . ing said sewer: 'o.. © y | these at 5c. the copy and that furnishes all closed shop in this section i in Mellon 50 feet $§ 25 63 Donnelly & 0 consirucied n par-| the money you need to buy further supplies. Sit P 3 Courier Readers (an Learn DO Tiriotolr.. 30 feet § 25 63 | guance to ordinance of the borough of | down now and write us a letter that you want to get ars . « K. 2 63 | patton No. 75, approved the 22nd day | in line to make money and we'll send you ever , KER’ Frank B 2 “ 25 63 ? yth ning PENNYPACKER’S cossacks murdered Something of Value ag ©» eilof April, 1905, is ascertained to tel ”” you need to start. An education at any business college in 9 a few innocent bystanders again this From This. John R. Cordell........ « 2563 $1,391.00, making a pro ratio cost of| the country free to boys who sell a certain number of copies. r week just-to keep in practice. ny H. E. Barton and F. B. Morey. “12821843 64 for each fifty-foot lot so adjacent, | 3 . S— Such a thing as a weakling is hardly Richard Li. : 5.12 f is therefore a and ph] $250 in Extra Cash Pri . i 7, . M. Nolan... i 25 63 { WHAT a monument to his fame Gov. Seow in Japan. The wonderful on. dof Baptist Church “i - that a sewage tax be and is assessed Z€S Pennypacker will leave in a fake libel urance of the Japanese soldiers and |p, 1, Hoover... « 9563 | upon the following, being all the prop- Each Month to Boys Who Do Good Work 1 d th pul sailors in the recent war has been the | United Mine Workers of Ame erty owners adjacent to said street or aw and the state constabulary. marvel of all Halon Both men and | pe “5 - sewer line, to the following amounts, | THE CURTIS PUBLISHING COMPANY A S———————————————— i . K, 25 6 | . - Hoew, Hobson snd Camnegie. OED are well bapay and Sirong. Mis. Agnes Eagan, deceased. « a gs and that the same be collected accord- 425 Arch St., Philadelphia Theres a trio of individuals who know | 4 e Semon or 5 don so Sar al inves- | g 0. Winslow « 9563 |ing to law and applied towards the BR Ket wocu oAciud aha extaloel by the Bs, rec taste it. 2 ei weil on TE iio id gess and town council of the borough - re Rim 180 P I il a : the borongh 1 vis i ennsylvania Railro > EE tem. If they have trouble with indi- oF Bation this 24th day of April, A.D. C hureh.... i 43 64 Vv You don’t have to be crooked in |gestion, heartburn, wind on the stom- ? H. S. LINGLE Dennis Nolan . x H Windber these days to be arrested. All seh, Loss ’ appetite, sleeplessness, President of Council. | John Spangle “ 4364 10-DAY EXCURSION : eadaches, rheumatic pains, back-aches eid | George Hov “ 13 64 you have to do is to look crooked. The ) Attest: i .. TO. . or any of the other troubles caused ED. 8S. MOORE, Swedish Mission Slick, oo na lice will do the rest. an i &C “« 9 po Eeeee——— by a weak stomach, they treat them- Borough Secretary. ¥.3: Dosneliyh 0; 5 » WASH | N GTO N, D. Cc. AT last Patton is to be represented selves with some of the principal rem-| Approved by the burgess of Patton | Thomas Whitehead. “4364 Thursd M : : edies that compose Mi-o-na, a stomach | borough this 24th day of April, A. D. | W.J. Donnelly & Co. “ge rsday, May 10, 1906. on a Republican county ticket. And | omedy that has a large sale in Patton | 1906 g y my Thomns QRINN. cuss 5 bo po better, selection could haye been |at O. F. Wolf's. : W. J. DONNELLY, Tadlecs a phist Clases “4364 ROUND FROM 4 made than Jesse E. Dale for sheriff. So uniformly successful has the rem- Burgess of Patton Borough. a Files. : ¥ > TRIP PAT ) —_—— edy been in curing all stomach troub- ORDINANCE NO. 88. George Kane....... « i364 ® ATTON THE miners will bave been idle five | les when it is used in accordance with| Ap ordinance assessing a sewage tax ¥.3:Domnelly £ Co, vi ha Proportionate Rates from Oth i weeks Monday and evidences are al- the simple directions given with each | on the property owners adjacent to | Mrs. Mary Wilson : Lu Tick portionste Hsies fom Other Pols. . vy 4 8 Mrs. Mary son.. “ 55 ckets ready apparent that distress and mis- bos, shat o. F. Wolf gives a signed |gewer on Fourth avenue in the bor- |John Paicho.... * 2618) Train of 3 i Stand on Bu yy nating iL: Speen) are bound 4 i nota] guarantee with every 50 cent package | ough of Patton, Pa. Mrs. E. Wilkins “ ge T a andard Coaches leaving Pittsburg at 8 a. m, . ery are bound to come, if not already | 4 refund the money if Mi-on-a fails to| Be it enacted and ordained b Beech Creek Goal & Coke Cc “ 4364] jtg ickets are also good on Train No, 4, leaving Pittsburg ai 8:15 p. In ang here. Who is responsible ? benefit. ordained by the | RL he wh mall connections. Tickets will be good returning until May 19, inclusive, and ] ye on burgess and town council of the bor-| « wi vl rts to stop off at Batimore within limit. Es it i 3 “« For ticket: iti i i i #5 “The man with the muck rake” is Borough Ordinan ces. ough of Patton, and it is hereby en- 5 H. Streap. poreens “ uw ets and additional information apply to Ticket Agents. : : acted and ordained by authority of [Matthew O'Brien 1571 | J. R. WOOD, Passenger Traffic Manager attracting considerable attention these ORDINANCE NO. 86, thi George O'Brien “4364 0 } . 86. e same, Mary S. O’Brien... “ ma GEO. W. BOYD, General Passenger Agent. days in the way of condemnation, but| An ordinance assessing a sewage tax | That, whereas the actual cost of con- | minnie M. Probert. «Be why not offset it by a few commenda- | On the property owners adjacent to structing the sewer on Fourth avenue, | Patton B. & L. Association. “ 1364 fis — RR tory remarks about the man with the | Sewer on Mellon avenue in the bor- beginning at, the north-east corner of | Mrs: Mary Ann feels amo : : 1 \ h of Patton. land of Cole Brothers and extendi Sampson Hewlel a3 THE piece of Silver- . r rden rake. ough nding | 5 5. spe “ogy En 0 mmr — Be it enacted and ordained by the|south and intersecting with Palmer Pred and ordained by the a ware which you A BLIND boy and a trained nurse, | Purgess and town council of the bor- avenue Sewer at Flannagan run, con-|gess and town council of the borongh| received on Christmas "earthquake refugees from San Fran- ough of Patton, and it is hereby en- | structed in pursuance to ordinance of | of Patton this 24th day of April, A. D qt} . 1 d : . acted and ordained by authority ofthe borough of Patton No. 81, ap- od is will lose 1ts lustre an * gisco, were refused food in the Pennsyl- | the ss 3 } 1906. . . vania railroad restaurant at Pittsb : S Salle: proved we 2ad id of Ssplemiet, IS LivuiE, turn to a brown color if a i urg | That, whereas the actual cost of] A. D. 1905, is ascertained to be $561.65, President of Council. d . the other night. Now isn’t that typi- constructing the sewer on Mellon it is therefore enacted and ordained | Attest: — you do not keep it wrap- cal of that corporation? avenue, beginning at a point thirty | that a sewage tax be and is assessed ED. 8. MooRE, | ped in tissue paper away — es feet north of the borough line to inter- | upon the following, being all the prop- Borough Secretary. | from the licht: Y 111 PAY your debts. In times like these | section of Park and Mellon avenues, | erty owners adjacent to said street or| Approved by the burgess of Patton gu Oitw! | Coons ic Cieilon wer constructed in pursuance to Ordinance | line of sewer, to the following amounts, borough this 24th day of April, A. D.| mot care to do that so you | Boor Boeeitiy car. Now is the time No. 77, approved the 9th day of June, | and that the same be collected accord- | 1906- W. J. Dovnpil | . had better get a jar of M w : . A. D. 1905, is ascertained to be ing to law and applied towards the | ¥r LY, ® NVe21, OF YY onan when it is needed. If you have it, $1,546.31, it is therefore en jon of said sewer: Burgess of Patton Borough. | 2 orm asoft wood fioor ,646.31, acted and | construction of said sewer: { a > don’t hoard it, but square up with the | ordained that a sewage tax be and is ols Boffo. diciiied 2 $ 194 36 DISSOLUTION NOTICE. hema Sly nus . . nthony Dietrick.. 22 87 18 | 1a0r 1 g y i e id butcher, baker and candlestick maker SSsatand or Bui being all ‘Atlantic Refining Company... 65 « 46 44| Notice is hereby given that the co- | SILUE R R ER M, oor in fou minutes with and incidentally the printer. They P. 2 cent Uo sald | peter Somics.... 100 07 | partnership existing between Jose h! 5 . : line of improvement, to the | Henry Swoo “ D id a * need it and need it badly, especially | > and p hy, £0 the | Hemy Swope. 57 18 | Flick and A. B. ¢ Rh) F Fi the latte ¥; especially following amounts, and that the same | Frank Warner. “28 ame 8 Fiick pan Ups Le oe | the finest silver polish § = hi a e » Renin ee be collected according to law and ap- Mike da a ordained’ ¥ oo He | solved by mutual consent, the ian d e and the Eh Nome! 3 a plied Towards the payment of said nacted and ordained by the bur- [5° : ) made. 25c at Self-Grainer ; . : THE freak symp hony In whiskers sewer, the em rig made ac- gess and town council of the borough | | being continued by Mr. Flick, to whom Or an old hard wood floor, furni- Ys . who is governor of Pennsylvania has cording to the foot front rule: of Patton this 24th day of April, A. | all bills are payable and who will Pe ture, ete. ma ude to look like ] 3 : | new, with a more durabl _ issued a proclamation calling upon all | Thomas Litzinger ....124 feet $ 60 94 D. 1906, | oN cnistending dents, So San i : mally Mg 1 os i 2 $ 60 9 H. S. LINGLE, Jos. FLICK. | umel colors the wood, and var- 4 good citizens of the commonwealth to | Mrs. Helena Mellor 2 “505 : No | at the same time, and the sur- y maint th ; John Meredith. 50.4 2358 President of Council. A. B. KERNS, hard that walking or washing maintain peace in the coal regions. |, A. williams. “isos Aussi + 0. § GORE Bayon, Pas April; 20, 1906. 5 Such a course would not have been | George Sheka.. “4720 eB, y | J eri | Barbara Karlheim.. “8 n Borough Secretary. ! he. lou oxi. Feteu mae Joneph Rarthsins. .31 « -1524| Approved by the burgess of Patton | Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Ko: e last legislature estab- | Edward Strittmatter. 120 “4 58 98 | boro I 1 lishing the state constabulary, and Miry anria Tully, decease G4 Wa | 1906 Bp anata | dacks and Sup Pp lies. a a os ) William Lucas 0 “2 h oy which places an additional burden on G Lipa » “ 2 a W. 1. DONNELLY, | |- 2 aie whist the taxpayers of $200,000 a year Mrs. Paul Short 60 “ 29 49 Burgess of Patton Borough. LI N E 0 F W A LL | a ’ . Hugh McCauley.. 60 ¢ 29 49 St d ih i Ne By ORDINANCE NO. 89. eam an Letter to W. J. Donnelly. Saserk Tanger 70 4 1827 An ordinance assessing a sewage tax | PA PE R J uU ST | ve Patton, Pa. vs. Helena Mellor .4 “ 212 on the property owners adjacent to | | WwW r Joseph Fishe 2) 53 08 | : jacent to | Dear Sir: What is lumber worth ? Samuel Sire 2 . oi sewer on Fifth avenue and Park ave-| RECEIVED. | Hot ater “Depends on the lumber, you say— | Mrs. Mary McConne 6 “ 29 49 | Dues in the borough of Patton. what sort do yon want? Josp 7 Hoover, 6 « 9249! Be it enacted and ordained by the | All the latest patterns | H ti Charles Wells......... 60 ¢ $ | © esi il of tl id 1 3 iy hs 3 That's how some people talk about | yirs, icicna i au barge a town Soe of the bor- and designs and at the mini- eating paint. They ask: What'll you paint | Matthew Robertson... “ oo | Co ton, and it is hereby en-| mum of price. : Sold by : fy liouss for? GK, Crossman. B. 3 gi Bele and ordained by authority of | Is being used more ex- : : e Yankee answer is: “How do you | “Win Sherry. 240 20 43) bhe same, - ively ? : at 16 Lente Ons Godt? toro you Thomas Bisiiop 7% 3id4l| That, whereas the actual cost of con iy Piotr frames, room mould-| gas oly 5h Sean Why ? Bi Nn d e r & | three coats ? first class.or cheap ?”’ | Edw i Shy os " > = structing the sewer on Fifth and Parle Bee | NL : - ff The proper answer is; “I want the | ©. 'o0 Bortman.. 0 « 294 8venues; beginning at the south side | JOS FLICK a Hg, fara, ! De te a2 das ors. @ « 294 of Russell avenue and extending to . ’ | ishes a greater volume of S + a rrett t De f. 5 9 A x s 3 ho] 3 | . . "That's Devoe; but the usual EL HOfaoyn i 2 Mellon avenue sewer, constructed in Patton, Pa. | heat and is decidedly cleaner . y i824 want a good job, but I want it | Andrew Batruski « N3| pursuance io ordinance No, 78, ap-| | than any other systems now Fiftl ; . Philip Link. 6 « 9949 Droved the 9th day of June, A. D bois : Tit Avenue, cheap.” Which means: I want you to |g ; 0.4 ma . BHSy Sa | in use. Ask your neighbor. 80 3 g aint. it. for nothin Iw | Sophia Pearson #0 29 49 | 1905, is ascertained to be $404.86, it is E Dl 8. ant to be | | Rudolph Gunnin i 2 “ | therefore enacted and ordained that a Ho me Ki | led Meat He knows about it. PATTON. PA. lL . John Biller....... 29 49 : Hi : so | James Mulligar Cy (sewage tax be and is assessed upon the in po i - he costliest paint |), J. Dietrick. i bi following, being all the property | I Everything 1 ere is: not the best; it used to be the | nye Agnes Boley « 9940 | owners adjacent to said street and J : i] JOHNSTOWN SUPPL v Lveryt 11Ng In best. Devoe is best, since zine came in: | Mrs. Paul Short aE Samay 2 No, embalmed business in| ” - i i A d ort 92 40 | line of sewer, to the following amounts, Pe 7 1 : | ; H d 7 Devoe lead and zinc. Silas Ryan “ 2019 and that the same be collected accord- ones, We deal strictly in | HOUSE, araware, Zine toughens the lead and doubles] Enacted and ordained by the bur- ing to law and applied towards the meat killed at our slaughter Johnstown, Pa, Estate ot Richard Rowland, Deceased. Letters testamentary on the above estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested May 2nd, 1906. Read your own paper. ey INTER Clea — Ever —Bort = 80n. —Fran ipsburg — WH rent con — Mus. in Philiy —R. 8 Washing ~The nesday 1 ~Is F nation’s —Ex-! Johnsto —Johi the relie —A. } calling © —The milliner, this issu —The Grand A held in | —Will the road for the | —All Fork are being ar —Dins tisemen wanting —Mist visiting weeks, ing. —A fa arrested isnowi at court —The Elizabet missed ¢ .court T —The boro the and bul princip: —Wil fined $1 that me legal re —A I attende Toity a were Ww ance. —Jud Jjunetior from al the Be: operatic —The the othe were ha conferel the Buf ‘compan —The stating Johnsto burg D been e some ti —The state le pledge | ing trol and one lary wi in this —Jor able | undér ground omissio The tri other a —Otis of the ] playing Nation: while sl at Pitts + the gan will be —Atb | the cou look aft various vent th watch y ‘believe want of gioners —Car school this yes tion of | One thi taxable the nur and six on the 1 teacher —Goy ering ti office of to succes The frie present her clai is prob: sylvani but as s ought t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers