The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, April 27, 1906, Image 8

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By virtue and authority contained im the last will and testament of James. .P.
McCans, deceased. late of the T ywiship of Clearfield, in Cambria county, Pa, the
undersioned Executors will expose to Public Sale at the Court: House in Ebens-
burg, Pa., on
wa :
1e following described real estate, viz:
No. 1. All that certain piece or parcel of land situate partly in the Township of Clearfield and partly in the
ip of Chest, in Cambria County, Pa., bounded by and of —— Williams, by land of Elizabeth Thomas, by
James Ryan, by land of Beech Creek Coal & Coke Company, by land of A. W. Lee et al, by land of A.
B. Jordon et al, by land of John B. Strittmatter, by land of Mrs. Evatistus Wilt and by land of Englebert Bender
containing two hundred and twenty-three acres, one hundred and thirteen perches more or less, but reserving
land of
therefrom, however, all the coal in, under and upon the same, together with the mining rights and privileges that
were granted and conveyed with said coal to F. J. O'Connor, his heirs and assigns, by deed bearing date the 10t h
day of August, 1903, and recorded in the office for recording deeds, ete., in and for said county of Cambria in Deed
Book No. 154, page 506.
Said land will be offered for sale in separate pieces to suit the convenience of the bidders, and will be sold in
that way provided a better price can be thereby obtainéd than by selling the land as a whole.
No. 2. All the coal in, under and uj pon'all that certain piece or pa reel of land situate in said ‘Township of
Chest, bot d by land of A. W. Lee et t al, bv land of Sylvanus J. Wirtner, by land of Joseph McMullen, by land
dec : Nir
of Thomas M. Craver, by land of Jacob Schmidtbauer and by land of E. & M. Jordon, Contataing three hundred
and sixty acres, more or less, together with the mining rights and privileges that were reserved by said executors
with the said coal in deed for a portion of said land to Joseph Rhiner, Jr, bearing date the 8th day of February,
1904, and recorded in said recording office in Deed Book No.’161, page 277, et seq., and in deed for the balance of
said land from said executors to Thomas M. Craver, his heirs and assigns, bearing date the 8th day of February
190%, and recorded in said recording office in Deed Book No. 165, page 237 et seq.
TERMS OF SALE: Ten per cent of the purchase money in hazgd at the time of the sale, the b alance of
one-third on confirmation of sale. one-third in six months and one-thigl/in 12 months from the confirmation of sale.
Deferred payments to bear interest and to be secured by the judgemefic bond and mortgage of the pur chaser
: JAMES A. McCANS, Patton, R. F. D. No. 1,
April 16th, 1906. : Executors.
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