{ 1 . on Courier. |” was not due for half a an hour after the players left the ground. The spectators paid to see a foot ball game and didn’t see it. If any one had a license to be aggrieved itis the Patton and other spectators who witnessed a Roy Eaton Decker, ESTABLISHED « «1808, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One copy, une year, in advance, - - =- $1.00 #@ No papers discontinued until all arrear- ages are paid, unless at the option of the | facts in the case, ‘‘the truth, the whole | publisher, 4 ing & 4 : 9" { Entered at the Postoflice at Patton as second- truth and nothing but the trath, all | class mall matter, slugging match and the baby act in These are the | lieu of a foot ball game. the penny a “liners in Johnstown or | —— anywhere else to the contrary not: | ADVERTISING RATES, withstanding. . | Legnl notices §1 per inch for three insertions, ———— | Card of thanks ic per line. BrossoMm little buds, spring has Resolutions 5¢ per line, | { Poetry be per line, sprung. Business loeals be per line, - m— Display ads 100 per inch flat. Is your back yurd in as good sanitary Foreigh advertising must be paid forinvar- | oo, gigion as your front one? If it fably in advance, No commission paid to ’ advertising agents. isn’t it ought to be These are “best” rates— no others go. ————————————————— 0 EES A IAN WARE ALL the fellows you see working in POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT. the garden these days are not planting | FOR SHERIFF—I hereby announce. | 0Mions. Most of them myself as a candidate for Sheriff, sub tii ject to the decision of the Republican primaries and convention. JEssE E. DALE, Patton, Pa. are digging bait, | ADAM, the first man, and Andy Car- | negie, the foremost philanthropist, both had the same excuse for their little in- | April 26, 1906. discretion. Each blamed it on the THE FACTS IN THE CASE. woman. That a foot ball game played last fall| Tur Co ‘RIER has no definite know- { between the South Fork and St. Bene- ledge that the circus to be here next ! dict teams will figure in the courts of the county is a very lively probability “just at this time. Under an agreement South Fork | make their living at the expense of the went to Patton last October and played | unsophistocated, but a hint to the agameon the Y. M. C. A. grounds ,.,,er officials to keep a weather eye there with the St. Benedicts. South Fork took Prof. Andrew Kerr,of Johns- town, as referge. The grounds were in a fearful condition as the result of rain, | come amiss anyway. and when Referee Kerr, from sheer necessity, called the contest with the IM PO R TH N T score standing in favor of South Fork the St. Benedicts and the Patton people . TO PATTON. ' refused to accept the verdict. James Gilliece, the Patton sport pro- moter, refused to divide the gate re- rp ceipts on the claim of a contested de- | Profit by This and Find Safe: + cision, and all winter since that time has persisted in ignoring demands of gu rd Rgainst Many Ills. the South Fork people for a settlement, | Nothing is more important to Patton South Fork, .nder the circumstances, {than the good health of its people. the referee and umpire and its | How can they fill their place in this own expenses. busy town unless they are well? week carries a crowd of con men, three shell artists and other gentry who out and nip any little game that might be started in its incipiency will not ; we i Counig, APRIL L 37 98 EASY MONEY a : Zook on » es po fro 1 \ ona: = STITT ES 6 AF FIG NLT THE SATURDAY EVENING POST fyiday afternoon and Saturday. Some make $15 a we 411 make something —depends on the boye It won’t cost yi a cent to try it, anyway. Ask us to send you the comple! outfit for starting in business, and 10 free copies of The Po 3 Sell these Posts at gc the copy, and with the 50c you mai: 4 buy further supplies at wholesale price. Besides the profit ma» ¢a cvery copy we give prizes when you have sold a certain sumber of copies. Further, $250 in Extra Cash Pri:: each month to boys who do good work. Your cha: some of this money is just as good as that of any cu sells The Post. The Curtis Publishing Company, 425 Arch Street, Philadelphi: Now, it is. understood, the manager|{ No one trouble is responsible for notice from Renel Somerville, the debility, weakness, backaches, rheu- . Patton attorney, that he had been ap- | matic pains, even ill temper and peev- ~ pointed to settle the division of gate | ishness, than indigestion. of the South Fork team has received | more nervousills, sieeplessness, general | war HH. SANDFORD . H. ; T. J. SCHOLL Cashier. A. G. PALMER, President. Vice-President. ~ receipts and asking what amount would be required to close the incident. John F, Dalton, speaking for South Fork, insisted on the 75 per cent of the ~ receipts pledged to the winner of the Fortunately, a combination of reme- dies, called Mi-o-na stomach tablets, has been discovered that absolutely cures indigestion and restores to health and strength the whole digestive sys- First National Bank OF PATTON, PA. game by the agreement under which | tem. ‘the contest was played. liece defendants in an action to show { nothing unless it cures. £ them. Howeyer the case is settled it is | ousness or weak stomach. certain that South Fork will not go to | Patton for many a day. The above screed which first ap- | peared in the Pittsburg Dispatch, and | was later copied in the South Fork | cord, was written by J. “Allie” "Plough, the Johnstown correspondent of the Dispatch, whose defective vision | of milk. vents him from seeing farther north | Neither does four gallons of paint that’s half lime, whiting, clay and ker- $e Summerhill, and is 2 wilful per- | osene oil, make four gallons of real Ehegsion of the facts in the case. | paint. { South Fork and St. Benedict did| That’s what we mean by ‘Fewer gal- play a game of foot ball here last fall, | lons; wears longer.”” It takes fewer oF rather part of a game, when South | | gallons of Devoe lead and zine than of | | mixed paints to paint a house, and it Fork left; the field at a time when Ben- | | wears twice or three times as long as ict was making rapid gains and | lead and oil mixed by hand. would undoubtedly have scored and{ Mr. Chas. Avery, of Herkimer, N. pled the game had the contest been | i Y., bought 51 gallons of Devoe lead and zine to paint five houses his painter ¢ontinued a few minutes longer. | having figured that it would require at Mr. Gilliece held the stakes and ip jeaqt that amount; 36 gallons did the face of a protest from the Benedict | work and he returned 15 gallons, management rightly decided to hang | Yours truly, on to the money until the two teams F. W. DiVoE & Co. | P. 8. Binder & Starrett sell our paint. ment. could get together and effect a settle- | i ’ The agreement was to play two 30 ID on t bother mix- nute halves and one was played. The ing your own paint when you cond balf was started and Benedict Can buy Lawrence paint from s almost certain to score when the your dealer for less money buth Fork players discovered that it and be sure of results. You! s almost (2) train time and wanted take no chances because it’s ait the game. The referee, a fellow guaranteed by the maker. fie name of Kerr from Johnstown, 0 is a rather nice little girl, an- Made from the purest mater- Rouuiced that he would give the South ials obtainable. F Fork players two minutes to get in the 18 BEST Bay Letter 10 Jas. Mellon, Patton, Pa. and two” are. Two gallons of water and two gal- lons of milk don’t make four gallons game,orhe would award the contest to their opponents. Later when surrounded by a howling m Hb of South Fork people, with whom he came to Patton and returned, re- versed his decision and awarded the | . [ IPT RIT NPB 1) LEAT PITTSBURGH LAWRENGE READY MIXED PAINT. Sold by game to South Fork. Kerr undoubtedly understands foot bail and intends to do the right thing, his only fanlt being that he resembles Mark Hanva’s characterization of the late Dauiel H. Hastings in that ‘he has & backbone like a bath towel after it * has been used.” . a _ In this connection § be | Binder Co Star rett, Patton, Pa. i might also stated that the tryfflfor South Fork So reliable is Mi-o-na in curing all ‘Mr. Somerville, finding that James |forms of stomach weakness and ~ @Gilliece demurs to this, has decided, it | troubles that 0. F. Wolf gives a signed Surplus . - - - is said, to make both Dalton and Gil- | guarantee that the remedy will cost Stockholders’ liability - - - Mi-o-na sells | T'otal Assets - - - cause why a certain stated division of for 50 cents, and is invaluable to any the moneys should not be accepted by | one who suffers with indigestion, nerv- Dear Sir: Two and two make four— {not always; depends upon what ‘two Organized October 10, 1893. $100,000 00 40,000 00 100,000 00 850,000 00 Capital—fully paid - - DIRECTORS. Geo. 8S. Good, James Kerr, A. G. Palmer, E. C. Brown, Chas. Anna, H. J. Patton, W. C. Lingle, Geo. E. Prindible, Wm. H. Sandford. A general Banking Business transacted. Interest paid on time deposits. Banking by mails a specialty. We pay four per cent per annum on deposits in our Savings Department, compounded semi-annually. Why send your money to institutions in dis- tant cities, strangers to you, when you can do fully as well at home? Call or write for full information. You should have one or more ef our Savings Banks in your home. It will teach practical lessons in economy. Saved wages become wage earners for the saver. ‘Not what you get, but what you hold, Eases life’s burdens when you’re old.” Pennsylvania Railroad 10-DAY EXCURSION WASHING FON. D. C. Thursday, May 10, 1906. $0.00 Proportionate Rates from Other Points. Tickets good going on train leaving 6:50 a ‘m., connecting with Special Train of Parlor Cars and Standard Coaches leaving Pittsburg at 8 a. m, Tickets are also good on fram No. 4, leaving Pittsburg at 8:15 p. m and | its connections. Tickets will be good returning until May 19, inclusive, and to stop off at Batimore within limit. For tickets and additional information apply to Ticket Agents. [J . R. WOOD, Passenger Traffic Manager. GEO. W. BOYD, General Passenger Agent. FROM PATTON ROUND . TRIP ; T.R. MORRISON | Reuel Somerville, Dentist, | Attorney-at-Law, PATTON, PA. PATTON, PA. | | | | | Office in Brady Building. Office in the Good Building. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the co- Violin Mandolin, Gui partnership existing between Joseph | ‘tar and Banjo Flick and A. B. Kerns, under the firm TAUGHT, | | name of Fiick & Kerns, has been dis- | | solved by mutual consent, the business | 4 | being continued by Mr. Flick, to whom | WM. M. SIMPSON, | all bills are payable and who will pay Losin Avoline: PATTON. PA. [all outstanding debts. Opposite M. E. Churh. Jos. FLICK. A. B. KERNS, When you need anything in the 0 oon ING! NEG NOAMOUS RAILROAD SHOWS Will Exhibit at Patton, Pa., THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1906, and give two performances, one in the afternoon and one at night. A grand consolidation, assembly of Earth's most startling represen- tation. Artistic acts and exploits introduced by the best Lady and Gentlemen Bareback Riders, Tumblers, Contortionists and Tra- pese Performers, with 14 funny clowns te keep you laughing. INDIANS, COWBOYS, MEXICANS AND COSSACKS, Giving exhibitions of Frontier Life. containing ar The performing Elephants, Lions, Tigers, Horses, Ponies, Dogs, and Monkeys are a Feature. MONSTER EXHIBITIONS 3 Under huge clouds of canvas. Wathch for the grand free street parade at 11 o'clock. Remeber the Day and Date. ohILORS In all shapes and shades, sailors sailors sailors . sailors trimmed and untrimmed. Also Italian Leghorns, French Chips and Nea- politans at the MELLON MILLINERY STORE. Now on the llarket PATTON EBEER Warranted absoluiely pure ard free from all deleterioltls stubsfanges. TRY IT! TRY ITE FOR SALE AT ALL THE LEADING BARS IN THE COUNTY. PATTON BEER IS UNION MADE, {Bell THE PATTON BREWING CO. PHONES: | Patton, Pa., April 20, 1906. { printing line come here. 1 Local PATTON, PA. COMING * Ho ful t reaso derfv A and; “that ican take, It an A ing § the n after Mr who ble tl want rare Lo cause to ha come know The vanis to do use throu ages the ¢ state! but : have engin ual u only every adval powe It there incre: is al or pr every and t vatio ‘And and soup. meat: make parag most for tl ally ¢ But 1 race | The very uot ¢ has | vesti; press nary to ha a deg huma the 1 he w ness of ft weig] dred motiy much have more near Atlan thous Dr. the 1 lems Expr: Toun( by a withe chang featu but might unbe The ° more perha ery of is “Ii meat- rays the * cheer is ve Hook gests who taste gloon surro