Patton Courier. Roy Eaton Decker, ——— or ABLISHED - - 1808. I————r—— TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One copy, one year, in advance, - ~ = $1.00 &F=No papers discontinued until all arrear ages are paid, unless at the option of the publisher, Entered at the Postofice at Patton as second: class mail matter, —— ADVERTISING RATES, Legal notices $1 per inch for three insertions, Card of thanks ic per line, Resolutions He per ioe, Poetry Se per line, Business locals be per line, Display ads 10¢ per inch flat. Forelgn advertising must be paid for invar- fably in advance. No commission paid to - advertising agents, These are “best” rates—no others go. | E———— PATTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS! Continued from Page 1. a ; . ance, 60; per cent of attendance, 96. Present every day : George Dubronsky, James Fisher, Joseph Halusky, Mat- thew Hodge, Joseph Kayden, Ralph .Kuhnly, Christy Matella, Gerald Man- fon, Irvin Peters, James Quinn, Andrew ‘Rogers, John Stasco, Mike Stasco, 3 k Suncera, Harry Williams, Edwin Yeager, Joseph Zoltka, Alexander Monteith, Marion Biair, Edna Bergu- son, Tillie Choby, Ulementine Cautor- eaux, Edna Chapman, Josephine Dins- more, Linnea Forsburg, Catherine Flynn, Esther Howe, Celia McMahon, ' Harriett Manuel, Katie Nolan, Jennie | O’Brien, Leah Repsher, Annie Poca- | . tilla, Mary Sheehan, Mary Stasko, | Opbelia Sanken, Larue Turnbel), | Frances Williams, Jennie Wilson, Vio- let Lees, Annie Zublinsky. Hazen C. PEARSON, Teacher. SECOND PRIMARY-NO. 4. | Number enrolled, 61; average attend- | ance, 57; per cent of attendance, 95. Present every day: Hayes Cornelius, E¢nest Commons, William McMualdren, Thomas Wilson, Russell Commons, Michael Bulluk, Thomas Back, Thomas Grabam, Walter Williams, James Cal- houn, Harvey Muliigan, Mike Debron- ‘sky, Adrian Weaklaud, Robert Jones, John Stull, Charles Swopkoski, An- thony Goods, Eddie Gauntuer, Edwin “Bortman, Jerry Myers, Patrick Dona- bue, George Zoika, Hiram Epstein, Florence Jenkins, Elva Lungren, Mary Rane, Bessie Kusner, Virginia Cooper, Ada Winslow, Katie Gelespie, Laura ; Fiubbar® Genevieve Gregory, Mary Petrunic, John Lesko. DoroTHY WAGNER, Teacher, SECOND PRIMARY-NO. 5. Number enrolled, 55; average attend- , ance, 50; per cent of altendance, 96}. - Present every day: Earl Campbell, Ed- ward Barnwell, Samuel Boyer, John Dobransky, Reuben Heist, Stanley Kaiden, Fred Montenro, Eddie Merri- man, Frank McTigue, Parks McMul- jen, James McQuiliian, Joe Ohman, ‘Francis Rounsiey, Frank Riggier, Nick ‘Riggier, Warner Repsher, David Wat- ers, Milton Reed, Clara Airhart, Edna ‘Beekwith, Mary Elliot, Mary Ednie, ghia Flvon, Helen Fitzpatrick, Joseph- ine Gag i, Helen Huobard, Mary Halusky, Sara Xellsall, Mary O'Leary, ‘Millie O’Brien, Edith Person, Mary Sibyl Stull, Echel Beckwith, A Eva FLEMING, Teacher. SECOND PRIMARY-NO. 6. Number enrolled, 64; average attend- ance, 59; per cent of attendance, 97. Present every day: Hugh Whiteford, Robert Rogers, Steven Stusco, Robert Huuter, Michael Ryan, Anslem Weak- land, Joe Sadula, Charles Somics, ‘Charles ‘Scheid, Edwin Johnson, Carl Nelson, Albert Novick, Edwin Powell, lair Thomas, James Morrissey, Frank alters, Logan Allison, Peter Mitchell, ‘Matilda Whiteford, Evhel Lucas, Louise Decker, Eva Goods, Mary Myers, Clara orey, Maggie Sadula, Minnie Brown, ‘Madeline McMullen, Christina Dale, Margaret McCormick, Gladys Welty, Mary Richards, Maggie Kuhnley, Susie May, Eliza Williams, Marie Nagle, el Commons, Mary Churley, Esther ‘Kerns, Zelda Long, Nellie Kaiden, ry Stull, Hazel Lansberry. ~ L¥ypiA BUCKWALTER, Teacher. SECONDARY-NO. 7. ‘Namber enroiled, 65; average attend- dnce, 61; per cent of attendance, 96. Present every day: Axel Anderson, illiam Dalof, Steve Fedor, George Fornadley, George Gillespie, Telford | Gill, Rody Huber, Robert Matley, | ames Mitchell, George Lehman, Frank Modjenski, James Monteith, Chester Rafferty, Curtis Thomas, Barton Wins. w, Bazil Weakland, Amandus Yah- ner, Fred Wolf, Mary Grace Sheehan, Julia Astbury, Alice Airhart, Hattie Boyer, Annie Boback, Florence Bell, Mary Collins, Margaret Colling, Miriam | Qulp, Annie Choby, May Elms, Clara Johnson, Sara Law, Mary Law, Helen Lewis, Katie McMahon, Jennie Metallo, | Loretto Prindible, Julia Polcho, | Radcliffe, Maretta Reed, Marie Sanker, | Tillie Sheka, Bertha Weakland. | CECELIA DUNEGAN, Teacher. SECONDARY-NO. 8. Number enrolled, 60; average attend- | ance, 55; per cent of attendance, 93. Present every day: Adam BlagigGeorge Dobronsky, Knutt For Ivory, Bernard Kirk, Rj ames Lindsay, James ren, \ Somics, Pearl Yahner, Gertrude Fisher, | [to them all as the diamond is more val- | Andrew Petrosky, Mike Peraniok, Thomas Powell, Willie Ross, Laurie Ross, Eddie Rounsley, Joseph Sunseri, Leo Thomas, Allen Williams, Snyder Yerger, Lizzie Bullock, Marie Fisher, Matilda Huber, Eliza Lidgett, Mary MeGrin, Ethel Wilson, Mary Waters, Mary Churvella, JEAN MCOREARY, Teacher, i INTERMEDIATE-NO. 9. Number enrolled, 62; average attend. ance, 48; per cent of attendance, 95, Dora Blomberg, Jennie Collins, Ruby Cowher, Susie Dorchock, Mary Danzak, Annie Dublinsky, Lavinia Ednie, Ra- chel Gwynne, Mellie Kuhnley, Mar- garet Litzinger, Jane MecMauldren, Ruth Noonan, Hazel Reed, Bessie Wil- liams, May Yeager, Clarence Austin, Ford Allison, Samuel Brown, Philip Bauman, Eddie Blair, John Callaghan, Francis Fitzpatrick, John Gibbon, Seadie Gutwald, Donald Hubbard, James Long, Joe Lodge, Joe Mirkin, Robert Swartz, Andrew Somics, Orvis Shunkwiler, Geraldine Yerger. LorerTo E. PRINDIBLE, Teacher. INTERMEDIATE-NO, 10. Number enrolled, 52; average attend- ance, 45; per cent of attendance, 93. James Barnwell, Charles Gibbon, Or- vey Ivory, Michael Jacobs, Louis Lloyd, Horace Manion, Harry McNa- mara, David Nelson, John Somics, Jarl Woomer, Bert Williams, Wesley Williams, Annie Flynn, Katie Flynn, Emma Gradwell, Rose Haden, Sadie Jolly, Mary McMahon, Hilda Millio, Sara Rowland, Lavinia Williams, Mary Wilson. RENA B. LEwis, Teacher. INTERMEDIATE-NO. 11. Number enrolled, 54; average attend- lance, 51; per cent of attendance, 95. Present every day: Marcella Biller, Maggie Commons, May Delozier, Annie Fitzpatrick, Sophie Forse,Agnes | Gillespie, Beatrice Gould, Amelia Gold- stein, Annie Goods, Hilda Karlheim, Gertrude Lehman, May Lilley, Mar- garet Palcho, Katie Pursel, Maud Shunkwiler, Roumayne Worrell, Ade- | laide Campbeil, Jas. Astbury, Andrew | Anderson, John Bell, John Charley, | Edgar Cooper, Martin Goods, Glenn | Humphrey, John Litzinger, Fred | Lloyd, George Mitchell, Frances Mec- | Cormick, Eddie Rafferty, George Sheka, Jos. Sunseri, Waiter Thomas, | Wellwood Winslow, John White, Al- | red Yeager E ; TH EISENHART, Teacher. INTERMEDIATE-NO. 12. Number enrolied, 48; average attend- ance, 43; per cent of attendance, 96. | Present every day: Harvey Brown, | Leo Burkhart, Joseph Delozier, Cyril | Fisher, John Hodge, John Jones, Wil- | lias MeMuldren, John Tober, William | Whiteford, Lillian Anstead, Katherine Anderson, Irene Bortman, Elizabeth | | Callaghan, Annie Cherkowsky, Violet | | Cornelius, Nettie Fox, Magdalena Gag- | liardi, Esther Johanson, Annie Mirkin, | Mabel Puiles, Margaret Powell, Helen | | Reed, Minnie Rowlédnd, Bessie Shee-! | han, Annie Thomas, Estella Watkins. Lypa PETE 8, Teacher. GRAMMAR SCHOOL, Number enrolled, 52%; average attend- ance, 48; per cent of attendace, 92. George Jones, Ear: Mitchell, John Mor- | rison, Joseph Campbell, Nathan Gold stein, Isaac Lioyd, Andrew Sheka, | Lawrence McGuire, James White, Grace Monteith, Fannie Wilkins, Hilda | Bishop, Margaret Campbell, Anna Mc- | Cormick, Genevieve McCormick, Eliza- {beth McMahon, Helen Monteith, Des- |sie Shunkwiler, Agnes Williamson, | Grace Anstatt. HIGH SCHOOL, Number enrolled, 31; average attend- ance, 29; per cent of attendance, 91. Anna Sheka, Mildred Brown, Joseph Great Closing AT THE BAZAAR. We have leased i portion of our large store room to the new Grange National Bank and we must close out Ten Thousand Dollars’ worth of our stock to make a place for 1t. —~aas EUERYTHING IS REDOCED IN PRICE. mean Glass and Chinaware at just half its former price. Men's Hats and Clothing at half their former prices. Every pair Shoes have been reduced. This is a chance for you to save some money. Don’t delay. going fast. The goods are mer crane rv nm a 35¢ Carpet goes at 24c. soc Carpet for 32zc. Matting, worth 18c, at roc. & . ” Best 4oc Matting at 23c. - Table Oil Cloth 12%; ¢ yard. Floor Oil Cloth, was 24¢ yard. Linoleum, 2 yards wide, for 84¢ yard / ~ pe Yc Carpet for 39c. aS. I A aes: 1 Wool ( arpet for 49cC. 35¢, now Best Wool Carpet for 74¢€. a Cains a $1.50 Razor $ .99 a 2.25 1.80 ; Knives 8 Do tion | 300 © 1.90 | } 30. ". .20c { pe s7 ) joe 4oc { Automatic i i i All guaranteed. | : 75sec. © 18¢ | $4.50. CHEAP. Worth 4oc, at 2¢c EVERYTHING AT THE BAZAAR IS REDUCED. Wall Paper, double bolt, 4c and up to 18c. All patterns are marked down to half their regular value, YR EERE LAER, TES. ET KA EE CS SP gC FS Tr ut Sale £ ! 50¢ ! | | Lamp : i : ; ; | Worth i for i : ! To close a $1.25, Lamp, was $1.48, Asem — close at’ 75c. at goc. 1 0 We invite you to inspect our goods and prices, and we know when you compare them you will not pay more than our low prices. Give us a call at THE BAZAAR, G. O. BRADY. - PATTON, PA. Gagliardi, Janette Bruneau, Colletta Cooper, Anna Monteith, Elizabeth Nel- son, Mildred Lewis, Bruce Bell, Zella Woomer, Esther Bishop, Frances Campbell, Mary Sommerville, Sadie Sommerville, Mary Hewlett, Rachel Haden. gebra, grammar, U. 8. history and physiology. W. M. Bosserman, teacher of mathematics, German, civics, geog- raphy and grammar. Mabel P. Wolff, teacher of English, general history, geography and Latin. Number enrolled during month, 779; | average attendance, 716; average per | cent of attendance, 93; present every day during month, 426. B. I. MYERS, Principal. | NOT A PATENT MEDICINE. Hyomei a Scientific Treatment for Catarrh by Breathing Medicated Air. | Breathed through the pocket inhaler | that comes with every outfit, Hyomei | destroys all catarrbal germs in the air | passages of the throat and nose,soothes | and heals the irritated mucous mem- brane and effectually drives from the | system all traces of catarrhal poison. No one should confound Hyomei with | the patent medicines that are adver- | tised as catarrh cures. It is as superior unable than cheap glass. | The complete Hyomei outfit, consist- | EASTER fan £7 B. I Myers, teacher of physics, al- | eed U i I | NN LP Now is the time to leave your) Organized October 10, 1393. Ins : order tor that Easter Suit. Qur line|Sapital—fully paid . : $100,000 00 : Surplus - - - - 40,000 00 of the new grays and blues 1s complete | Stockholders’ liability : . - 100,000 00 / Evervthine new and up to date. season. DINSMORE BROS, THE TAILORS, Patton, - - - Pernn’a. | WM. H. SANDFORD, { { | | President. "Total Assets Have you seen the new sack coat for this T. J. SCHOLL Cashier. A. G. PALMER, Vice-President. First National Bank OF PATTON, PA. DIRECTORS. Geo. S. Good, James Kerr, A. G. Palmer, E. C. Brown, Chas. Anna, H. J. Patton, W. C. Lingle, Geo. E. Prindible, Wm. H. Sandford. A general Banking Business transacted. Interest paid on time deposits. Banking by mails a specialty. We pay four per cent per annum on deposits in our Savings Department, compounded semi-annually. tant cities, strangers to you, when you can do fully as well at home ? Call or write for full information. . You should have one or more »f our Savings Banks in your home. It will Why send your money to institutions in dis- | teach practical lessons in economy. ing of a neat pocket inhaler, a medi- | * cine dropper, and a bottle of Hyomei | costs but $1, and extra bottles can be | Reuel Somerville, obtained for 50 cents, making it the | {most economical method of curing | catarrh, as well as the most reliable. | 0. F. Wolf has sold a great many | Hyomei outfits and has seen such re- | that it costs nothing unless it cares. i Earl | markable results from its “use, that he Office in the Good Building. loyd, |sell§ it under an absolute guarantee . Read your own paper. { Attorney-at-Law, PATTON, PA. | | Seif Is this your paper ? if T.R. MORRISON, | Bentict Violin, Mandolin, Gui= DR: H. W. BHILEY, entist, tar and Banjo | Denti | enfist! PATTON, PA. Office in Brady Building. Saved wages become wage earners for the saver. “Not what you get, but what you hold, Fases life’s burdens when you’re old.” | TAUGHT, WM. M. SIMPSON, —————— | Fifth Avenue. Opposite M. E, Churh, Room 16, Good Building. PATTON, PA. | office Hours—$ to 12 a, m.,1t0 5 p., m. 6 to & p.m. LOCAL PHONE, 850,000 00 has a interes —A terest Brady’ —It foot to the no institu Patton —Th pany h ations rage w walk.” —Th ton T Eagle, night lodge : — Mz Miners lord a former Rappe the thi —A T. Eva trict, s of the Johnst inous « and the —Th miners UM. field be tion wi house. delegat tors in — Att filed a | Shulicl $1,000 « olas Ga latter 8 a mont stolen house. in Ashe —A] had an Cato, n Creek ¢ ing at ( the cre an anin closer that it and sti animal it to de Jersey | men In ductor Firema! Pittsbt Last | base ba where t put in be the r struggle League. Pittsbu whose training tedly th taining compan the read formed players. base bal to pase | to be tri well as | advised the old 1 entering promine gerved & gue umyj presiden With | tor the I that eve read. L dealer n letters fi at all tir publishe Two w in front town the of the cc covered | man wh killed. | injured. of the a shoot str Also th half shot