[OLE pl Ea 8 8 bh ent. 1 op wild ; = PAL " burg, the THE PATTON COURIEK, MARCH 2, 1906. Patton Gaurier. Roy Baton Decker, ——— HSTABLISHED « = 1893, TERMS OF SURSCRIPTION One copy, une year, in advance, #&~No papers discontinued until all arrenr- ages are paid, unless at the option of the publisher, Entered at the Postoflice at Patton as second. class mail matter, o Tew S000 ADVERTISING RATES, Legal notices 81 per inch for three insertions, Card of thanks je per line, Resolutions se per Hue, Poetry be per line. Business locals be per line, Display ads We per inch flat, ‘Foreign advertising must be paid for invar- fably in advance. No commission paid to advertising agents, Thes: are “best” rates—no others go. wo INTERESTING INDENTATIONS. — Lent began Wednesday. —Alex Mitchell was visiting in Du- Bois this week, — Miss Belle Ford, of Houtzdale, is visiting friends in town. —Mprs, 8. L. Irvin, of CLerrytree, was visiting in town this week. Miss Pearl Lewis, of ' Buffalo, has been visiting in town the past week. | —The Keystone Clothing Co. has 3 pew advertisement of | issue. | —Englebert Young is © ontemplating | going into the soft drink business at | Clymer. i -— Mrs. H. 8. Sweeney, who has been visiting her parents in Indiana, has Te- | turned home. — Mrs. I. H. McKenzie, of Barnes- boro, “was visiting friends in town | over Sunday. — Mrs. Harvey Wilkins, of was a guest at the residence of Hiram Wilkins last week. — Herman Dishart, who has been wn Altoona, | employed at Vandergrift for several weeks, has returned home. (1. ©. Greninger advertises a clear ance sale for twenty days in this issue and quotes prices worth while. —S8pecial trolley cars were run Mon- day nig to acecomod peoy ing to d the bal St. | —Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Hartsh of Barnesboro, attended the lectu the Y. M. C. A. hall 1 —F. H. Barker, of Ebensbt at- tended i y company bere Cambria Stre Taesdny. Virginia where he goes tc eb some timber land. Attorney P. J. Little, of Ebens- solicitor for the Northern Cambria Sireev Railway company, was in town Tuesday. —The new borough council will be night and a borough i street com- sworn in Monday treasurer, chief of missioner, eC. — The Smithport Coal Company, of St. Benedict, with a capita! stock of $50,000 was granted a charter by the | state department Tuesday. elected. — 8am Weakland has broken ground on his livery stable lot tor a new buiid- ing which when completed wiil be used as a barber shop by H. S. Sweeney. —'The big cars oa the Northern Cam- bria Street Railway were put into ser- vice for the first time Thursday and | the Carrolitown branch was opened. — Sidney Roundsley, John Truman, William Murray and Henry Gradwell represented the Patton local union of | the United Mine Workers at the sab- | district convention held at Ebensburg this week. —Henry M. Gooderham is president, P. C. Strirtmatter secretary, Peter Sharbaugh vice president and Jacob A. Hoover treasurer of a new telephone | line from near KEckenrode Milis to] Patton. The company will be known as the Concord Farmers’ Telephone Co. —The lecture by Col. George W. Bain in the Y. M. C. A. hall Tuesday evening was nob as well attended as its merits warranted, but was an able and eloquent effort in keeping with the reputation of the scholarly | Kentuckian. His subject was ‘The | New Woman and the Old Man.”’ | —The state pharmaceutical examin- ing board on Wednesday announced the names of those who recently took the examination for registered pharm- | acists and qualified assistants. The class was the largest that ever took an | examination. Among the number that successfully passed for registered pharmacists was Alexander D. Mitch- ell, of Patton. —Dr. Ellsworth Arble, the well-| known Carrolltown physician, has been arrested charged with assault | with intent etc., by Edwin Irvin, of Duanlo. Mr. Irvin set forth in his in- formation against the defendant that | Nov. 24, 1905, Dr. Arble attempted to assult his wife,” Mrs. Irvin, while she was under his medical treatment. Dr. Arble waived a hearing and entered | bail before Justice Shrock in the sum of $500 to answer to the charge in! court, i | Gold, Copper & Coal Co. {only $1, | be obtained for 50 cents. las the Corner Drug Store, corner of | Fifth and Beach avenues. | address James Mellon. Home Killed Meat ~—A division of the Pittsburg diocese of the Protestant Episcopal church is being urged. The present diocese em- braces 134 churches and the number is constantly increasing, so that it is very difficult for the bishop to visit all once a year. During the past year Bishop Whitehead has traveled 18,000 miles. The matter will be taken up at the next convention, which is to be held in Pittsburg. —At Philadelphia Monday the su: preme court allowed an appeal from the superior court in the fee case of Sheriff Lenhart. It will probably be presented to the higher body at its next session, The granting for the appeal means that before the case is retired in Cam- bria county as directed by the superior court, the supreme court will pass upon the question whether the technicality already referred to is sufficient reason for sending the case back tor retrial. SPRING IS NEXT! You oO | our window and see the big assortment of Men's Nobby | for spring 1906. The Shades are Oyster, Grey, Tan, Covert and Oxford Black . . . . . CLIPPED AND CONTRIBUTED. Go to Santer for the lowest prices. Oyster shells for chickens at Binder & Starrett’s. Valentine post cards at Kinkead’s Stationery Store. Franklin fountain pens at Kinkead’s Stationery Store. Black bass and trout every Friday at the Lity Restaurant. Bauer's Lancaster almanac at Kin- kead’s Stationery Store. Sue Wentz, teacher of music and | represent five of 8. Hamilton Piano} company, Pittsburg Pa. copyright 199) p. Stern dt New York This season’s coats are longer than last and we show a full assort- ment of 5 styles. Sizes—34 to 42. Prices—r10 Dollars to 15 Dollars. ga THESE COATS IN EASTERN WINDOW. “és ss | The *‘collar cream. Ask for it at the bars and g Wanted —3,000 shaves Consolidated | stock. Ad- dress Box 507, Bloomsburg, Pa. If you want the best call for Du-| Not a headache in a car- Cool, sparkling and re- | No soap bubbles on Duguésne Lier. | is pure i | ie best. a money-saving opportuni ity come here. A RT TR | TERESI [Gar West Window is full of Monarch Shirts (all sizes) at \ C. MONEY. quesne Beer. load of it. freshing. Who other fellow ac If the iecht rignt, does your printing? it may be know it is es it es it, If the COURIER does it, you right. COME If you appreciate anything clean, of anything way, try the | =u The Keyst attractive and a varie] prepare d in first-c City Cafe ay Barnesbor ne, Pp ce of its Kind mr tne 10 county and is a very desi place | gentlemen for | f soft well as for ladies as meais, oh Shoes and Clothing, peanuts. EEE Sold Hyomei for Years and Know that it Will Care Catarrh. O. F. Wolf has given Hyomei a most | thorough and remarkable test. For a| long time he has offered to refund the | Hyomei, if | money to any purchaser of it failed to benefit. T has made so many cures | I'he remedy among his customers that he has urged chronic cases of its use in the most be [ake care Breathed for a few minutes four times a day, through the inhaler that comes it soothes the irri- | of your costs with every outfit, tated mucous membrane of the nose, throat and lungs, kills the catarrhal germs, and restores complete health. Hyomie outfit an inhaler that | can be carried in the pocket or » purse, and will last a life time, a medicine | wa ( ® | The complete and consists of | dropper, and a bottle of Hyomei. If] this is not sufficient for a complete | cure, additional bottles of Hyomei can | Compare this small expense with the fees charged by specialists, and remem- ber, too, if Hyomei does not cure, 0. F. Wolf will return your money. Your watch is a delicate piece of machinery which should be regu- | larly cleaned and oiled. This work should be entrusted only to a comp- etent watchmaker. Our repair de- partment can be sately trusted with the finest watch, whether it needs to For Sale. The C. W. Hodgkins property, known Call on or NEW Bla LINE OF WALL PAPER JUST | RECEIVED. | All the latest patterns] land designs and at the mini-| repairs of any sort. We can assure you the very mum of price. ‘line and that our charges will be Picture frames, rooni onli] Le fa . % entirely satisfactory. ing, etc. JOS. FLICK, Patton, Pa. | | KENBEG JEWELERY LO. No embalmed business in| Goldstein Building, next door to Hotel Patton, ours. We deal strictly in| meat killed at our slaughter| house. Everything in season. | Little Bros, Butchers and Dealers in All Kinds of Fresh and Smoked Meats. PATTON, PA. Patton, Pa. want to look in| I Top Coats we are offering We are still selling Suits and Overcoats laway down in price and if you are open for be merely cleaned or if it requires best work that can be done in this Now IS THE TIME! If you are contemplating buying a heating stove. The continued mild weather has left us with a big stock on hand that we must dispose of, and | we have cut the price away down to cost and in This is YOUR opportunity some instances below. if you need or will need a heating stove. BINDER & STARRETT, FIFTH AVENUE. PATTON, PA. gin Evervthing in Hardware. Now on the [arket ..PATTON BEER.. Warranted absolutely pure ard free from | all deleterious substances. TRY IT! TRY IT FOR SALE AT ALL THE LEADING BARS IN THE COUNTY. | PATTON BEER IS UNION MADE. THE PATTON BREWING CO, seal socal PATTON, P a e.. Ak. ET FOP EXE TORE APM TR 'We save you from 35 to 50 per cent | your purchases of =, DIAMONDS JE WELRY, SILVER- WARE, CUTG LASS, Etd Fest our prices and values. SAUTER, Fine Repairing THE JEW ELER. PAXTON ro —— 5D NIGHT'S REST NOBODY REFUSES. |a present of a box of candy Espec from here. If he experient ially when it comes never { | you have you to buy a box. Br “Speak for it!" she cried to doggie, For she knew in her little heart, ; Th it German S ), home's great treasure, Le a | Could hea Hr ane joy impart. y The greatest tonic on earth is a good THE SMILE THAT WON'T night’ srest. Restless nights and the ter i rible exha n of a hacking cough are y or sweetheart tic COME OFF dread dang of the poor consumptive. qBut why this fear of the night when a few doses of Dr. Boschee’ s German Syrup will insure refreshing sleep, entirely free from cough or night sweat? Free ex- pe! toration in the morning is made cer in by taking German Sy up. qe know by the experience of over thirty-five years that one 75-cent bottle of German Syrup will speedily relieve of cure the worst ¢ oughs, colds, bronchial of lung troubles—and that, even in bad cases of consumption, one large bottle ofl | German Syrup will work wonders. 12 | Two sizes, 25¢ and 75¢c. All druggis er {and if you have a sweet tooth in your head a taste out of the box will make | you our steady customer for ever. KINKEAD’S | STATIONERY STORE. Steam and Hot Water Heating | | For sale by | GUNN’'S PHARMACY. THE piece of Silver- Is being used more ex-| ware which you sively each ve: ad : tensively ich Year. Why fl received on Christmas Because 1t 1s the most eco-| .s . wiil lose its lustre and turn to a brown color if nomical user of fuel, furn- ishes a greater volume of you do not keep it wrap- ped in tissue paper away heat and is decidedly cleaner | from the light: You will than any other systems now in use. Ask your neighbor. not care to do that so you had better get a jar of He knows about it. SILUER (REAM, JOHNSTOWN SUPPLY | HOUSE, | the finest silver polish 25c at Johnstown, Pa. Jincoln Building. made. : rs NOTICE. TT C } / E R’S In the Court of Com- irst National Bank ! ns ona pa. | mon Pleas of C Ambra | | "|B pennsylvania, | Watches, Clocks, Ro Ko 1n, |: 3, Decembe vs W.T. Rob inson | 1s and E.P. McCormick, J Y % dacks and Supplies. i on motion of P. J. Little, Esq, at- | i et torney for the Sheriff of Cambria County, ice i { 'F. R. MELLON, ppointed ¢ in auditor to pass upon ¢ xeeptions | Dentist. and report a re -distribution of the funds in the hands of the said Sheriff realized from Lhe | "IC Office in Good Building, forusgrly occupied by H. A, Seitz, : sale of the defendant’s r Office hours:—S a. hh, to 12 m. hereby given that I will Room in the Court House, 1p. to iil p.m. TPB tap hi xecution Docket, y at Ebensburg, Pa, for that purpose on We! dn Jay, the 20th day of February, A. D. 1906, 8 o'clock A. M, where and when all persons interested may attend if they see proper, or be forever de- | hatred from coming in on said fund. | r. J. MANN, Auditor. | i | gH . i