The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, February 16, 1906, Image 5

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By virtue of the authority and direc
tions contained in the last'will and tes-
tament of James H. Coogan, deceased,
late of the township of Clearfield, in
Cambria county, Pa., we will expose
to public sale at the Commercial Hotel
in the borough of Patton,in said county
of Cambria. on Saturday, the 3rd day
of March, 1906, at 3 o’clock p. m., the
following described real estate, viz:
All that certain piece or parcel of
land situate in the township of Clear-
field, county of Cambria and state of|
Pennsylvania, bounded by lands of T. |
M. Sheehan, William McNeelis, John |
P. Sheehan, F.J. Lumadue, Francis]
Warefield and Joseph A, Baker, con-|
taining one hundred and twenty-eight
acres, more or less, and having thereon |
erected a two-story frame ple ste red |
house and bank barn 60 by 72 feet and
necessary outbuildings, all in a good |
state of repair. The farm has an abun-
dance of pure water and has a good
The coal in and under said land, to-
gether with the usual and necessary
mining rights and privileges, will be
offered for sale separate and apart
from the land, and the land will be
offered for sale subject to a reservation
of the coal in and under the same, to-
gether with the usual mining rights
and privileges and will be sold in that
vay if a better price can thereby be
obtained than by selling the land as a
Terms of Sale:—Ten per cent of the
purchase money to be paid in hand at
the time of sale, the balance of one-
third on delivery of deed, one-third in
one year from the time of sale and the
remaining third in two years from the
time of sale. Deferred payments to
bear interest and to be secured by
judgment bond and mortgage of the
purchaseg and by insurance on the
IGNATIUS ADAMS, St. Augustine, Pa.,
JonN P. SHEEHAN, Patton,Pa,,R. F. D.,
Exeentors of the last will and testa-
ment of James G. Coogan, deceased.
a present of a box of candy. Espec-
ially when it comes from here. If
you have never tried the experient
we advise you to buy a box. Bring it
to your wife or sweetheart-an see
and if you have a sweet tooth in your
head a taste out of the box will make
you our steady customer for ever.
printing line come here.
and E. B, MeCormiek. |
When you * need anything in =
“Speak for it ! I" ghe cried to doggie,
For she knew in her little heart,
That German Syrup, home's gre: at treasure,
Could health and joy impart.
| The greatest tonic on earth is a good
and the ter-
1g cong th are
night's rest, Restless n
rible exhaustion of ‘a ha
dread da rs of the poor consumptive.
(But why this fear of the night es a
few doses of Dr. Boschee’s German Syrup
will insure refreshing sleep, entirely free
from cough or night sweat? Free, ex-
pectoration in the morning is made cer-
tain by taking German §
We know by the
thirty-five years that one
3 an Syrup will spec
e the worst coughs, colds, bronchi:
jung troubles—and that, even in bad
cases of consumption, one large bottle of
German Syrup will work wonders. 12
Two sizes, 25¢ and 75¢. All druggists.
ence of ower
ent bottle of
For sale by
THE piece of Silver-
ware which you
received on Christmas
wiil lose its lustre and
turn to a brown color if
you do not keep it wrap-
ped in tissue paper away
from the light: You will
not care to do that so you
had better get a jar of
the finest silver polish
25c at
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Ko-
dacks and Supplies.
In the Court of Com-
Pirst National Bank | )
L ’Vs 28a LF Oonnt Pennsylvania. |
No. 43, December Term,
W, T. Robinson [ 1903.
Execution Docket.
Having on motion of P. JI. Little, Esq., at-
torney for the Sheriff of Cambria County, been
appointed an auditor to pass upon exceptions
and report a re-distribution of the funds in the
hands of the said Sheriff’ realized from the
sale of the defendant’s real estate, NOTICE is
hereby given that I will sit in the Atior ney’s
Room in the Court House, at Ebensburg, Pa.
for that purpose on We sday, the 20th day
of February, A. D. 1906, at 8 o'clock A. M, |
where and when all persons interested may
attend if they sce proper, or be forever de- |
barred from coming in on said fuhd,
YJ. HARTMANN, Auditor.
January 23, 1906.
Ebensburg, Pa.,
Dentist, |
Office in Brady Building.
FLW "ORK Advertising
(Pennsylvania Division.)
Beech Creek District.
Condensed Time Table.
Read ap Read down
Exp Mail In effect Nov, 5, 05 Exp Ma |
No37 Noi33 No 30 No §
pm pm am pm
920 1: 50 + ar Patton lv 16:10 £3 05
900 12 Westover 636 325
153 Arcadia 9140
8 30 1 00 Mahatley Iv 52 |
767 : Kerrmoor
2 Kerrmoor
207 New Millport
125 Cle arfida
100 Woodland
10 49
10 39 Moras le Mines
H58 1029 Iv Munson
32 1000 Iv | Philipsburg
645 10 50 ar § “ 32
554 10 24 ar Munson 25
550 10 19 Winburne 0
32 } 59 *eale 5]
939 Gillintoy 710]
304 931 Snow St 71H]
113 84l Beech Creek 800 |
101 82 Mill Hall 21
354 822 Lock Haven 30
356 S00 Avis 80
396 752 Jersey Shore
100 lv. NY via Tamaqua ar 1040 |
425 27 30 N Y via Phila ar 1040 1902
pm am)|
‘eek days. #7 p m Sunday. {1100
imsport with Phila-
1 t Jersey Shore |
Fall Brook Dist at Mill Hall |
v1 Railroad at Pennsylvania; at
vith Pem ania railroad and
rrield with -
( f the Pen lr
haffey gvith the Pennsylvania and Ne rih- |
vestern railway.
". Daly, W. H.N
ork, Williams
J. P. Bradfield, uven’l Supt., New
Steam and
Hot Water
Is being used more ex-
tensively each year. Why?
Because it is the most eco-
nomical user of fuel, furn-
ishes a greater volume of
heat and is decidedly cleaner
than any other systems now |
in use. Ask your neighbor.
He knows about it.
Johnstown, Pa.
Lincoln Building.
Violin, Mandolin, Gui-
tar and Banjo
Fifth Avenue. PATTON, PA. |
Opposite M, E. Churh.
; f-
Reuel Somerville, |
| Office in the Good Building.
consists simply in pre-
senting before the people
the goods you have to sell
in an intelligent manner,
whether it is a house and
lot or a pair of shoes. It
is too late at this day to
expatiate on the merits of
advertising. That has
been demonstrated so of-
ten that iteration is futile.
Everybody now days
knows that advertising
pays. The main question
is, what medium to use?
Advertising experts long
ago settled it by declar-
ing that newspaper adver-
tising was by far the most
effective and brings better
returns than any other
extant. ‘The merchants
of this section long ago
that better re-
sults were obtained by
using the COURIER than
by any other means. It
is read every week by
hundreds of families and
goes into tie homes of the
majority of the people of
Northern Cambria county.
The rates
and equitable
to all and the small ad-
vertiser gets just as good
a rate as the large one.
If your business needs
a tonic, come in and let
us talk the matter over
with you or send us word
and we will have a repre-
sentative call on you and
explain everything about
our plan. You may do
business without adver-
tising, but you are certain
to do more by advertising.
It is an investment - that
will repay you an hun-
dred fold.
We will prepare your
copy and take complete
charge of your advertis-
ing campaign, however
large or small, without,
extra cost.
The Courier,
Patton, Pa.
are low, just
Estate of William Martin, Deceased.
Letters of administration on the above es-
tateha ving been granted to the undersignod
all persons indebted to the said estate are re-
quested to make payment, and those having
claims to presens the same without delay to
REVEL SOMERVILLE, Administrator,
z Patton, Pa.
January 27, 1905.