orts of se and a day e New arative ‘UAL, 00,000 , more ance vilized on by year year. yy this mn the ss pol- 1 Net f over an 20 win.” r hold- their rs. 854 886 ,308 578 ANCE 06, 6. New ceived either know lrance [illion s the & S New aid to total ,000,~ e the ce in luded: |, ex- Jan ue of ted to pany ———————————————————————— © Roy Eaton Decker. ESTABLISHED ora TO, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One copy, une year, in advance, - - ages are paid, unless at the option of i © publisher, Entered at the PostofMioe at Patton as second: class mall matter, — ADVERTISING RATES, | Legal notices §1 per inch for three insertions, | Card of thanks 5c per line, Resolutions Ge per line, Poetry 5c per line, Business locals be per line, Display ads 10¢ per inch flat, Foreign advertising must he paid for invar- iably in advance, No commission paid to advertising agents, These are “best” rates—no others go. A——— INTERESTING INDENTATIONS. —Born—To Mr. and Mrs. Ed. A. Mellon on Tuesday—a son. —H. Lee Love, of Mansfield, is the new clerk in the Patton post office. —J. J. Donnelly made a business trip | to St. Louis last week. —The first sleighing the residents of Patton enjoyed this winter occurred Monday. —Philip Kirkpatrick, of Bradley Junction, was a business visitor in sown Thursday. —Misses Pearl and Mabel Beaver, of Expedit, were visiting relatives and friends in town this week. —Mrs. Clement Hackenberg and lit- | tle daughter, Margaret, are guests at the residence of T. N. Nagle. —Mrs. Joseph Sponske fell at her home near Highland grove and broke | her right arm Wednesday afternoon. —The last day for filing certificates | of nomination for borough offices is | February 2 and for the townships Feb- | urarp 5. i —Mrs. Mary Kiss, of Bakerton has filed a petition in divorce against her | husband, Louis Kiss, who she says, has | deserted her. —The firm name of the Platt-Barber | company, the well known wholesale | grocers, has been changed to the Land- erbach- Barber Company. — William Jennings Bryan will be one of the features of the lecture course at the Mountain Summer assembly at Ebensburg next summer. —The Patton base ball will give two performances here and | one in the opera house at Barnesboro the second week in February. —The ladies of Trinity Guild will | hold a cake and candy sale at the es- | | minstrels | tablishment of Dinsmore Bros. Satur- | T day afternoon. A variety of other ed- | ibles will also be placed on sale. —H. S. Lingle was in Ridgway this | week attending the funeral of A. M. McClain. Mr. McClain was a frequent | visitor to Patton and was one of the | | | best known and most prominent citi- zens of Elk county. — Patrick A. Youngquist, the ubiqui- | tous and hustling special agent of the | | New York Life Insurance company, | has a new broad guage advertisement in this issue of the COURIER that is ||L worthy of a careful perusal. | —Rt. Rev. Courtlandt Whitehead, of | Pittsburg, bishop of this diocese of’ the | Protestant Episcopal church, will be in | Patton Wednesday evening and con- firm a class av Trinity Episcoal church at eight o’clock. Everybody welcome. —Saturday was the Russian Christ- | mas and was faithfully observed by | the Greek Catholics of Patton. By the Greek calendar of festivals, the birth | of Christ is observed just 12 days after | that holiday is commemorated by the greater part of the Christian world. —At the annual meeting of the Northern Cambria Street company held at this place Monday | the following officers were elected: President, W. H. Denlinger; Vice Pres- | ident, Rembrandt Peale; Secretary, | James H. Allport; Treasurer, H. F.| Bigler. —Senator J. K. P, Hall, of Ridgway, | chairman of the Democratic state com- mittee, sailed from New York on Sat- | urday with his family for Egypt. He ‘has not been in good health for several months and has arranged to spend the | remainder of the winter in a warmer | climate. —A very strong campaign is being | made to bring the railroads issuing | mileage books on illiberal terms to more | liberal dealing, especially the Pennsyl- yania railroad, which requires a de- posit of ten dollars above the price of the mileage book to be held until the | mileage is used, and restricts the use of | it to a single individual. —The ease of the Benedictine Broth- erhood against the borough of Carroll- | town will be argued at Ebensburg | Tuesday. The brotherhood petitions | to have its property at Carrolltown geparated from borough control so far as assessments and taxes are concerned. The Benedictine community owns a farm of 125 acres, of which twenty acres are in the Carrolltown borough limits, with the monastery buildings. Up to this time the community has | been assessed and has paid taxes as if all its property were in the corporation, but now it is proposed to reverse this practice. ation ort CLIPPED AND CONTRIBUTED. - 81.00 Truth is without value until it is #9No papers discontinued until all arrear | yitaiized, | hindrance, | The *‘collar”’ is pure cream. | general foreman, {it is the best producer of milk and but- | three of the sun and two of the moon, | States. The and examine Railroad | good S. Reliable deweler. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Ko- Deeds cure doubts, Heavan is either now or never. Go to Sauter for the lowest prices, Many a trial is a test before promo- tion. T e lift of your life is the proof of | your love, Unnecessary help is always a sad | | Oyster shells for chickens at Binder | & Starrett’s, Lost—A ladies’ gold watch with ini. tial “*V.V. C0.” on case. Finder will please leave at this office. Sue Wentz, teacher of music and representative of 8. Hamilton Piano company, Pittsburg Pa. Gir! Wanted--Good girl wanted for general house work. Small family. Address Box 1456, Patton, Pa. For sale—A nice lot of eighteen-inch pine shingles. Call on or address Miles Wrigley, Mahaffey, Pa. No soap bubbles on Duquesne beer. Ask for it at the bars and get the best. Perfect as a beverage or medicine is I. W. Harper whiskey—the kind your grandfather used. Sold by L. B. Daly. It you want the best call for Du- quesne Beer. Not a headache in a car- load of it. Cool, sparkling and re- freshing. Wanted—Men to work on repairs of | freight cars. Apply to W. F. Eberly, Pennsylyania rail- road car shops, Altoona, Pa. Glutena meal, the great milk and butter feed,can be had at C. H. Perry’s, | Chest Springs. Farmers having separ- | ators or dairies should feed Glutena, as ter now on the market and for horses and young stock has no equal. Eclipses in 1906. This year there will be five eclipses, 3 y {The first will bs a total one of the | moon on the ‘ebruary 8 and | will be visible in North and South America. The beginning will be at 11:57 o’cloel g of the 9th [and t he ending The sun on Tnited » third is a par tial eclipse of sible in the ight of F » mornin the sun on July 21, not vis United State The fourth is a total | eclipse of the moon August 4th,invisible fifth is a lin the United States. The ar e sun August 19th, | not visible in the United States, except |in Alaska. al eclipse of the CUT PRICES | ‘Diamonds, Watches, Clocks and January ~Sale WILL TARE PLACE WEEK COMMENCING MONDAY, JANUARY 22, 1906. in the State. THE BON TON STORE'S We Believe We Have the Greatest Batch of BARGAINS Ever offered at any one time by any merchant That's making a very big state- ment, but you'll find it to be correct if you attend this sale, and if you're anxious to save money you will attend. We have five thousand dollars’ worth of goods that must be sold. The prices we will name will clear our shelves of thousands of yards and items of good, seasonable, desir- able goods. Clearing DON’T FORGET THE DATES, January 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27, 1906. THE BON TON STORE, PATTON, ' « PENNA. Silverware. | «xT - . { Vhy pay more, Come in| our price We sell only the her GT THE piece of Silver- ware which you | received on Christmas | -e . e11 Arra r Ni f y - wiil lose its lustre and EE De Th q The best family safeguard is a reliable household medicine that will cure croup, coughs, colds, chilly sensations, running eyes and nose, sore throat and bronchial affections—that will keep the children proof against all contagious diseases. Such a medicine is Boschee’s German Syrup, which has a record of 35 years in the cure of consumption, catarrh and all lung and bronchial troubles. The fame of German Syrup as a con- sumptive cure, since its purchase by Dr. Green from the niece of the famous Dr. Boschee, has extended to all parts of the earth, It has big sales everywhere. 10 Two sizes, 25¢ and 75¢. All druggists. and Lung Cure. turn to a brown color if you do not keep it wrap- ped in tissue paper away from the light: You will not care to do that so you had better get a jar of SILVER CREAM, the finest silver polish made. 25c at TOZER'S, For sale by GUNN’ S PHARM ACY. Reuel Somerville, Attorney-at-Law, PATTON, PA, Office in the Good Building. dacks and Supplies. |A FAMILY SAFEGUARD| Zz 7 ” 2 7 ld 7 NOBODY REFUSES. a present of a box of candy. ially when it comes from here. If you have never tried the experient | we advise you to buy a box. Bring it to your wife or sweetheart an see THE SMILE THAT WON'T COME OFF and if you have a sweet tooth in your head a taste out of the box will make you our steady customer for ever. KINKEAD'’S STATIONERY STORE. DR: H. W. BHILEY, Dentist! Room 16, Good Building. Office Hours—S8 to 12 a. m.,,1to5p., m.6to8 Pp. m. LOC AL PHONE, Read your own COURIER. Espec- | CLOTHES DON'T MAKE | But they put up a better appearance if THE MAN lo make a man feel better and they are well fitting and in style. We are tailors to most lof the best dressed men in Northern Cam- \bria county—they are the best advertisement We keep abr and ‘we have. east of the times in | both | | [Let us make your next suit, overcoat or | | | | style and our as 1s consistent with goods prices are as ow good sartorial work. trousers and be convinced of this truth. DINSMORE BROS, | THE TAILORS, Patton, . 2 - FPenm’a. Parnell, Cowher & Co F, R. MELLON, | Aga for Dentist. | FIRE, LiFE AND Office in Good Building, formerly ACCIDENT occupied by H. A. Seitz. | REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Often hotises 8a. m. to 12 m. 1 p.m. to5:30 p. m, Good Building, Patton, Pa,—'Phone No, 9. 7p. m. to8p. m, }