EET EE YET ST PT EO SIS OOTY [ Fifteen Days. 4 4 For the next Fifteen Days the Sale. * THE PATTON COURIER, JANUARY 5, 1906 ITY FETT EE EY EEO TY SOOTY SOO FETT SOTO FEISS OO ONY tf Olt Beginning Saturday, January 6th, and Continuing for we are going to cut the prices on all our goods and make a CLEAN SWEEP SALE. The list includes many articles which you will need, and we are sure that the prices we are going to sell them at will appeal to your reason and your purse. GET IN LINE! Don't wait until the bargains are all gone. The following prices will prevail at Men's fine white linen handkerchiefs, were 8c, now 2c. « « red Bandanna handkerchiefs, were 8c, now 3c. fancy colored hose, were 12¢, now 6c. « cotton working hose “ 10Cc “ 3C. « suspenders, were 25¢C, now IIC. YY Boys’ t “. 185¢, “ 6C « good strong knee pants, were 35¢, now I19c. “ 6 1 6 6“ “ 75C, ‘¢ 38c. Fine leather suit cases, were $1.50, now 8gc. Men’s working shirts, were soc, now 36c. iy 2 “ *. 28C,. » 19C « dress shirts, were 50 and 75c, now 36c. « underwear, was §oc, now 18c. Good umbrellas, were $1.00, now 37c. Men's and Boys’ soc dress caps 19c. « dress shirts, were $1.00 and 1.25, now 79c. «“ heavy working shoes, were $1.75, now 1.19. “ fine dress shoes were $3.00, NOW 1.59. Men’s Corduroy Pants, were $2.50, now $1.38. “ fine wool Dress Pants, were $4.00, now $1.98. « « plack and fancy Suits, were $15.00, now $8.98. “ “fancy Suits, were $10.00, now $6.79. . % black ¥ “31300; * 508 “« «Spits were $10.00, now $3.98. Youths’ fine fancy Suits, were $8.00, now $3.79. $ “all wool Suits, were $12.00, now 6.00. Boy's fine Knee Pants Suits, were $2.50, now 98c. Men's Stiff and Soft Hats, were $3.00, now $1.29. Men’s $4.00 Fine Lig Colored Dress Pants now - 31.50, _.. All 75 and soc Neckwear now 33¢ All 25¢ Neckwear now 19c. Silk Bow Ties, were 25¢, now gc. Railroad Overalls, double knee and seat, 65¢, worth $1.00. Canvas Gloves with gauntlet, were 15¢, now 7c.. Children’ Shoes, were $1.50, now g8c. Men's fine $20.00 Raincoats, now $7.98. Fine Haps, were $1.50, now 6gc. Cotton Blankets, were $1.25, now s6c. All Wool 5-1b Blankets, were $5.00, now $3.19. 100 Overcoats for Men that were $8.50, now $4.19. 75 Overcoats for Men that were $16.00, now $8.39. Boy’s Overcoats that were $4.00, now 2.69. ouths’ * « «$19.00, now 2.89. Men's heavy working Coats $1.19. All kinds of Dress and Working Gums at bargains. PATTON, - - - ~- - TE ET ET EY TT EY TY TYNES Y Riso One Thousand Other Things Which we Cannot Mention. Come to the Store and See for Yourself. DON'T DELAY RS THE GOODS WON'T LAST LONG. WE MEAN TO SELL. MIRKING GUARANTEE GLOTHING ol Uh, Opposite Commercial Hotel, wile. PENNA pe LOOK FOR THE RED SIGN == = [ Gn = — © -— or [ Gn @ nr Sn or Or Gr Oo & Sr ~~ Go or on -— ro — Or or Or [a Gr Or -— E or o~— Or &- Or or ¥ [ad Or oo on [ on or Go or Oo Gr or on & So Or on Sr on @~ © — on ~~ @ or or CG — or Sn Gr or [a © @ ®&— & @®~ Sr © Sr oo Co on So Go or or [a oo [a Go > Gn oo So oo or Go o— [ad Gr @— & — © i on or On SUM FURR lations It w people of this Patton nesday Schenl ‘Williar city. merly | past be macy. man, polite _ that es daught wand is young pable h friend.- A doi St. Mau ing, w Pierron life the and Mi ton, an rolltow! of Patt Charl barber, Muller, week in at India lis. Mi O’Brien the cou, Valen Mullen, Jerom and Mal Josep! of Spang Elmer of Patto Josepl and Juli Norm: Irene Pr Andre Cooper, John Barnesb John eounty, : : There ployed ir States, tt , year, TI whole to . saysane 006. tons : “ show the sumption steady ov turing an
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