—— et sn ev— THE COUNTRY STORE; Far out beyond the city’s lights, Bway from the din and roar, ericket chirps of summer nights eath the country store. drygoods boxes ricked about ord a welcome seat ot weary tillers of the ground, ho here of evenings meet. A swinging sign of ancient make, And one above the door, fProclaim that William Henry Blake owner of the store. everything, from jeans to tweed, m silks to ginghams bright, {@s spread before the folk who need un early morn till night. a Borgar coffee (browned or green), _ Molasses, grindstones, tar, 8 ders, peanuts, navy beans * _ And homemade vinegar, @ combs, wash wringers, rakes, false oo hair, . Paints. vice and looking glasses, Bide saddles, hominy, crockery ware, And seeds for garden grasses; fawn mowers, candies. books to read, ‘Corn planters, household goods, Mobacco, salt and clover seed. Horsewhips and knotted hoods, ned goods, shoe blacking, lime nails, Straw hats and carpet slippers, Prunes, buttons, codfish. bridal veils, Cranberries, clocks and clippers; and . Umbrellas, candies, sevthes and hats, Caps, boots and shoes and bacon, Thread, nutmegs, pins and rough on rats, "For cash or produce taken. Bird sced. face powder. matches, Ink, onion sets and more Are found in neaps and stacks and piles Within the country store. : —Atlanta Constitution. Faas KINGHUK, THE WOLF DOG By WINTHROP PACKARD. 2 Po FIRS SINGLE EE EE who travels to the far files, BRLLELE RO NN NR %*%X northern shores of Alaska, H near Point Barrow, finds x there a type of Eskimo dog which seems to be a direct descendant of the gray wolf, and is singularly like its progzen- ftor in appearance. The purest of the awolf breed is now rare in other parts of Alaska, for the great rush of civil- fzed men to the gold fields has brought With it dogs of all varieties. The dogs of the pure type are great, gaunt fel- fows, with shaggy hair that is almost black in many instances, and grows fongest about the shoulders, giving them a sort of ruff that adds to the fierceness of their appearance.: They mever bark, their cry being a mournful howl, quite like that of the wolf. They are inured to desperate hard- #hips, and lie out in the snow and the lArctic night unprotected, although the ghermometer may be fifty below zero, and it seems as if all living things ex- posed to the sweep of the Arctic gale must perish. Perhaps it is the instinct of wolf-pack foyalty surviving, but whatever it is, dogs of the wolf breed are singularly faithful to those who bring them up. Hence, buying dogs of the natives in Arctic Alaska is rarely successful. If you manage to keep the dog he is likely ko pine away. It is rarely that you can keep him. A pup taken from its ww Bitive owners when but a few weeks old Awill remember them, and follow them years after, if not tied up, and it fs utterly useless to try to keep a grown dog when purchased. A notable instance of this is the story pf Kingmuk, The Faithful, who came with other dogs and a party of Es- kimos from far inland to visit the whaling station at Point Barrow. Mr. Siem, who was a new man in charge of the station, and, although a good whaleman, little skilled in shore jife, bought many of these dogs, and tied them up with ordinary dog chains, . Early the next morning the natives started for the interior, and when Siem svent out to inspect his purchase, he found every chain but one snapped. Ant ordinary dog chain is of little use with one of these dogs; they had sim- ply followed their masters. All but one had gone, and he had been fastened with an extra heavy chain. That was Kingmuk, who came to be surnamed The Faithful. He was an old dog then, and his strength had not been equal to the chain, Some weeks later Kingmuk was re- . fedsed. His owners were now hun- _ dreds of miles away, and the blowing snow had long obliterated their trail, ‘for the terrible Arctic winter had al- ready set in, Yet this had no terrors for Kingmuk, and he set forth imme- diately to find his friends. All winter he trotted over the frozen wastes, far and mear, in search of them. He avoided the whaling station and the mativevillages alike, and sought neither food nor shelter from mankind. How he lived only the wolf wisdom of centuries could fathom, but he did live somehow, and reports of him came in occasionally from up and down the coast and far into the interior, some- ‘kimes.a hundred and fifty miles away. He was recognized by his very shaggy hair and the remnants of a deerskin sled harness, which still hung on him. He never was seen to lope or walk, but kept up a steady dog-trot, now circling the country in wide sweeps, now quartering it like a hunt- ing dog in search of game, always seeking, but never approachable. In the rarefied atmosphere he was sometimes taken for a deer, and stalked by the hardy Eskimo hunts- gen, who brave the severest Arctic fvinter in search of game. At night fie was shot at for a wolf—by mistake, for no hunter would wittingly have farmed him—yet lhe always escaped fnjury, and came to be looked upon by the natives with a touch of super- setition as a mysterion. wandering _epirit, perhaps a dog of the Nunatak people—the ghost folk of the winter night. So the winter passed, the sun came unbroken circuit, and with the summer came the interior natives once more to visit and trade, Kingrouk met them a hundred miles out, and followed them to the station, although their reception of him was hardly overcordial, A dog more or less mattered little to them, and Kingmuk was gaunt and weak from his winter's chase, and aging rapidly. He found an old, or made a new, dog friend, a dog older than he, and when the natives left for the interior once more the two went with them. What happened to the two during the winter no one knows, but in the spring Kingmuk returned to the station, bring- ing his friend with him. But it was too late to help the older dog. He could neither eat nor drink, and soon died. The thaw had hardly begun, and his body was dragged out on the solid ice of the lagoon and left there, Kingmuk followed as chief mourner, and lay down by his dead comrade in mute sympathy and sorrow. Henceforth his home was by the side of his comrade, and except when he came to the station—once a day—for food, he remained there. When the lagoon began to thaw, Kingmuk went to the nearest bank to lie; but seeing the water rising, and that his friend did not follow, he went out on the flooded ice and dragged him ashore, where he again took up his post beside him, Through the brief summer Kingmuk thus remained, undisturbed, respected by all in his devotion, and no attempt was made to separate them until the winter's snows came again, Kingmuk was rapidly growing weaker, and it was seen that he could not long with stand the severe weather. Every in. ducement save force was offered to get him to come to the station to be cared for, but Kingmuk remained faithful to his mourning, and the first blizzard of the winter covered the two, still ly. ing side by side.—Youth’s Companion. To Detect Cotten Thread in Cloth. The difference between wool and cotton is very great, and in the case of separate threads of each is plainiy apparent, yet when these same threads are closely interwoven some good judges are mistaken and buy mixed cotton and wool goods, firmly con- vinced that there is not a thread of cotton in the cloth. It is the custom of all mills’ that manufacture cotton and wool mixtures to run the cotton crosswise in the looms, thus leaving the wool to run lengthwise. This is done for two purposes: First, to im- part the glossy appearance which the longer stretch of wool thread gives when run in the length of the goods, and secondly, because the proportion of cotton is necessarily less and there- fore more difficult to detect. The cot- ton thread. of course, is much smaller, and very difficult to distinguish in closely woven fabric. There is one in- fallible test, however. Take a bolt of goods at the cut end and examine closely the crosswise thread, slowly pulling it apart. If it breaks almost evenly and comes apart slowly then one is safe in judging it to be all wool. If, on the contrary, it breaks in short, uneven strands and falls apart easily, refuse to accept the goods, for it is undeniably cotton, and will not give satisfaction. It were far better to get an all cotton or all wool. —Men and Women. On Dutch Waters. “I. ean think of no more reposeful holiday,” says a writer, ‘than to stop on board of one of those barges wedged together in a Rotterdam canal, and, never lifting a finger to alter the natural course of events—to accelerate or divert—be carried by it to, say, Harlingen, in Friesland. Between the meadows; under the moses of great biack and white cows; past herons fishing in the rushes; through the vil- lages with dazzling milk-cans being scoured on the banks and the good wives washing and the saturine smok- ers in black velvet slippers passing the time of day; through big tows, by rows of sombre Lhouses seen through a delicate screen of leaves; under low bridges crowded with children; through narrow locks; ever moving, moving slowly and surely, sometimes sailing, sometimes being towed, with the wide Dutch sky overhead and the plovers crying in it, and the clean west wind driving the windmills, and everything just as it was in Rembrandt's day and just as it will be five hundred years hence.”—Chicago News. Versed in Pig Language, We find in an exchange the follow. ing account of an advertisement in an English paper. We do not think that there will be a rush of our farm labor- ers to fill this vacancy. Wages of farm laborers in England are enticing. An advertiser in the Wimbleton, England, Gazette, wants “a lad about twenty; must be a churchman of good education, who can drive a horse and cart, assist in the stable and garden (melons and cucum- bers), milk cows and understand the pigs; must be accustomed to wait at table, and of gentlemanly appearance; early riser and tectotaler; good refer ences required.” 'The wages of this farm hand of diversified accomplish ments are to be $50 a year, but he must lodge out and furnish his own meals, except dinner. His Lite in Prison. Frank Hope, fifty-nine years «Id, who had served thirty-nine years be hind prison bars, pleaded guilty in Chi: cago recently to a charge of swindling, and was sentenced to the penitentiary for ten years. Hope was released from the Joliet prison the latter part of last August. For Old Ministers. Daniel Francis, of Des Moines, Iowa, has given $30.08 for the erection in that city of § for aged and worn. out ministg e Methodist Episco Again, and finally swung the horizon in pal Chu JSTON spends many thou: sand dollars a year in mak- ing sure that everybody in the city that buys anything by weight or measure is certain to get his money's worth. All this is accomplished through the office of the sealer of weights and measures, The title of this office is not a mis- nomer., On the contrary, it expresses with perfect accuracy the function ex- ercised by th e official who bears the name. He is literally a sealer of weights and measures, and every weight and every measure used by anybody in the city to sell or buy goods must. receive the seal of the official before mentioned. There ave many different kinds of goods that are sold by merchants of high and low degree in Boston by weight or measure. The list of com- modities is a long one, and includes a great variety and diversity of mate: rials, from peanuts to diamonds. In the sale of these many and vari- ous articles, different kinds of weights and measures are employed. All these weights and measures are adjusted to the nicest accuracy by the officers of the sealer. The law on the subject says that the sealer of weights and measures shall annually give public notice to ali in- habitants or persons having a usual place of business who use scales, weights or measures, for the purpose of selling any goods, wares, merchan- dise. or other commodities, or for pib- lic weighing, to bring in their scales, weights and measures to be adjusted and sealed. The same section also provides that “in those cities and towns where a salary is paid to the sealer of weights and measures no fees shall be charged for such services. In compliance with the provisions of the foregoing it is customary for the sealer to notify annually, in May, all such persons as are referred to by the statutes, by publishing the required notice in the daily papers, to bring to the office their scales, weights and measures, to be tested and sealed. At any time after this notice the sealer may go to the houses, stores and shops of persons mentioned who have neglected to comply with the notice, and having entered, with the assent of the occupants, shall adjust and seal their scales, weights and measures, and shall be entitled to compensation. The list of persons whose weights and measures come under the super- vision of the city sealer includes all merchants who sell any commodity, like milk, which is sold at a fixed price in bottled quantity. Some of the great grocerymen of Boston sell hundreds of bottles of milk, for example. Every bottle which is intended to be used for milk must pass through the hands of the sealer. Accordingly, there are always hundreds and sometimes thousands of these bottles of varying capacity in the offices of the sealer in the basement of the old Court House, and there are always half a dozen men busily engaged in testing the capacity of the vessels and in stenciling on the glass with a diamond marker the ap- proval of the city sealer of the bottles which are found to contain what they are claimed to contain. The sealer’s inspectors are not per- mitted to examine one vessel in a case and to approve of the whole case by the sample examined. They must examine each and every bottle, and they must reject, moreover, not only the bottle which contains less than it is claimed to hold, but also the bottle which holds more than its alleged capacity. There are half pint, pint, quart, two quart bottles and jars that are used to hold milk. Nobody may sell any of these bottled quantities of milk until the vessel has been sealed by the city sealer, who by his seal testifies that the vessel holds all and only that for which it is sold. In the course of one year the sealer’s office tests more than 120,000 wet measures, including milk cans, and of these measures nearly 6000 are found incorrect and adjusted and about 4000 are found incorrect and condemned. All inaccurate glass vessels are con- demned. That is to say, they are sent back to the factories, and it is pre- sumed that they are destroyed. The vessel which contains more than it is alleged to hold is condemned for more than one reason, but the sealer says the chief reason 1s to protect the seller against loss due to his own mis- take. * But this is only a small part of the gealer’s work. Throughout the city are many scales, of capacity ranging from 5000 pounds to 150 tons. The in- spector must visit these scales and test them, and in the course of a year ahout ~00 ot such giant scales are tested. The sealer charges a dollar for tests like these, and for testing scales under 5000 pounds capacity lhe charges fifty cents. For testing various other weights and measures the prices run as low as three cents for butchers’ scales and wet measures and yard sticks. These charges are made only when the inspector leaves the sealer’s office to do the work. There is no charge at the office. The sealer has a very large collec- tion of all kinds of false or *skin” measures and weights. coal basket, for instance, that having once been examined and approved, was falsified by the owner | by drawing i City Sealer of Boston Tests Hundreds of Thousands of Weights and Measures in a Year to Make Sure That a Pint’s a Pint and a Yard's a Yard. ———————— He has a char- | tighter the hoops around the basket and taking away from the top, Long experience has taught the ine spectors to discover almost at a glance that a weight or a measure is false, The sealer's office contains false milk cans, coal baskets and peanut holders and inaccurate jewelers’ scales, All the bank scales of the city which measure out gold must be tested from time to time, and the sealer has all the slaborate and costly apparatus for do- ing this work, Whereas the sealer’s office in a year axamines and tests hundreds of thou- sands of weights and measures for the purpose of preventing all kinds of frauds and shams, the office is equipped with facilities for other sorts of tests that have nothing to do with the de- tection of erimes. It has. for example, some beautiful and expensive balances that are used in testing the weights that chemists and other scientists habitually employ in scientific investigation. Among the troy balances are some nsed by apothecaries which are sensi- tive to one-quarter, one-sixteenth and oven to the one-thousandth of a grain weight. The very daintiest thing in the office ts a standard metric balance, with aluminum beam and agate bearings, which is sensitive to the one-twentieth of a milligram, a quantity so small that if it rested on the back of your hand you couldn't perceive it by any sense of weight or touch. This little instrument cost $200, and another in- strument of the same description, but larger, cost $400. There is an avoirdupois balance for tasting fifty pound weights, which is sensitive to a grain, and one platform balance, with a capacity of 300 pounds, which is sensitive to a quarter of an ounce. There is a bank gold balance there which will weigh $10,000 worth of gold and record a difference in weight of a quarter of a grain. There are various boxes of complete sets of ¢ metric and standard troy weight. The gold weights are from 1-100th of a grain up to 3000 penny- weights, and there is a set of diamond weights which will weigh from the one-sixty-fourth of a carat up to 300 carats. These are the most curious and valu- able of the weights, but there are any number of other kinds of weights which are cheaper and more common as well as more generally serviceable. There is another instrument in the office of the city sealer which has been ased by many thousands of citizens in the last twenty years. It is the great scale which will tell you your weight with absolute correctness to a quarter of a pound, and it has with it a measur. ing rod which will tell you your height. - -Boston Globe. Her Mistake. here is one young woman in this city whose benevolent disposition re- ceived a severe shock last Sunday evening. She was at church, and sat directly behind a tall, well-dressed stranger with a ravelling hanging in his collar. Being one of those generous-hearted, whole-souled girls, who grow up to be motherly old ladies, a friend of every body in town, she thought how glad she would be if some kind-hearted girl would do as much for her father were he to go to church with a ravelling hanging down his back. So when the audience rose for the first hymn she concluded to pick it off. Carefully raising her hand she gave a little twitch, but it was longer than she supposed, and a foot or more ap- peared. Setting her teeth, she gave a pull, and about a yard of the horrible thread hung down his back. This was getting embarrassing, but, determined, she gave it another yank and discov- ered that she was unravelling his undershirt. Her discomfiture was so painful that chloroform would not have relieved her sufferings nor a pint of powder hidden her blushes when the gentle- man turned with an inquiring look to see what was tickling his neck.— Curious Dentition. A queer freak of dentition is reported from Vienna. The other day a man of thirty presented himself at one of the hospitals, complaining of pain in the nostril and difficulty of breathing. oxamination by Roentgen rays led to the discovery that one of the upper teeth had struck its roots into the nos. tril, and was compressing the tissues. Ordinary extraction by forceps: was impossible, and a surgical operation became necessary. This was per formed and succeeded perfectly. The man is now leaving the hospital with hig trouble quite gone.—London Globe, Progressing. “How is your daughter getting along ! in physical culture?’ inquired the vis- itor of Mrs. Goldrox. “Pine!” replied Mrs. Goldrox. “She's got so she can read an’ write it now, and the professor says he’s going to give her Latin an’ chiropody next month. I think them foreign lan- gwidges are fine, don’t you? --Mil- waukee Sentinel. A Rich Find. Professors Usteri, of Zurich, aud Rit ter, of Geneva, while searching for the archives of the Reinhart family at Winterthur, found nearly a hundred uppublished letters of Mme, de Stael. They are to appear shorily. Detecting Errors in Weights HOUSEHOLD 5 AFFAIRS or Clhieesecloth dusters will remove all dust and give a polish to wood floors, windows or’ mirrors, If given the fol- lowing treatment: After washing, sprinkle them with kerosene and let them dry thoroughly. They will not be greasy, but will do much more effectual work than the ordinary dust cloth, REPAIRING THE WALL PAPER. Wall paper that bas become bruised or torn off in small patches and can not be matched may be repaired with ordinary children's paints, Mix the colors till you get as nearly as possible the desired shade, and lightly touch up the broken places, and at the dis- tance of a foot or two the dfsiigure- went will be quite unnoticed. CLEANING WOODWORK. Careless people sometimes disfigure woodwork by scratching matches al- most anywhere, says the Brooklyn Citizen. To remove these marks, ap- ply lemon juice, rubbing hard—and then use soap and water. Finger marks on polished surfaces may be taken off by rubbing with a flannel dipped in turpentine, . CLEANING THE GILDING. Fly marks and general griminess may be removed from gilding by dip- ping a small piece of cotton in gin, and with it rubbing gently over the soiled parts. The cotion wool should be squeezed before being applied to the gilding, for this must not be made really wet, and any damp on it should be dried by the fire as soon as the marks have been removed, TIMELY HINTS, cauliflower salad is recom- mended: Select a nice looking cauli- flower, trim and wash it. Cook it in salted water to which has been added a small spoonful of butter. ‘When tender take it out, throw it into cold water and divide it into flowerets. Then take them from the water and arrange them in a salad bowl, sprink- ling them well with chopped parsely, and serve very cold with a castor of salad ingredients. Oe —— CPoUSEHoLp™, 7%” RECIPES™ i mest nr tn rao This Maitre D'Ilotel Sauce—A heaping tablespoonful of dripping, the same of flour, half a pint of hot water or stock, chopped parsley, a little curry powder and the juice of one lemon. his is for all sorts of roasts and baked fish. lice Fritters—To a cupful and a half of coid, cooked rice adé a table- spoonful of sugar, the yolzs of twe eggs, a cupful of milk and sufficient flour to make a thick drop batter. Add a teaspoonful of baking powder with the last portion of four, and lastly fold in the stiffly-beaten whites of the eggs. Fry as usual and serve with maple sirup. Corn Fritters—Stew one can of eorn, strain off the juice and press the ker- nels through a colander. To this meat add one-half pint of milk, one level teaspoonful of salt and a saltspoonful of pepper. Add the yolks of three egos and one pint of pastry flour sifte with a rounding teaspoonful of baking powder. Mix thoroughly and fold in the beaten whites of the eggs. Drop by teaspoonfuls into extremely hot fat and when sufficiently drained serve with maple sirup. Brown Sauce—Wash and scrape 8 small carrot, half a turnip and an onion. Cut them in thin slices. Put two ounces of butter or good dripping into a saucepan and let it beil. Add the vegetables and fry them brown— not black. Shake in one and a halt ounces of flour and add one pint of stock or some hot water containing two teaspoonfuls of extract of beef. Stir them all till the sauce boils, then draw it one side to simmer half an hour, Strain after seasoning. Orange Fritters—Peel two oranges and slice in thin pieces. Dip in a batter made from one cupful of flour, a rounding teaspoonful of butter, a tablespoonful of sugar, a pinch of salt, the yolk of one egg and a half cupful of milk, Fry in hot fat and serve with powdered sugar or the following sauce: Beat the yolks of two eggs with half a cupful of sugar. Add the grated rind and juice of half a lemon, two teaspoonfuls of vanilla, and cook over hot water. Stir vig. orously until it thickens and cover with the whites of the eggs beaten stiff. Serve at once. Fried Apples and Onions—These form a novel dish, but are delicious if eaten with strips of fried bacon. Do got peel the apples but slice them cross. having the slices a half-inch Have the onions parboiled and cold. With a sharp knife slice these rather thinner than the apples. Cook slices of bacon crisp in a pan, and re- move them to a hot platter. Fry the onions and apples side by side in the bacon fat, unless there is too little of this, in which case add a little butter. When brown, put the onions and ap- ples on a hot platter and arrange strips of fried bacon about the edge of the platter. Serve very hot, and as free {rom grease Aas possible. To attain this end it is well to lay each one of the fried slices on tissue paper for a ainute after taking it from the pan. wise, thick. PESSIMIST. He remembers all his troubles— That keep him nice and sad; But can’t remember half a day The pleasures that he’s had. ~Detroit I'vee Press. THE ARTISTIC. “My, how youthful Miss Passe is looking this evening.” “Yes: she looks as if she were eligi ble to membership in the Painters’ and Decorators’ Union.” — NOT A DOUBTER. “1'd have vou know, sir,” said the pompous individual, “that I'm a sei made man.” “AL. indead!” rejoined the meek and lowly person. “I though there was a home-made air about you.’ Chicago News, PLAY WAS ACCEPTED. Aunthor—“I've something new in the way of a melodrama.” Manager—“How's that? Doesn't the villain come to grief?” Author—“0h, yes, he comes to grief all right, but he doesn’t say ‘Curse you.” THAT'S THE QUESTION. “It was only five years ago that T started in with our firm at $5 a week,” said Bragg, “and now I earn $50 & week without trouble.” “That's so; it's easy to earn that,” res plied Newitt, “but how much do you get »"—Philadelphia Ledger, IN NEW YORK, Visitor—“Why is it that the police stations keep open all the time?” Native — “That is to give the law- breakers a chance to come in.” Visitor—"*“To come in?” : Native—“Yes; if half the eriminalg didn’t walk in and give themselves u the police would never catch anybody.” POOR CHILD. Mrs, Hanagan—"“My! but the Aherns are crazy-mad.” Mrs, Flanagan—“What's the matter wid thim?” Mrs. Hanagan—*In an absint-minded moment they christened their baby ‘Aloysius Patrick.” Jist think o’ the ins tials of him.”—Catholie Standard and Times, INSPIRED. io y Master—“What do we get from the seal?” Bright Boy — “Sealing wax, sir.’— Ally dloper. NO CHANCE TO RISE. “Why do you object to my sweets heart, father?” murmured the daughter of the high life insurance official. “He is poor, it is true, but so were you when you married.” * “It isn’t the poverty that I object to, child,” replied her father, not unkind- “The trouble lies in his utter lack This fellow iy. of business qualifications. | actually appears to be honest.” NO PLEASING HIM. “Jigsby Las been at home sick for & couple of days, hasn’t he?” “Yes, and he doesn’t seem to like ‘comments on his personal appearance. He got mad on two occasions to-day—" “Does he really look changed?” “Not particularly, but he got mad first when his rival in love told him he ‘looked miserable,” and again when his employer remarked that he seemed ‘healthy enough.’ ”—Philadelphia Press: NO PROFESSIONAL OPINION. Caller—“Doctor, how long ought & man of sedentary occupation, whe takes zood care of himself, to live?” Doctor—*Referring to yourself, I pres sume. What is your occupation, may I'ask?’ Caller—*I run a—er—Iloan agency.” enough to restore what you rohbed your victims of, and then you ought to be taken to jour reward aud 1 don't charge you anything for tha opinion, either.”—Chicago Tribune. ONLY ONCE. “Can you honestly say that you were never afraid in battle?” asked the tactls cian of the old veteran with a wooden leg. “yell, no, I don’t think I could say that,” was the reply. “Then you were afraid?” “Yes, but only once.” ’ “Have you any ebjections to giving me the particulars?’ : “Not at all. I had lent the captain pf my company $10, and when we wera rushed into a fight and I saw him tak: {ng the lead and exposing himself fas afraid he'd get killed and I'd losq ty money,”—Columbus Dispatch. * Doctor—"You ought to live just long ‘a havd © \ * | Z ey one is at botl both tc separat model — red flan: chemiset muslin. charmin; on, while advanta; change « itself me personal any othe blouse a able feat fullness | soft and are in re most col for dress sort. The w: ing, whic preferred back wit is entirel back. V shoulder allowing tween th and read Waists tained in novelties between-. that they outer ga Crepe double w! all its vog There a fashioned shirt wai fills ever) equal effe the natu: einating | cent proc _ embellish