now $2.75, $1.85. |. 25. lates, pry _ John 8. Jones, of Hastings. THE PATTON COURIER, JANUARY 5, 1906. INTERESTING INDENTATIONS. —Ed A. Mellon is in Pittsburg this : week on business, ~—Almost time to make nominations for borough offices. . —The attendance at the Sunday schools is decreasing. — Frank Lingle spent Christmas with Philipsburg friends. ~The Republican state convention will be held on June 6th. — Ed Hunter was taking in the sights in Philadelphia last week. —John R. Manion attended a horse gale in Altoona Thursday. —Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Wolf spent the holiday season in Pittsburg. Miss Marie Dietrick, of Altoona, is visiting relatives in town. —Mrs. W. O. Lingle was visiting relatives in Windber this week. J. Lawrence Dole visited his mother in Philipsburg over Christmas. —1If you got on the water wagon the first of the new year, be careful you don’t drop the whip. —Jos. CO. Hamer, formerly a Patton baker, now employed in Philadelphia, was in town this week. — Alex Mitchell, who is studying pharmacy in Philadelphia, was home for the holiday vacation. —The new year was ushered in at | Patton by the blowing of whistles and | booming of guns and dynamite. | William A. Evans, who is studying | medicine at Jefferson college, was | home from Philadelphia for the holi- days. —Rev. M. E. Swartz was in Altoona | this week assisting in the revival ser- ! vices at the Eighth avenue Methodist church, —_Watch services were held in the M. E. church Sunday night beginning at 10 o'clock and continuing until the | new year. _.A team of bowlers from Patton de- feated the Carrolltown team at the lat- | ter place Tuesday evening by a score | of 1946 to 1893. —George S. Good, of Lock Haven, | and R. Emerson Good, of New York, were looking after business interests in | town this week. — Wm. M. Simpson has resigned his | position as manager of the Patton | Brewing Co. and is succeeded by Will Stibich, of Johnstown. | The Huntingdon & Clearfield Tele- phone Co. made a Christmas present | to each of the young lady operators i in its employ of a $2.50 gold piece. | __Rev. J. H. Fairlie delivered an able and instructive sermon at Trinity Episcopal church Sunday evening to the members of the Masonic fraternity | in Patton. | (Charles P. Miller, one of the bright young men who gradnated from the Patton high school last term, but now located at Bellefonte, was renewing acquaintances in town this week. | | | { —The County Commissioners have decided to meet in their offices at Eb- ensburg every Monday morning at 11 o'clock, at which time they can be con- sulted by citizens who desire confer- ence. __ Miss Rachel Sandford, a student at Oberlin college, and Duncan W. Sand- | ford, employed in the New York office of the Beech Creek Coal & Coke Co., spent the holiday season at their home here. __Bx-County Commissioner Sheehan i bensburg Monday serving as a | apy : > - was in Bbe 8 : g house. For further particulars call on | juror in the inquisition into the affairs of A. W. Glosser, of Barnesboro, who has been sent to the insane asylum at Dixmont. __Tt takes the entire eighth page of the COURIER this week to teil of the big Clean Sweep sale to be inangurated at | the Mirkin Guarantee Clothing store Saturday, which will continue for fif- | teen days. Read the advertisement and note the money saving prices quoted. _A. O. Brown, proprietor of the Commercial Hotel at Cresson, has been returned for selling liquor to minors and to persons of known intemperate habits, as charged by Constable E. R. | Brolley of that place. Mr. Brown en- tered bail for his appearance at court to answer to the charge. —Upon petition of the inhabitants of | Elder township, the court has ap-| pointed viewers to lay out a public road from Charles Quist’s farm in El- der township to Geo. Baker’s place in the same township. J. L. Elder, Jo- "geph Lantzy and H. M. McAlarney | were appointed viewers. —Deputy Attorney General Fleitz decided, in an official opinion delivered “to State Commission Hunter, that all townships in Pennsylvania desiring to | receive 15 per cent of the amount of their road tax from the state next year must vote affirmatively on this propo- sition at the coming February election. __An examining board for the tenth bituminous district of Pennsylvania was appointed Monday by J udge Mar- tin Bell, being constituted as follows: ~ Mine Inspector Joseph Williams, Altoona; Coal Operator J. H. Walls, of Philadelphia, and Mine Foreman They will ~ gerve for four years. | leges that on one occasion Priam de- | No soap bubbles on Duquesne beer. — Mrs. Mike Stefus, who resides near the Ashcroft mine, was the victim of a peculiar accident Friday. In sbut- ting down a window, the resultant jar knocked a revolver to the floor that was laying back of a picture, with the result that the weapon was discharged and the ball entered Mrs. Stefus’ left leg near the knee and lodged near the hip joint. Tt was extracted Sanday. —Nicholas Logue, of Altoona, was killed by a passenger train, at Cresson Monday afternoon while he and his family were returning home from spending the holiday with friends at Qarrolltown. Mr, Logue was talking with a friend when his train started to move. He ran after it, slipped and fell ander the wheels, The accident was witnessed by his wife and son. Logue was 35 years old. —The supreme court has reversed the jndgment of the court below in the case of Maines vs. Harbison-Walker company. Maines was employed at the defendant’s plant in Blandburg, Reade township, where he was maimed by his arm being caught mn a belt. He brought suit and Judge O'Connor granted a non-suit. The supreme court’s order means that the case must be proceeded with in the usual order. —An action in trespass has been entered on behalf of Mrs. Elizabeth Kassay, wife of John Kassay, of Car- roll township, asking $5,000 damages from John Priam. The statement al- nounced the plaintiff to her husband as a woman of ill repute in the presence of a number of witnesses, and that as a result of his slanderous words she has suffered in both material and mental things and is entitled to redress. — Thirty-eight applications for liquor licenses have been filed at Indiana for hearing at the regular license court to be held on January 15. This is four applications less than were filed last year. Eight of the applicants are from Indiana borough; four from Creekside, | three from Arcadia and Glen Campbell and two from Richmond and Dixon- ville. The remainder of the applica- tions come from various new coal towns which have sprung up in the county during the past-year. CLIPPED AND CONTRIBUTED. Go to Sauter for the lowest prices. Oyster shells for chickens at Binder | & Starrett’s. Black bass and trout every Friday at | the City Restaurant. | Girl Wanted—Good girl wanted for general house work. Small family. Address Box 145, Patton, Pa. For sale—A nice lot of eighteen-inch pine shingles. Call on or address Miles Wrigley, Mahaffey, Pa. The ‘‘collar” is pure cream. Ask for it at the bars and get the best. Wanted—News agent for trains be- | | tween Patton and Williamsport. Ap-| | ply to Union News Co., Williamsport, | Pa. 1. W. Harper whiskey strengthens | you and helps resists cold and disease- | better than the doctor-try it. Sold by | L. B. Daly. | If you want the best call for Du- | quesne Beer. Not a headache in a car- {load of it. Cool, sparkling and re- | | freshing. Wanted—Men to work on repairs of freight cars. Apply to W. F. Eberly, { general foreman, Pennsylyania rail- | road car shops, Altoona, Pa. | For BSale—An eleven-room house | ( four down and seven up ) situated on | Palmer avenue, suitable for boarding avenue one | | Jas. Mellon, Patton, Pa. | For Sale—On Linwood | house containing five rooms with far- nished attic; well water and all neces- sary outbuildings. For further infor- mation call on or address F. P. Ivory, | Patton, Pa. If you intend to purchase a standard and reliable piano call on Sue Wentz, | | representative of The §S. Hamilton | Piano Company, of Pittsburg. This is | one of the most trustworthy musical | firms in the country. All their pianos | are warranted for their tone, quality | {and durability, and are sold at the | lowest possible price, because: the firm buys large quantities for cash, which enables them to sell cheaper and better instruments for less money than other | | firms who buy small quantities. Often people pay too much for the name of a piano, which is insignificent in itself. All pianos are guaranteed by the com- pany. Sve WENTZ Pride of Patton Temple, No. 68, Ladies of the Golden Eagle, has elected | officers to serve for the ensuing term as follows: Past Templar, Mrs. Sarah | Chapman; Noble Templar, Mrs. Mag- our customers. or Overcoat before Christmas. Read the prices carefully and you will know that we have not juggled with them in any way. JANUARY REDUCTION SALE On all Suits, Overcoats and Heavy Woolen Goods. In spite of the open winter weather we had a good season, for which we thank But, we have a lot too many Suits and Overcoats and are going to offer you a chance to save a few dollars—we are not going to give away goods at less than cost, neither are we going to give you all the profit, but we are going to give a lot of men a chance to save some dollars who could not buy their Suit “ io “ol All Men’s $20 oo Overcoats cut to $17 00 Boys’ and Children’s Overcoats cut as follows: All Boys’ $10 oo Overcoats cut to $8 50 “ 18 : 4 “ . 00 i ; 1500 All Men’s $20 oo Suits cut to $17 oo 10 OO yi 14 00 “ « il “ I 00 ol < 18 00 16 oo : 5 13 00 “ 16 50 $ 15 00 ‘ 14 50 i #* 12 00 « 15 00 « 12.20 “ ol 10 00 i“ 8 « 3 5 ° 50 : 12 50 i 10 00 4 10 00 " 8 50 i ’ 3% * ’ 6 50 All $10 00 Suits cut to $7 50 i 00 . : 4 50 ‘ 8 50 # 6 00 5 00 4 00 i 5 00 4 3 QO $i see “0328 “i 400: 325 oo 30 * ¢ 2 25 ® 300 “ 2 50 Men’s Suits as follows: Boys’ and Children’s Suits as follows: Men’s Dress Pants cut as follows: All $5 00 Pants cut to $4 oo | pense of his health. EET —— * 4 50 ’ 3 50 eee oT —— * 400 ¢# 3 00 Sh ————— cid Am 3 00 4 2 50 This Sale will last 30 days and we want you to come in at once and see what we have to offer you. Best up-to-date stock in Northern Cambria. 2 Good Stores 2 SHOES. CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS. THE KEYSTONE, Directly Opposite Bank, Magee Avenue, Patton, Pa. THE LIVER QUARANTINE CLOTHES DON'T MAKE THE MAN But they do make a man feel better and 3 put up a better appearance it they are well” We of the best dressed men are tailors to most in Northern Cam- bria county—they are the best advertisement fitting and in style. Sovyei Shir A Tender Pol nt with many people is their writing ma- terials, Pen, ink and paper must be just so or it isn’t up to their standard. Stationery sold here is just so and it we have. We keep abreast of the times in “TAKING HIS MEALS OUT.” EE ale both style and goods and our prices are as stomach. The digestion-destroying pro- cess is gradual, often unnoticed at first. But it is only a short time until the liver would be hard to find any better. Of balks, the digestive organs give way, and | course we carry a great variety. Dif- almost countless ills assail the man who | ferent grades and different styles to endeavors to economize time at the ex- | suit different requirements,but in every case tre quality is very good and prices Box paper 10c to $2 per low as is consistent with good sartorial work. Let us make your next suit, overcoat or trousers and be convinced of this truth. (A torpid liver causes a quarantine of the "reasonable. entire system. It locks in the diseased | box. Tablets 5c to 35c. Pens 50c to germs and body poisons and affords them | §1.50 per gross. Inks, mucilage, paste, full play, inviting some serious illness. {In families where August Flower is used, Wilson; Vice Templar, Mrs. Re- ‘becca Nashwinter; Finance, Mrs. Elizabeth Ross; Guar- | dian of Exchequer, Mrs. Rosa Beck- | with; Guardian of Records, Mrs. | Maude Richards; Guardian of Music, Miss Emma Emigh; Guardian of Inner | Portal, Mrs. Jane Peters; Prophetess, | Miss Minnie Beckwith; Priestess, Mrs. Lydia Crowell; Guardian of Outer of | Portal, Miss Nellie Cramer; Trustees, Mrs. Lydia Crowell, Mrs. Sara Rouns- ley, Mrs. Rebecca Nashwinter; Repre- sentative to Grand Temple, Mrs. Lydia Crowell. Marshal of Cere-| monies, Mrs. Eliza Lloyd; Guardian of | ete., ete. | | 'KINKEAD’S DINSMORE BROS, THE TAILORS, Pernn’a. a sluggish liver and constipation are un- | known, so are all stomach ailments, as well as indigestion, dyspepsia, heartburn, | headaches and kidney and blader affec- | tions. No well-regulated family should STATI 0 N E RY be Dthout tats pi ay ? o STO R E. | Two sizes, 25¢ and 75¢c. All druggists. . - For sale by DR: H. W. BHILEY, GUNN’S PHARMACY. . Dentist! | Room 16, Good Building. | FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT REAL ESTA Patton, - - - F. R. MELLON, Dentist. Office in Good Building, formerly occupied by H. A. Seitz. 8a. mn. to 12 m. 1 p. mh. to 5:30 p. m. Tp. mM. to8 p.m, Parnell, Cowher & Co —Agents for— | INSURANCE AGENTS, | Reuel Somerville, Office Hours—8 to 12 a. m., 1to5 p,, m. Gto8 LOCAL PHONE. Attorney-at-Law, PATTON, PA. Office in the Good Building. p. m. Office hours: Read your own COURIER. , Good Building, Pat "Phone No, 9.