Unhappy football of the » of the 6 game year we thought really a y town, e small f Canal try big= contest | eleven n. The \l Dover 1 Satur much to one of inted to e worst an was y seem, e good We had strong e team," Walker, just bes . bright used. to ell you ein, the e thing pounds, n show! He'll Ve saw showed taught m from said. 7, decided ¢ game in the ive hing, |. not & m our do but n. The nd half he last Then, player, started et him * work.” >» work, e want madly, slender e Cross 1d with d man cored & . proud > yelled ot goaly re of 5 lit out tle and uncle's for mq in Otta to their re New nd has d one which, ne, can deluge, the do- ed hen of ten family paring nother equent ds to rcle o re my< lemens a thor Igebra, d then ntance lculus, iscover Lwenty, ' allot tisfied st and iter o: ‘ve al« rookin® fartha!, ~ lew he’ ie pre< came ped to s that 2 back got it, joint- | park When md it urnal, > pros- ” said at the senger. ll the hich I cially, r traf- th the, ington ing at other, ece of asked ' piece looked] at his warn- is and dup” The better class of dra scientific formula. should be rejectegl any imitation which may be sold to them. HicH CLASS DRUGGISTS AND — OTHERS. ists, everywhere, are men of scientific attainments and high integrity, who devote their lives to the welfare of their fellow men in supplying the best of remedies and purest medicinal agents of known value, in .accordance with physicians’ prescriptions and Druggists of the better class manufacture many excellent remedies, but always under original or officinal names and they never sell false brands, or imitation medicines. They are the men to deal with when in need of anything in their line, which usually includes all standard remedies and corresponding adjuncts of a first-class pharmacy and the finest and best of toilet articles and preparations and many useful accessories and remedial appliances. The earning of a fair living, with the satisfaction which arises from a knowledge of the benefits conferred upon their patrons and assistance to the medical profession, is usually their greatest reward for long years of study and many hours of daily toil. They all know that Syrup of Figs is an excellent laxative remedy and that it gives universal satisfaction, and therefore they ere selling many millions of bottles annually to the well informed purchasers of the choicest remedies, and they always take pleasure in handing out the genuine article bearing the full name of the Company—California Fig Syrup They know that in cases of colds and headaches attended by biliousness and constipation and of weakness or torpidity of the liver and bowels, arising from irregular habits, indigestion, or over-eating, that there i8 no other remedy so pleasant, prompt and beneficial in its effects as Syrup of Figs, and they are glad to sell it because it gives universal satisfaction. Owing to the excellence of Syrup of Figs, the universal satisfaction which it gives and the immense demand for it, imitations have been made, tried and condemned, but there are individual druggists to be found, here and there, who do not maintain the dignity and principles of the profession and whose greed gets the better of their judgment, and who do not hesitate to recommend and try to sell the imitations in order to make a larger profit. Such preparations sometimes have the name—* Syrup of Figs”—or “Fig Syrup” and of some piratical concern, or fictitious fig syrup company, printed on the package, but they never have the full name of the Company—California Fig Syrup Co.>-printed on the front of the package. The imitations because they are injurious to the system. they find it necessary to resort to misrepresentation or deception. and whenever a dealer passes off on a customer a preparation under the name of “Syrup of Figs” or “Fig Syrup,” which does not bear the full name of the California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of the package, he is attempting to deceive and mislead the patron who has been so unfortunate as to enter his establishment, whether it be large or small, for if the dealer resorts to misrepresentation and and deception in one case he will do so with other medicinal agents, and in the filling of Dhysiiasg prescriptions, and should be avoided by every one who values health and happiness. nowing that the great majority of druggists are reliable, we supply the immense demand for our excellent remedy entirely through the druggists, of whom it may be purchased every- where, in original packages only, at the regular price of fifty cents per bottle, but as exceptions exist it is necessary to inform the public of the facts, in order that all may decline or return If it does not bear the full name of the Company— California Fig Syrup Co.-—printed on the front of every package, do not hesitate to return the article and to demand the return of your money, and in future go to one of the better class of druggists who will sell you what you wish and the best of everything in his line at reasonable prices. Co.—printed on the front of every package. In order to sell the imitations Shell Fired 42 Years Ago. J. W. Huddleston, operating a saw- | mill on the James River and Kanawha turnpike, about three miles east of Dry Creek, struck a piece of a shell, weighing about three or four pounds, Which was in a large oak log and so smoothly grown over that it was not noticed. The saw cut into it about two and a half inches and sustained no dom- age, except requiring a new set of teeth. There were 38 growths of wood over it. It was the butt end of an eight-pounder, with a heavy band of copper around it. This shell was fired into the tree at the battle of Dry Creek, Aug. 23, 1863.—Monroe Watchman. Religions Will Be Merged. Count Tolstoi predicts that in five hundred years Confuncianism, Brah- manism, Buddhism, Judaism, Moham- fredism and Christianity will be merged into the last-named relig- fon. TUMORS CONQUERED SERIOUS OPERATIONS AVOIDED Unqualified Success of Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound in the Case of Mrs, Fannie D. Fox. One of the greatest triumphs of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound is the conquering of woman's dread en- emy, 'umor. The growth ot a tumor is so sly that frequently its presence isnot suspected until it is far advanced. Bo-called ‘‘ wandering pains” may .eome from its early stages, or the Jrosense of danger may be made mani- est by profuse menstruation, accom- panied by unusual pain, from the ovaries down the groin and thighs. If you have mysterious pains, if there are indications of inflammation or dis- lacement, don’t wait for time to con- rm your fears and go through the horrors of a hospital operation; secure Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound right away and begin its use. Mrs. Pinkham, of Lynn, Mass., will give you her advice free of all charge f you will write her about yourself. Your letter will be seen by women only. Dear Mrs. Pinkham: — “I take the liberty to congratulate you on the success I have had with your wonderful edicine. Eighteen months ago my month- Besstopped. hortly after I felt so badly that submitted to a thorough examination by a physician and was told that I had a tumor on the uterus and would have to undergo an ration. “Soon after I reud one of your advertise- ments and decided to give Lydia BE. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound a trial. After tryine five bottles as directed tho tumor is entirely gone. I have been examinad by a physic an and he says I have nosigns of a or now. It has also brought my month- lies around once more, and I am’ entirely well.”—Fannie D. Fox, 7 Chestnut Street, Bradford, Pa. P. N. U. 50, 1905. sarvat Thompson's Eye Water BOX OF WAFERS FREE-NO DRUGS | -CURES BY ABSORPTION. Qures Belching of Gas—Bad Breath ard Bad Stomach—Short Breath- Bloaiing=Sour Eructations— Irregular Heart, Etc. Take a Mull’s Wafer any time of the day or night, and note the immediate good ei- fect on your stomach. It absorbs the gas, disinfects the stomach, kills the poison germs and cures the disease. Catarrh of the head and throat, unwholesome food and overeating make bad stomachs. Scarcely any stomach is entirely free from taint of some kind. Mull's Anti-Belch Wafers will make your stomach healthy by absorbing foul gases which arise from | the undigested food and by re-enforcing | mix the food with the gastric the Haine of the stomach, enabling it to | y thorough juices. This cures stomach trouble, pro- | motes digestion, sweetens the breath, stops | belching and fermentation. Heart action | becomes strong and regular through this | process. Discard drugs, as you know from experi- ence they do not cure stomach trouble. Try a common-sense (Nature's) method that does cure. A soothing, healing sen- sation results instantly. We know Mull's Anti-Belch Wafers will do this, and we want you to know it. SPECIAL OFFER.—The regular price of Mull’s Anti-Beleh Wafers is 50c. a box, but to introduce it t» thousands of sufferers we will send two (2) boxes upon receipt of 75c. and this advertisement, or we will send you a free sample for this coupon. 12166 FREE COUPON. 129 Send this coupon with your name and address and name of a druggist who does not sell it for a free sample box of Mull’s Anti-Belch Wafers to Mvurr’s GRAPE Tonic Co., 328 Third Ave., Rock Island, Ill. Give Full Address and Write Plainly. Sold by all druggists, 50c. per box, or sent by mail. Man's Chief Peril. The chief peril of which man is ex- posed is that of profanation of what is holy, from which he is shielded by shutting him up in the circles of his senses, and restricting him to the shallows of his reason. Within that circle, and in those shallows, he ac- quires what he believes is wisdom, pursues what he names ambitions, suffers what he fancies are pain and sorrow, wreaks what he intends for revenges, commits what he calls sins, indulges what he mistakes for love, and, in a word, lives what it is given him to imagine is human life. Yet in all that span of existence there is but a handful of hours when he truly lives the life that his own and not a pretense, an evasion, or an error; and those few hours appear to him—save at the instant of their revelation—as hallucinations. Never- theless they are the porticos and pil- lars, halls and gardens, sun and stars of his heaven; which he pragmatically and complacently puts away from him, and turas himself to what seems to him his heaven, but is his hell. Truly, this is a pity and a loss!— Century. Chinese Tax Receipt. Every three years all Chinese do- miciled in Siam have to pay a small poll tax. When this has been paid the collector ties a string around the man’s left wrist and fastens the knot with a special official seal. The brace- let iz the Chinese's receipt and must be worn one month. Legislater Will Read Up. A newly elected Ohio legislator has decided to enter college and take a rush course in political science, economics, constitutional history, law and psychology, the better to repre- sent the people. The Legislature meets in January, but he will probab- ly be able to learn enough In the meantime to stand at the head of the legislative class. . To Prevent Chapped Hands, Many women who do, their own work are much “annoyed in winter with chapped hands. This may be avoided by using Ivory Soap for dish washing and toilet purposes. Dry the hands thoroughly each time after they have been in water and rub with a little oatmeal-water or some good lotioa.— ELEANOR R. PARKER. Mammoth's Skull and Tusks. The skull and tusks and the bone of one of the forelegs of a mammoth were brought to this city by J. M. Taverind, a carpenter on the United States revenue cutter Bear. These fossilized remains were dug out of the sand in the bed of one of the riv- ers on Ketchabue sound, Alaska. They were found by native Esqui- maux last July and were taken to the Bear {po be traded. Taverind, recog- nizing the value they would have in this country, at once purchased them. The skull is nearly three feet through and weighs nearly 150 pounds. Both tusks have been broken or have disintegrated, but even now one of them is seven feet and three inches long, while the other is four feet two inches. When the animal was alive they must have measured about nine feet in length.—San Fran- cisco Chronicle. A Brazilian Exposition. The commercial bodies of Brazil are considering and organizing a plan to hold at Rio Janeiro in 1908 an ex- position to celebrate the centennial of the opening of its ports to the commerce of the world. One of the steps taken is to invite the opinion of the United States on such an en- terprise. The event to be celebrated is of especial interest to America, marking the beginning of the movement for South American freedom. Previous to 1908 Brazil had been a colony of Portugal and its ports were closed to any but Portuguese vessels and trades. A BRAIN WORKER Must Have the Kind of Food That Noure ishes Brain. rer “I am a literary man whosa nervous energy is a great part of my stock in trade, and ordinarily I have little pa- tience with breakfast foods and the extravagant claims made of them. But I cannot withhold my acknowledgment of the debt that I owe to Grape-Nuts food. “I discovered long ago that the very bulkiness of the ordinary diet was not calculated to give one a clear head, the power of sustained, accurate think- ing. I always feit heavy and sluggish in mind as well as body after eating the ordinary meal, which diverted the blood from the brain to the digestive apparatus. “I tried foods easy of digestion, but found them usually deficient in nutri- ment. I experimented with many breakfast foods and they, too, proved unsatisfactory, till I reached Grape- Nuts. solved. “Grape-Nuts agreed with me perfects Iy from the beginning, satisfying my hunger and supplying the nutriment that so many other prepared foods lack, “I had not been using it very long before I found that I was turning out an unusual quantity and quality of work, Continued use has demonstrated to my entire satisfaction that Grape- Nuts food contains all the elements needed by the brain and nervous sys- tem of the hard working public writ- er.” Name given by Postum Co., Bat- tle Creek, Mich. There's a reason. Read the little book, “The Road to Wellville,” in pkgs, And then the problem was nom————————— vy SCIENCE: N M One of the principal agricultural Ine fustries of the Philippines, which is axpected to be greatly promoted by the Introduction of American methods and energy, is based upon a plant not of aative but of American origin—tobacco, The growing of grapes in graperies furnishes quite a source of revenue in some countries, notably Belgium and the Channel Islands, where large quan. tities are annually grown and exported, the United States being a good cus tomer for them. Locomotives built in Germany, bul modeled on the American “Atlantle” type, have recently been put into ser vice on the fast express line between Berlin, Cologne and Aix la Chapelle. They are more powerful and swifter than the ordinary German locomotives, A boiler furnace, as is known, works best when as little heat as possible es capes- through the chimney. To some extent, says Technische Berichte, this escape is unavoidable, for if all the heat were utilized, the chimney would not draw, since it is the heat in the chimney which first produces the draft in the furnace necessary for burning the fuel. Nevertheless, too much heat escapes by the chimney in most cases A patent recently granted professes te rectify this defect by bringing the flue containing the products of com- bustion to the place where the steam is applied before it passes into the chimney. In the construction of the Amabele Butterworth Railway, in Cape Colony, unusual difficulties had to be sur mounted, according to the Pall Mall Gazette, and the result is, from an en gineering point of view, one of the most remarkable railways in existence. After passing through the Kei Hille the line winds around another hill, and then, at a lower level, goes under its own track. This portion of the rail way is known as the “spiral.” At another point the line travels along the bank of the Mangulu River for two miles, and then doubles back for a mile and a half, so that, after covering three and a half miles, the train is really only half a mile to the good. This section is called the *zigzag,” and, with the spiral, is unique in South Africa. Alaska’s Charms. “when 1 tell my friends that in Alaska during the months of June, July and August we have almost con- tinual sunlight, and that it never gets dark in the summer months, they in- variably ask when we sleep,” said 1. A. Cross, a merchant from Council, Alaska. at the Imperial Hotel recently. “Well, we sleep whenever we have the opportunity. Very few of us have a regular time of going to bed and aris- ing except the miners, svho work in shifts and have to be more methodical, “In the winter there is practically nothing doing, and the few people who stay there can sleep all they desire. But when spring opens up business flourishes. Every one has to work all he possibly can, because the summer is very short and a great deal has to be accomplished to make up for the stagnation during the winter months. “We have wonderful summers at Council, as it never gets very warm or cold. Several times though I have seen the thermometer register ninety degrees. The verdure and the brush grow with a rapidity that is astonish- Plants ing in the warm months. grow so rapidly that we can raise berries and the hardier vegetables be fore frost sets in.’—Portland Ore gonian. : = Study of English in Mexico. “\lexico is becoming Americanized, and that very rapidly,” said W. J. Peters, of the State of Chihuahua. “The greatest factor in the accom- plishment of this result is the spread of the Euglish language in the land of the Montezumas. When I first went down there, twenty years ago, it was the exception to meet Mexicans who could speak any English, while to-day it is heard in every city and town throughout the republic. “Moreover, the study of English is compulsory in the schools, and young Mexicans are taking to it with such readiness tha* before many years the youth of that country will be as fluent in its use as they are in their mother tongue. As a matter of ract, the time is coming when the English language is as certain to supersede the Spanish beyond the Rio Grande as it did the French in Louisiana. It is the alil- conquering speech, and its dominance of the American continent is a certain. ty”’.—Washington Fost. Some Disraeli Epigrams. The following are some of the little known epigrams of Lord Beaconsfield recently collected by an admirer of Disraeli: “Be frank and explicit. That is the right line to take when you wish to conceal your own mind and to confuse that of others. “What we call the heart is vous sensation, like shyness, gradually disappears in society. “Nobody should look anxious those who have no anxiety. “Women are the only people that get on. A man works all his life, and thinks he has done a wonderful thing if, with one leg in the grave and no hair on his bead, he manages to get a coronet; and a woman dances at a ball with some young fellow or other and pretends she thinks him charm- ing, and he makes her a peeress on a ner: which except the spot.’—Harper's Weekly. PERSONAT, GOSSIP. pion tract distributor of the world. The Rev. Dr. H. 8. Bradley, pastor of the Trinity Methodist Church, of Atlanta, Ga., has been elected presi- dent of the Georgia School of Tech- nology. Wilhelm Raabe, the German novel- Ist, in 1863, wrote that the time would come when there would be an “Eng- land of the Pacific Ocean.” His im ference was Japan. LABOR WORLD. Many Chinese have left home to gt to the Transvaal as evangelists. 3rotherhood of Carpenters and Join- ers has increased the per capita tax sixty cents a year. An American enterprise is to be es- tablished at Hull, England, connected with the light iron trade. Preference to unionists is granted in the last four awards given by the New Zealand Arbitration Court. The number of members of labor unions in Spain has been multiplied by four in the last five years, The great anthracite coal mining corporations are piling up coal, and the anthracite miners are recruiting their unions. The management of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad, after twenty years of opposition, recog- nized the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, Among {he celebrations connected with the “name day” of Francis Jo- seph, of Austria, is the giving of money to servants long in the service of one family. Chicago employing printers have initiated the fight against the Inter- national Typographical Union to de- feat the latter's attempt to secure the eight-hour day. An organization of all land and water freight handlers into one big international union is being looked for- ward to by officers of the Longshore- men’s Association. The Perth (West Australia) Build- ing Trades Vigilance Committee has succeeded in organizing the ; local electrical engineers, fitters and wire- men into a good union, A single case has been found where a union has attempted to restrict the putput of an industry, but this is done ander an agreement with the employ- ars in the case of the window-zlass industry. NESSELRODE PUDDING. Prepare a chestnut ice cream (for two quarts). Peel and roast white, eighteen large chesnuts, beiluntil thoroughly done in a sirup, drain, then pound to a puree, dilute with sixteen yeclks of eggs, the sirup and a pint of milk; add twelve ounces of powdered sugar, and a vanilla bean cut in short pieces. Put in a basin and place on the range, stir until it thickens, remove and tub through a fine sieve, add a quart of raw cream, mix thoroughly. Line the inside of a smooth jelly mold with the mixture and fill the hollow with the same preparation, mixed with candied chestnuts and fruits that have been soaked in sirup. Cover the mold so that it will be air tight and put in a bucket of salted ice. Allow to stand for two hours. Place it in a folded napkin and serve with it sauce. SWEET POTATO PUFF. Boil sweet potatoes, peel them, and, ‘while hot, mash. Add melted butter and milk until you have a soft mass, then whip in two well-beaten eggs, and enough cream to make a very soft mixture. Add salt and turn into a buttered pudding dish and bake to a golden-hrown. This is delicious. Pennsylvania Railroad. In effect May 29, 1904. Main Line. Leave Cresson—Eastward Sea Shore Express, week da 624am Harrisburg Expr (ex Sun.) 926a m Main Line Expre daily 110lam Philadelphia Accom. (ex 1253 pm Day Express... 237 pm Mail Express, ¢ 591 pm Sllpm 12567pm Pittshurg Expr Chicago Special. Pittsburg Accom Sheridan Accom., wee Main Line, daily aevioes Cambria & Clearfield Division. In effect May 29, 1904. Leave Patton—Southward, Train No. 703 at 6:50 a. mv. arriving at Cresson at 7:50 a. m. Train Ne 709 at 3:38 p. m. arriving at Cresson at 4:25 p* m. Leave Patton—Northward. Train No. 704 at 10:47 a. m. arriving at Ma. hafley at 11:43 a. m. und at Glen Carapbell at [2:15 a, ni . m, Train No* 708 at 6:07 p m. Beerbolim Tree has been elected NE WW Y ORK { president of the Theatrical Managers’ Association, A. J. Beaman, an eccentric bond E N I RAL buyer of Omaha, Neb, lives on nine cents a day. & HUDSON RIVER R. R The late Count of Flanders was a (Pennsylvania Division.) collector of books, paintings, sculpture, : : prints and all kinds of art. Beech Creek District. Quang Ngoon Quock, who went to Condensed Time Table. Los Angeles twelve years ago, poor | Read u and friendless, is now a millionarie, Exe. a June 10, 190g Thomas B. Viall, the last survivor {pm pm of the Monitor, died recently at Nor- 3 Pibar walton s wood, R. I, at the age of sixty-nine, 230 Arcadin William Mackabee, of Gray's Ferry | 8% Jar Mahattey bh 10 3 + ’ v 1228 1v Kerrmoor ar Road, Philadelphia, recently cele- 3 1219 Juana NT} ¢ brated the 102d auniversa is 7 12 12 ar errmoor v7H 4 ny Anniversary of hisy Ig; 25 New Millport 734 4 Prof. Brander Matt! : 787 11 54 Miiohel 7s rof. Brander Ma Ws, New | 787 11¢ hells York Cit ; is stron a ih " ti 8 the 101112 Ylearfleld hz k LiLy, 1s strongly advocating the] ggs 3957 Woodland 845 establishment of a museum gallery for | 624 1045 Wallaceton 859. the drama. $15 It ® Morvisdale Mines 3a Hiv unson ar John B. McCall, a member of the | 582 053 1v) Philipsburg {am Australian Parliament, has been in 82% 10 daar} Mun ; iran " Ut f Iv i sovie fi te ar son Colorado lately investigating the sub-| 5551015 Winburne 02 ject of irvigation. 582 955 Peale 943 Robert Burns Thompson, a grand. In om gillintown low son of the great Scottish poet, is a hale 305 833 Besoh Creek 1057 and hearty octogenarian, living in a | 353 821 Mill Hall 1108 y ’ Claszov ’ - 345 8 Lock Haven 1118 Li of Glasgow. 838 i Onis Grove Ha ierre Dalbee, a French Canadian, | 816 74 lersey Shore 1 who has been visiting Paris. ate Phy R104 Williamsport an forty-eight boiled eggs at a silting {pm am Phil'a & Reading RR recently in order ‘in ra oor 225 650 ar Williamsport 1v 112 29% ¢ ly in order to win a wager. { 8.36 +11 30 Philadelphia A. E. Eccles, of Chorley, England, [am pm P who has just celebrated his seventy- | ji 30 Ty NX ya Tanaqua ar 940 fifth birthday, claims to be the cham. | #0 £301v NY via Phila ar 1040 1908 *Daily. Week days. 27 p m Sunday. {1108 aday Connections—At Williamsport with Phila~ delphia and Reading Railway: at Jersey Shore with the Fall Brook District; at Miil Hall with Central Railroad of Pennsylvania; as Philipsburg with Pennsylvania railroad a NY and ¥ CR R; at Clearficld with the B! falo, Rochester and Pittsburg railway; at haffey and Patton with Cambria and Clearfiel division of the Pennsyvania railroad; at Mae haffey with the Pennsylvania and Norte western railway. Geo. H. Danlels, ‘W. H. Northrup, Gen. Pass. Agt., Gen. Agen New York, ‘Williamsport, J. P. Bradfield, uen’] Supt., New York. Pittsburg, Johnstown, Ebeas- burg & Eastern R. R. Condensed Tims Table in effect June 8, 1008. Leaving Ramey. am am pm pm Pp Fernwood 845 108 840 850 110 860 900 118 8 2 y 912 127 40 Osceola... 711 931 148 4&4 Philipsburg... 725 945 200 440 ¥ Leaving Philipsburg. amamam pm pm pm Philipsburg... 550 740 1100 30 ¢52 8 60 1114 244 508 3 113 8 508 1145 815 687 8 1150 820 542 . 1200 363 SUNDAY TRAINS. pm pm 'ernwood. . 12 altzvale. . 83 1214 Ramey... 840 1218 1250 Houtzdale 852 12380 102 Osceola... 911 121 Philipsbu 925 18 To Ramey am pm pm Philipsburg. 940 200 Osceola..... 954 214 Houtzdale . 1013 1230 233 amey . 1025 1243 245 Waltzvale . 1030 250 Fernwood. . 1040 800 Connections—At Philipsburg(Union Station) with Beech Creek rallroad LE for and Bellefonte, Locc Haven, Williamsport, ing, Philadelpnia and New York, Lawrenees ville, Corning, Watkins, Geneva and Lyol Clearfield, Mahaffey and Patton; Curwensvil Dubols, Punxsutawney, Ridgway, Bradfo Buffalo and Rochester- Connections at Osceola Mills with Houtse daleand Ramey with P R R train leaviag Tyrone at 7:20 p. m. For full information apply, to J. O. REED, Superintendent. Philadelphia & Reading Railway, Engines Burn Hard Coal—No Smokes IN EFFECT MAY 15, 1004. Trains Leave Williamsport From Depot, Fook of Pine Street. For New York via Philadelphia 7:30, 10a. 12:29, 4:00, 11:30 p. m. Sunday 10:00 a. 11:30 p. m. For New York via Easton 10 a. m., 12:20 noon, Sundays 10 a. nm. ll -& For Philadelphia, Reading, Tamaqua, Mas hanoy City, Ashland and all points in Schuy! kill coal region 7:30, 10 a. m,, 12:29, 4 and 1Li p.m. Sandays 10a. m,, 11:30 p. m. @ Trains for Williamsport: i Leave New York via Ilaston 4, 0:10 a. pay 1:20 p. m. Sundays 4:25 a. m. and 1 p. m. Leave New York via Philadelphia 12:15, 4:26, 8:00, a. m., 2:00 and 7:00 p. m, Sundays 12158 4:26 a m, 12:00and 9 p. m. eave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal; 4: a. m-, 8:36 and 10:20 a, m., and 4:35 p. m., am . om. Sundays 4, 1:00 a. m,, 4:08 p. me and 11:30 p, m, Through coaches and parlor cars to and from Philadelphia and New York. Tickets can be procured in Wilhamsport the City ticket office and at the depot, foot Pine Street. Baggage checked from hotels and residences direct to déstination. EDSON J. WEEKS, General Passenger Ageut, A.T. DICE, General Superintendent, ' Reading Terminal, Philadelphia, Parlor Cars on all express trains, Huntingdon & Broad Top Mt. Railroad. In effect Sept. 7, 1903. Southward. Train No. 1 (Express) leaves Huntingdon every day except Sunday) for Mt. Dallas a$ :35 a. m., arriving at Mt. Dallas at 10:20 a. pa, Train No. 3,(Mail) leaves Huntingdon (everf : day except Sunday) for Mt, Dallas at 5:55 p.. arriving at Mt. Dit at 7:30 p. m. PT Trasn No. 7, (Sundays only) leaves Huntl don for Mt. Dallas at 8:35 a.m., arriving ut’ Dallas at 10:05 a. m. 43-All trains make connections at Mt. Dak las for Bedford, Pa., and Cumberland, Md, Northward. Train No. 4 (Mail) leaves Mt. Dallas (eve day except Sunday) for Huntingdon at 9: a. m,, arriving at Huntingdon at 11:10 a. m. Train No. 2 (Fast Line) leaves Mt. Dallas every day excopt Sunday) for Huntingdon at +40 p. m., arriving at Huntingdon at 5:15 p. m Train No. 8, (Sundays only) leaves Mt, Dale las for Huntingdon at 4:00 p. m., arriving a8 5:30 p. mi. All trains make close connections with R. R. both east and west at Huntingdon, CARL M. GAGE, General Manager COMMON SWEET SAUCE. Into a pint cf water stir a paste made of a tablespoonful of cornstarch or flour (rubbed smooth with a little cold water); adda cupful of sugar and a tablespoonful of vinegar. Cook well for three minutes. Take from the fire and add a piece of butter as large as a small ecg; when cool, flav- or wih a tablespoonful of vanilla on lemcn extract. -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers