The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, December 22, 1905, Image 2

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    Which One Was Kept?
Khere were two [ttle kittens, a black and a
And grandmamma said with a frown
*It wlll never do to keep them both,
The black one we'd better drown,
“Don’t cry, my dear,” to tiny Bess,
“Une kitten's enough to keep;
run to on for 'tls growing late,
Aud time you were fast asleep.”
The morrow dawned, and rosy and sweet
Came little B om her nap;
The nurse said, ato mamuwa's room
And look in grandma's lap.”
“Coma here,” sald grandmamma, with a
From the rocking-chalr where she sat;
“God has sent you two little slste
Now, what do you think of that?
$Bess looked at the Bables a moment,
With their wee heads, yellow and brown,
And then to grandmamma soberly said,
“Which one are you going to drown"
Lillian Street, in Ideal 1lome,
Antidotes for Poison.
One day, as the boys and their ‘tu-
tor were clambering over stones, pok-
dng about in the hope of fin some
relics, Mr. Wilson exclaimed: *‘Loolk
out for that poison ivy, boys.”
“But I thought the poison kind had
only three leaves, and this has five,”
cried John, who had gone some dis-
tance from the others.
“There are two kinds of ivy here,”
replied Mr. Wilson; “the one which
you are looking at, John, is the Vir-
&lnia creeper; in the fall this i
dark blue berries. We are looking at
Some poison ivy over here; its berries
are white and it has three leaves.”
; “Well, I guess I know the differ-
. ence,” said Abe. “Do you see my,
¥Yes,” said Mr. Wilson: “I've bee
wondering what was the matter wij
“Well, I was poking around yest,
day in the woods, and I was care]
I s’pose, because this morning w
I woke up I found I'd poisoned my,
“How did it feel?” asked Jom
“It burned and itched, and it w,
broken out in red blotches an
“But what did you do for it?
“Mother wet some pieces
in water and baking soda,
itching stopped after a little
“How much baking sod;
use?” said John, who alv,
interested in anything of 4
“A tablespoonful in
“Here's your fri
again,” said Mr. Wilsg
use it for burns, for
Were any og
“I was,” said
such a jolly co;
had again invite
was over herq
ate some poke
cause they Ic
“What did
the inquisit}
water, a p
twice som
“What ¢
Jerry, “C
poke berr,
“I got s
came up
better, or
put me f{
. &ave me
any bett
said Mr.
the maf
poison f
“What |
this: Ww.
“she had
words, 9
and she
an atid
they gav
have bee
*I sho
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son; “tk
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for ins
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the wall
would gi
or flour
hard wo
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“but I tt
Walker ir
It was a
shone steal
lage, the
Tommy dis
down on th
the spears
wonder wh
boy was s
turns on his pony and bicycle an
ing himself dnd every one else, J
wandered out on the grass, th
thus to smooth his ruffed feel
yawned a little, for he was
and looked about for some
amuse him,
Right under him he saw
ants that were busily py
breaches in th home
workers were
rying bits o
eyes soon sj
although he was ng
boy, he was glad t
amuse him. Taki
ble, he placed it
anxiously awaitg
Some of the li
peared, and gre
seeing the ob
They ran this
ly they all dj
Tommy w
play, and s)
when with
In front of
creature Ii
ing a pair
ing at Toj
tle boy's
and the
the bo
the ¢
he Duke of Ormond; whoge i
was Butler, wag going
elon as Jorg lieutenang
Was driven by a storm
lhe | of Man, where a Rev,
NM febh a poor curate, entertained
m as hospitably as his means
mitted. On his departure the or
Promised to provide for him as is /
Buses. a8 he became viceroy, The Boar
Waited many months rae
shed in the or. ast went }
e found a lit.
Raining access to the d
ard and lay | tained perhission to press
e seam, iron Cathedral, The lord freak at He
seam, then his court were at the church bot
iron that, Sone them remembered ’ thete
e seam is | UP i. ost till he Pronounced hig
» Which, it must be acknow) d
ed, was wel] chosen, yet dld not too
chief butler remember Joseph 1 : /\
forgot him,” The ae 0 pa, 1
nuts has | Once invited to the castle and ve. vs
ments at living Provided for Lim, 99
These Te —————
bd that | ®rom the Chicago Journal, Nov, @,
e body | ’
RC P04Y [ ! Yhen Commissioner Garfleld went to
hicago packers and asked permis.
¢ inspect their books, the condi.
nuts | ton was made that no Information he
m would be ug
mt eedings against them, 3
» I. arfleld gave this Dledge, it 1g
anim the Dackery allowed tm to
Ir busines J
from Lr bu 8 in all iis details
Now, it is announced, the re
ced, sult
bs study have been turned over io
Baan department of Justice to
Bap yed in legal] prosecution of the
have ventured
as deman
nstruction ashingt
pledged, not his own word, but is
Sy ements, It 1s not his good faith,
hut a vernment’s, that ig in ques.
gaging in a conspira
0 restraint of tra t bg
ey de, they ought to by
But thefr gut if they
y VY are gu
USt be fairly proved. They mold
on a Square deal, Y Tsk be
nce the Government has el
vision to such a béight as pag
K the nest of deflant criminal truste
08t within the shadow of the capi.
on Chie
iovernment and the poise
t be too careful to avoid susp.
oss 29 are more anxious te
estern offender
in the East, SEs Ran ok
of -the methods elready em.
R this case have not been pare
distinguished for decency,
R Government enters a man's
takes hig private papers,
gS the wives of packing
into court ang pute
Vy bonds, it is hardly
say honorable, ney
Y Unearthed.
to be the anef-
olemy has heen
bern Rhbdesia.
£0 siderable ex-
krguing ae
ed the city
One stil}
10St race
lis portion
New York
sh Chem.
SEOW, ob-
a sufficl-
and kelp
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