The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, November 03, 1905, Image 10

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    a ——
Ordinance No. 82.
An Ordinance authorizing the grading,
nue from Fifth avenue west to
the collection of the cost of the
Section 1. Be it enacted and or-
dained by the Burgess and Town
Council of the Borough of Patton, and
it is hereby enacted and ordained by
authority of the same: :
That, whereas, two-thirds of the
property owners, representing not
_ less than two-thirds in number of feet
of the properties fronting or abutting
on Beach avenue between Fifth and
ton, have petitioned council, asking
that said street be graded, paved and
curbed, setting forth in said petition
ithe reason therefor, and respectfully
asking. that the same be paved with
witrified paving brick or blocks.
Therefore it is enacted and ordained
that said street, beginning at Fifth
avenue and extending west to Sixth
avenue, be properly graded, paved
with vitrified paving brick or blocks
and curbed to the width of thirty
. feet between curbs.
That grading, paving and curbing
be done according to plans and speci-
- fications of the Borough Engineer,
which plans are hereby approved and
made a part hereof, and that said work
be done under his supervision, as well
as that of the Street Committee.
Section 2. That the grading, paving
and curbing shall be done by contract.
- Contract to be advertised and let to
the contractor who submits the lowest
bid, offers the best terms and who sub-
mits a bond for the faithful perform-
_ ance of his duties under the con-
Section 3. That the cost of grading,
paving and curbing the same be ascer-
tained and charged and assessed to the
Northern Cambria Street Railway
company, according to their franchise
and ordinance with the Borough of
n, and the balance to the prop-
erty owners adjacent to the same and
the Borough of Patton according to
Act of Assembly dated the 23rd day of
April A. D., 1889.
Section 4. The Borough Engineer is
hereby directed to advertise for bids
+ for the grading, paving and curbing of
,said street according to plans and
specifications prepared or to be pre-
pared by him, and to report the bids
received by him to the Burgess and
/ Town Council at a time to be hereafter
Enacted and ordained this 16th day
of October A. D., 1905.
President of Council.
Attest: —
Ep. 8. MOORE,
Borough Secretary.
Approved this 20th day of October
A, D., 1905.
Burgess of Patton Borough.
paving and curbing of Beech ave-
Sixth avenue, and providing for
Sixth avenues, in the Borough of Pat-|~ - " at : z . : g
One Person for State Treasurer; One Person for Judge of the Supreme Court; Three Persons for Judge of the Superior Court; One Pers
Treasuer; Three Persons for County Commissioner; Three Persons for County Auditor; One Person for Director of the Poor.
Sheriff of the County of Cambria, in the Commonw
that a General Election will be held in the said Com
I hereby make known and give no-
tice that the places for holding the
aforesaid election in the several Bor-
oughs, Wards, Townships and Districts
within the said County, are as follows,
to wit:
Adams Township, No. 1, at the
Township Voting House. .
Adams Township ( Gramlingtown )
in old School House Building of E. S.
Allegheny Township at residence of
F. L. Little, near Bradley School
Ashville Borough at the Steel Voting
House in said Borough.
Barnesboro, at the Office otf Thomas
North Barnesboro, in the Band Hall,
situate on Shepherd ayenue.
Barr Township (South) at dwelling
house of John Soisong in the village of
Barr Township ( North) dwelling
house of Penn’a. C. & 0. Co., on Hill-
side avenue, Moss Creek.
Blacklick Township, No. 1, at the
house on the property of Simon Ad-
Croyle Township, No. 2,
Building, Ehrenfield.
Croyle Township No. 3 in
near Lovett.
House in said Borough.
Dunlo Election District at
the Burgess’ office in the
House Lot.
ams. .
Blacklick Township, No. 2, in second Richard Jones, Esq.
story in John Davis’ Store Building.
Cambria Township at the office of
Abel Lloyd, at the Lloyd Springs Ho-
Carrolltown Borough at the Council
Carroll Township (North) United
Mine Workers’ Hall, on River Road,
St. Benedict.
Carroll Township (Northeast) in the
house of Leon McCue.
East Carroll Township in the new
Election House.
Chest Springs Borough at the Coun-
cil Room.
Chest Township Second Floor of
Township Building in the Village of
St. Lawrence.
West Carroll Township in E. P.
Reed’s Hall.
Clearfield Township at School House
No. 2, adjoining the village of St. Aug-
Conemaugh Township, Lower Elec-
tion District, at the School House at
Conemaugh Township, Upper Elec-
tion District, at the Wareroom of D.
B. Wilson, at or near Mineral Point.
Croyle Township, No. 1. at the new
building on Land of William Gable, at
House in said Borough.
Hemlock street, second floor.
Gallitzin Township at the
of Joseph Raymer.
Jackson Township No. 1
to Johnstown.
(General Election Proclamation!
Got Save the Conumonwealth.
WHEREAS, By an Act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania entitled, “An Act to Regulate the Nomination and
Election of Public Officers,” etc., within the Commonwealth, approved the 26th day of June, A. D. 188s, it is enjoined upon me to give public notice of
said election and to enumerate what officers are to be elected, as well as the places at which said ele
the East End of New Iron Bridge.
uilding, situate on public road
Cresson Township at the Township
Building on Ashcroft avenue, between
Third and Fourth streets in village of
Daisytown Borough at the School
Dale Borough at the building of the
Dale Borough Fire Engine House.
Dean Township at Dysart’s School
East Conemaugh Borough No. 1 at
East Conemaugh No. 2 at the office
of V. W. Smith, Locust street,
East Taylor Township No. 1 at old
School House or Church, now for the
use of the public in said district.
East Taylor Township No. 2 at the
New building on Headrick School
Ebensburg, East ward, at the office of
Ebensburg, Centre ward, at Council
Ebensburg, West ward, at the resi
dence of Oliver Evans, High street.
Elder Township at the School House
in the Village of St. Boniface.
Ferndale Borough at the School
Franklin Borough at the Council
Gallitzin Borough at Opera House,
Hastings Borough at the Council
Township Building, at or near Mun-
day’s corner, at the Intersection of the
Ebensburg Pike and the road leading
Jackson Township ( Vintondale Pre-
cinet) at the room in the rear of Pool
Room in Barker building in Vinton-
Jackson Township ( Nantyglo) in
the Mine Workers’ Hall on Lloyd
Johnstown First ward at the office of
H. B. Mainhart, 207 Market street.
Johnstown Second ward in Grand
Army Hall, corner of Park Place and
ity of Cambria, on the
Locust street.
Johnstown Third ward at the build-
ing of the Johnstown Turnverein, cor-
ner of Railroad and Jackson Streets.
Johnstown Fourth ward at the build-
ing owned by Jacob Levergood, now
occupied by Milton Lenhart as a sad-
dler shop, No. 312 Bedford street.
Johnstown Fifth ward at the office
of Alderman John Putledge, No. 212
Water street.
Johnstown Sixth ward No. 1 at the
building of Nicholas Blum, No. 615
Franklin street.
Johnstown Sixth ward No. 2 at No.
715 Sherman street.
Johnstown Seventh ward No. 1 at
the building of Albert Twitmire, 207
Horner street.
Johnstown Seventh ward No. 2 at
the warehouse of E. 8. Boyts, corner
Pine and Messenger streets.
Johnstown Eighth ward ( Roxbury
District )at the building of the Roxbury
Fire Company.
Johnstown Eighth ward ( Roxbury
Election District ) at the Municipal
Building of said Borough annexed.
Johnstown Ninth ward in a room of
a building owned by Casper Keifer 107
Adam street.
Johnstown Tenth ward at the Amer-
ican House.
Johnstown Eleventh ward at the
house of Francis Horton on Maple ave-
Johnstown Twelfth ward at the
Lock-up or old Council Chamber.
Johnstown Thirteenth ward at Alex-
ander’s barber shop, No. 4 Station
street. .
Johnstown, Fourteenth ward, at the
Hose Carriage House.
Johnstown, Fifteeuth ward, at the
Band Hall on Third avenue.
Johnstown, Sixteenth ward, at the
Johnstown, Seventeenth ward, at
Moxham Fire Company building.
Johnstown, Eighteenth ward, in the
office of Albert Young on Fairfield
Johnstown, Nineteenth ward, at the
Engine House of the Morrellville Fire
Company on Fairfield avenue.
Johnstown, Twentieth ward, at the
Building on F street on property of
John A. James.
Johnstown, Twenty-first ward, at a
room in the building owned by the
Friendship Fire Company.
Lilly Borough at the Council chamber
Loretto Borough at the Barber Shop
at Public in said borough.
erected by the
premises of Joseph Burkett.
the Town-
in the village of Munster.
Miner’s Hail on Magee avenue.
Band Hall on Kerr avenue.
Thomas Pringle on Caldwell avenue.
Portage Township (south) at Town
the Dunlo road in the village of Puritan.
Election House of J. S. Kieds.
the Old School House or former Elee
tion House in the village of Blandburg.
from Van Ormer to Flinton.
of William Gindelsperger, Geistown.
Hall on Hinkston avenue.
pal Building.
possession of Richard Rinn,
Bigler avenue and Second street.
new Council Room on Lake street.
South Fork Borough, Second ward,
residence at U. M. W. of A. Hall on Main street.
School House.
at the Room.
on land of G. G. Rarabaugh.
Susquehanna Township, South Dis-
trict, at Thos. Byrne’s Hall.
Susquehanna Township, (west), in
the School House at Garman’s Mills.
of James W.Beiter on St. Mary’s street
Lower Yoder at the Public Building
Supervisors on the
Munster Township at the Ware-
house of Augustine Dorbin, deceased,
Patton Borough, First ward, in the
Patton Borough, Second ward, in the
Portage Borough at the building of
ship Building situated on township
Portage Township (north) at the
Reade Township, East District, at P.
0.8.of A.hall in the village of Glasgow.
Reade Township, South District, at
Reade Township, North District, in
a farm building owned by Harry Ross,
situate along the public road leading
~ Reade township, Wast District, in the
School House in the village of Frugality.
Richland Township at the building
Rosedale Borough in the Rosedale
Scalp Level Borough at the Munici-
Spangler Borough in a room in the
building of Albert Feighner, now in
South Fork Borough, First ward at
Stonycreek Township at Jaeoby’s
Summerhill Borough at the Council
Summerhill Township, (north) at the
new house built for holaing elections
Summerhill Township, (south) in the
building owned by Alton Coal Co. at
school lot.
Susquehanna Township, North Dis-
trict, building owned by Washington
and Henry J.Lloyd, situate across pub-
lic highway from building formerly
Washington Townshi
building on road from
Westmont Borough in the office of
the Cambria Incline Plane Co. at the
head of Incline Plane on Edge Hill
West Taylor Township, No. 1, at the
Township building erected for that
ction is to be held, I, SAMUEL LENHART, Hi
‘alth of Pennsylvania, do hereby make known and give notice to the electors of the county aforesaid, a,
Seventh Day of November, A. D. 1905
(The same being the Tuesday next tollowing the first Monday of said month) at which time State and County Officers will be elected, as follows:
Tunnelhill Borough at the School
Upper Yoder Township at the Town-
ship Building along road on lands of
at Township
illy to Derby.
West Taylor Township No. 2 at the
Election House now provided near
‘Squire Jenkins on road leading from
the 14th to the 21st wards of the city of
White Township at the store room of
J. C. Gates.
Wilmore Borough at the Coungil
I hereby give notice that every per-
son, excepting Justices of the Peace,
who shall hold any office or appoint-
ment of profit or trust under the
Government of the United States or
of this State or of any City or incor-
porated district, whether a commis-
sioned officer or agent or otherwise, a
subordinate officer or agent who is or
shall be employed under the Legisla-
tive, Executive or Judiciary Depart-
ment of this State or the United States
or of any city or incorporated district
and also every member of Congress
and of the State Legislature and of the
Select or Common Council of any city,
or commissioners of any incorporated
district is, by law, incapable of holding
or exercising at the same time the of-
fice or appointment of Judge or other
officer of any such election shall be
eligible to any office to be then voted
for, except that of an election officer.
on for County
be voted for in the
several election districts of the County, at the Ensuing Election.
List of the Nominations as certified by the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylv ania and the Commissioners of Cambria County, and to
A | desires to vote.
To vote a straight party ticket, mark a cross (X) in the square opposite the name of the party of your choice in the first column.
A cross mark in the square opposite the name of any candidate indicates a vote for that candidate.
The voter may insert in the blank space at the bottom of each group the name of any person whose name is not printed on the ballot for whom he
This Column is for Straight]
Do your eyes have “That
Tired Feeling ?”
If so, it is an indication that
you should call at Tozer’s and
have them fitted with specta
cles. Lenses exchanged free at
| any time within a year from
date of sale. Satisfaction guar-
| anteed or money refunded.
“ Don’t forget that we have
the best equipped repair shop
in Northern Cambria Co.
The Patton Jeweler.
All the latest patterns
- and designs and at the mini-
mum of price.
Picture frames, room mould-
‘ing, etc.
1 e]
(Mark One) (Mark Three) (Mark One) (Mark One)
Party Votes. I Er E : “i 4 :
Republican Republican | Republican Republican
REPUBLICAN J. Lee Plummer. | — — —r Wm. H. Sunshise] ————————1}| Philip Hartzog
Citizens Charles L, Rice |Citizens Lincoln Lincoln
Democratic Lincoln James P. Greene, Democratic William E. Lantzy, Democratic
DEMOCRATIC Prohibition Republican E. Palmer George, Prohibition Henry Dunmyre, Prohibition
William H. Berry TN
Independence James A. Beaver | Citizens Joseph H. Genter, Socialist Joseph Lambour, Socialist
Lincoln Lincoln
Robert B. Ringler, Socialist Republican
E. J. Drugmand, Socialist Labor . (Mark Two) (Mark Two)
SOCIALIST Lincoln Republican Republican
“|. | || John Owens — L. W. Kauffman EE
Democratic Lincoln Lincoln
JUDGE OF THE SUPREME COURT] | John B. Head re TT TT TR ii an (ns
(Mark One) Independence Republican Republican
Inde endence Robublican > = py Charles Leventry | ———————— J] Jas. C. Patterson | ——~———————
P P Homer L. Castle, Prohibition Lincoln Lincoln ;
Democratic i iali Sha Hay
Frederick L. Schwartz, Socialist Thomas Peach, Democratic. John H. Boyle, Democratic
| ee VN ae . Z
Prohibition iali
3 Hugh Ayers, Socialist Conrad Hahn, Democratic E. 8. McMullen, Democratic
Socialist La bor John Stewart Iudebend TTT le 5
ndence Y j jali
pe Cornelius F. Foley, Socialist John L, Edwards, Prohibition C. T. Settlemyre, Prohibition
Citizens iali Fe F
A. A. Grant, Socialist Labor Abram F. Stutzman, Prohibition J. B. Dunmyer, Prohibition -
Lincoln iali Taney i 5
CITIZENS . 3. B. Rager, Socialist Labor Frank H. Kirsch, Socialist Emile Dumez, Socialist
Edward Kuppi Socialist i iali Hin
Nar Ippinger, Socials H. Spittal, Socialist Labor Joseph McCoy, Socialist Frank Bruneau, Socialist
= YT TTT —t——f1 Sa fooRY oo ee p
E. R. Markley, Socialist Labor
one thottsand nine hundred and five,
Givetrunder my hand, at my office in Ebensburg, this 23d day of October, in the year of our Lord
- JOHN A. GUNN, Patton, Pa.
hundred and thirtieth.
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