. ik y ¥ THE PATTON COURIER, OCTOBER 27. igus So ' SOFT COAL STATISTICS. Bxtenois From Chief Blair's Annual Re. 4 A s i port 7 ’ : — Robart O. Blair,chief of the bureau of So A a a fidustrinl statistios, has made public an 7 ; ha \ Aonlysin of the facts and figures in ad > AR vance of the thirty-second annual re. Sa a Hi eT port of the bareau, and tells of the busi. : ol 3 / ness of 1004 in pig iron, rolled iron and steel, tin and black plate, anthracite, onlm washeries, river dredged coal and ibid bituminous coal industries, Do your eyes have ‘That In the bituminous production the|,... aE ’ comparison is made between the years | Tired F eeling ? 1903 and 1904, the first being the year yr + a . following the strike of the anthracite If S0,1t 1s an indication that miners. On this Chief Blair's report is | you should eall at Tozer’s and as follows: ’ “The total number of net tons of| have them fitted with specta bituminous coal mined and sold in 1903 cles. Lenses exchanged free at was 101,113,200. In 1904 the amount : a. Cm oc : mined was 97,490,708 tons or 8,622,682 |any time within a year from |b i : met tons Jess. This decreased tonnage d f sale. Satisfucti : tepresents a market value of $3,658, ate of sale. Satisfaction guar- 807,82. The average price of bitumin- | anteed or money refunded. ous coal in 1903, tollhgring the strike J ’ year, was $1.28 per net ton, . In 1904 the| Don’t forget that we have Aayerage price was $1.01. The persons : . employed numbered 345,880 people and the best equipped repair shop earned $78,857,502 in 1908, working an [in Northern Cambria Co. average of 134 days,and 146,330 persons d $66,134,195 in 1904, worki TOZER ) . eae uit in 1904, working #n Tier y It's surprising how much can be bought for 3, 9 and 19 cents at Patton's new om ins tt ; , : Ordinance No. 82. S Patton Jeweler kind of a store. We have on sale a large stock of Notions, Hardware, Chinaware, An Ordinance authorising the grading, | M1 5 ST Glassware, Quecensware, Toys, Bric-a-Brac, and Fancy Goods, Etec., direct from ving and surbing of Beech ave. the manufacturers’ profit PLEASANT f prot, nue from Fifth avenue west to Sixth avenue, and providing for h 2b f the cost of the . . . \ Che eoliection of the cont of the HOMES Below we mention a few of our specials of which we have a large assortment: same. Homes that are always com- Section 1. Be it enacted and or- fortabl th h dained by the Burgess and Town rials, Ae 116 ones we have Council of the Borough of Patton, and equipped with either Our 3-Cent Assortment. Soap dishes ge. it is hereby enacted and ordained by i 1 < . . Authority of the same: HOT WATER Wine glasses, assorted, 3c. Sond glass butter, sugar bowl, cream pitcher, as- sorted, at gc. That, whereas, two-thirds of the ater glasses. ass : s : Water glasses, assorted, at 3c. : : property owners, representing not or g ’ 3 Good decorated sauce dishes and nappies gc. less than two-thirds in number of feet Tinted and decorated opal salts and peppers 3c. All colors crepe paper ge of the properties fronting or abutting STEAM HEATING Handkerchiefs 3c. Surpéssing Veluss ” Our 16- Cont 3 ifth on Beach avenue between Fi and system. With these systems your on, ha oan, adking Department. Stiat said street be graded, paved an and the general confusion and asking that the same be paved with fires is eliminated. Your neigh- Comb cases 3c. “« Sance pans 19c that said street, beginning at Fifth price, if you'll drop us a line. with vitrified paving brick or blocks Siath avenues, mn the Borongh of Dat. home is always of an even temp- Match holders, assorted, 3c. ton, have petitioned council, asking erature, the coal bills 1 f onfosion and Sefer pus, 2dosen Ai so Enameled coffee and tea pots 19¢ curbed, setting forth in said petition se . arpet tacks doz for » ’ the reason therefor, and respectfully dirt incident to attending to coal Carpet t y? Zell 3¢. i water pails 1gc. x i : bor can tell you of their advan- vitrified paving brick or blocks. . Therefore it is enacted and ordained tages and we will tell you of the Up-to-Date Novelties in Our 9-Cent % kettles 1gc. Clothes basket 1gc. avenue and extending west to Sixth| JOHNSTOWN SUPPLY Department. avenue, be properly graded, paved ol LW G Sugar or flour boxes 1gc. HOUSE, Sliding combination pencil boxes gc. Big selection ot white enameled ware for table and and curbed to the width of thirty Johnstown, Pa. Dust pans, covered tops, gc. kitchen. t ; : ay feck bo aa. ing ond: eurbing | 100 Bullding, Brass plated locks gc. Mennen’s talcum powder 1gc. be done according to plans and speci-| eee Tr Broilers or toasters gc. Large assortment of picture frames 1gc. fications of the Borough Engineer, which plans are hereby approved and made a part hereof, and that said work be done under his supervision, as well as that of the Street Committee. 4 Section 2. That the grading, paving iy BNA oS : Ses 5 ; 7 . . . and curbing shall be done by contract. dN Call and be convinced. See for yourself what you can do with very little Ree = money. What your eyes see your heart believes. We are here to stay. the contractor who submits the lowest bid, offers the best terms and who sub- mits a bond for the faithful perform- ance of his duties under the con- 43 Ars : # J tract. | Eon iS, i" : - Section 3. That the cost of grading, | eT ' y z . j ‘paving and curbing the same be ascer- Keine and charged and assessed to the PROMPT DELIVERIES rh Cambria Street Rail ag aot to pe Torey are as much a part of our service as ALEX RATO WSKY, Pro P. 1 . : : B selling good meats. No matter what Le ; Bae rdiasnce i aah on x time you order your In John Myers Building, Opp. Commercial Hotel, Patton, Pa. » - erty owners adjacent to the same and CHOPS OR ROASTS, the Borough of Patton according to they will be there. It’s only one of the . . : pct of Assembly dated the 23rd day of | 13 JU Pe MGR. 60 Sh Y ces any Remember, these are all new goods direct from the mapufacturers and our motto is: Quick Sales, Small Profits. «April A. D., 1889, one else. Others are the handling of 53 dq . Section 4. The Borough Engineer is | choice meats only, the giving of full Watch our window display 5 hereby directed to advertise for bids | weight and the charging of very mod- for the grading, paving and curbing of | erate prices. ®aid street according to plans and S. J. WIRTNER. specifications prepared or to be pre- [ pared by him, and to report the bids | PATTON, - - - - PA. = received by him to the Burgess and |__ Town Council at a time to be hereafter designated. NE BI Enacted and ordained this 16th day W G i a of October A. D., 1905. Preio or e LI N E 0 F WA LL . Atteat:— : PAPER JUST Be RECEIVED. | The Lukenberg dewelry 1) The private sale of lots in the town of Approved this 20th day of October All the latest patterns . ~ . AD, 1905 il Ate ate CLYTER, Indiana County, Pa., will con- W. J. DONNELLY, 3 . . Burgess of Patton Borough, | Mum of price. are going to occupy the tinue during the month of October, 1905. Picture frames, room mould- Clothing Room being FirsiNation'l Bank ™& vacated by the Goldstein | - ’ OF PATTON, JOS. FLICK, Department Store with a Patton, Cambria Co., Pa. Patton, Pa. complete line of RARTTAL, PATO OP, $100.00. A representative of the Company will SURPLUS, $25,000.00. : Accoants of Corporations, Firms, Individu- H 0 me K I I led Meat Di amond . Watches, Jewel ry, be on the ground October 20th and 21st sals and Banks received upon the most tavora- ble terms consistent with safeand conservative . . and O cto ber 2 7 th an d 2 8 th ’ wh 0) will show ang hip tickets for sale tor all the leadin No embalmed business in Silverwar and ¢] | ocks. lots and name prices. : i ‘{ines, Foreign Prafis payable in the principal | OUTS. We deal strictly mn «ities of the Old World. o All correspondence will haveour promptana | meat killed at our slaughter PP Am ort itne deposits. house. Everything in season. LUXENBERG JEWELRY CO. brent “8a | Little Bros. oe ! WIIG E ITI STIITITINID Full information will be given and sales | Butchers and Dealers in All Kinds of GET rs and Dealers in All Ki made—other than on dates named—by PATTON, PA. IF. R. MELLON, | Reuet Somerville, Hon. John S. Fisher, Indiana, Pa. and DR: H. W. BHILEY, Dentist. Attorney-atLaw, Clearfield Bituminous Coal Corporation, | J rl de Dentist] Office in Good Building, formerly | PATTON, PA. Clearfield Pa J nn pecupled by If. A. Seitz, | Office in the Good Building. Z J : SR | / : > hours:—-8 a, m. to 12 m, JOHN A. GUNN, Patton, Pa. Patton, Pa.| *™"™"™ 1pm 18507. m 2 ” p.m. toS8p. m. | Subscribe for and advertise in this | Office in‘Good Building. Office Hours| — _.| 01d papers forsale at this office for | L i paper. ~—8a.m.to 12m, and 1 to 6 p. m. Read your own paper. !5¢ a bundle. | | | {