rest of mers of potato ight to a mar- 5 djncent w Eng- ) p water 1 points t keeps" e pota- 1. bie out- ichigan, ined in igo and mn, sun and rield of ds, At would ry mar ive rote » potato ichigan ites on market, ah hw antities n. The uce the { en then ess the iced its id. By, ing pos- rops of finally, otatoes, all the Y s made nous to plied to at all d their m. The od a de- tatoes, farmers reby to ent for ie rails making 4 imental prompt taken, hat if a railroad through proced= and the d been nitation to keep pads of any un= and let 'n King rays ap- § ht hand, it is a e right , much by the n. One t is due nic pro- ove, he protect 1e more herefore vith mi- nd. It . hand nfailing Chron- POT 288 Jtche Wild de covered to my nsightly nmation e wild, id Oint- the tor- he sores Ww again, shall al- wed) H. . City”? ip. , repre. iew of dgments, patches. these ction of itor is of the . hat any est and ouse a would —Cent- { enon , Super Streets, 4 , Ky. 1 , owing ieys. I severe ck and yed by | secre relieved Kidney lasting Il prove kidney a fair A » f ale’ \ es EE FRANKNESS NOT ALWAYS WISE Why One Woman Has Determined Henceforth Not to Commit Herself When Advice Is Asked When the wise woman is asked by the friend of her heart, “How do you think this gown fits?” she edges away from the precipice which yawns at her feet and takes refuge in platitudes. “It's a beautiful gown,” she says, and then, with animation, “Aren't we hav- ing lots of strawberries this year, and the fruit people say the crop of peaches will be abnormally large,” says the Baltimore News. The wise woman has learned how to answer such questions by sad, sad ex- perience, There was a time when she would have replied, after much thought: “Why, the seam which should go down the middle of your back is a little awry, and one armhole is larger than the other.” She remembers the time when she was innocent and thoughtless, and she did this for the benefit of her dearest friend, who had implored her to be perfectly frank. She remembers that the friend gave her one look of scorn and swept from the room, remarking frigidly as she did so: “There certainly must be something the matter with your eyes, + for this gown was made by the smart- est cutouirere in the city, and I think it is quite the prettiest and best-fitting I have seen this season.” This page, knowing these things, came the other day upon a friend in her boudoir wearing a new and tip- tilted bat and an absorbed and anx- Adous expression, “Come In, come in!" gald the friend when she observed the woman's page looking at her; “you are the very per- son 1 most wanted to see. Give me your red-hot ideas about this hat, I have had it sent up on approval, and s0 I don’t have to take it, and I'm not quite satisfied with it myself. Tell me what you think.” The woman's page imagines she is wise in her generation, and she hedg- ed gracefully. “What lovely roses,” she said enthusiastically, “and how artistically they are placed.” “Nonsense! What do you think of the hat.” persisted her friend; “tell me the real truth, for I must decide to-day, and I really believe 1 could get something prettier, don’t you?” Thus conjured, the page dropped her wonted caution. “If you really want to know what I think, I will tell you that, in my opinion, the hat is too large for you; a smaller one would be more becoming.” “Well, this one suits me,” replied the friend, tersely. And to a maid pass- ing the door: “Mary Anne, telephone Mme. Browne and tell her I will take the hat she sent up.” . The vocabulary of the woman's page was not large enough to meet the occasion, but she anathematized herself by everything she knew, and made a new and unbreakable resolve never to speak her mind again about the possessions of a friend. ORIGIN OF FLY FISHING Sport Dates Back to Classic Times, as Shown in Greek Writings of Third Century Probably few fishermen are aware that fly fishing dates back to classic times, says Forest and Stream. A minute description of the artificial fly as used by Macedonian anglers is given by Aelian, a Greek writer of the third century A. D., as follows: “Between Berea and Thessalonica there flows a river, Astraeus by name, and there in it fishes of a spotted col- or; but by what name the people of those parts call them it is better to ask Macedonians. At any rate, these fish live upon the native flies which fall into the river, and are like no flies of any other part; one would neither call them wasplike in appearance, nor would one reply to a question that this creature is formed like what we call the bumble bees, nor yet like the honey bees themselves. It has really the proper fashion of each of the above. In audacity it is like a fly, in size it might be called a bumble bee, in color it rivals the wasp and it buzzes like the honey bees. All com- mon creatures of this sort are called horse tails. These pitch upon the stream to seek the food they affect, but cannot help being seen by the fish, which swim underneath. “So whenever one of them sees the fly floating he comes softly, swimming under the water, fearful of disturbing the surface and so scaring away his game. Then he comes near the shady gide of the fly, gapes and sucks him in just like a wolf snatching a sheep from the fold or an eagle a goose from the yard. This done, he disappears be- neath the ripple. The fishermen une derstand these manoeuvres, but they do not make any use of these flies for a bait for the fish; for if the human hand lays hold of them they lose their natural color, their wings fray and they become uneatable to the fish. So for this reason they make no use of them, disliking them because their nature forbids their capture. So with angling craft they outwit the fish, devising a sort of lure against them. They lap a lock of reddish wool round the hook, and to the wool two cock’s feathers which grow under the wat- tles, and are brought to the proper color with wax. The rod is from six to ten feet long, and the horse hair line has the same length. They lower the lure. The fish is attracted by the color, excited, draws close; and judging from its beautiful appear- ance that it will obtain a marvelous banquet, forthwith opens its mouth, but is caught by the hook, and bitter, indeed, is the feast it has, inasmuch as it is captured.” ANTIDOTE FOR SNAKE BITE Fluid That Is Used by Mexicans and Sup- posed to Be Secret Remedy of the Moki Indians Supt. B. F. Daniel of the Territori- al prison, who has been in the city for the last three days, says the Ar- izona Republican, told while here of a certain cure for the bite of the rat- tlesnake. He had heard of it while he had | been engaged in mining in Mexico, and since he became superintendent of the prison he has seen two or three Mexican convicts who had been cured and who had the scars to show that they had been bitten. On the hand of one of them was the trace of a cen- | tipede, whose poison also yields to the remedy. Its existence, however, is not widely known, even in Mexico, and is supposed to be entirely un- known out of that country. There is in every rattlesnake a small sac, about the size of a Mexican bean, attached to the intestines. This is filled with a brownish or black fluid, and that fluid is the cure for the bite. If it is applied immediately the + ‘patient will not even suffer any swell- ing and will entirely avoid pain. Many Mexicans carry the fluid with them at all times when they are in the mountains or on the desert. These Mexicans kill all the rattlers they can find, and most of them store the fluid | in a bottle made of a rifle cartridge shell which is tightly corked. In anatomical descriptions of the rattler no mention made of this particular sac, though air sacs are members of the snake family. But there is no doubt of the existence of it, for Mr. Daniel said he had seen Mexicans remove it frequently. It may be that this fluid is the se- cret of the Moki Indians, and accounts for the immunity that they enjoy from the poison of the rattler. Those who have attended their annual snake dances and have seen dancers bitten have wondered that the bites were not fatal. At any rate, the secret of the im- munity is one of the most carefully guarded secrets of the rites of the Mokis and is kept within a select or- der of the priesthood. Dr. J. Miller for years annually attended these dances and made a study of the cer- emonies. The Indians formally adopt- ed him, not only into the tribe, but advanced him in the priesthood. The doctor wanted chiefly to learn the se cret of the poison antedote, and he was told year after year that the next vear he would be put in possession of the secret. But he died without it. is CALLED WIZARD OF JAPAN Inhabitants of Mikado’s Empire Honor Shimo- nose, The story of Dr. Gian Shimonose and his wonderful gunpowder is told by Yone Noguchi, in “Success.” The following brief quotation gives an idea of the great Japanese inventor and his work: Japan is honoring Dr. Gian Shimon- ose the inventor of the Shimonose gunpowder which the Japanese navy is using in the war with Russia. Rus- sia herself frankly admits the power and effectiveness of the Japamese balls. Dr. Shimonose is 46 years old. He married when he was 26. He is the father of one son and one daughter. His wife is said to be remarkable for her sympathy with her husband’s work. The Japanese sentimentally call him one of the great inventors of the world, not merely of Japan. He was born poor and without any support for his education. While at | Inventor of a Most Powerful Explosive home he studied English under Fumio Murata, who studied in London. ‘In his eighteenth year he left home for Tokyo on foot. At that time Japan had no railroad and no steamers ran regularly. From Hiroshima, his nae tive province, to Tokyo, is some 500 miles in Japanese measurement. When he reached the capital he went through the examination and was suc- cessfully admitted to the Imperial uni- versity. From scantiness of money he was often compelled to go without food. He borrowed text books from a fellow student and copied them. It is said that he could not raise money even for his hair cutting or a bath. After graduation he found work in a printing office. His first wages were small, but, like many successful Amer- icans, he always had an ideal in mind and toward this ideal he con- stantly worked. He is given great credit’ for the victories over Russia. LYING MADE EASY BY SANTOS-DUMONT AERIAL YACHT, WITH SLEEPING ROOM FOR GUESTS, WILL SOON BE LAUNCHED-—DE- SIGNED TO FLOAT GENTLY AMONG THE CLOUDS FOR DAYS AT A TIME. HY is it that no balloon has ever been able to stay WW much longer than twenty- four hours in the air, and that the world's record, wane 1 a recent sensational contest, is not quite thirty-six hours?’ asks Santos-Dumont, in the Fortnightly Re- view, “It is,” continues the distinguished aeronaut, “because ballooning has two great enemies—condensation and dila- tation. “The skill of the spherical balloonist sts precisely in maintaining his desired altitude with the greatest econ- omy of gas and ballast; but, be he ever so exact, the time must come when re- peated condensations have forced him to throw out ais last gramme of ballast and repeated dilatations have lost him so much gas that the balloon sinks to earth—no longer spherical, but pear- shaped, with its lower part hanging flaccid. “From the earliest ballooning times men have sought to combat condensa- tion by means of heat. The latest and most logical plan would allow steam to freely mingle with one’s gas—the the- ory being that such steam will con- dense in drops on the inside surface of the balloon envelope, to be caught again without loss as they fall into a proper receptacle below the open vent at the bottom of the spherical balloon. “Nothing could be more logical or beautiful than this plan in theory; and the only reasons I have for refusing to adopt it in practice come from my own small experiments, which I do not claim to be conclusive. Only, so far as I have been able to experiment, the system would require me to take up too much water. The surface of the balloon is so great that the mass of the steam, instead of condensing and fall- ing in drops, as it ought to do, seems simply to disappear, to escape through the varnished silk, where gas itself cannot escape. At least this is what happened to me. “Yet such heating of one’s gas is too tempting an idea to be abandoned, es- pecially in these days of perfected pe- troleum fuel. With one kilogramme of petroleum I am promised by the manu- facturers of my boilers and condensers that I can vaporizetwenty kilogrammes of water, If I can devise a practical means for catching this water again as it ceases to be steam, the oft-studied problem will be solved. Imagine the balleon to be coming down—the result of gas condensation, Instead of light- ening it by throwing out twenty kilo- grammes of ,sand I will have but to burn one kilogramme of petroleum! My twenty kilogrammes of water will become steam, itself lighter than the air, and whose heat will dilate my gas to such an extent as to produce thirty kilogrammes of new ascensional force! “At first I hoped that the thing could be accomplished by means of a small and very tight bag sewed inside the balloon. 1 would lead my steam to it, there to condense and fall in drops, which could be caught by means of a tube. This steam bag, expanding as it filled, would have at the same time served as an interior air ballonet to aid in maintaining the balloon’s form. Un- fortunately no silk and varnish will re- sist steam, and after long experiments in which the steam reduced my steam bags to a sticky mass I hit upon my present condensers, “Why should I not lead from the boiler directly to a present-day alumin- jum condenser hung inside the bal- loon? It had never been done—but that is the distinguishing particular of all new things. Now I have done it. You can call it a condenser or a radia- tor; in facet, it differs little from the radiator of an automobile in construc- tion or function, though its object is to heat instead of to cool. It consists of half a kilometer of very thin alum- inium tubes disposed vertically in the form of a hollow cone, the whole be- ing suspended inside the balloon from its top. Now imagine the balloon to be in the air--and coming down as the result of gas condensation. I simply turn a fau- cet, and steam immediately generated by a remarkable little up-to-date boiler begins mounting to the condenser and rushing through its half a kilometer of tubes. This steam cannot possibly mingle with my gas, yet it heats it, re- dilates it, and gives mew ascensional power to the balloon. Indeed, the ra- diation of the half kilometer of tubes is so complete that the steam ceases to be steam before it has traversed their whole length. So it immediately drops out at the other end in the form of water again! “Now you see what happens. Inter- rupted at will by the play of the fau- cets, I keep my twenty kliogrammes of water in a continuous circular move- ment of water, steam, water, steam, water. The twenty kilogrammes (or more) of water remains always a part of the original weighing balloon; yet each time I send it round the circle, at the cost of one kilogramme of petro- leum fuel, I gain temporarily thirty kilogrammes of ascensional force; and, thanks to the play of my faucets, I can graduate this force at will. “I repeat, I gain thirty for one—thir- ty kilogrammes of ascensional force €or one kilogramme of petroleum bal- last. Therefore—it seems clear to me if the ordinary spherical balloonist can stay twenty-four hours in the air with a given quantity of sand ballast I shall be able to stay thirty days in the air with the same quantity of petro- leum ballast, “The balloon envelope of this aerial yacht—as I may call it—is being sewed. Its car is already built. Its boiler and condenser are being constructed, Its motor is ordered. Its propellers exist. And very soon the aerial yacht will start on its first cruise. In appearance it will more resemble the preconceived idea of a twentieth century airship than anything heretofore produced. “Beneath an egg-shaped balloon, slightly less elongated than the balloon of my ‘No. 9” will be seen hanging what looks like a little house with a balcony window running half its length on each side. The balcony window will characterize the open, or observation, room of the floating house, or car, and in it the motor will have its place. Be- hind it is the closed sleeping and re- posing room, v, hile in front of it you will see an open platform holding the steam-psoducing boiler. From it steam can also be led, by means of a pipe, to the open room for cooking, and to the closed room for heating purposes, when needed, “As the floating house is designed to remain for days at a time in the air, protection from the cold, even of mod- erate altitudes, may become impor- tant. Therefore the closed room can be made quite tight, to retain heat, it— like the whole of the car—being com- posed of a framework of pine, alumin- ium and piano wire, tightly covered with varnished balloon silk of many thicknesses. It will contain two cot beds. You may ask what will the guests do while the captain sleeps? The whole idea of the aerial yacht is contained in the answer. “My guests may remain at ease while I take my turn at sleeping. The aerial yacht is not designed for high speed. Therefore its balloon need not be cy- lindrical. I am even making it egg- shaped; consequently the skilled labor and unremitting attention required for the maintenance of a cylindrical form by means of interworking ventilators and valves will not be needed. In this respect, indeed, the aerial yacht can, for hours at a time, be made to resem- ble very closely a spherical balloon, its motor being stopped, and the system being allowed to float gently through the night—or afternoon or morning—on a favorable air current. The labors of my guests will be limited to a common- sense opening and closing of a faucet as the balloon obviously falls or rises. “We shall do a great deal of such re- poseful gliding on favorable currents, floating onward at no great height above the earth, but utterly free from the guide-roping nuisance. For us there will be no darting up into the frigid, solitudes above the clouds, no falling into dark mists—after the fash- ion of spherical balloonists. Nor will there be the strain of speed, or the pressure preoccupation incident to or- dinary airship flights. A proper hand- ling of the faucets will secure us the level altitude we desire; and we shall float on, watching the great map of Europe unroll beneath us! “We shall dine. We shall watch the stars rise. We shall hang between the constellations and the earth, “We shall awake to the glory of the morning. “So day shall succeed day. We shall pass frontiers. Now we are over Rus- sia—it would be a pity to stop—let us make a loop and return by way of Hungary and Austria. Here is Vienna! Let us see the propeller working full speed to change our course. Perhaps we shall fall in with a current that will take us to Belgrade! “And now that it is morning again, let us ride on this breeze as far as Constantinople! We shall have time, and shall find means to return to Paris!” “Please” Becoming Obsolete. “The word ‘please’ is obsolete in New York so far as signs in public places are concerned,” said the Colonel. “When I was a boy it was ‘Please keep off the grass’ in the parks, ‘Please do not talk aloud’ in the libraries, ‘Plcase do not spit on the floor’ in cars and waiting rooms, ‘Please do not handle the goods’ in the shops, and so on. “You do not see that any more. The public is bluntly informed that it ‘must not’ do this and that. Moreover, the words ‘must not’ usually have a line to themselves in bold type and capital letters and are accompanied by a threat of punishment for disobe- dience,”—New York Press. Guiteau’s Lawyer. George Scoville, the lawyer who de- fended Guiteau, the man who assassi- nated President Garfield, is living a secluded life at Bass Lake, Ind. His wife was Guiteau’s sister and it was she who persuaded her husband to de- fend the assassin. After the trial all Scoville’s friends and acquaintances shunned him. His wife on the other hand blamed him for not securing Guit- eau’s acquittal, and left him and got a divorce. Scoville lost his practice snd bas since led a wandering and hunted life. PROMINENT PEOPL® Mark Twain smokes constantly when writing, Modjesk# hopes to sell her ranch In California, Josef Hofmann, the great planist, is a clever electrician, Admiral Togo receives a salary of $3000 for commanding the Japanese Navy. Chancellor von Buelow has had showered upon him princely rank by the Kaiser. M. Deleasse, former French Minister of [Foreign Affairs, is now in his fifty third year. King Leopold of Belgium is de- scribed as being a man of extraordi- nary physique. The Siamese minister, Phya Akharaj Varadhara, has fallen a victim to the fascinations of the game of polo. Jan Kubelik, the violinist, recentiy achieved a greater success in Italy than any artist since Pagannini’'s time, Tolstoi is in no sense a popular wri- ter, vet his works have a wider circu- lation than any living writer, it is said, Prince Eitel, the Kaiser's second son, 1s said to be smitten with the charms of Princess Eva of Battenburg, accord: ing to court gossips. Ambassador Whitelaw Reid has given $500 for the endowment of a bed for American sailors in the Union Jack Club, London. . Justice Brewer, of the United States Supreme Court, said recently: “Japan, it would seem, has made the Goddess of Liberty her hired girl.” Alfonso XIII, is said to have in- herited his father's remarkably steady eve and sure hand, and is now ac. counted one of the best shots in Spain. Mr. Joaquin de (asacus, the new Ambassador of Mexico to the United States. wiii arrive in this country in August with his wite and seven chil dren, PERSONAL GCSSIP, W. E. Corey is the president of the United States Steel Corporation. Paderewski, it is said, can play from memory more than 500 compositions. Professor Bashfield Dean, of Colum- bia University, is studying sharks in Japan. Charles Lindely Wood, second Vis- count Halifax, will visit this country in the fall. Sir Mortimer Durand lays great stress on the duty of mission boards to send out only wise and able men, Judge Charles Field, of Athol, Mass., is said to be the oldest justice in the country in active judicial service. Charles M. Bailey, of Baileysville, Me., has made from $5,000,000 to $10, 000,000 as a maufacturer of oilcloth. Dr. Yung Wing, of Hartford, Conn., was the first Oriental who was ever graduated from an American college. Herbert L. Jenks has presented the Fitchburg (Mass.) library with the only complete set of Chopin's compositions. Robert Deale, an eighty-seven-year- old tradesman at Epsom, witnessed the annual race for the Derby for the seve enty-ninth time recently. Baron Volken, Chief of Police at Warsaw, who was injured by a bomb explosion recently, is suing an insur- ance company on an accident policy. Marshall Roberts occupies the more or less enviable position of being the only native born American who ever became an officer in the British Life Guards. Starr J. Murphy for six years has been charity manager for John D. Rockefeller, drawing a handsome sal ary for work done as head of the bu- reau of benevolence. Dr. William Royal Stokes and Dr. John 8. Fulton, of the Maryland Board of Health, insist that they have discov- ered 2 curative serum for typhoid fe ver. after a four years’ search. One element which has probably contributed much to the success of the Japanese in this war is that of secrecy, avers the New York Tribune They have to an exceptional degree kept their own counsel, and to ab entirely unprecedented degree have imposed silence upon the purveyors and publishers of news. This has been exasperating to the correspond ents, who have seen or learned of great doings without being able ta send home a line of “copy.” It has not been pleasing to the newspapers which have desired to chronicle promptly every move in the great game. It has not been satisfactory te the public, which has been eager te learn all about one of the greatest wars of modern times. But it has probably been highly effective in mis leading the Russians and in promot: ing the strategy of Japanese forces en land and sea. Instead of being a stench and a scandal, Philadelphia bids fair to take her rightful place among American cities. She has already got her deep channe! to that breezy and wholesome sea of public aporobation, de~lares the Philadelphia Record. Pennsylvania Railroad. In effect May 29, 1904. Main Line. Leave Cresson—Eastward. Sea Shore Express, week days . 62am rrisburg Express, (ex Sun.).e..ccenee 9262 m Main Line Express, daily..... .110lam Philadelphia Accom., (ex Sun.).. 1253 pm Day Express... . 237pm Mail Express, daily 591 pm Pastern Express 8llpm 5 1257p ® Leave Cresson—Westward. Sheridan Accom., week day . 80am Pacific Express, daily . 832am Way Passenger, daily. 156 pm sun Tess, 857 pm Chicago Special. 434pm Pittsburg Accom.. 453 p,m Sheridan Accom., week days. 707pm Main Line, daily.......ccoreonuree 5 y 756 pm Cambria & Ciearfield Division. In effect May 29, 1904. Leave Patton—Southward. Train No. 703 at 6:50 a. m. arriving at Cresson atq:60 a, m. in No* 709 at 3:38 p. m. arriving at Cvesson at 4:25pm, Leave Patton—Northward. Train No. 4 at 10:47 a. m. arriving at Ma. baftey at If48 a. m. and at Glen Campbell at 5a. m. Train No 708 at 6:07 p. m. NEWYORK ENTRAL & HUDSON RIVER R. R. (Pennsylvania Division.) Beech Creek District. Condensed Time Table, oma 5 d do xp Mall June 10, 1904 Exp M: Nod? Noss Noi#0 No np pm am » Pio ar Patton lv 610 LS 0 IW Westover 036 30 230 Arcadia 7 830 100ar Mahatley Iv 700 830 1228 lv Kerrmoor ar 357 1219 Gazzam 407 757 1212ar Kerrmoor 72 418 7521207 New Millport 734 40 745 1201 Olanta 740 426 787 1154 Mitchells 746 43 701 1122 Clearfield 82 b 685 10 57 Woodland 845 6 624 10456 Wallaceton 850 6 615 10 85 Morrisdale Mines 907 54 605 1025 lv Munson ar915 5 6382 066lv) Philipsburg ar938 63 625 1045ar) i Iv850 65 600 10 20 ar Munson ivo18 600 585 10 15 Winburne 923 608 582 985 Peale 043 628 513 933 Gillintown 1001 645 504 926 Snow Shoe 1006 650 406 833 Beech Creek 1067 7 M4 853 8al Mill Hall 1100 7 345 813 Lock Haven 1116 8 826 730 Oak Grove 1133 8 316 740 Jersey Shore 1145 8 240 1710 1v Williamsport arl220 91 pm am pm pm pm am Phil’a & Reading RR m P m 225 650ar Williamsport lv $12 20¢11 30 (836%11 30 lv Philadelphia ar 730 650 m pm PM am F400 lv. NY via Tamaqua ar 940 14303730 1lv NYvla Phila ar 1040 1902 am pm ym am *Daily. tWeek days. 7 p m Sunday. {i100 Vm Sunday Connections—At Williamsport with Phila~ deiphia and Reading Rallway: at Jersey Shore with the Fall Brook District; at Miil 4 with Central Railroad of Pennsylvania; al Philipsburg with Pennsylvania railroad an NY anil P CR R; at Clearfield with the B alo, Rochester and Pittsburg railway; at batfey and Patton with Cambria and Clearfiel division of the Pennsyvania railroad; at ) haffey with the Pennsyivania and Northe Western railway. (Geo. H. Daniels, W. H. Northrup, Gen, Pass. Agt., Gen, Agen New York, ‘Williamsport, J. P. Bradfield, uen’] Supt., New York. Pittsburg, Johnstown, Ebens- burg & Eastern R. R. Condensed Time Table in effect June 8, 1083, Leaving Ramey. am am pm pm PMR Fernwood ...... 845 108 840 Waltzvale.. 855 110 8680 Ramey... 640 9000 118 8 Houtzdale. 652 912 127 40 Osceola 711 931 146 42 Philipsburg... 725 945 2 440 7 Leaving Philipsburg. amamam pm pm pm Philipsburg 550 740 1100 230 452 Osceola. 503 764 1114 244 508 outzdale 621 813 1133 303 506 Ramey. 5 1145 815 587 8 Waltzvale j i 1150 820 543 Fernwood... 648 840 1200 830 553 SUNDAY TRAINS. To Philipsburg. am pm pm pm ernwood.... 1205 9 altzvale. 1214 6 Ramey... 1218 1230 6 Houtzdale, 1230 102 6 Osceola... 12¢ 6 Philipsburg. 18 7 To Ramey. pm pm pm Philipsburg. 200 8 Bn 214 1230 233 12432 245 250 © 8 Fernwood. - Connections—At Philipsburg(Union Station) with Beech Creek rallroad trains for and Bellefonte, Locs Haven, Williamsport, log, Philadelpuia and New York, Lawrenees ville, Corning, Watkins, Geneva and Lyo! Clearfleld, Mahaffey and Patton; Curwensvil Dubois, Punxsutawney, Ridgway, Bradfo Buffalo and Rochester- Connections at Osceola Mills with Houta daleand Ramey with P R R train leaviag Tyrone at 7:20 p. m. For full inforihation ap Philadelphia & Reading Railway, Engines Burn Hard Coal—No Smoke IN EFFECT MAY 15, 1904. Trains Leave Willlamsport From Depot, Fool of Pine Street. For New York via Philadelphia 7:30, 10a. m., 4:00, 11:30 p. m. Sunday 10:00 a. m., :30 p. m. Por New York via Easton 10 a. m., 12:20 naon, Sundays 10 a. m. For Philadelphia, Reading, ins i Shay u hanoy City, Ashland and all points in S¢ Kill coa] region 7:30, 10 a. m., 12:29, 4 and 1 p.m. Sundays 10a. m., 11:30 p. m. Trains for Williamsport: Leave New York via Easton 4, 9:10 a. mg 1:20 p. m, Sundays 4:25 a. m. and 1 p. m, isave New York via Philadelphia 12:15, $:28 8:00, a. m., 2:00 and 7:00 p. m. Sundays 12:16 & m., 4:25 a m, 12:00and 9 p. m. Le; Philadelphta, Reading Terminal, 4: o£ m’, 8:36 and 10:20 a. m., and 4:35 p. m., an 11:30 p. m. Sundays 4, 9:00 a. m., 4:08 p. ms and 11:30 p m, Through coaches and parlor cars to and froma Philadelphia and New York. Tickets can be procured in Williamsport sf the City ticket office and at the depot, foot Pine Street. Baggage checked from hotels and residences direct to déStination. EDSON J. WEEKS, General Passenger Agent. A. T. DICE, General Superintendent. Reading Terminal, Philadelphia. Parlor Cars on all express trains. Huntingdon & Broad Top Mt. Railroad. In effect Sept. 7, 1903. Southward. Train No. 1 (Express) leaves Huntingdo: every day except Sunday) for Mt. Dallas a :35 a, m., arriving at Mt. Dallas at. 10:20 a. m. Train No. 8,(Mail) leaves Huntingdon (ever® day except Sundar) for Mt. Dallas at 5:50 arriving at Mt. Dallas at 7:30 p. m. Trasn No. 7, (Sundays only) leaves Huntin dan for Mt. Dallas at 8:35 a.m., arriving at Dallas at 10:05 a. m. f~All trains make connections at Mt. Dale las for Bedford, Pa., and Cumberland, Md. Northward. Train No. 4 (Mail) leaves Mt. Dallas (evel day except Sunday) for Huntingdon at 8: a. m., arriving at Huntingdon at 11:10 a. m. Train No. 2 (Fast: Line) leaves Mt. Dallas foaory day except Sunday) for Huntingdon a$ :40 p. m,, arriving at Huntingdon at 5:15 p. m Train Np. 8, (Sundays only) leaves Mt. Dale las for Huntingdon at 4:00 p. m., arriving at 5:30 p. m, All trains make close connections with R. R. both east and west at Huntingden, CARL M. GAGE, General Manager An Englishman in Canada writes home in considerable excitement as follows: American. are American reviews, American papers Ang +7ity what result? think ‘Americanly.’” “The majority of Canadians never read an English paper of any kind whatever; all their literature i All the booksellers’ shops filled with American books, There can be only one result—Canadians wil ply lo 0. REED, Superintendents Ti -