——————————— TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One copy, one year, in advance, « - = $1.00 No papers discontinued until all arrear- ages are paid, unless at the option of the publisher. fintered at the Postofice at Patton as second: class mail matter, —— ADVERTISING RATES, Legal notices $1 per inch for three insertions, Card of thanks 5¢ per line. Resolutions be per line, Poetry 5c per line. Business locals 5¢ per line, Display ads 10¢ per inch flat. Foreign advertising must be paid for invar- fably in advance. No commission paid to advertising agents, These are “best” retes—no others go. — . THAT councilmanic sidewalk crusad is not a very strenuous one, to say the least. ONE of those proposed miners’ homes ought to be located in the Beech Oreek region. THAT Altoona man who committed suicide rather than much to blame after all. move wasn’t so Wa have said it before (innumerable times) and we say it again: This town needs a good opera house. ALL good citizens will do their ut- most to assist the local board of health in their efforts to stamp out contagious disease. SUNSHINE, Peach and Singer are a trio of euphonious eognomons that \ were very much in evidence the first of the week. am ee—————————————— Ir all the trolley lines projected for ‘Cambria county are built, the steam railway companies in this section might .as well go out of business. ; FroM all reports our neighboring ‘borough of Carrolltown needs the ser- vices of a good vigilence committee— one that act promptly and efficiently. IT is now up to some enterprising capitalists to build a trolley line from Patton to St. Lawrence. One has been projected to about every other point in the county. Bora the Democratic and Republican county conventions omitted a very important clause in their resolutions when they failed to‘‘view with alarm.” It was an inexcusable oversight. ————————————————— THE usual fairy tales about the coal ‘operators laying up a big stock of the black diamonds, preparatory to shut- ting down the mines in the spring, are now appearing in the city papers. WirH Arbor Day so generally disre- garded in this country, it is interesting to note that in Sweden 600,000 trees are planted annually by school children under the guidance of their teachers. MERCHANTS advertise because they want to increase their trade and have something unusual to offer, both in quality and price. Frugal people can gave many dollars each year by reading the advertisements in the COURIER each week. VERILY, these are melancholy days, as the poet hath most truthfully noted, but the most melancholy question that arises as the frost begins to nip the pumpkin is the whereabouts of the last sum:ner’s earnings and the wherewith- _ all t> purchase this winter’s oyercoat. IT isn’t the pleasant things told us ‘that do us the most good, but the ones coming from either friend or enemy that enable us to see ourselves as ‘other see us, thus affording us an op- portunity to profit thereby, The truth may hurt sometimes, but it is always wholesome. OraErR towns in this section are and Manufacturers’ association. They will be here Tuesday, October 24th, If no one else will take the initiative, why not that aggressive organization known as the Patton Board of Trade ? Ir behooves every voter to pay his taxes this year. The fellows who have pad their taxes paid in the past by the politicians will be compelled to do it * $hemselves this year, or refrain from | voting. The chairmen of the Cambria county political comniittees have wise- ly entered into an agreement to this effect. i making arrangements to entertain the members of the Pittsburg Merchants’ | THE GOLDEN RULE, Perhaps the most disgusting ap- preciation that a merchant of any town can show towards his home print. ing office is to send out of town for his printing when he knows that it can be "| done quicker, as cheap or cheaper, and better tham that offered by “cheap John” print shops. The home merchants expect the town paper to uphold their interests and work for the good of the town gener- ally, and they have a right to, but it is unfair and unjust for a business man to send away for printing or anything else tha! he can get at home and in nine cases of ten save money. A hawker or peddler comes to town and takes orders for alleged wholesale houses offering the public goods for apparent better prices than can be had at home. The live newspaper is among the first to see the injury that is being worked against the home merchant and the paper proceeds to expose the intruder for the good of the commun- ity and for the direct benefit of the home merchant. The newspaper man knows that if a hawker comes to town and offers a quoted by the local stores the alleged wholesales will produce an inferior article. It is the duty of the news- paper to protect the ihterests of the town and its business houses, but is it not also the duty of the business man to see that the newspaper gets a square deal along the same line? Every town has a cross-grained mer- chant or two and Patton is no exception. If a merchant does not want an out- sider to come into his district and take orders for the same line of goods, and the newspaper is willing and always ready to aid him in getting rid of the evil, is it any more than right or just for the newspaper man to expect the same consideration and protection from those in whose interest the newspaper is constantly working ? Look up the golden rule and see if home printer. As per usual, Patton, and in fact all the north of the county, got the hinky dink at both the political conventions insofar as nominations for good pay- ing offices is concerned. Johnstown, which contains more selfish politicians of both parties to the square rood than any place on this mundane sphere, was well taken care of as a matter of course. It’s the Flood City’s inherent right, they think. It’s like looking for now to find an official in the court house at Ebensburg who doesn’t exer cise the right of frapchise in Johns- town. And the fun of it all is the voters “ap north” swallow their medicine each recurring year as though they liked it. THE announcement is made that the price of lumber has been increased two dollars per thousand feet, and in conse- quence of this fact the cost of buildings will be increased from now on. This will mean hundreds of dollars extra for those who intend to build homes, and who have not yet awarded the con- tracts. THAT Editor John C. Miller, that paragon of nicety, morality and right living, should become the sponser and mouthpiece of sure thing gamblers is almost beyond comprehension. But, as the Barnesboro Star would say, ‘More anon.” THE first candidate for the legisla- ture from Cambria county who an- nounces that he will work and vote for a law permitting trolley companies to carry freight and giving them the right of eminent domain ought to be a win- ner. Cures Calanh CBroathe ~t— No dangerous drugs or alcoholic con- coctions are taken into the stomach when Hyomei is used. Breathed through the inhaler, the balsamic heal- ing of Hyomei penetrates to the most remote cells of the nose and throat, |and thus kills the catarrhal germs, | heals the irritated mucous membrane, and gives complete and permanent | cure. Hyomei is the simplest, most pleas- ant and the only guaranteed cure for | eatarrh that has been discovered. Com- plete outfit, §1.00; | cents. extra bottle, 50 For sale by O. F. Wolf. the proverbial needle in a hay stack | you are doing your duty towards the = DouBLE HEATER Appeals to the housewife who tries to save where others waste. BURNS THE CHEAPEST GRADE OF SOFT COAL OR SLACK WITH THE SAME SUCCESSFUL RE- SULTS THAT OTHER STOVES DO THE BEST QUALITY OF FUEL. Prevents cold floors, and establishes an even temperature in all parts of the rooms to be heated. A continuous fire can be maintained throughout the winter, and the amount of heat can be regulated and controlled to meet the actual 4 requirements of the household. SAVES ONE-FOURTH THE COAL LESS ASHES—NO DIRT. We invite your inspection of PRIZER'S AIR-TIGHT as we believe we can please in quality, appearance and price. BINDER & STARRETT, Patton, Pa. RT SR LL | Com— cra commodity at prices less than that rh PATTON'S PURE PRODUCT. BOCK BEER After April 1st at all First-Class Bars PHONES: f Bell 1 Local or delivered at Your Home. THE PATTON BREWING CO., PATTON, PA. one else. Shortness of breath, before the eyes, furred tongue, dizzi- f3] drug or chemical. ness, belching of gases or sour food, that. heal tepih weakness and debility are all signs of ody that heals the irritated mucons catarrh of the stomacn. ; i need to be unduly alarmed, for this and aids digestion. disease can be cured by Mi-o-na. the only remedy that strikes at the root guarantee under which he sells Mi-o- of the evil and actually cures the na. disease. It does not contain opium in any held you. Practical | Mill Men are quick to recognize first- class work. many heartily recommend us when piping, plumbing and general needed. . Our stock of Mill Supplies FRIENDLY WARNING No Need to be Alarmed About Stomach Troubles if You use Mi-o-na—Cure Guar- anteed by O. F. Wolf. black specks form, acids,alcohol, or any other harm- It is a pure rem- There is no Itis Ask O. F. Wolf to show you the It costs but 50c cents a box, and your money is returned if it does not That's why so mill supplies are | Do your eyes have “ That Tired Feeling?” If so, it is an indication that such as belts, pulleys, shaft-| oy shoyld call at Tozer’s and ing, engines, boilers and pipe fittings is the largest in this| have them fitted with specta county and prices the lowest. JOHNSTOWN SUPPLY HOUSE, Johnstown, Pa. PROMPT DELIVERIES are as much a part of our service as selling good meats. time you order your CHOPS OR ROASTS, they will be there. things we try to do better than any 1 Others are the handling of mum of price. choice meats only, the giving of full weight and the charging of very mod- | { erate prices. ng, etc. S. J. WIRTNER. PATTON, cles. Lenses exchanged free at any time within a year from date of sale. Satisfaction guar- anteed or money refunded. Don’t forget that we have the best equipped repair shop in Northern Cambria Co. TOZER, The Patton Jeweler. NEW Bla LINE OF WALL PAPER JUST RECEIVED. All the latest patterns It’s only one of the |and designs and at the mini- No matter what Picture frames, room mould- JOS. FLICK, TPA TR CONS DN AC IEC SI TR TRAE RL I tI membrane, stimulates the solar plexas, | | 3 oHOED! shoes! cee. We have for Ladies the famous P. Reed Shoe, which are the two best lines of Sorosis and E. shoes in the market. Come and See Our Stock. WE STILL HAVE A FEW ODDS AND ENDS in Furnishings which we are of- This stuff must be sold as we are going in fering at at half price. the shoe business exclusively. Patton, Pa. Rst91900110 TEE IIIS. : Wi | ; The Lugenberg dewelry (Co. are going to occupy the Clothing Room being vacated by the Goldstein Department Store with a S complete line of N, Diamond, Watches, Jewelry, S Silverware and Clocks. LUXENBERG JEWELRY CO. WISTS TITS TININS PA. Patton, Pa. PRIZER’S GRAND RANGES Will prove a friend to the thrifty house-wife who tries to save where others waste. They do the work with the least fuel, and demonstrate the difference between the wasteful and the eco- nomieal. GOOD BAKERS— PERFECT ROASTERS. Come in and let us tell you about them. BINDER & STARRETT, Patton, Pa. ~~ 3 (3 XS days’ ? this is —H e the Bi - town —H of his Arling —A Mond; tered | —Tl tients all of t —T ball Clyme —A arrang Penns; Noven — St: structi Octobe tumn —A taken | Ny distric ’ road d A ton an “NR home Athleti —Ge being c past fo dent in —To base © Patton : will pr a. : _Ed 1 Susque ; where | foot ba tution. —J. |] ceived miners of $1,8( imposir —Thi boro W Soe Ole rock, w * by a fa —Joh this mo his son +. 00 TF hf typhoid —Cot T. Jone to the visit eas of Joh month. —All in this | evening day mo comme] or New ” Hebraic —Tha of the fi States € who re pray th to becor now cui —Joh Texas, | a visit v hart, in Irvona. on laundry MB y this was Be _~ years. AS —Wil boy wh position Univers umpirec _ .tween F *.. ofhisle Thesda) —The train frc ing stru baby at from wt The littl the trac] was sta oe not be si that the i the heac i ~The ton met diamond afternoo end of t darkness stood 14 fellows. crowd W replete feature caught b
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers