PATTON COURIER SUPPLEMENT, SEPTEMBER 15, 1905. VALUABLE PURSES HIGHEST PREMIUMS G REAT Inter-State Fair of pennsyivania To be Held at ROXBURY PARK, JOHNSTOWN, PA. September 26, 27, 28, 29, 1905. $8,000.00 in, Premiums. $4,800.00 in Purses. $2,000.00 1n Free Attractions. Fifty thousand dollars expende during the past year improving and beautifying this great pleasure and amusement park at which the fair will be held. A $500 prize bull, with a pedigree, will be given away absolutely free by the Inter- State Fair Association to the fair patrons. A ticket entitling the holder to a chance on this valuable animal will be given free with every full fare admission to the fair grounds during the day. The drawing of this grand prize will take place promptly at 6 o’clock p. m, Friday, September 29th, 1905. A Write for Premium List. J. K. LOVE, President. H. B. DUFF, Secretary. others waste. | YH | A | They do the work with the least | fael, and demonstrate the difference | between the wasteful and the eco- | nomical. | GOOD BAKERS— PERFECT ROASTERS. ‘PRIZER’S GRAND RANGES Will prove a friend to the thrifty house-wife who tries to save where PROMPT DELIVERIES | : {are as much a part of our service as i Come in and let us tell you about | joop Son No matter what them. i N x CHOPS OR ROASTS, 4 | they will be there. It’s only one of the BI DER & STARRETT, | things we try to do better than an Patton, Pa. |one else. Others are the handling of y | choice meats only, the giving of full | weight and the charging of very mod- | erate prices. S.J. WIRTNER. - - PA. iPATTON, - - - FirstNation'I Bank Patton EE abrie No, Pa. CAPITAL PAID UP, $100,000.00. SURPLUS, $25,000.00. Accounts of Corporations, Firms, Individu- als and Banks received upon the most favora- ble terms consistent with safe and conservative banking. Steamship tickets for sale tor all the leading lines, Foreign Drafts Fle in the principal cities of the Old World. All correspondence will have our prompt and personal attention. Interest paid on time deposits. T. J. SCHOLL, Cashier. PATTON'S PURE PRODUCT. BOCK BEER After April 1st at all First-Class Bars or delivered at Your Home. Wu. H. SANDFORD, President. Home Killed Meat No embalmed business in ours.” We deal strictly in meat killed at our slaughter house. Everything in season. Little Bros., ‘Butehers and Dealers in All Kinds of Fresh and Smoked Meats, PATTON, PA. ( Bell 1 Local THE PATTON BREWING CO, PHONES: PATTON, PA. T.R. MORRISON, Dentist, PATTON, PA. Parnell, Cowher & Co | —Agents for— INSURANGE REAL ESTATE AGENTS. FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT Office in Brady Building. "Is this your paper ? Good Building, Patton, Pa.—'Pbone No. 9. Reduced Rates to Centre Hall, To actommodate visitors to the en- campment and exhibition of the Pat- rons of Husbandry to be held at Grange Park,Centre Hall, Pa., September 17 to 23, the Pennsylvania railroad company will sell round trip tickets from all sta- tions in Pennsylvania, from Baltimore, New Freedom, and intermediate sta- tions, and from Elmira to Centre Hall, Pa, at special reduced rates. These tickets will be on sale and good from September 16 to 23, inclusive, and good for return passage until September 26. When you need anything in the printing line come here. Do your eyes have “ That Tired Feeling?” If so, it is an indication that you should call at Tozer’s and have them fitted with specta cles. Lenses exchanged free at any time within a year from date of sale. Satisfaction guar- anteed or money refunded. Don’t forget that we have the best equipped repair shop in Northern Cambria Co. TOZER, The Patton Jeweler. GETTING ONLY THE BEST Is an excellent plan when selecting a heating sys- tem forx your home. We have installed hundreds of STEAM AND HOT WATER SYSTEMS in this county and know from 20 years’ experience what is re- quired in either kind. Our work is guaranteed perfect and prices most reasonable. WE FURNISH ESIMATES FREE. JOHNSTOWN SUPPLY HOUSE, Johnstown, Pa. ef THE:SWELL FRENCH PERFUME Ra ) JOHN A. GUNN, Patton, Pa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers