The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, September 15, 1905, Image 4
Ph <2 w2£ «££ wo 2 GREAT SOUVENIR SALE, SEPTEMBER 18th to 23rd, 1905. T . T ® 2 : i ale e Great Souvenir Sale WR THE WINDS REGARDLESSLY, AND IN CONNECTION WE ARE GOING TO ACTUALLY GIVE LAA ~ AWAY WITHOUT ANY CONSIDERATION WHATSOEVER, HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS’ WORTH OF We Have Talked Plainly to You Before! We insisted that quick action was necessary. If you doubted then, don’t doubt now. Come and examine into the magnitude of THIS SALE and be convinced. Again our advice to you is to BUY, ACT AND ACT QUICKLY—WAIT FOR And Here is Our Unique Proposition for THE GREAT SOUVENIR SALE: In different parts of the store you will find various tables and counters bearing large placards, lettered No. 1, No. 2, No. 3 and so on. Any person purchasing any article or articles in the | cost any article on table No. 3. Any purchase or purchases between $5.00 and $7.00 bring choice of any article on table No. 3. Table No. 4 offers a great variety of attractive things free to customers who spend between $7.00 and $10.00; while special tables are laden with beautiful, handsome and useful things for those who spend a greater amount. doing everything. We choose the only sensible way of Keeping store. We aim to secure YOUR TRADE by satisfactory service. You want to feel sure of QUALITY, to be able to depend on STYLE, and of course, to have CONFIDENCE, that PRICES asked are FAIR. You can rest assured that your * MEET ME AT THE BON TON STORE, PATTON, PA. FOR THE »7 »©27 © 2 NS IN WHICH THE PROFITS OF OUR MANY LINES OF WORTHY MERCHANDISE WILL BE CAST TO \ R A WON \ NN ] USEFUL PIECES OF GLASSWARE. 2 <2 &£ 2 o£ 2 &o oo 2 <o & o£ y - NOTHING! store during Souvenir Week to the amount of $1.00 up to $3.00 can have any article on table No. 1 free of charge. Purchasers exceeding $3.00 and buying less than $5.00 may have free of all | OF COURSE we are in business to malie money; you wouldn't believe us if we told you otherwise, but at the same time there are several ways of INTERESTS are zealously guarded when you malie this your STORE. READ ON 36--inch all wool Vene- tian cloth, regular 75¢c value, at 4Sc. 38-inch Mo- hair in blachk,brown and navy, Men's, women's and chil- dren's Endmance brand Stockings \ } 1 i BN | i i N KU J 3 ten TENN A =x y a i % 2 5 VA \ — Ef Re ——— Pa seamless bh, ! 0 no Not all extra French clocks are fast, by all means, but all Ladies’ fine Nain- sock Night Gowns, trimmed with lace, em- broid'ry, tucks and rib- bon, reg- ular Women’s Muslin All Men's ==———27 Gloves, Z=— Sx] anda New fashions are here UD decided our Hosiery is war- d ranted to be fast and * weight wool Half Underwear Reduced. Many a thrifty woman price $1.49, and coming, which sug- jl gest the warning that saving, at 25 NOTIONS. Yes, Just Oceans of . Them in Stock. Hand Bags, expensive looking, exclusive look- J ing bags, the kind that Pearl Nech Beads 10, 15, and 25c. Machine Oil 3c bottle. Ironing Wax lc stick. 25¢c Cut- icura Nv 2 ww OUR GREAT SOUVENIR PRICES: 2 2 ¥ 72x€6 full cize and weight Cotton Blankets at 98c. 72x96 Silkoline Comfort- ables, beautiful designs, filled with BLANKETS and COMFORTABLES, The snap in the air 6 til - host BL / Soap 19¢ makes the thought of new and the leather fine, celie. f I pleas. 25¢ to 98c. , the thought of buy- ing them even more pleasant. sale price 98c. Hose at 15c. at this sale it's the time ff} per cent for men to buy ‘“bar- |[f off. gains’ for some time to § SOLS. ! Mennen'’s 25¢ Talcum Powder 15¢c. # stainless. Now is the jp time to replenish your stock of Hosiery. is purchasing up useful things now and saving them for next summer. These prices show why: Women's 50c¢ Corsets at 35¢c pair. regular 75¢c i value, at y 49c. the best of cotton, at $1.25. Men's black cashmere Half Hose, regular 25¢ Kind, at 19¢. Understand, please, that we’re not showing heavy, boardy winter stuff, but the cloths we tell of are the finest things for fall,the Weight you have to put on mos any morning. Mater- ials cover a wide range. 38-inch Serge in all shades, just the thing for school dress: es, at 25c. 36-inch heavy Twine Basket Weaves in black, brown and navy, regularly 65c, at 39c. 42-inch Black Serge, pin striped, swell for sKirts and tailored suits, at 49c. One lot of Boys’ School Pants, | 5¢ V2saline 3c bottle. a great bargain, all sizes, at 25 and 49c. 72x90 Torn Defender Sheets at 5c Tape Measure 3c each. 63c¢ each. P N $1.00 Corsets reduced to Ladies’ black cotton Hose, war- > 69c¢ pair. ranted fast and stainless, extra long, 25¢c value, at 19c¢. 10¢ Talcum Powder 5c box. Men's Reversible Black Sateen Shirts, 1413 to 17, at 49c¢c. White Crochet Bed Spreads, Marseilles pattern, regular $1.25 quality, at 98c. White Metal Teaspoons 7c set. Infants’ 98¢c Lawn Caps 25c each. Four End Darning and Mending Cot- ton per spool 2c. 6-inch Metal Back Horn Combs at 8c. Our entire line of Silk Four- in-hand Ties, regular 50c value, at 25c. Men’s 26¢ Silk Teck Ties at 10c. Children’s ribbed, “The Bus- ter Brown StocKings,” the best yet, at 25c¢. : 15 and 30c Corset Covers 19¢ each. Made of fine Cambric, full French style, front and back of lace, ribbon and edging. 12/3c full yard-wide Cambric, Good-night brand, at 10c. All sizes Agate Buttons at 1c dozen. Ladies’ Alpha cashmere Hose, Ethiopian dye, full regular sizes, at 25c, Men’s and Boys’interlined waterproof Celluloid Col- lars at 9c. Lindsay’s Patent Safety Pins at 2c. 60-inch Turkey Red and Blue 5-row Superfine Tooth Brushes at 5 and | Damask, oil dyed, good fabric, 10 ¢ each. : guaranteed, at 45c. Every Department Represented and Prices That Will Represent a Decided Profit for You. Bargains too Numerous 2 ¥ ¥ ¥ toMentionn ¥ ¥ ¥ go " THE BON TON STORE, - - - - - - - - - . . PATTON, PENNA. One lot of Ladies’ Ribbed Natural White Nursing Vests at 54-inch all wool Novelty Suiting, plain and Shetied, in light shades, regular $1.25 value, One lot of Boys’ 76¢c custom made Sweaters, extra at 85c. quality, all sizes, at 46¢c. 49c Each.