irr resin "EXCURSIONS TO ATLANTIC CITY. ap—— And Other Atlantie Coast Resorts via Penns sylvanin Rativoad. June 29, July 13, August 10 and 24, and September 7 are the dates of the Pennsylvania annual low rate excur- gions for 1006 to Atlantic City, Cape May, Ocean City, Sea Isle City, Avalon, Anglessea, Wildwood, Holly Beech, N. J., Rehoboth, Del., or Ocean City, Md. Tickets good to return within sixteen days, including date of excursion. «A special train of Pullman parlor cars and day coaches will leave Pitts- burg on above mentioned dates at 8:65 a. m., reaching Philadelphia 6:25 p. m. in time for supper, and arriving At- lantic City, via the Delaware River Bridge Route, the only all-rail line, at 8:35 p. m. Stops will be made at con- venient points for meals en route. Passengers may also spend the night in Philadelphia and proceed to the shore by any regular train from Market Street Wharf or Broad Street Station on the following day, Tickets will be sold from stations at the rates named below: 2a ATE RATE Tickets good Train Tickets good in Leaves only in in connection Coaches. with regular Pull. Tickets. A.M. Carrollt’n Road...$ 9 00 $11 00 6:48 Hastin . 25 11 25 6:15 11 00 6:50 10 50 11:45 P.M. 10 00 12:35 Passengers for New Jersey points other than Atlantic City will spend the night in Philadelphia and use regular trains the next day from Market Street Wharf. Passengers for Rehoboth, Del., or Ocean City, Md., will use regular | Station. lowed at Pniladelphia returning if , passengers will deposit their tickets | with the ticket agent at Broad St rest | Station, Philadelphia, immediately on | arrival. Tickets must be deposited with agent at seashore destination and properly validated for return trip. Tickets will also be sold for regular trains leaving Pittsburg at 4:55 and 9:00 p. m. from all stations at which these trains stop, and from stations from which regular connection with them is made, and at the higher rate | Pullman sleeping cars through to At- lantic City on the 10:00 p. m. train, and to Philadelphia on the 4:55 and 9:00 p. m. trains. Returning coupons will be accepted on any regular train except the Penn- sylvania Limited and Chicago Limited, the St. Louis Limited and the Pennsyl- vania Special. Who does your printing? If the. other fellow does it, it may be right. I the COURIER does it, you know it is right. Change Your Roosters. I have some fine pure bred Single Comb Brown leg horn Chickens which I will ship to any ad- dress. PROMPT DELIVERIES are as much a part of our service as selling good meats. No matter what time you order your CHOPS OR ROASTS, they will be there. It’s only one of the things we try to do better than any one else. Others are the handling of choice meats only, the giving of full weight and the charging of very mod- erate prices. S. J. WIRTNER. PATTON, - - - PA, TREKO pf, TINT 31a 8 Se LE ofilEn! si We have for Sorosis and BY Ladies the shoes in the market. Come and See Our Stock. WE STILL HAVE A FEW ODDS AND famous E. P. Reed Shoe, which are the two best lines of only on train leaving at 10:00 p. m. | Office in Good Building. Office Hours —8 a. m. to 12 m., adit 6p mm, Parnell, ( Cowher & Co FIRE, LIFE AND trains the next day from Broad So E N D S - A stop-over within limit will be al { fering at at in Furnishings which half price. must be sold as we are going in the shoe business exclusively. HEN Billo Patton, Pa. BOCK PATTON'S PURE PRODUCT. BEER After April 1st at all First-Class Bars or delivered at Your Home. THE PATTON BREWING CO. PATTON, PA Cocks - - $1.00 ( Bell : PHONES: - Per pair - $2.00 : | Local - @] : 5 isk 3 Satisfied In the knowledge of per- That's the feeling that produces fect plumbing. Look after your heating system now and be sure of a Comfortable Home during next winter’s cold spells. We have the best systems. 'PHONE, WIRE or WRITE. JOHNSTOWN SUPPLY HOUSE, J Johnstown, Pa. DR: H. W. BAILEY, Denfist! Paifon, Pa. —~—Agents for— accmevr NSURANGE JOHN A. GUNN, Patton, Pa. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. happiness in your home. | Do your eyes have “ That Tired Feeling?” If so, it is an indication that you should call at Tozer’s and have them fitted with specta cles. Lenses exchanged free at any time within a year from date of sale. Satisfaction guar- anteed or money refunded. Don’t forget that we have the best equipped repair shop in Northern Cambria Co. TOZER, The Patton Jeweler, T. R. MORRISON, Dentist, PATTON, PA. Good Building, Patton, Pa.—Phone No. 9. we are of- This stull F. Hammers and W. H. . f : - Hl £D . Cald WwW ell € EVERYBODY'S COMIN NG ” [HURGUAY, SEPT, 2 Grand inaugural day Caldwell & Hammers’ addition and a free public band concert. FE CITA SCE arm A TR ANE TVR Portage is growing by leaps and bounds. idly enhancing in value. Building lots are a moderate price, to Aceommodiic the demand tor homes: sites must be provided. Portage 1s the most promising town along the P. R. R. between Altoona and Johnstown. Streets are being surveyed at this time for electric trolley, hence we have secured a tract of land from M. Moudy, known as the Caldwell & Ham- mers’ addition, immediately adjoining the western extension of Caldwell and Gillespie Avenues. a adapted to residences. Real estate is rap- Have laid 1t oft into lots, streets and alleys and on the above date will offer these lots to the highest Ma r at public auction. a) One Hundred and Fifty Superb Building Lots. TERMS: One-third down, months, with interest. residue in 6 and 12 This is an unprecedent opportunity for making gilt ade invest- ments or securing a home site. Working men need not pay rent when they can secure homes at their own prices. Portage Real Estate is a safe investment, sure and profitable investment and is unsurpassed in points of advantage. Water, electric light, etc., in immediare contact. High, dry, healthful location. Excellent drainage. Lots sure to increase rapidly in value. $250 Lot Given Away by Public Drawing. You may be the winner. No charge for tickets. All we ask 1s your presence on sale day. ALE BEGING 10 A. M. RAIN OR SHINE. Ladies Invited. Fine Band Music Throughout the Day. Come and bring C NTED REALTY ®~Car Fare will be refunded to all who purchase a lot. Office in Brady Building. PORTAGE, PA. 7 BIC Local: burg ney- of a Pal at Pu urda) ning consi got it ond. could fying piteh with Murra Allen, MeQu Camp] Russel Wilhe Willia Corrig McDor Hobso 1 Patton Punxs Stole ard, E Camp! run, Donal by Ke The this | grour celeb: 4 to 2 ball a aid of struc down Murra Fitz, ¢ Faye, Howai Flory, ‘BF. Met Webb, E. Met Garve) T Allen, MeQuc Campt Russel Wilhel Willia, Corrigs MeDon Calhou 7 Patton Punxsi Two- plays, | MeCar off Met pall, M by Gai pire, H The Cloart team any tr Scores Patton Juniat: Batte and Sp Patton, Juniat; Batte Spear. The state ] was fi field ii pire a; the cu Cap in thi He wa anothe ond. Teufel Faye s ning t The 1 from | third. the Du feat w kick & althou see the this ai and H Bois c: the un ordere first. to Dul versed
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