The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, September 01, 1905, Image 5

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Patton Courier,
—September. {
Oysters R now in season.
—The melancholy days have‘‘arove.” |
—Did you see the eclipse Wednes:
day ?
—Almost time for ‘the sere and yel-
low leaf.”
—Monday will be Labor Day and a
legal holiday.
—Mrs. H. E. Barton is visiting rela-
tives in Benezette.
—“Dp,”? John Gunn was a county
seat visitor on Wednesday. |
—Miss Ella Evans was visiting
friends in Ebensburg this week. |
—Philip J. Deitrick, who now resides |
in Altoona, was in town this week.
—Henry Mills returned Wednesday |
from a vacation trip to Atlantic City. |
—B. Kusner is on a business trip to |
New York city and New Haven, Conn. |
—The Patton public schools will]
open for a nine month’s term Tuesday.
—W. H. Sandford was in Philipsburg
this week vn business.
—Chas F. Lehman is viewing the
sights of New York city and Coney
—Mr. and Mrs. Geo. O. Brady are on
a visit with relatives in the Old Do-
—About fifty Patton people went on
the excursion $o the Bigler camp meet-
ing Sunday.
—Miss Maude Budinger, of Snow
Shoe, is a guest at the residence of W.
H. Sandford.
—Misses Byrd Hurd and Bertha
Tippery have returned from a trip to
Atlantic City.
—Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wilson, of Wil-
liamsport, are visiting relatives in Pat-
* ton this week.
—The official call for the Republican
county convention will be found in
another column.
—Mrs. Harry Atkinson and two
children,of Windber, were visiting rel-
atiyes in town this week.
—The report of the condition of the
First National Bank of Patton will be
found in another column. !
—Quite a number of Patton people
are attending the Jefferson county fair
at Punxsutawney this week.
—There will be fifty-three Sundays
this year. The year came in on Sun-
day and will end on Sunday.
legal holiday, the rural mail carriers
will not serve their routes on that day.
—Mr. and Mrs. E. Will Greene and
daughter, Lillian, have returned from
a visit with relatives in Western New |in Brady building, nitrous oxide gas
— Misses Floyd and Joe McMurray | extraction of teeth. Twenty years’ ex-
left Monday for their home in New |Perience.
Washington after a week’s visit at the| The rapid growth of Portage in the
residence of W. H. Sandford.
—The Penn Traffic department store
in Johnstown was burned to the
ground Monday evening, entailing a
loss of a half million dollars.
—The Bon Ton store has a new ad-
vertisement in this issue announcing a
remnant sale to commence Monday REPUBLICAN COUNTY CONVENTION. hy
next. Read it and profit thereby.
—The Patton base ball club will play county are requested to meet at their
with the Philipsburg nine Monday at usual places of holding elections on
Qlearfield and the Philipsburg team
will play here Wednesday and Thurs
rented the empty store room in the
Miller block and will open an up-to-
date shoe store on Friday, September
16th. Read their new advertisement |
in another column.
—Patton Fire Co. No. 1 returned F. D. Dunlap and left the same in his |
from the convention at Philipsburg | charge subject to my disposal.
-“ Saturday enthusiastic over the excel-
lent treatment they received at that| Clearfield township, Aug. 12, 1905.
place. The convention will be held at
Bellefonte next year.
—Chas. M. Teufel, the base van Fy teral Ba at the close of business Aug. |
catcher, occupied the pulpit at the M. | th, 1905: !
E. church Sunday evening and gave an |
interesting talk on Christian living Overdrafts, sec
that was much appreciated by those | premiums on
who were fortunate enough to be pres- | Bonds, securits
—Miss Minnie Holter has resigned | Due from appro
for her home in Rossiter Monday. Lawful mon-
Dame Rumor is authority for the state- | |
ment that she will not be a non-resi-| Rede Hon Fund wil a 5.000 0p | Ton expression of people who look mis- 3
dent of Patton very long. ‘ wi na] graple nd are PHseranle Ye who persist money,
Total .. uw vee § 752,026 71 | in ‘‘ letting nature take its course.”
—T barn of Al ° " 2 nak . ’
he large ar f Albert Oaks, | LIABILITIES, | What a foolish plan, when nature could Kl N K EA D S ry 1 MX fl 3
of Carroll township, was totally de-| capital stock paid in $ 100,000 00 | be aided by the use of Green's August i H J oJ! T AILORS,
stroyed by fire last week, with its con- | 7, dividea profit
tents, including one team of horses, | taxes paic
over fifty tons of hay and farming im- | Due to
plements, the loss being estimated at | hn
$3,600. No insurance.
—A lease on 200 steel coal cars was |
filed at Ebensburg Wednesday by the gio of Pennsylvania, |
Barnes & Tucker Co., of Barnesboro,in | County of Cambria ' j **
favor of the Girard Trust company of | ban Bd Se
Philadelphia. The cars are valued at
$165,000. The lease provides for the
transferring of the cars from the trust |
company to Barnes & Tucker upon the
issuance of bonds in the amount above | ——
—Mrs. Mary Phelan, aged seventy-
two years, died Monday morning abt
the home of her son, John Phelan, in
Loretto, after an illness of two weeks,
of typhoid fever. The deceased’s
daughter-in-law, Mrs. John Phelan,
and her daughter, Mrs. Mary Buck,are
both ill of the same malady. The fa-
neral took place Wednesday morning
at Loretto. {
—MecCQClellan Conway, of Windburne,
went to the Bigler camp meeting on
Sunday and instead of profiting by the
good there became unduly exhilerated.
On his return trip he passed his home,
getting off at Viaduet. There he stole
an engine and started back toward
Windburne. At Grass Flat the engine
was derailed and demolished. Conway
had a leg cut off above the knee. He
is 38 years old and may die.
.—An unknown man about sixty-nine
years of age was run down and In-
stantly killed at Cresson shortly before
noon Wednesday. He had stood at
the crossing a short distance east of
MO tower and awaited the passing of
an east hound freight train, Stepping
around the rear of the train he stepped
onto the west bound track and was |
Having to increase the size of our store room or find more room for our fast
increasing business in all branches, we have leased the Miller store room, well
known as the “White Shoe Store” by all the shoe buyers of the community, where
we shall keep an up-to-date shoe store in every way possible.
Our buyer has just returned from the shoe market and bought an up-to-date
stock of stylish, dependable footwear in all leathers and all widths necessary for
this trade.
— Wm. J. Fisher, of this place, and gates to a county convention to be
Jack Lloyd, of South Fork, who have held in Ebensburg on Monday, Septem- | = —
been touring the continent for the past
three months, returned home Wednes-
—The Keystone Clothing Co. have | come before the convention.
struck and ground under the wheels of | We have always done a good, fair shoe trade, but we are anxious to increase
| an engine. is body was found a few : ‘r ; 1 2 . * * .
| | it and if good, dependable stock and reasonable prices will throw the trick we are
| minutes later and was badly mangled. | >
| There was nothing on the body by | -
1 f=] Wo oJ or > r 2
which it econld be identified. bound to for 8€ a h ead.
ol tn in sey $2,500 Worth of Shoes
Black bass and trout every Friday at
the City Restaurant.
ee dens to be sold here in our house. We will not move any over to the new store if
Read t, Did you read #67 United possible. In order to sell them we shall cut the prices as follows:
Realty Company’s ad. on another
page ? # a Yo , rQ Q
Tey Bivel ivpeveiircarnin. hh All $4 oo All America Men’s Shoes at $3 25 All Boys’ Shoes Cut as Follows:
| does not blot or smear. For sale at #® ‘3350 #* “ iy 2 75 The $3 50 ones cut to $2 50
Kinkead’s Stationery Store. « oo « « “ « oo ot 2 25
Ice cream at the City restaurant 3 2 15 6 3 « “
| every Saturday afternoon and evening t 2 50 4 H %® 4 175 2 50 175
| by the dish, quart or gallon. H 2 00 i i I 65
Three-pound packages of letter paper | All Ladies’ LaMode $3.00 Shoes cut to $2.50. « 150 © « 115
are the best for the yy in town, at ;
the bes! Tor ho motte) In, town, 9H) All $2.00 shoes of any make cut to $1.65,
Kinkead’s Stationery Store. < All Men’s Oxfords Cut as Follows:
If you have not gotten one of the |
| home savings banks call at the bank
|and get one. Still a few left. |
Any pair of Women’s, Misses’ or Children’s Oxfords The $3 50 All Americas cut to $2 50
« G “
cut to HALF-PRICE. 300 2 15
No soap bubbles on Duquesne beer. |
| The .*‘collar”” is pure cream. Ask for | “here \ ~ervati
| it at the bars and get the best. | 3 h ere are ho resery ations.
ber, this sale begins on
Any and all pairs of shoes to be sold. Remem-
If you want the best call for Du-
quesne Beer. Not a headache in a car-
[load of it. Cool, sparkling and re- |
| freshing. |
per cent on savings deposits. Call and
get one of the home savings banks and
save money.
Dr. Morrison, dentist, Room 2 and 3
And Lasts 15 Days.
The New Shoe Store opens on September 15th with a bang up new stock.
Clothing, Shoes, Furnishings,
and Odontunder used for the painless
past two years justifies the assurance
of rapid increase in real estate value
here in the future, and those who may
secure lots at the auction sale can be
certain of a handsome return at an
early date. Don’t fdrget the date,
September 21, Portage, Pa.
The Republican voters of Cambria
Directly Opposite the Bank, | te
Saturday, September 23rd, 1905, be-
tween the hours of 3 and 7 o’clock p.
m. for the purpose of electing dele-
bec 25th, 1905, at 1 o’clock p.m. to
nominate a county ticket and transact
such other business as may properly
Emory H. Davis, Chairman.
Ebensburg, Pa., Aug. 21, 1905.
FALL 0008.
her position as clerk in the office of | Notes of other National Ban}
Parnell, Cowher & Co. and will leave | Fractional paper curren
Notice is hereby given that I have
purchased the household furniture of
A big and up-to-now selection of Fall
fox hs . ;
|Suitings just received. The stock embraces
RELI : =) all the newest weaves for suits or trousers
on To he condition of. Foo pus Ne A _correl gh |
of information can be crowded | . . . .
into a limited space sometimes, but it | consistent wi h good tailoring.
| . .
‘and the prices have been made as low as 1s
| Loans and discounts § 481,250 69 |
40 88 .
IS Ye. 0 00 | "Tis a joy to eat-—TI welcome my di h 3 ig i asib Ww |
U. S. Bonds to Jono o Poon ly 5o es Ay ey yp FN oriert | 18 impossible to tell here half what | : J
#650 54 | Constipation is the result of indigestion, | "HOU be told about our | Let us make vour fall suit. We are
| Banking house,
Due from Stat
biliousness, flatulency, loss of appetite,
self-poisoning, anemia, emaciation, uric
acid, neuralgia in various parts of the
system, catarrhal inflammation of the in-
testinal canal and numerous other ail-
ments that rob life of its pleasures if they Jome in and delve through our |
do not finally rob you of life itself. stock. | E = R 7 i . J
q‘‘ I'm bound in the bowels,” is a com- There’s good reading for little D i | OU : i f
3 : \. yn
BOOKS and |
‘sure to please you.
Checks and other c
and ¢
srved in
| Surplus fund....
25,000 00 | Flower, which is nature’s own remedy for
) 11,819 46 | constipation and all stomach ills. a a
National Bank not © 100,000 00 | G{August Flower gives new life to the ST OR E | =] ’
© Bar n ? or : : 1 ji a! : * A
pus to} inks an 2 | liver and insures healthy stools, 3 o atto PY, enna
vic QTwo sizes, 25¢ and 75¢. All druggists.
| Time c
For sale by
Estate of James H, Coogan, Deceased.
Letters testamentary on the estate of James O
H. Coogan, deceased, late of the Township of F. R. M E LL N, |
101], Cashier of the above named | "| Clearfield, in Cambria County, §Pa., having
| ban o solemnly swear that the above | Old papers for sale at this office— | been granted to us, all Poon ented to i
| statement is true and correct to the best of my | only 5¢ a bundle. estate are hereby notified to make payment to Office in Good Buildin formerl »
y Be . us without delay, and; those having claims tod by H. A. Seitz 8 al PAT T'ON, Pa.
Patronize the home print 8hOD |,gainst said estate will present them properly occupied by t. A. * | Office in the Good Building.
WV. € : We are better prepared than ever to |anthenticated for settlement. Office hours:—4 a. m. to 12 m.
BC BROWN, orp, | LITT: | tnpn out commercial printing of all IGNATIUS ADAMS, St. Augustine, Pa., D1, JOSS0 Nm The ;
a : : JoHN SHEEHAN, Patton, Pa.
VERILY ’ o 3 3 »
| kinds and at prices that can’t be dupli Hxoontors
| cated for good work. .
| Certified chi
Reuel Somerville,
Tota) ci avis dr
knowledge and belief.
1, J. SCHOLL, Cashier,
Correct— Attest:
7 p.m. to 8 pm.
Old papers for sale at this office for
6¢ a bundle.
Read your ow
Whose paper are you reading ? June 21st, 1905,