THE PATTON COURIER. VOL. XIL.—NO. 39. PATTON, CAMBRIA CO. PA,, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1905. \ 1.00 PER YEAR INDEPEND ENT NOT NEUTRAL RUN BY THE PUBLISHER IRE TAKING ALMOST ALL! Patton Base Ball Team Has Winning Streak. PUNX'Y WAS SHUT OUT. | Osceola Lost Two Games and Philipsburg One to the Locals—Toss of Penny Respon- sible for Only Defeat the Past Week—Ex- citing Fitteen 1nning Contest, Patton base ball club shut out the strong Punxsutawney nine on Satur- day at Athletic Park. The score w 5 to 0, while the other shut out was ac- complished to the tune of 8 to 0. On the previous day,Punx’y literally |} and figuratively won the game by a toss of a penny. a wild throw to third let for the visitors. The ball was thrown into the diamond by a fielder and de- | liberately stopped by the umpire with | his hands, the latter being under the | impression that there was no one on a base. The umpire did not pick up the » Te Tt 3 ball with his hands, A runner on third \ came home and scored while the ball ; was at the umpire’s feet. The pitcher was backing up a base at the time. The umpire refused to render a decision. | Base ball authorities everywhere are unanimous in the opinion that the run- ner should have gone back to third base, but Captain “Kid”? Williams could not see it in that light and the Patton boys magnanimously and foolishly con~ | sented to “pitch pennies’ to settle the matter. Of course, Punxsutawney’s proverbial good luck prevailed and the score counted. The visitors we whitewashed every other inning, while Patton made a run in the seventh and | one in the ninth, losing the contest on | the toss of a penny. [7 Here is how the score book says the | game was played Friday: PATTON. BR HOAZE g-2 « 0 1 42} 1 1.8 © 1 3.0 6 1-2 2.0 G2 0 Fi 0 2 3 O 01 0 1 1 0 2 0 i Shor 12.3 nw OO AE Allen, 3b..... LY Lely MeQuowr 11 0 0 Campbell, g 0 2.0 Russell, s 9 1 Wilhelm, If I 1.0 0 Williams, 11 010 0 0 Corrigan ( 0 3 0 0 MeDonal 010 1 Hobson, 0:0 ) ( ro 27 12 Patton.. 00:0 0.00: 0-1 Punxsut 000 90.0.0 0-3 In the shut out game Saturday sev- eral of the visitors reached second and third base only to there, and de- spite all efforts they were unable to score. M eQuow n, the spit ball artist, on the b for the visitors, but tard oil, licorice and hard hitting put him out of tt s in the sixth inning ar eded by Allen. | The lat record 1 2 1 ) 0 N 4 1 1 } 0 1 i 2. 0 0 0 0 0 2:51 i 2 pod 0 L002 0 10 Ir 2 H OA E Allen, 010 2.0 McQuown, p.. 0 0.0 6 0 Campbell, 0:1.4 2 0 Russell, ss 0:02:92} Wilhelm, 1.0 0:0 WwW Sy 0 012 1 0 0 0:0 1 0 0.0 4.0 0 Calhoun, r! 02:0 00 Totals. 0 3 4 1 Patton 01013200 *5 Punxsut: ne, 0000000 0-0 It took fifteen oie innings for Pat- ton to beat Osceola at the latter place Tuesday in the longest and most excit- | ing game ever played on the Osceola | grounds. The contest was a tie at the | end of the fourteenth inning, when | Patton went to bat and Webb suc- ceeded in getting to second base. ‘Elsie’? McCarty made one of his fa- mous two-base hits, bringing Webb | home and winning the game, Osceola | being ‘‘goose egged’” in their half of] the last inning. The details: PATTON, HO AE L200 1°12.'1 0 1: 18:0 32 0 0f 203 0 1 | 1 2 4 0} 0:2. 0 1 89.4 kb 0:0 50 11 45 22 For the second time this season the | An error on first and | py, in two runs |F.! . | OSCEOLA, YOUNG WOMAN'S GREAT NERVE. | {isto ams, : ? i “ 3 i Barnesboro Girl Abandoned Her New Born ' | etirgar rf. ! ! 3 0 o Babe and Walked a Mile, ilson, 1b.. ( 6 3 | Dd Ei 2 9 g 1 1! The people about Barneshoro are | Concerning People and Events J. Moore, 3 1 1 4 i o marveling atthe display of strength | s McCrossin, c 0 1 4 49 ¢ 1 ner ig le Pay ) 8 | of This Place. | Vichanm, of 1 1. 0 3 o andnerve made by Miss Dora Kinzsey, | ~ 0 employe 3 Barne y DORIS odes 118 BB oi ploye at the B: riesboro Inn, on | DEATH OF a PIONE FER. Ae we Lesa Friday. Miss Kinzsey became a mother | S tE NNINGS, | : | Patton... 1 0 010000200000 1-5 while at her work ab the Inn Friday | pemise ot the First Resident of Patton— Osceola. 0 0 1 0 0002100000 0—i evening, after having carefully con-| “ls ’ | Ferdinand Marks Called Home After a Just to prove that Patton has a bet- cealed her condition from those about ter nine that the Clearfield county Der. She took the new born babe to| TOPs Hiucss—The Town as Scen by Other | town with the Indian name, the locals [an unoccupied room in the hotel and | Journalistic Eyes. | took the second game from them Wed- left it there, alone, covered up with | Nandi AE , nesday by a score of 7 to 2. This clothing. Then she walked a mile or Ferdinand Marks, one of he best y by known citizens of Northern Cambria makes six games out of eight the locals , more to the home of her mother, where have won from Osceola this season. She received medical attention. The infant was found Saturday morn- ing and is still living. It has been taken Scor PATTON, 4 B in charge by Mrs. Kinzsey’s mother. 2 2 County Detective Knee was in Barnes- 0 0 boro investigating the case and an in- 0 0 ¢ . . 5 o formation against John Burns, a young 2 | Barnesboro man, who is alleged to be { » ~ II .let o . 0 0 the father of the illigitimate offspring, lle has been made. PLATT PLEAD GUILTY. I AE Sdams, ss 2 3 3 2 1 He Gave his Note for a Large Amount to Jo M ( 0 2 3 1 1 Settle Empezzlement. Wilson, 1b 9-0. 9 1 0 : i 9 0. After a day’s contention between the 21 0 tout : x 0 1 0 0 0 parties interested, ihe suit of the Platt- ) ) ) ¢ v3 7.32 yor company, of Philipsburg, against vied John G. Platt, formerly its secretary 2 11 Z . A . jand tre ature ry , for € abe ment and 3Y INNINGS, 2 + : J func Is, vas settled 0 00115 0.0 0-7 - «0000002002 without coming 1 i. tri 1 Url 1g partial, on account to: rivalry betw fier een Philips- By the terms of the settlement the and Osceola, the Patton team district attorney withheld the indict- it from the grand j to Philipsburg Thursday and de- | me , Platt plead- d the ‘‘re-organized” club of that ed guilty to the charges against him | place by a score of 3 to 1. The same and gave his note to the Platt-Barber teams play at Clearfield Labor Day and company for $120,169.87, which is a at Patton Wednesday and Thursday. | compromise’on the part of the firm. Score: The note will be entered as a judgment PATTON. H OAV against Platt in both Center and Clear- 0 i 0 o field counties, in which, it is alleged, ] 3 3 {he has coal lands and operations to 73 9 make the judgment perfectly safe. 0.2 20 1 I } 9 Cherrytree’s Hotel Burned ' 0 9 0 9 fhe Hotel Hallman, Cherrytree’s 8 47 9 1 one taven and which also enjoys the | distinetion of standing in Indiana, be 0 3 Cambria and Clearfield counties, was | 3 3 9 2 destroyed by fire Saturday night. 1 4 0 0 Seven guests that were in the building : 2 $ : at the time had narrow escapes, five 9 " 2 being rescued by ladders and two be- 0 0 41 :ompelled to jump from the third Totals 1 3 27 14 story windows in their night clothes. SCORE EY TNNivaY One of these latter had to leave behind 0 o_s him a pair of trousers that had $140 in 0: 0—1 ket. The hotel sometimes had license from one of the counties in which it stands and sometimes from To Discuss Attitude in Kespect to Next | one of the other t It was widely Wage Conference. known because of this peculiarity in its Announcement has been made that a ! location. The loss caused by the fire general meeting of all of the bitumin- will re: $6,000. ous coal operators of the country will A Fair (?) Newspapers, ho hele x Oh! ago orate 2 10 he Punxutawney Spirit, with its Sse 18§ Wane Sop the emb;oyers usnal fairness base ball matters, ; > ” ti ibulated t1 In respeet to the game here in which Puns 3 but cludin which becomes the ss I excited much speculat ied . for me rate of year, ha 1 Ai and ion Buargiars W Yeleph An > Lawy Samuel W. Ros stock company 1 I 1 formed Pi rs O1 awrence for the purpose of con- store at Ashville, a 3 I a telephone li of business with a party of friends Lawrence to Patto about 2 o’clock Friday morning, on his | gentlemen were ele tod directors: Toh way home from led to | G. Gill, F. X. Yahner, Adam Albright, enter the store to see that all was right. | Jacob Warner and Abraham Gill. He entered just in time to prevent the | board was then organized by electing entrance of burglars who were work-| john G. Gill, president; n the rear door, and, with the aid | Leiden, secretary, and Philip Gill, tools sb from Contractor James treasurer. The par value of the stock Plankett, had just succeeded in catting | was placed at §10 per share. A out a panel. The marauders were frightened away in the nick of time, as a social, decic len of good | subscribed. ! a considerable sum of money had been | left in a money drawer which could | Savertised Lettors, easily have been broken open. The following letters remain uncalled | | for in the Patton post office for the two | weeks ending Saturday, Aug. 26, 1905: Dr. Samuel G. Dixon, commissioner | George Chirdon, Miss Meri Stirnak, | | of the state health department, created | John Felatic, by the recent legislature, has formu- | Foreign Letters:—Mattec Vedovelli, lated plans for the free distribution |Paule Vedovelli. throughout Pennsylvania of anti-toxin| Persons calling for the above letters | for use in diptheria cases where pa- will please say that they are ‘‘Adver- tients cannot afford to pay for this] tised.” preventative medicine. Two or three | distributing stations will be established | in every county and the anti-toxin will be distributed on the order of the phy- sician in charge of such cases. Free Distribution of Anti-Toxin, E. WiLL GR} 1, Postmaster, BIRTHS. To | son. To. Mr. and Mrs, The best business men use the best |daughter. stationery and get it at the best office that does the best printing, Of course that’s the COURIER. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Le ary Hanford Byrne—a Subscribe for and advertise in this paper. Al Henry J. | portion of the stock has already been | Mrs. Frank Shannon. county and the first resident of Patton, died at the home of his daughter in Altoona at fifteen minutes after one | o’clock Sunday morning of diseases in- cident to old age. “Daddy” Marks, as he was farmil- iarly known, was a native of Germany and would Iaye been seventy-six years | old had he lived until the twelfth of | next month. About a half a century |age Mr. Marks came to America and (settled on a farm in Clearfield town- ship on what is now the borough of Patton. Aft one time he owned practi- cally all the land now occupied by the town and vicinity. | A Sale is now in pro- gress on all goods in order to make room for Fall Stock. B. KUSNER, Next Door to Bank. PATTON, PA. He was a miller by trade and built | . y a | the mill located near Lang and Fourth | | avenues which for years has been | Le ATI . | nown as “Mark’s Mill” and which | this hamlet was designated long before | the post office received the ne of | { Patton. Mr. Marks intermittently | operated this mill until a few months | ago when he went to Altoona to make | his home with his danghter. He v was a familiar figure on the streets | until failing health compelled him to | ke ouse, al | | | 1d was of a jov ial | | cheery word fond of ds among p tot 1 with He was espec children and had many frie the little ones. His wife h for a number of years. He survived by five children— Joseph F. Marks and Theresa, the wife of Adolph Hofer, of Patton; and Mrs. Levi W. Mrs, Mary E. Kimmons | and Mrs. Barbara Miller, of Altoona. The funeral was held in St. Mary’s | R. C. church in Altoona at nine o’clock | Tuesday morning when requium high mass The interment was in St. John’s cemetery in that city. disposition every one. as been dead | is Cole, was said. Patton as Seen Writer for a Johns- by town Industrial Edition. i t Mon- tion and the cap- North- | The Johnstown Democrat on \r wing appeared unde n of “Industrial P ambria County >atton is one of the prettiest little | towns in Cambria county and presents | P €83 Ol sri ( ” ern quite a metropolitan appearance, con- siderin y that it has 2 n up within the last few years. It has a popula- | tion of almost 4,000 busy souls and is| the center of considerable min in- t the 1 Creek Coal and Coke y veral mines in 1 ywn, and employing a | V n 1 road e xtend thre yugh the town. Cole shone tn the Borough and many minor concerns add interest to the | business facilities of the place. The | Patton Brewing company has erected a | plant at Patton and does a flourishing | business. “Some very handsome business blocks | hotels ax le be seen in the town. The the bor- ough’s main thoroughfares are paved | with brick, The place has one banking | institution, which is doing a prosperous | | business. The town is divided into two | wards and is considered one of the best | business places in the north of Cambria | | county by traveling representatives of wholesale mercantile establishments. RUE is well equipped in the way of water | [supply and electric lights, and its in -| | portance will be greatly increased | | through the advent of the Northern Cambria Street Railway company’s | | lines which will be extended through | the streets of Patton.” 8 may majority of Along the Beech Creek, Much is being done toward the bet- | | tering of road bed. Some fifty cars of | | heavy rails have gone up the road dur- ing the past week which will be used | to replace those badly worn, Wherever | |improvements are being made the | work is done in the best possible man- | ner, for it is known that the time is not | far distant when the Beech Oreek will | be an important link in a great trunk | when in need of medicine line to extend to Pittsburg. Read your own COURIER. A Hot Weather Hint. There is nothing as cool and refreshing as a good glass of beer now and then during the hot weather. It will put new life in vou and make you better able to do your work. Asa rejuv- inator it is without an equal. Duquesne or Piel is a sure cure for‘‘that tired feel- ing.” Order a Case or Keg and Banish all Your Troubles. High grade Wines, Liquors and Cordials—a big stock and right prices. ED. A. MELLON, | Bell and Tocal "Phones. PATTON, PA. Everything Goes. AT A BIG SACRIFICE. After this month summer goods will be a drug on the market. We must dispose of them within the next th ‘ days Hats at half-pric ( WOLF & THOMPSON. PI ER TRH RT RT A ARI “Don't Forget” To train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. Trained to Patronize F. WOLF, THE DRUGGIST 'twill save them hours of pain and give them better health,