Patton Courier. Roy Baton Decker, ESTABLISHED - - 1893. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One copy, one year, in advance, - - = $1.0 A-Adverusing rates made Enown upon ap- | plication. No papers discontinued und all arrear- ages are pulu, unless at e « on of the publisher, Entered at the T *ostoffice at ation ns ETB cue Sa ADVERTISING RATES, Legal notices 81 per inch for three insertions, Card of thanks ie per line, Resolutions Se per line, Poetry 5¢ per line, Business loeals be per line, Display ads 10¢ per inch flat. Foreign adye rtising must be paid for invar- | fably in s- vance. No commission paid to | advert'sing agents, T.¢se are “best” rates—no others go. WHo wants a job as motorman or | ‘gtreet, car conductor ? Almost time to | gend in applications. WHAT has become of the dog ordi- nance? Has it joined the cow ordi- | nance in innocuous desuetude ? ROWDYISM on the base ball field is | just as offensive as anywhere else, and | this town, for one, won’t stand it. . Tar sidewalk crusade will be onin | dead earnest soon. repaired before the borough does it for you. Has the fact that the peace envoys | receive $200 per day for their services anything to do with prolonging °their conference ? ABOUT the silliest and most nonsen- | and examined in the office of the bor- | ical lot of slush appearing in any rep- | utable newspaper is letter with which readers of the Phila- | delphia North American are afflicted | daily. SoME of the newspapers are making a big fuss about a Vermont man who | i has slept a hundred days. That's nothing;the Patton board of trade can, and has, beaten that record innumer- able times. THE biggest patronage the “base ball games enjoy comes from the surround- ing towns, whose fans are never hap- r than when the locals go down in feat. They all come to Patton when they expect to see ‘a killin’. WHILE property valuations are go- ng up in Patton, there is.some consol- ation to the renter in the fact that rents can’t be advanced much. They are out of all proportion now and it will be im- possible to boost them much higher. THE increasing pomber of cases of _ typhoid fever make it obligatory upon the proper authorities to use every effort to stamp out the disease. In the meantime, boil your drinking - water if you don’t want to run the risk of getting this dreaded palady. “THERE is no ) greater curse in the business community than the trading stamp evil. It is an unnatural way of - doing business, and in the natural order of businessit cannot last long, and it will not last long.” Thus truth- " fully remarked one of the speakers in an address before the annual conven- tion of the Retail Merchants’ associa- tion of Pennsylvania at Philadelphia. THE women all seem to be greatly interested in news from Washington to the effect that Mrs. Roosevelt spends + all her time of late sitting on the yer- second- See that yours is | NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS, . bids will be received by the undersign- ed up until 8 o'clock September 6th, 1905, for the purpose of curbing, grad- ing and paving Magee avenue in Pat- | ton borough, beginning at Fift» ave: | west to bridge | [nue and extending crossing Little Chest creek. | examined in the office of the engineer, The burgess and town THOMAS J. GRAHAM, Borough Engineer. Patton, Pa., August 23rd, 1905. | Sealed bids will be received by the undersigned up until 8 o’clock Septem- ber 6th, 1905, for the purpose of con- structing 835 feet eight-inch and 1,975 feet of fifteen-inch terra cotta sewer on | | Magee avenue, and in bed of Little | Chest creek, in the borough of Patton, | | Pa. A certified check in the sum of fifty | dollars must accompany ail bids. Plans | and specifications may be seen and ex- | amined in the office of the borough en- | gineer. The burgess and town council re- | serve the right to reject any or all bids. | TrOMAS J. GRAHAM, Borough Engineer. Patton, Pa., Angust 23rd, 1905. | Sealed bids will be received by the | undersigned up until 8 o’clock Septem- ber 6th, 1905, for the purpose of con- | structing 275 feet eight-inch terra cot- ta sewer on Fifth avenue, 225 feet ten- inch terra cotta sewer on Park avenue, 1710 feet ten-inch sewer on Mellon ave- | nue and 540 feet fitteen-inch terra cotta sewer from intersection of Park and | Mellon avenue sewer to Chest creek. | A certified check in the sum of fifty | {dollars must accompany all bids. | Plans and specifications may be seen | | ough engineer. Notice is hereby given that sealed| On account of the Lewis and Clark A certified check in the sum of one | hundred dollars must accompany all bids. Plans and specifications may be borough council re- serve the right to reject any or all bids. Reduced Rates to Pacifie Const Points. exposition at Portlana, Ore., June 1 to | October 16, and various conventions to | | be held in cities on the Pacific const | during the summer, the Pennsylvania | Railroad company will gell round trip tickets on specified dates from all sta- tions on its lines to San Francisco and Los Angeles, Apri 9 to September 27; to Portland, Seattle, Tacoma, Victoria, | Vancouver and San Diego, May 22 to - | September 27 atly reduced rates. | Do your eyes have “That infor- | For dat specific mation conderning consult nearest ticket ¢ Tired Feeling?” I so, it is a you should call and routes, | | gent, | n indication that at T'ozer’s and which for Ladies the are the | $250, will be { $45, to go quick at $20. OUR NERVES — MUSIC BARGAINS. One Piano Player, good as new, used a few months for demonstrating purposes, worth sold to close out for $135 cash—a rare bargain. One change, good as new, Organ taken in ex- worth The Auto-Piano—standard always the same price. All Sheet Music at reduced prices. ANDREW RHODY, Patton, Pa. Are the mainspring of the human system. THE STOMACH AND BLOOD Nourishes the body, while the Liver, Bow- els and Kidneys carry off the worn-out and impure matter. With these organs working natural we enjoy good health, but if they become disturbed, weakened or impaired, dis- | tress, misery, pain and disease appear, These important functions and organs can be kept strong, active and natural, and if disturbed, weakened or diseased can soon be made normal, active and well by the Bustleton | | THOMAS J. GRAHAM, The burgess and town council re- serve the right to reject any or all bids. |§ the use of that n | § wonderful restoritiv 10st remarkable and e remedy date of sale. anteed or money refunded. PROMPT DELIVERIES are as much a part of our service as selling good meats. No matter what time you order your have them fitted with specta cles. Lenses exchanged free at any time within a year from Satisfaction gnar- Don’t forget that we have the best equipped repair shop in Northern Cambria Co. TOZER, The Patton Jeweler. oHOED! shes! «cee We have Sorosis and E. P. famous Reed Shoe, shoes in the market. Come and See Our Stock. ENDS WE STILL HAVE A FEW ODDS AND in Furnishings which we are of- two best lines of This stuff fering at at half price. must be sold as we are the Borough Engineer. Patton, Pa., August 23rd, 1905. Sealed bids will be received until 8 o’clock p. m. September 6, 1905, for the furnishing of all labor and material for the construction of side walks and crossings in the borough of Patton, Pa. For further information call on or address, THOMAS J. GRAHAM, Borough Engineer, Patton, Pa. August 23, 1905. Ordinance No. 8o. Amendment to amendment of an or- dinance granting the consent of the borough of Patton to the Northern Cambria Street Railroad company, to occupy certain streets and highways of the said borough and to lay its tracks and to operate its road thereon. Section 1. Be it enacted and ordain- ed by the burgess and town council of the borough of Patton, Pa., and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same: That Section 1 of Ordinance No. 78, entitled ‘‘an ordinance granting the consent of the borough of Patton to the Northern Cambria Street Railway company to occupy certain streets and highways of the said borough and to lay its tracks and operate its road thereon,” be amended to read as fol- lows: Beginning on Beach avenue at Fourth avenue, thence on Fourth avenue to Magee avenue, thence on Magee ave- nue to Fifth avenue, thence on Fifth avenue to Beech avenue, thence on Beach avenue to Sixth avenue, thence on Sixth avenue to Palmer avenue, thence on Palmer avenue in a westerly direction to borough line. Track shall be in center of said streets excepting so much of any of the streets so named as may by the bor- ough engineer and street committee be deemed necessary for a turnout, and also excepting on Palmer avenue from Seventh avenue to western borough anda, always with a dainty bit of sew- ing in her hand, and with an expectant | look on her tace. The dispatch adds | that she wiil do no entertaining this summer. The women may understand this, but of course the thickheaded men wink the other eye and declare it a small thing to make a fuss about. Ir we die to- diy. s says an exchange, the sun will shine as brightly, the birds will sing as sweetly to-morrow. Busi- ness will not be suspended a moment, and the great mass will not bestow a “Is he | dead 2” will be the solemn inquiry of a fow, as they pass to their work. But no one will miss us excepting our im- thought upon our memories. mediate relatives, and in a short time they will forget us and laugh as mer- rily as when we sat beside them. Thus shail we pass away. Our children erowd close behind us and will soon pass away. In a few years not a living being can say, “I remember him.” We lived in another age, and did busi- ness with those who slumbered in the line the center of the track shall be laid twelve feet from the northern line of said street. Read and approved at the meeting of the town council on the 16th day of August, 1905. H. S. LINGLE, President of Council. Attest: — ED S. MOORE, Secretary of Borough Council. Approved this 24th’ day of August, | 1905. W. J. DONNELLY, Chief ‘Burgess. Buggies s, Carriages, Etce,, which have style and durability are | always found in our repository. We have the largest assortment in this country to select from. Our Pricer! are lower than others charge for the | same grades. Every vehicle guatran- | teed—not by outsiders but by ourselves —and you will always find us here to | make good. CLARK & KINNEY, { Hastings, Pa. | | Wanted— A man to sell tea, coffee, baking powder, spices, extracts and | soap to the consumer on commission. | Address, Grand Union Tea Co., x De- tomb, Thus is life! Bois, Pa. | Dr. Greene's Nervura. menue Drs. F. A. & J. A. Greene Can be codsulted without charge by mail or in person at 101 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK, ‘Write for booklet. FirsiNation'| Bank OF PATTON, Patton, Cambria Co., Pa. CAPITAL PAID UP, $100,000.00. SURPLUS, $25,000.00. Accounts of Corporations, Firms, Individu- als and Banks received upon the most favora- ble terms consistent with safeand conservative banking. Steamship tickets for sale for all the leading lines, Foreign Drs Payable in the principal cities of the Old W All correspondence will have our prompt and personal attention. Interest paid on time deposits. Ww. H. SANDFORD, T. J. SCHOLL, President. Cashier. CENTRAL STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, LOCK HAYEN, PA. J. R. FLICKINGER, Principal. Fall term of 15 weeks begins Sep- tember 11th. The facilities at this im- portant school for doing first-class work, professional and academic, were never better than now. Its graduates are required to do a full year’s work in the training school. Its faculty has the best American and European training, Buildings modern. partment. Location unexcelled. Fine gym- nasium. Expenses moderate. Free tuition to prospective teachers, Address for illustrated catalog, the Principal. JOHN A. GUNN, Patton, Pa. DR: H. W. BHILEY, Dentist! Patfon, Pa. Office Hours and 1 to 6 p. m. Office in Good Building. —8 a. m. to 12 m., | FIRE, LIFE Parnell, Cowher & Co —Agents for— weve [NOURRNGE | ACCIDENT REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Good Building, Patton, Pa.—'Phone No. 4, T. R. MORRISON, Dentist, PATTON, PA. Office in Brady Building. Plant an’ Ad in College preparatory de-| __ CHOPS OR ROASTS, they will be there. It’s only one of the things we try to do better than any one else. Others are the handling of choice meats only, the giving of full weight and the charging of very mod- erate prices. S. J. WIRTNER. YOUR MILL SUPPLIES going In shoe business exclusively. LIEN BROS. Patton, Pa. of any and every nature— for grist mill, saw mill, planing mill, water works or water lines—we are pre- pared with every possible need. Especially in emergency cases are we prepared to make PROMPT SHIPMENTS. When in a harry, try us. Our prices are right. "PHONE, WIRE or WRITE. JOANSTOWN SUPPLY HOUSE, Johnstown, Pa. Change Your Roosters. PRIZER’S GRAND RANGES Will prove a friend to the thrifty house-wife who tries to save where others waste. They do the work with the least fuel, and demonstrate the<difference between the wasteful and the eco- nomical. GOOD BAKERS— PERFECT ROASTERS, Come in and let us tell you about them. BINDER & STARRETT, Patton, Pa. I have some fine fllpure bred Single Comb Brown Leg- horn Chickens which I will ship to any ad- The summer months are the best in the whole year for the treatment and cure of stomach troubles. The out- door life, with natural exercise, the this remarkable remedy. D. D. Lallement, NOW IS THE TIME TO GET WELL Nature Helps Mi-o-na Cire Stomach Troubles in Short Order fruit and berries which are so freely dress. eaten, all help to restore healthy action to the digestive organs. Cocks T = 3 1.00 Now when nature will aid Mi-o-na | i a in curing indigestion and giving Per pair $2.00 strength to the stomach and whole di- gestive system, is the best time to use | If you suffer with headaches, indiges- tion, flatulency, specks before the eyes, fermentation, heart burn, dizziness, or have a variable appetite, and a general feeling of despondency or weakness, it shows clearly that the stomach is not digesting the food as it should. Just one little tablet out of a 50-cent box of Mi-o-na for a few days, and all this will be changed for the better, and health restored. |show you the Mi-o-na guarantee. Westover Pa. Home Killed Mea No embalmed business in ours. We deal strictly in meat killed at our slaughter house. Everything in season. Liitle Bros., Butchers and Dealers in All Kinds of Fresh and Smoked Meats. _ PATTON, PA. When you need cuythiog in the | PHONES: "PATTON’S PURE BOCK {Bell THE THE COURIER. | Local printing line come here, i PRODUCT. BEER After April 1st at all First-Class Bars or delivered at Your Home. PATTON BREWING CO., PATTON, Ask O. F. Wolf to bos in bee col we Ol for Me no\ in ] hel cou low call ser Fer to! bui gra juri tut day Oct tax doc den a pl will pal o’cl anr of | of t bar and wet nes! pas Ne Pat ied to I spe ven the fo « mj n che in c stat thal stat for rep loca thie goal phe Pen plac as a not unti mer spri will wor sible trai sion betv it is a da one said trail ing ¢ the ¢
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers