The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, October 16, 1903, Image 6
# 2 9 lvsptaiiell Wie cou RIER, OCTOBER WITH oo We have the best hne of | Ranges made—-all kinds. The American Standard for excel. | lence, guarantee unbimited, If not satisfactory we will take back and ask no questions {You have everything to gan and nothing to loose, i We have éveryt hing in the ipaint hue. Lead, ready mixed paints, varnish, stains cnamels and. anything you ‘may need in this hue at “us ithe vs ¢ hit Brice. n : I" One Hardware sto: ki is com- {plete and we don't want vou Ix to forget that we handle “ Ry. ryvthing in Hardware, > The ue hrvsolite Enameled. ware” is conceded to be the ‘best. Of course, if it is the ‘best we MUST handle it. | Prices moderate, quality con- sidered, In miners’ tools sone Blue Wrapper and (furnish anything at aloe We Make a spec ialty CWREZODS, surr eg, 1s the Acme of tee) le ence a nd puriection £ t 3 oii, k an Rteastinn aod righty and franchises | r the terms and condi anee, with the ight oy fon Label on Every Keg er and Case. ‘We Handle It we can your gi and in ; apres. Indigntion » a at Rew peated attacks of indigestion inflames the | mucous membrana lining the stomach and | sxplens the nerves of the stomach, thus tau The abl street raliwiy pompany, " stcceshors and assign, | of buggies, harness and H i 1 ek ona 4 il UR Rik {shall in the acosptance of this ordi ‘ance, at all times be bound to oheerve 1d be subject to all ordinances of the Pough regiinting the dare of streets, love, pavements aml does be heroallar ee the repair P 1 stirerds Setion 1 1, ne takes ch and shalt igh of the same een it innit oh h aie] | Phe wid street rallway mpany shad] within thirty days freon if this ordinance file with atl connell an aosptance Cinder ita rate pops the » ame i with the ordi : ML panes in the proper books of the bor ; ugh. | Boacted and ordained thin, the day of Bept tember, A.D. 1808. ie J. J. DoxxeLLY, ; President of Counell. | Abel : ; Ep 8. Mooas, Borough Secretary. Approved by the burgess of Patton | ar, ALD. 18 Danie M, HaRvER, Chief Burgess, , wal 1 borough of Put | times have the right to ror remove 4; adi ith any News orl it permission to any | I ake contigctions therewith | 18 Always dangerous ~do not submit to : * ander # street or rill the surgeon's knife anti] you have tried | ] y said railway, and to DeWitt's Witch Hagel Salve. It will! nto soy citizen to lay uve when everything else fails it has | pest. water pipes, steam ! done this in thousands of cases, Here | Epieal conduits to any por Lin one of them: I suffered from bleed. | ou, and to mai oon. Ing and protrading piles for twenty th. and repairs there. Years Was treated by different speci | along the track of tae alists and used many remedios, but ob Cambria Street Rallwny | tained no relief until I used DeWitts work to be done in Witeh Hazel Salve. Two boxes of this Jer 8s. not to interfure with $alve cured me eightoon months igo 5? the said railway or dal 1 have not had a toteh of the piles ay injury to the same, ahd Siooe- H. A. Tisdale, Bagunerton, 8, | yxeavation ts made for the | C For blind, bleeding, focbing and hiretofore specified, party | fPetrading piles no remedy ernals Des! eavation shall solidly 10 Wins Witeh Hazel Salve, Sold by 3 repale the agioe Patan Pharniacy. to the said milway A Hargioal Operation, The Fomnddation of Heath The said rallway compiny | Nourkshment In the 4 : ye and eeep 8 Haris Denis ite. Stren; sid fongdaiion Radu! 1 aye > lor enables be stomuo b Be digontive ar : reas bo ed igen, asaiinliate and ruction and opr form all foods lato the ay, and fn osee «ald [that nourishes the nerves and any shall af any time the Sieaniem, Kandot lays the fotindalion street or part thereof fur Heal Natare does the fest. Iu ' the borough conneil it | digestion = Bt pain and all disorders ped ately Lake up and remove of the stomach and digestive orgaus its rails. and tea aid retarn gre cured by the nse of Kodol, Sold by | Patton Phnroaey. EERE. br ££ ow ¥ a find of blood folds te “said street: railway | ; hall procure and apply the fo and improved fenders, | , lights, gongs and other ar do not advertise this ® a ‘sure appliances recessary for the onre for consumption,” They do not | life and property In the oper. | glaim it will cure this dread Soprplaint ts railway lines In the sald fg advanced cases, but do positively as | They shall also run thelr gore phat it will cure in the earlior | : roper sonra! withia the | gpages and never fails to give comfort | bh Hite. d relief in the worst cases. Foley's | 0 unEy A and Tar in without donbl thie | Mo False Chad . The proprietors of Foley's Honey and | ¢ Re- | 3s | J y sme Tar | cough. ing and digging nia the The said erect allway | 2 a ; borough this, the 28nd day of Septem. FINE GRADE. ISIKIFES: \ # Large, Sam Thompson, Athent 3 ton, We are alsa Age nts for the Celobrated | PHENIX BEER of the Pittaborg Heowing Company, | QUINX & HABPELR Pathan, Penta. Rp LO AL PHONE AL Arden Pa wis Aorta dee Builder rs’ Hardwar Macl linists' Tool Plasterers’ Tools, Paints and Ohls, Scales and Balances, Clothes Line Wire, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Carpenters’ Tools, Blacksmith Tools, (rlass and Putty, Fishing Tackle, Butchers’ Tools, Woodenware, Giue, Garden Tools Plow § and Ww: agons, Bovs 'W agens, Linoleums todd pieces below cost, Stains and Carriage 5, Cosliils, % Fs % 1 ’ Ped ] Ais im Chairs Cupboards, Chnaffoners, Sideboa rel 8, WwW ardrof HoH, Cradies, Iron Beds and Wood Beds, Carpets and Mattings. Inning. Rox (rive us a call and for, Lyourself, J. E. KIRK'S HDW. & FURT. STORE. Magee Ave, SCE |g ~ ws¥ } x $f § Fels 11: Fk 151] ay ¥ £Fid Alon bm ana Borat eles ! { Yivor Is the best and cheapest lace to get the following. (vou should ca les, any late of sale amteed or money refunded. Yonik a ra ‘the best equipped Te pat “An Northern Cambria Co. AATABIALELIAALAAL LEAT ILLILLE ITS ono: ANNA; | Dealer in rend sslate, etc. may want in the Juss of natural digestion, thi % line. Sind Catareh of the Stomach We gx are age fits or fui Fa vorite oi rienibeaney Jin Tere Hoe deapensis and all sinreich roubles and thos Bilal mien. ow nen fe 80 caeiy & Hy ols : Le Sit he Pores a RR the price to all and EVERYTHING “15 RIGHT. GOOD TO EAT ; ~AT THE Fy | R RE nT. CinarE £1 ft £0 [THAT | PR 1c MEOHEL L & Fine Avena, Do your ‘That eyes have Mired Fe If so, itis an indication that! lat Tozer's and have them gcd with specta-| Lenses exchanged free at ae A : For Sale by within a year from For Sale by = time Satisfaction guar- Don’t forget that we have, inkl r shop TOZER, a5 ER Re Ey 1 HE PATTON JEV “4% SEH FEHR HR VERA VAVE VARNA 4 po Th recognized nent physicians as the b PRICE 50e. $1.00. bend Watohes thera in hee righ way 1 know how, ap » E irs Litile Bros Witel ; : i Magee Ave, :: Butobeas avd Degless in Al : Frosh and Sesoked Mats BABEL WLIA PALL LE VARA VAWA PATTON, PA JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. | Agha FIRE. LIFE AND ACCIDENT REAL ENTATE AGENTS, Hastings, Pa. Collections promptly attended to, {ACE ing hs glands to secrets mucin instead of : This is t Kodol Dyspep sia Cure | reliavns afl Int ysper of the mucous 7 tha stomach, Protects the CL omerees. and aures tad breath, sour rising, oo saras of dullnens alter eating, And gestion, : Kodol 1 Digests Wh What You Eat | 1 Plows fd handie a full line HR, A — ja farm f: % ron. See 4 vs | Srepared by E. O. DeWITT R00. Owicago, = F BarMaay. CHORMICK, Patton, BP : yous shineys nos | A | jeidnery trouble. das. M. Gilliece. ! trechley aers tn be by first doc Swamp-Root, Beephay Home Killed Ver Rigs of | Pa rnell, Cowher & Co. INSUBMNGE Bail Hig. | Patton, Ps eB New Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Se RT | Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Mood. All the bised in your body passes three minules. tmpurities in the biced. if they sa sick or out of order, they fail to do their work, “ Pains, achesandtheys : matism corse from ene cans of uric acid in te blood, due to neglected Kiiney trouble causes quiek or | heart bets, and makes one fesl as thos they Ne! heart trouble, because the hesrt is Cover. voting in numping thick, kidney potsaned blood through veine and arteries, £2 used to be connideved that only wrinary s traded to the ; madsen scenes proves that nearly Eruticnal diseases have their begins ng in Riline iF froulee, it Ya 1 Ere sh x LAD IARS no mistake § Aamy Eidpevs The mild and the extesrdingry effect of Dr. Kilmar's The great kidney remedy i t atamds the highest Sor ity of thes mioet Raseing Cases ¢ Hom of Sous Nook at weiling you Mow 10 fing kidney or badder trouble. r when writiay Or, Kilroes av mistake, Dal mene HY Bi-Root, irr Kb thie gold rem, 7 ne FORTY bustin LEE'S New Lire { New Blood, Makes! New Nerves, { New Life. Tones Up the Whole System and LURES CONSTIPATION. FRE £31 ditiapiets wml dealers, Se. or wnt by Saar wil Bl mops FR MIEMAD NED. CO. Le Ray, NY. CLOW, Hioge' # Pharmacy.