The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, October 16, 1903, Image 5

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    ite Look a the enrk.
Counell menting Monday night.
Election twis weeks from Toesds ¥.
Fine line of stationery at Kinkeand =,
Fowir gallons; wears longer: DeVoe,
a Same people get dizzy when they get
Melon vikited cap In the workl
The seifmade my we mag generally
r of f Aloo is | worships’ his maker
Tho » rotation : and Change ul sasins
Chae catntios a Ktkes pita Nowa
: 1 ines Sand asd Stationery Store.
3 frst SE th week,
= always 8 man
Jus the pretty piel who van grace.
i i
at id by F snub the suet young man,
x of i Philipuirg, gives oltanee to grality selfs LEY HLONIY EN,
ida. and ‘pilstivés in, {0 ‘all and see Lhe Ble ne of Svercoat.
: Jo :
. of Cloalpost, was |
; with | Patton friends the | {man regiards them with polite disfavor.
and Bana Perey, of |
fm, were 3 Wilting Trelis in| Stand.
Boarders Wanted By Mrs. Mary
or = Tg, where he will visit : Whally, corner Fourth and Lang ave
| pues, tan good boarders,
ter have just nom. Nososp babbhea an Dappotene beer
3 of the Digstncrs The Vepilar’ is pure cream. Ask for
it ab tha bars and get the beat,
of Jobos
Wantal Team an PR work at
Pleasnct, Valley, Wages, $4.50.
The stiller Contraoting Uo.
The finly reliable cure for filing alr
en) Grease, For agle by Garfield
Wi thine, Patton, Pa. Prive 26 conis
or pee Tr box.
Clatiing |
| Patak, the aqui disper.
tol Patton, was in Pittsliurg |
i He week faking in the Hfreshiing
ut November 15tn, | (proving property sad paying ob hres
plete line of fueni- | for advertising.
| That winter suit! Of courses you!
aed one Oar mew fall sand winter
| snitings are just in and can’t help bat
it the eer, he cuinot | please you, Inssso: ® Bros,
way from the North Star of €! iam : The nobbiest line of ayercontings |
: lever brought to this section is now on |
Hae, the olebrated eye axhibition at Digsmore Bros, The
ait ; Williamsport bus an 4d in peice is right, too. Ciill and see them.
tumn of his issue. He will : Dinssons Bros. |
; Thursiay, . We want a good energetic hustler to
BE 29 o : | handle cur goods in and surroanding |
‘ana Men IE Evane and son | | Patton. A good tariary partly Gd
y | dotmatawn, Pa.
nd Mrs. Peter J. Lit, |
Look under the NE
0 ‘aod ativan hin Cntarrh of the Stisnmeh,
it. Mr Vidttle is a sister of Due When the stomach ia overlouded;
; Jonner and Attorney when food is taken into It that fails to
Yah digest, it decays and infiames the mu-
egus membrane, exposing the nerves
John donepl : Rain, and canwes the glands to secret moein,
1 Agnes sanitarinm, Bal
‘has been & patient
p Cause loading ti hin
ak over work and jen. |
iw | the systems, whirl |
Lpatarrh of the stomach, erosed by indi
n't ol want to make $0,196, mone Bald byl Pattan Pharmac Y.
Jost deposit one
bank, the pext day two | Foley's Kid Hey Cure poirifien the
the Mird day four cents amd #0 hiood by steaining cob Impuritle. snd
yuur accoant every day. tones up the whole system. Cares kid: |
end of the year you will ber | ney and bladder troubles.
that you have ser |
to yes edit, Try it and Hound kidsieys are safeguards of fife, |
i Make the kidneys healthy with Foley's
took neue of Bt 4rin.| Ridboy Cure.
: mile weosl of
Look ander the cork.
ore deatroyed by fire fo | un or the cor
i P
: wha aed | vs Gy |
trier Haromer this moraing - /
Min. Mirror, Many Patton es: | mA wo
0 doutst Wiah that the Afficlaln | TT Ae Ro oi
5 ER
sain for the fomoval of d fend
The Pride
€ a 3H ohnld
HE Yio i pea of the Household !
g Mes Young's Musband, What a time he has
i. wad De nat ig the “awkward age”
wager | ALINE his hands ad his feet!
¥H, who hrs Been (nm. Heli forget all about them
“News” for the past though, shen he Andy hime
in : months, having had entire solf rig ILC <i oout in “Mother's
tthe plant sines June, Friend’ 3 attire. “ Mother's
most handsome private oars Friend Neghivee Shi Es sad
orld are owned by Adolplias Blouses are the Ma that nu i
ot ‘hirles M. Sehwah. Buch are 3 ROT i itd THR
bia ge 8 prowess from frien, | 4 HOY feel pride in his Appear.
nee. They've such a jaunt
heals, Tt is 70 feet long, | |
them. Yet observe the little
A man of Physica strength bs. not
Many men love inoey caise it
Ings just received ut Dinsmore Bros
Home women can tell the moment u :
For a nice smoke get a Big lodian
359 5 cent clgar at Kinkestd's News |
i Jae iii For lay
Cpaesne Beer. Not a headache in a oars
oad of ib 0 Cond, sparkling sod re
Found -A watch on Monday, Sep
. 4 vk SEF Can have eurae bry
i expects. to dpe; | tember ith, Dwi 5
instead of the natural jolees of diges
tion. This in called catarrh of the
stomach, For years 1 suffered with |
gestion, Daowtors and medicines failed
tr booefit me uni 1 used Kodol Dye.
pepsin Care. J. BR. Rhea, Coppell,
iness in their eat: in the dainty |
strength of their fabrics. No!
cheap stuff” is found among
Commences October 17th
Until C October
Anderson f..L. Uns i Unbleached Sheet. Best Blue Calica Light Color Percale, All Wool Country
bleached Muslin Sc { ing. 2} yds. wide 15ic, | 4lc yard, worth 66 worth 12ic, for Ale Flannel, worth 2%¢.
seed Seorth Tel Warth 2c § vard. 5
var. : : for 17= Yard.
Sateen Coverd Haps 38-inch Curtain Scrim | Bc Bleached Muslin
63c. | Sue yard. | 6lic yard.
Red Table Damask Heavy Unbleached Canton 12¢ Cotton Covert Cloth
Nic yard. 7c, worth 10c¢. 9c yard,
Black Zibelines. the most stylish dross) CN Bl d BI. KV Me D
fabrics of the season, 45 ® Ofc vard. . | at Nos B yg Ac oile Dress Goode
Navy Blue Zibelines $1 00 vard, i Linings of all Kinds and colors 5¢ up to
& 75¢ yard.
Scotch Suitings, 52 inches wide. Grays, §
Browns, Blues, Tans and Green Mixtures. B You’ Il miss it if you 2 buy a girls’ coat with-
Scotch Suitings lead for stylish Suits and § out seeing our line. We have an immonse
Skirts. 75 B8¢ yard, worth $1 @. $1.25. § assortment for girls from 210 1B years old
BR $198 10 $9.90. Girls coats made of Zibe-
Venise Lace, for trimming, at 10, 12',,15 § lines in Blue and Red, pr-tily trimmed at
@. 19¢ yard. §F $5.95,
Silk Applique Trimmings in Black and § Women s stylish sili taffeta waists, all col-
White and Persians, 10, 15 and 25¢ yard. § ors, at 5 9.
Children's Wool Rai Caps 19¢ each,
regular price 25c. Women's fleece lined, fast * black stock-
: ings, 10c¢ pair.
Women's most bec oming Trimmed Hats, g
made of velvet, tastily trimmed with ostrich | Silk taffetas, 19 inches wide, 39¢ yard.
feathers, birds’ wings etc., at $2.98.
Women s Kid gloves 75c. worth $1.
Gray Cotton Blankets, good size, 49¢ pair, | 7
regular price 59c. * Pillow cases, good muslin, 6. ¢ each.
Women's White and Colored Turnove Men's and boys’ cups, ‘worth 49 and 25c,
GC ollars 2c each, regular price 5 and 10c. reduced to 19¢ each.
Men’ s 49¢ Cuff Buttons reduced to 29c. : Ladies’ underwear, fleece lined 19¢ each,
Ladies’ Dress and Walking Skirts $3.69 Regular price 25 Cs
regular price $4.9 ;
Men’ s 15¢ ties reduced to 9c.
Ww me Plush c x 3. 75, orth oo
omens Spe s we 5 Men’ s, boys’ and youths sweaters, 39,
Children’ s Heavy Fleece Lined Fast Black | 49, 75, 98¢ up to $2. 75.
StocKings at 12% c pair, worth 15¢. »
4 Fine all wool blankets, full size, worth
All Wool Tricot Flannel Dress Goods 29¢ & $3. 49, for $3.
yard, all colors. 2
XR Men’ 5 heavy fleece lined underwear,
Anything you need for an infant we can worth 4 9c, for 37c each.
su Vv. »
pp 48 Ladies’ all wool Sanne! waists, blach and
Mercerised white waists 98¢, i blue, worth $1. 25 for 81.
Don’t You
Your bov would
F You Were: hosing,
for groceries vou wouldn't go hardware ste Gg re ee leiok nobby in one of
It's the same way with drugs, (on instinctive
these suits
: * : 3 \ tir wk % = 3 oi
think of Guun, because vou know his stork is fresh 7) ‘
; E [here 1s nothing better than
2 1 owen} Wa £0 + 2 aks aE REIN ws I ee ; nd : . : .
and selected with care It's the same w av. ail ove ¢ i %, wooming clothes to bring rt
5 * § .
hig 's govt poants.
1 re s i Yan Es
nothing baat the best and that at tog ows
tobaoco : = i pede, on Tl EB WwW id : f J : 5
yoo Ee he Widow Jones
ing usually found in an ap-to- Le
t oy : x Ts : WES TICE Ed Lat othe ttle
cHAICier, oous water men-iUs her busine ci ad
s and Huviers ¢ fe
ik § wis
LEAT dingly. if
1 fr
lagee Ave atton, Pa. Wolf & Thompson,
A. RK. Bass, of Morgantown, Ind had Two Woh Cured Mi, : Hroceiitis far Twenty Yours,
to got up ten or twelve times in the <4 was troubled with Kidisey «com- Mya Minerva Smith, of Danville 1H, Br, H. WwW. Fotguion,
night, and had a severe backache atid plaint for abont two year," writes A. | writes: “1 had bronchitis for Ewa — g T..
pe alus In the kidneys. Was cured hy H. Davis, of Mt. Sterling, Ia, “but twa years and never got reliel aotil I ised D FE N 1 | -
foley’s K idney Care, bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure affected Foley's Honey and Tar, which is a sure
| This office makes a specialty of fine] ® PeITIARENt cure, cure.” Young Building, Patton, Pa.
commercial job printing. Prices and Fine job printing-the Cov BIER | Subscribe for and advertise inthis, ~HOURS: ¥to lla m1 ofp mw
| workmanship are all right, too. office. | “I'he Great Family Meral Educator.” | foe kom.