| Polar, Win, says: for this purpose. RT. SA fray $opking, of | ey Otire is the most effective remedy | HORRCoaE- | ay | FAHY doctoring three years for rheum. | dfsoonitined Gniil st ares tiles wt Shee pth pf Abin LE Atie uh Patton TE diss 8 elas all miter. Fo het Bret time in the Matory of | ted Biates the production of Bae reached a total of 300,000,000 Dubie with tors. The United States is the | tou mining country in the | The COREL 000 sbhiort fons of 900 have M0. 990,650 ih thal grown to oo the Dnitod States Thur 4 ie ; value is given at} is often Sr araded in the Cmembranos of ih In other wards, | | ! Hire wary ined for each ne ? 5 3 horrible Samp. of \ ter Bis ng the tollon. Dye £ wd ludigestion are FRE fart i le, ats lke Groen’ 5 Agu ¥ han int a honsaheid | » aystoo and makes | BO alier what your | ihe 250, regniar size, i me take 150 gallons of Gover the bulidiogs. sat 5 It e them 35 gallons of paint worth HM w $ a galion, Bing coats two or thre | ting i on sorta u see what that meann Go /. Devos & Co, New York. energetic boy, sixteen or | woof pe, with a fairly is wiinted at the Spirit | ro the pricting trade. He the necessary Sppstoni. 3 — or sora SOBdary con. : Spuit, | stock, oosted in| PWOR in Wiest | : sples > helop bit by an. 2 rooms, water in rn good livery | ie rity, average bar trade whieh ean be increased to | win sell chenp! © will Ey any Adres 1.30 dhe City, ie new State aH 3 went © for sh 1 lost eli se ond the punish. #t $156 flue, with an im. of 10 to 80 days, with patent an lmned by the depart internal affal to Beriator John, Fant: 38% i Th ehnge with ‘A. E. Patron, Foley's Kidney Cure and it cored me Fonnnot speak too highly of this grea pyedicine Jas Abort BHelttine the bast Cdactara I odvied Take a Little Early Riser-it will sare constipation, billousoess and liver tronblie DeWiti's Little Barly Rises : are different from other pills. They do | not gripe and break down the mucons stomach, | i ywela, bint « BY geally aroun Bie asoretions and giving sme organs. Sold be macy, “ris wines Mace Fadied. Litire. Whey rer Mog take Foley's Kidney > ” NOTICE into TE Prins Fer the sped ero Ha ida | misvion to Taran tah wy ii del tory om in the son Arvese: Foi Ahwmea Offs, Ebe © At Gunn’ s Pharmacy. Opposite Paimer House, PATTON, PA, Thursday, October 20th. Hours 9 a. m. logy m Williams sport is noted for high-grade eye special Prof. liver and | ng strength to Patlems Phas | 2 it haa cured when everything has disappoint | led. Earone - tn. MONDAY, OCT. 19, 1803, Adrnirents for wo J. Angel, an expert, reliable 3 eve speciatint, of Williamsport, is ope “of the best in this state for skill in hie profession, and will establish & branch office in Patton at the above named (hotel and will call regularly every ‘month. The ( | public of the date of cach visit Corin will inform the The Professor has ews In contr 1 : practice for the past 20 Fears. the msin bai for his That 8 Jy wag A (trial will convites any person that his ability cannot easily be equalled. All persons, including obildeen, suf servous headache, Yon, Piarred vison, defect] GF roms ayes, Wh ‘want god remus cand save money, will be woll repaid 10 weak ve ove aight 1 eall an Prot Angel, who comes highly -recommonmiod, ¥ i oo Prices Verv Reasonable FirstNation'| Bank - OF PATTOR. Patton, Cambria ( CAPITAL PAID C P8100, 000, i. SURPLUS, $27,000.00, Acounte af Las pestatie , 3 » ER § i Co, Pa. she torn | ning. Henniliip Uokels Bey Malis Bor mid fines, ro 3 DAs pavati iha tie of A i Word, f ’ WEIL BOR Ve si Prop a persia sal seiention, frderost patd on Hee digas, Wu H Baxpronn, _ President, Cashier. 'Helmbold, Stewart & Miller, (yeneral Insurance PATTON, PA Fire fife Accident, Plate ans x x Aer Eg Aents, We rere tert Yer saventy D. H. STROUP, Photographer, PATTON. PA. | Platine, Platinum and Carbon Process, COME AND SER THEM. Public . Youths’, » Will open Thursday with a complete line of Men's Children’s Clothing and Furnishings, None but Reliable Goods Will be Sold here. funded on Money cheerfully re rch 150 or. all unsatisfactory pu Invite and friends to We kindly everything and anything you want. you, your family examine our goods. We have Polite salespeople wil I cheerfully show g« nods. You are not caaxed to pur- chase. All bought at this store come direct from the factories and NO FANCY PRICES paid for them. LYMAN goods Respect thully, EVERY WOMAN] Who manages & hime will appreciate : phere of HE : = PRIZER'S AIR-TIGHT ||] CANT WE MAKE IT? Tome meee [|| O° : MAKE IT} egued ia bua aft < al or he fit and workmanship You know cur reputation for high- + tatloning. Will HOLD FIRE TWENTY-FOUR MOBS SHOE TR Sly Der meade Sltediieaduait hue ey vembsa : Po } WON'T WASTE COAL Aha k hen roe LESS ASHES === ====NO DIRT iy eo insmore Bros, MAGEE AVE, ¥ ST EAREE & CO. Patton, Pa. DR: H.W. BRILEY D e plist! JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. P tton, Pa.| Office in Good Building. Office Hoary A. SEITZ, "Dentist Reuel Somerville, er & A i +a WW, guaran- PATTON, PA. Office in Good Building. Collections promptly attended to. Properties to 8m 2, andl to 8 Pom | Office up-stairs in Good Building. Of ie EOE fice: Hoars--8a. m. to 12 mand 1 p | nm. tos pom, PATTON, P. ,) Fole 's Ki #4 Office in the Good Buibling,
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