The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, October 09, 1903, Image 7

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    ALAA I Lar oi
Miss Haywood who fs a member of
the Board of Commissioners of the
t. Louis Exhibition, has sneeseded in
having a womans department dis
pened with. Bhe pontendsd that
women have long sipgee gong beyoml
4 the domain of plekies. preserves nnd
{ taney wark, and that they are entitled
th bare thelr work displayed by the
side of that dons hy then, This she
eidhmed ay right in thelr bahalf, and
the sther Uninmissloficrs adopted her
views Women's work will be shown
st the great Falr. but the accustomed
1 dizerimination will be slituinated,
HITate rin ever noticed hase culigred
thin Swiss girls are? aaked an admirer
of the fale realdonts of t he lind of the
Alps. “Ag Hipulsls few poaphle, except,
{ perhaps, the Russians, can match thon,
| For a Biss girl to know Iss than two
langurges hoa rare thipg: she pot Jue
frequently knows three or four, They
are matchless embrolderers and knit
tors, and usually clever mupsiitans,
With al] these they combine a distinet
talent for the Comesticitlve, and ean
Cook or mon or make for ga Household
In a way that even the oleverest Gor.
1 man haus-frau night admire, and they
are ns houseproua as the Dutch
| women. No wonder that, oraught wp
es | In an atmosphere of damestio comfort,
| the Bwiug benedlet seeks, before all
| When be marries, a good manager. Her
basuty 1s a second-rate consideration
and though he thinks it desirable that
she. should have mosey. the “dot is
not sa indispensable a thing in Switzer.
Jang as in France."
There sa great craze just now for
odd and Larbarie Jewry. Ooo does
| | not need diamonds to be distinetly in |
Jatyle. A necklace ® to goll chain
studded with uncut turquolee or sap
plilre stones, 4 matrix pin, will stamp
1 the wears aw decidedly up-to-date,
Braediets, charms snd Jockets of jade
re very popular. Coral, either rough |
tin polished bead forts, is much
Bemiprecious xtones are geen to n
great extent, topas being prominent
amany them,
Oriental Jewelry, In the shape of
girdles and necklaces, is beautiful hut
ow women can wear it.
A neckince of uneut torquolse has a
gol! bead between every two blue
stones, and another pretty combination
Ia piok coral altersating with white
Another beautiful necklucoe 1s pinde
of two rows of seed pearls with
1 pendant Bots hanging at lutervals all
{ Way around. In the centre, forming a
§ pendant, was a quaintly shaped. rather
Iarge, baroque pearl. and an aig other
Stones were saopbires, amcthysts, to
i pares anil woeonstones.
The North Amorican Indian is net
without his proverl As with his
vilized white brother, any deal with
The Iroquois Indians expecially, saya
the Chicago lnter-Ocean, have many
proverbs shout women which are con.
#antly heard aliout the long houses.
Alany bit deep and many miss, but the
| most Ingenuons one 1s: “Woman is
somewhat of a mystery.”
Here are some of the Iroquois pro
- Womanhood is man's salvation
Women snd bens wre slike When
Womanhood and earth are bath
Lovesick woman scorns a feast,
Women on evil bent own fact, not
Woman without shame 13 an impossi-
Woman fs not revengetul; abe Is the
law of sell-preservation,
A woman of no account Iv a family
A weman wile In fond of Bovry gels
doe Ennws the tea uty of nstnre,
AWaorien and ribbons fitter in their
own nirniinhivre
A Love: x woman knoe 1 TRY her
comping forth 3% NEL SORE
her relatians ]
Girls ghoul hove swielbinets
fore thoy mpery, Hy vr fovea
lows to fim ond of our existing 4
A Bards womans is Ber on
Ian swaarior,
A woman's condnet based anon mune
desire ard heha “ior iz conten
bath to mankisd and Lature,
Hpi th ari.
of the in Brought ta thi ¥ country,
ods In vogue & century aze are em.
ployed today. The art of lacemaking |
handed down from generstion to
ation, and ane will often find a
ceptionally beautlful design the fa
sly gaara secret of n Single I Tag aly.
¥ ears previous, Several pli
control the wrk of many Camilies oF
the little Isceannking Island. Wage
are low there, and the peasant house
wife 1s glad to add to the family ex
cheqner hy thus utilizing her spare
time. As her childrén grow up she
trains them lu the art. and it is not long
before the female contingent of the
family are found ta be Important ne
tars in the support of the hougselaid
Amoug the articles made may be mon
tioned handberchlofs wlging, parol
covers, pillow covers, collars bolerss,
mp shades showle, mantilias and
Gen whole skirts, Rik is the relied
Int serial used, Lat of Inte thors hag
spent ny en ¢
ind Trine,
The Czarina of Hussis has just come
pleted ber thirty first year.
The Infonta Eglalle of Spala has ns
esptedl the Hondrary Presidency of the
Undversal Allanes of Women fof
Yalned pt 800.000, mast of whieh wil)
bee imborited Ly Mrs, Wilter Dramrosih
Mes, Harriet Blaine Beale aml James
5. Bisine,
The oldest recorded minister of the
Society of Friends in the world, Mes
Phoebe Aan Gifford, has just cele
home In Providence, | L
Mrs. Elizabeth WW. Mitehell is real
patate ngent for thre Lhoks of the
poorest tenement -hosses in Roston. Rbe
veliects rents fromm about 50 Tawilies
sl carries an an extensive educatinml
fat charilalde work among her tae
lu recognition of Ler sympathy vith
the rebelling American colonies, the
Alaska Chapter of the Daugliters of the
American Hevolution proposes to enol
11. of Russia in the Rassian cathedral
at Bitka,
The Princess Mathilde, who comphst
ed her eighty thind year recently, Ia
the daughter of the great Napoleon's
youngest Lrother, Jerome King eof
Westphalia, and wae engaged when
pinetesn years old to marry ber cousin,
the future wsapoleon HL
Mrs. Laura Cooper, of Dowaglhe,
Mich, who bas donated $1000 to the
fain) for the endowment of a ehiulr
of Christian missions at the University
af Michigan, Ix a nemidaer of the Mul
fan Christian Basrd of Missions,
which maintains a chair Inthe gully.
Mize Bird M. Wilson has been ad
mitted to practice in the United Bigtes
IHstrier spd United States Clreult
Courts of Ban Francisen, being the Gree
Woman 10 seeure professional pecognls
Lon in eliher court. Miss Wilson is np
Hitnols gil, bat has been a resident of
Ban Franolseo for years,
Sieh Ringding, eslled hy Westen
filinirers they Chinese Joan of Are, 19
cently arrived du Ban Franciseo to 1
ceive An American education. ler
eplnlons are entirely oceldental, She
has allied herself with the Chinese te
form party, aid the alo of her Hie is
to pecure the political ard social recon.
sirpctian of Ching.
3) : “ he
Bome chiffon yells are of the lovellas
Pale blue yells are charming on pale
blue buts,
Three narrow tucks border a chiffon
vell pretuily.
an epauielte,
Rilrts show panel fronts which are
oRly giant ahs,
Falrly ubiquitous are the Linen sults
with long coats,
Bheer luce 15 among the lovellest of
fabrics for sleeves,
Beroll work of ribbon 3 effective in
trimming a Jace robe.
Narrow lusertions trim many of tle
thin dresses in tab effects.
Laces sre used extensively for stool
appliques, as well gs for whole
ti pre tiy, Thin Henan bled %eoand w ite
i i i Whe Fine
Catpipes or checks are espevlilh
have a deeply rooted aversion 10 Jabor |
savigg machivery of ail kinds, In,
many lines of lndustry thors the meth. |
rer eabiond, Hehtarelpht wools and
; vse fur the galiuty
TH don hard wear are fetehingly
from straw (batiictent Jesigos
afd ¢ sjutiis,
Cog deep shiver Ince collar made of
with rates does duly on two tea
Faowns awd a dressing sacgue
Blue azd black Ba late comblaation
Sin sunsbades that bas quite caught
{dlady's taney, partoubirly dn the fara
of a plain Blue tafieta “ith applications
~All Maltese lace is of pocessity hand |
made. The People of He Eo, one * of the i
of hiack lave edalilons,
Magpie offices oy parasole are always
The stripes nsunlly have ch
awd the checks striped bas
white inen paling
dress is shown with a ple tod skirt,
cand blouse with wide pointed collar
trimmed with a fall of Irish lace, a red
shilny leather belt, a red sunshade and
a large white hat, with a border of rod
2 a
A favored idea for fancy powns af
thin materials is to have two sash ends
to the bottom of the gkirt of the same
material as the girdle, When silk, rib.
bon or velvet is used, the sash ends are
sometimes finished with a deep hand.
lo knotted fringe,
Mre Jamez © Dlaive left an sstite
brite hep 10h anniversary at her
a wemorial to the Empress Catheripe |
Placed down the shoulder the tab ts |
Ta put your Jest foot forrard
Peters-"W hat proof gid ths doctors
have for Coeclnring Blank insane?
Parp- ft s reltaad to take thelr meds
fine e-Raitimore Amerioun,
Ain't you gol to git no transfers
“Why. no. Tommy, We don't pod
tiasin, This car goes through”
“Ye, hut I want the transfers to play
atroet car with when [ got home
New Yoru Journal
“Ehe seetnn to have no confidotics In
her husband.”
“No. Bhe says ede ennght hm telling
the truth the other day.”~Now York
"Don't you think that a hilMon fo)
lars ls too much for any man to have?
“Yea” anawered Kenator Sorghum:
“that 1s, for any other wan 0 have"
Washington Star.
The Toscher-"1V1 hat were Neal
Wabator a Ist words?
The Feholar-{ don’ t reanctiiber Jost
what they were, but I know they al
begin with a 7." =Yonkers Bla teamal,
"The Ka Filppes evidently feel very
“Oh, they are! Mma. Ea Flinpe
auldn't think of having snrthing bud
real Pansgina hte for hey Lora —
Chicago Roooed Hers i
“Oracious! What In the worl? is
that nnn arden sue a tot of dlabien
far? "Wil be be ohio (0 ent than?
“Oh, no. Hae merely Hikea to show
that he can pronounce al) thors Preach
names San Franciers Ballkktin
8B How-—-"Are there any swred or
slain fights ia "Dr. Jekyil aud Mr
Po Lay—"Nooe whatever”
5 Huw -"Then why i 11 called 28
cual rode PCliloagn Dacord-Herald,
“DHIn't it surprise yon tn £nd the
convergation of that sotbor so very
ordinary 1°
“Not at all” answered Mews Cayenne
*1 though! all elobg that If he had
anything brizlt to say. he would have
put it into some Lia books.” ~~Wasl
fugten Star.
Free both alwnr
: Bun.
The other hong vast glances of envy
& a dinlike at Bild Dorking, tue
proud Plymouth Rol, whon abe gaan
ters Reress the barngerd, Gueking
“Uppish thing™ sniffs the white Leg
horn. “The {dea of et clalming that
her average lay 8 three ogys a day!”
ever since, 1 sm a strong advoests of
quent that they attract little attention,
acduatoniad to such things.”
BG yea
“Lay? cackles the Shanghal pullet,
“Lay? She ought tu say ‘le. *-Judze.'
Mr. Jamon M. Powell, 638 |
Troost stroot, Kansas Citys
Mo. Vie Grand of 1. QO.)
0, F., of Cherryville, Ean,
writes: ;
“Abort four years agol}$
suffered with a severs cae}
tarrh of the bladder, which
caused continued irritation
end pain. | was fiiserabie
and could pot stand up
walk for any po
tims without extreme
weariness and pais.
gan taking Peruns aod it
greatly relieved me, and In
eleven weoks | was com.
pletely cured and folt like |
8 new nan. wJames M.
Hundreds of Dollars Spent
Io Vala,
My. Cyrus Hershman,
EBlieridais, Ind, writes:
“Two years ago 1 was a!
slitk man. Catarrh had sot- |
tind in the pelvic organs,
making life a burden and giving me
little bope of recovery. I spent hun
dreds of dollary In medicine which did
ie a prod. 1 was persasdad by a friend
to try Poruoa. I took it two weeks
withoa! mach improvement, bat 1 kept |
oti with f4 and soon began to got well
snd strong very fast. Within two
months 1 was cared, and have heen wall
Prana. "0, Hershman,
Poruna cures catarrh of the Kidneys.
ver and other pelvic OTRAnS, simply
boeanse {Lt enres catarrh whevever Too
eat. No other systemin oatarrh reme
ly has as yot boon devised, Instet
upon having Peruns. There are 8
mindicines that ean be sabstitated, We
If yom do not derive prompt and setiss
factory rosults from the use of Perunsy
writs at onos to Dr, Hartman, giving &
Pill statement of your ease and be will
bw pleased to give you bis valuable ade
vice gratis. :
Address Dr. Hartman, President of
The Hartman Ssnhwrium, Columbine :
Rich Men Think Nothing Nowadays of
Chartering One.
“Special trains are becoming so tro
eacept thoy make record runs for loag
ditances or unless thers 15 some tron
Lin coliscting payment for them.” mid
# veteran railroad man. ‘Ten years
ago, when | was division saperintenid.
ent of one of the big trunk lines run
ning out of New York, a special train
whe ah evant that ee failed to gut
mention fn the papers. Station mua
tars required ample notice to get
ane in readiness and there was a
great deal of fuss making arranie-
wents all aleng the lise At apy of
this hig rafiread termisals in any city]
BOW 8 IDAD CRA get & special engine |
and car to chase a fyeor Almost As
exaily ai be enn cheek Bis trunk Only
a lew minntes' notices ls required, and
right of way is obtained for 109 or 200
miles glong the line without notice.
ably dlatusting the schedule runs A
man who Bag to keep an Important
hnidnedy engagement orf 8 woman her
ryitg to a sick husband, pays $100 or |
doable that sum for a special with us
ities concern ss payisg a suppor
chek Bt a awed] hotsl We live in a
rajid and exiravazant age and pow
A DR SA Harare
Certificates and Medals,
Riis bhefors the Massachusetts log
shure provide that certificates of
boner shall be fasuad to the original
memberg of the First Massschusetts |
Beipiment of Volunteers and that med
tg shall be given to the velBrans of
the Hizxtoenth The soldiers 4 be this
distinguled hed fought In the Civil war. |
nr rarmanently marmd, No Stsor nervous
pes afte Set day's uss of Dr. Elion's Great
Nervolioutorss titeial bottle and trestiselres |
Dr, 15 i Kase, Lad, wi Arch a. . Palla. Pa
The i may go to the ant, bat the
mosquito wil meet his more thas ball
Mes, Winsiow's Saothingirrap tor shtidesy
teething lian the gums, redaoes inflamma.
Uti allays pads, sens wind wills, walle, Be, sbotth
When 8 woman begine to po to pay full fare
for her shildren aise reaiines that she is
gelling sbag io yours.
Plan* "sare for Conmamotion fa an Sataliinis
mactisine lor soagha and colle —N.
Basvse, (hens ¢ Grave, N. J. Fab. i, 1900.
The ofunim ws have of o carselves is
BEVEr S00 valualet ae (he opanioy other pes
ple have of us
Torvan Faoriess Dyes are fast
The pond die young, sepnially good reso
In England 1 the an 0ual epnaamotion
of southern fruit amounts to Attees. |
pounds 8 bead. In Germany It aver |
aan nol quite three pounds a head.
So A lA te
The Rivera memorial to the late | ma
Ques Victoria is to take the form of
& cotiagn bompiial al Nie
Bevare of Olstineats For Catarsth Tha
Contnin Merzary,
8 tharsnpe F will paral deatony the Janse of
TREE % RR She why ; 3
torn wien STE 3 ihe ™ 2
surfaces, Rue saa]
exept on rome tions t tro
shatauns a (he daautee ih wil: 3
to tha goal You sun poesaiiy doris fram
theese, Ls Catared Les, “thon tinatarsd
hen aim pontalian
Ghd iA ry in.
teruaily, } Seidvs FoF da Sosbig by ¥
J. Ulhep rey ok a, Eh
Soi by Dragsiets; 5
Hill's Paxily 1 i 8
Hundred 3 of ng ian » Yabarers are bo.
Ing recruited for service in the K affy-
fostein diamond mines pear Kimber |
Edward Halley introduced mercury |
as the ihquld for use ia thermometers
Is a New Process.
The production of nitric seid by
electrochemical methods ts 4 BOW Pros
| cons that promises extensive CHAGEES
in our agriculture. The manufacture
of nitric acid from the nitrogen and
otygen of the air in sufficient quane
tities for rommercial uae has bees
the dream and hope of scientists for
years. At Niagara experiments have
hwen conducted successfully ia pros
dueing commercial nitric acid dy using
& high-tension current in zo aif chame
her, by which a yield of one pound
of nitrie acid ia obtalsed for every
seven horsepower hour,
Xt 8 poisons, des sie east, Lartia®
but an agresilic. ofervewend sama
clenmery. It pete gently cn the rep
and kidneys and Keega tie bowel in
Beal thy action, thos promotsg geo
sempiexiong, rier bras and healthy
badres. Tred by Anuerican Physcicns
fur 58 years,
8Co. and 81.00
At Dragrists or by rasil from
2? thems have been
sold in the United
States lo a xingle
year. Every lines
‘aristog from a disordered stomach 18
relieved or cured Dy thelr use. So
Leommon is It that diseases originate
from the stotaach it nsay be safely aps
wirted there la Do condition of IN
health that will not be benefited op
ctired Dy the occasional use of Ripans
Tabnles. Physiclans know them and
speak highly of them. All druggists
sell them. The Beswent rackage i
enough for an ordinary occasion, and
the Family Rotile «.i%y cents, contains
a kousehok] supply for a pear. One
generally gives els. within twesty
BRIN es,
| The University of N otreDame
Ee pomive pod Tinfary,. Sourn
eli shoes BEET RIE, aw, Teii, Marg
fiz Electr iog Ewginvering, Architect
Thervugh Prepuintery 08 Cu
3 ow wen Free taal stadepis whe Fave rombieted
a Hctsebi 5 Tin Ee tdi
Saad of the LG liv iate
rare Sharon Wr men Sapay
{ A TL inde
ix Jit fox tie Bouiesias
£38 venon, in
HP eprom ua,
Phe gt 3 r
: a Dg Free.
KUN. 8. MU BLIIARY. SC Prilesk Beak
ia 1650.
By the fash of an electric spar
‘obe hundred and twenty-five mililont
of a rad in duration a ri
can be ghotoginphed n its Bight
A pampb ir demeniiing
3 J i
krwted wiih mei High