: An unos of ox perience Be worth x Mult: 7 in on a visit with i pound of advice. | in Wiliiamaport : : Mrs in Moo i get tole 1 thier. i If you want to see a big stock of Children’s Coats, wen matter 1 Bo hn) sizes from 1 to 18 years, all Land low th an to have ¥ and won mith, the new ixadioed of hey ved A on ial Hotel, a » ow Fora nice smoke get a Big fodise new : and correct styles, call Roy E. besler Joft Thursday fori ory [8% & Kinkeads News, Teistives + and friends in” Honelons Wanted By Mrs. Mary at 1 , © Store. You need not | Whaily, corner Fourth apd Lang ave of Me on returned to bis o soa | noes, ten i ood Ho anders fo god Tonle Coe ] buy because you look or The “olin! is pore eresm. Ask for | ania radiroad is ox. silane tl mn nies | Keep because you buy. We : : Wanted Tesms a Hy Floity. Pleasant Yasiey. i B, Pitort, superintendent" 1 er ro ga ro % thinK it a most remarkable was in town Wnesday, ; in Greed Lard gs crs sale by i in Ai B BW the president of the v ton. Pa. Prive 2 no es . a 11 + ell ae fo i i .- : y eo ¢ yith, and two children are a Sins, Patton, Tn Sudan CO : lection or a town o he this wd to thie Bed with typhoid fever. : that You May Reap’ is i sou want the best sail for Da | s] Zz e Y ou 1 in t : 5% 2 | quesne Boer, Not 8 headache in a oar 11 hi Kk if ate eaption of the new wl goad of i Cool, sparkling and re : so 00 tof B Rtn in another froshing. br nat | SE so Yas tos You come and look. Priced M Snostian as in Pitsburg oper on bh Owner can have same by | : ing the annoal session proving property and paying charges Commissioners’ Associa: for advertising. ee al 4 : 1 A | ) : up to state. That winter salt! Of courses you 0 soeal aunnal tea party ‘onder tind pe. Our new fall aod winter ; Th. B T S P pus f ihe Usnitholle church at suiting kee just in and can’t help bat €e on on tore, atton, g > — Le held Saturday please you. a Hivos. : 2 y : i i The aobiblost fine of overooatings Pe onifo med employes of the ever brought 10 this section Is now on enn’ a. Ivania Railroad company Mon pining a Dinsmore Bros. The ¥ morn leon price ia right, too. Call and wee them. ant donned thie bine ones... Dinsmore Bros, wl owing to > the in : FOR SALE - re The opening WAS Punished hotel and stock, located in : wilt be continued | one of the best mining towns in West. £ z i | ARTA rs ANAM SoA nt i a Sh ty orn Pennsylvania. Three cosl com. telegrapio op- | ; Panies Spuratiog with five Hippie avd i doh Sra Yeom siter division log the! | stable on property. Average “bar sade i 5 $40 per day, which can be Increased 10 { big October sale has been insug- #75. Transient trade good, Oaly one ; oidstein & Department tore ‘other hotel in town. Will wll cheap or of excellent barguins owing to Hi-health, It will pay any The ‘now advertisement One interested to investigate. Address four page will tell you al be 0. Box 51, Uresnstury, Pa. Gaiairh xf he Mowach, When the stomach ix overloaded; tier wis look whan food Bs taken into 1 that | fale To : which. 0 tana {Hi it decass and inflames the mu. room. Ginllit- cons membrane, axposing the nerves : and oanmes the glands to secret mucin, J astend of the natural Julers of diges. tion. This is called catareh oF the | stamach, For years 1 soffered with : So o Fo -eatarrh of the stomach, cans by fndl- MA [ P ro re vl BE ut EE 3 the store—nothing 18. The two eleven gestion, Doctors and medicines failed f= BE ER EEE RE BR RR) =. I : ; Fal ¥ agan i Abtoona 8 week from (10 benefit me anti 1 used Kodal Dys rr mm mY am est price. Dmggsty’ ipepsia Cane J. KR Rhea, Coppell : WaT throw BR Texan Sob by Patton Pla ¢ noverasl No in! Under asd Uy virtae of thes ag ifs armi power Somber, in me as execulor She the two mines af the | Foley's K Kidnuy Care purifies hn Catherine Haog, Larranlimn, Lap : = ¢ Frire VATA, now estASISU ent ( character. 5 od & Coke COmpany. | blood hy straining oat smyaritie: and ecensed, Cw teat will ao ane oY LF REE, : fang. probated Fete 3 X 4 “t ‘wh og had heen foretold many tones up the whale system. Cares kid: 2, 1902, record in Hae maw lg Willa ih an : oy team ST bh : 5 and will ney arch flaitder Lroulien. gi aunty in W ed Beis Xx: : she. Sn BU ATEEE (he 2 WRG WX] Fer mid 30 gash Suerailie 1 every week : at the Hobengollern Hotel AE IRR : Leiferd 3 M. a Hoaghwout, of Sound kidoess are. e sateg anrds of fife. ‘Make the idnevs baalth, fats Ts | ME £1 S ™ i . T : £31 IAINIIC | do Dare: TRILL i1l 1 Hi ‘ii GUNN'S ng ait and’ wilt andoubt- i 1 ease the intairest and efficiency i} Don’t You lat Nad pore of Hoel pa 70 at The Pi ide Sh he of the Household! yn re Vaal The Hares otk at which sxnminitions : held is P ivtsbiarg. Wilf Fysnn, of Big Ran, the ps er shampiion of ceniral Pennsyl ; dR sorhis of fen gained ; ali nt Browids Hall, : ‘Saturday evening. Tyson Bix title hy winning Sve of the > Benshall winning one, the * boy fi el pride Pal r Jean ¢ draws. . Mr, Hons shall ance. They've such a jaunt ! LH ness in their cut; in the dainty he sald at public vendue the following articles of bersonal 4 £ i v! orength of their fabries. No . wt Curb hott Fier coten # 2 Clochor mn | a, reputation | i prope : Ore good piano and lot of househol LE ; dra cheap stuff” is found among : lacs mimic. a checker player. It is said many of to vou low mployoes backed him quite | L0€ len. Yet observe the little I ERMS Made Known. on Day of Sale. 2 y and ing! a i JOHN OTT, Executor Ss Wolf & Thompson, Of Catherine C. Haug, Deceased GOOD BUILDING | PATTON, PA. » p fae Fo LID SA al A el