The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, October 02, 1903, Image 7

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    p plus and others,
| for various reasons, bear the
mon family name, and confines
vy to the familisr and nec
ijunct of the every day toilet
rst pins made in this country
very crude indeed, merely a bit
f wire twisted into a knot for a
t one end and sharpened fo a
at the other. Their successors
ay undergo a surprising variety
operations before they are consid.
fit for use. In comparison with
+ of the object manufactured
tions Reem bewllderingly nu-
8, but if there he one process
more remarkable than another it Is
ring the pin” The papers, hav-
been passed through an ingenious
ine, which, at regular totervals,
irding to the size of the pin,
) 6s up a fold and pricks a hole in
, 8re ready to receive the pins. For
jis purpote there is another machine
worked at two children. One feeds
, the other the papers. The
t of the machine is a box
12 inches long. six broad and
gep. The bottom is composed
small square steel bars, sufficiently
‘apart to let the shank of the pin
through, but not the head. These
Fs are just as thick as the space
Iween parered pins. The lower part
the bottom of the box is made to
} itself as soon &3 the row of
is complete. Row after row, at
r intervals, is received and
down a corresponding set of
until It reaches the ready
paper. By the nicest possi-
tment these pins come exact:
r Shots and are pressed into
is method two little girls
day put up many |
are Broken n the Summer Than
at Any Other Time.
What is the matter with your ervs
‘asked the summer man of the
g “You put a new erysial on
: Is it the heat?” The Broad:
2 ™. Y.) watchmaker carefully
hes the face of the watch, and
ed to put a new face on the dial
he heat does not affect a orys
he replied "Glass is not con
ed or expanded by bot or cold
her. You probably carry your
itch In your little trouser pocket
@xf to your bell. You lean agains?
and vou hein aleng the husipess,
put on more crystals in the ba
s of July and August—and oh
fomen watches too—than wa do la
tae other 10 months of the your”
Mills in Japan.
AN mills in Japan run day and
Zhi. the change of hands being mada
Bt noon and mbinight' In one mill at
Osaka 26.000 workers ars under 15
years of sage and operaty only 37
Mdlea. In this conpiry S300 persons
DA eee ety Ss
‘that number. In the Lowell
1 of 4.1400 joums and 152.000 spin
os there are 700 male and 1.540 {a
operators. In Japan it would
pre 12,000 persona to do this work
wages, however, in Japan are 13
IS per day for a man and 84g cent
a Woman.
: Power Is Cheap in the West,
The melting snows and glaciers of
the Rockies and petrolenm now fur
Bish such abundant power for San
» that the cout of one horse
one hour Is just 2 cents,
Royalty is Expensive.
ho . exveutive office of the United
States calls for only $112.000 a year,
while Rngiand gives the royal family
wraanently cured. No fits or nervous.
op first day tne ol Tir. Kline's Great
4 drial bottle snd treatinelres
HL. Kine, 144, $81 Arch 8t., Phila. Pa
mometers used Ly physicists show a
ofa millionth of & degree.
; : Ladies Can Wear | Shoes
#8 size smaller after using Allen's Foot.
4 wdar. It makes tight or new shoe
swollen, hot, sweating, aching
owing nails, eons and bunjons, At
3 and shoe stores, 235¢. Don’t ae.
¥ sulwtitute, Trial package Fer RY
: 8, Allen R, Olmsted, LeRoy, N.Y,
of glyptics, engraving on precious
Be revived in Fol p
Winslow's Soothingdyrup for shildrea
ag. soften the gums, Faduses aflame:
ones wind colle. 252, abottie
aly Bas 85.701 acres of orange and
lemon containing 16,730 007 trees.
I A i DAS RAY 1. 1 6 A Nbr
isthe best medicine *e ever nssd
& of throat aud | oe WALL
Anbaren, Tad. Feb 0, 1994,
ill 100 persons s month,
Remember © mix the stove blacking
with turpentine (or part turpentine and
part gascienel. If a stove is rusty
wash over with kernsene, cleaning as
much as possible, and let stove stand
in hour or so until the oil evaporates;
apply the hlacking with soft cloth, pols
ishing with brush or plece of carpet.
sil only. You will be pleased with the
{ result, and it 1s quickly sppited with a
| bit of soft cloth, while pipe is warm,
May be slightly thinned. if desired,
with kerosena — The Household Ledger,
The antique platters and basins that
bave been hidden away on remote
shelves or In garret rooms have been
brought to light again, and as fruit
fisgrs and table centrepieces pewter
trays. tobacco jars and beer sets are
now quite the thing.
The best quality of pewter takes a
high polish and outiasts any other ar
ticts in the house. It is costlier than
pickled or lacquered ware, and Is aps
preciated for the reason that {t is uno.
Among the articles into which it Is
‘made are quaint boxes for the dressing
table, incense bolders, Japanese and
Chinese rose jars, some of these arti
tles imitating ivory carvings very ef.
fectively. In the old pewter wurk are
found grotesque designs, such as fab
alous birds, mythical beasts and drs
gons and celestial Lindles. There are
also curious medallion frames and pio
ture mountings.
The modern pewter wares are mostly
reprodoctions of the oll work, this
metal seeming to lend itself more read:
fly to the quaint, unusual designs
Beer sets on burnished trays, and
loving cups, showing fat, folly friars
and monks at table, or gay peasants,
dancing and merrymaking. Among the
very oldest priicies Are primitive ean.
dlesticks and flower holders of Dutch
pattern — American Quecn,
Every bedroom should be provided
with the essentials for healthful sheep
and the dally sponge ati,
As nearly ag possible the room ghoul
be kept free from anything that would
tend to coutaminate the air,
$s & @
It should be ae Inrge
tisy any be ope
48 One can af
ard the windows wn gre i
sted al toe tap aid
. 9
If poszilde the Boose should be har,
sind the Tugs so sinall that they om
taken ont of doors With cose for clean.
Ing and o iy
* #5 &
Everything about the rovmg should
be washable,
The bed should be light and fitted
with strong castors, #5 that it may be
readily moved.
* 9 ®
The springs ought to be firm and
strong. gud the mattress of a kind that
will not allow the heaviest part of the
body 10 sink, and so cause the sleeper
to le in a cramped position,
* 9 @
Many people prefer a cheap, Bard
nmiatiress next the spring, and a light
one of hair on this, hot any kind of a
minttress is better than ane that fs too
¥ © ®
Above all, @lo not over-furnish the
bedroom. —Philadelphia Telegraph.
Pineapple Mousse--Grate one pine
apple after peeling: put it over the fire
with one pint of water and cook ted
minutes; then drain through a fine
strainer; add julee of half a lemon and
sugar to make gweet; sculd and add
one-fourth of a box of gelatine that
has been soaking in one fourth of a
cup of cold water; strain and cool nf
the mixture stiffens; add the whip from
one pint of cream, mold, pack [n ice
and salt; let stand four hours.
Potato Omelet—Remore all the nelle
from a large, freshly baked potato, rub
4 it through a wire sieve, mix Into it care.
| fully the beaten yolks of three «gps,
a few drops of lemon fuice, and seaxon
| with alt and pepper; just before cooks
{ing stir In very i
ghily the whites of
three eggs, beaten stiff; put an onnes
and a hall of batter into a clean
omelet pan, and when it fs hot, pour in
the mixture; fry gently untfl a light
| brown underneatli, then set the pan in
the oven until the top Is brown
ly; turn out on a paper sprinkled with
> chopped parsley, fold over, slip on a
Lot dish and serve.
Strawberry Shortcake—Intoope quart
{ada one teaspoonful of salt, two teas
| spoonfuls of baking powder and suf.
ficlent milk to make a soft doogh,
Mix quickly and turn into a greased
Stem two quart boxes of
gEweeten tO taste and
poon. When the pastry is done eplit it
n half and spread with butter. Place
: ® Torte strawbetrios, Around the
Rub the pipe with boiled linseed |
The Romans had grest circuses
Huoriane declare, !
It's hard to see
Hot this conid ;
Taey bad no pesos thera,
—~ Washington Star.
“I thought you sald you wonld pever
have that doctor fn your house again?
“But nothing wns the matter with me
then. "Chicago Record-Herakl
Gicing Ym a few pointers —New
York Times,
*How perfectly the gifl graduates
keep step.”
“Yes, the orchestra is playing the
wedding music from ‘Lobengrin’
Cleveland Plain Dealer,
Amy—*1 don't sce what she saw In
Ann-"0h, it wasn't what she saw
him; it was the money she saw back
af him. "New York Bun,
*Rhe has never been to Europe, uss
“No. Bbe doest’t even kpow how to
get away from peoples who want to
tell ber all about IL" Harper's Bazar.
DProubleday- "What &'d Singleton say
when you lnvited him Ww Join
Ip—-"He eald home was good
or hilt aw long oe ‘ne rernained
reed beago News,
Ere ® mw Rd LE Rat suecmow. |
id BiG FA hel (fads |
foster }
#5 i
Baad Lod
1" gruarreled,
< gown ia lavender and
} witrviiie
ROW ia hive.” Huminmiy
Mrues-"When 1 was young my
mother always ued to sing ne to
Bhedd""Yoe, women ve good xt that
ort of thing: but it takes tie father's
voles to wake a fellow up lu the worn
ing'—Doston Transcript.
“My plea” sald the young lawyer,
who had just won his first
“seemed to strongly affect the Jory”
“Yes” repiled the judge, “1 wap
afraid at otie time that you would sue
coed do getting your clent convicted
in spite of his Intotence Chicago
Record Herald.
"Well" sald the detective, “there Is
one thing upon whicn we may oon
gratiaste ourselves in this case”
“Why, you haven't even found an fm.
portant clew.™
“That's just it. We can rest pesured
that no Innocent person is going to
sufler."—Washington Star,
"It was too bad to keep you waiting
#0 long for your change” sald the
smiling shop-girl, as she counted it out
"1 am afraid I have given you a bad
“What!” exclaimed Mr. Tyte Phlst,
In alarm.
Howmet? 20 hour”
“OI” he sald, considerably releved.—
Chicago Tribune,
Bank President—"So you worked In
a bank before?"
Applicant—"Er—not in de daytime,
boss." ~New York Journal,
*1 tell you that new salesman of ours
is a hustler when it comes to advertia-
ing methods,” sald the automobile
“How so! :
“Why, Le's offered the free use of
auy of our make of automobile to any.
cake pour. a quart ot ‘whipped » one for sulcidai purposes. Great ad,
sat It" Baitimore Herald.
§ pony
clover in seeded to
Tue early kinds of green corn sre
usually very small in the ear. but Hf
the sweeter varieties are not preferred
for a late crop, the ears from the flold,
# of the white flint Lind, answer weil
for table purposes,
Systens In regnlating the work is im.
portant, Unless all operations are jers
formed In a systematic manner the cost
of labor will be more than doubled. It
ia often the ense that hard work is res
quired to sccomplish some object that
should have entailed but little labor if
attention had been given to the maltep
at the prope time,
It Is my belief that any farmer, how.
ever skeptical, having once used a
manure spreader, will never be without
ont, My manure i€ drawn and spread
in halt the time Bt formerly took to do
it. This is doe to the time saved in
unlmding it. With one man 1 have
put out in one day forty-five loads and
wan not tired MM, Haorabon, in Or
ange Judd Farmer,
The gape worm can frequently be dis
lewlged through the efforts of tbe
chicken itself vigorous sneezing. Sev
eral receipts are given to induce this
effort, such as blowing Persian powder
down the chicken's throat, or putting
the chicken In a box or keg and making
a lime dust. There appears some dan
gor of overdoing the job and making
the chicken snecte itself to death, or
stifling it
How many farmers count the cost,
and compare ft with the receipts, only
to find that there are 56 profits made.
But they forget that the manure
profit, and that even when they cannot
sve & dollar of gain the riches buve
euterel the omuure heap, will wo
gpread on the farm, and finally be re
turned to the farmer in the shape of
gute other crop. that can be sowed
and converted to money, A good
farmer who valoes Lis manure becomes
richer every year, sod his farm is more
productive ae the season roll by.
rele ¥ IE L »
K =rop which ean peofitah
tn oa muck grogber exis
HiGOh Iarger greg
£ a
Bos us,
For Boy FN
SPAY ote
wy Every
19s ot 0%
v3 pe ¥
Jianied in Qrilis Ineeding
cerry ds fn. Unltivite as soon
plants are above the grovmd,
there [a no dew of rain on the leaves,
8 that will spol and spol] the foliage.
Cultivate thewodphly until the growth
of foliage covers the ground sod stops
the growth of Weeds, Then tw e-Thirds
of the pode are rips 1
gx tho
3 A By a i »
POY Gand and
Thresh 1
on a clear, dry day. olherwiss the
Loans ay pot easily cote out of
Reforenice waa recenily
gavantage to he gained
eropm, particulary when
danger, however remotes,
of dronth, A resder writes that
had particviarly good sur
rotation of scedingz on the following
plan: With a crop of rye on the field
for early spring eufiing the soll is
plowed after cutting, for a ¢rop of
oats and Canada peas, This erop can
be cut acd fed green In ampie time
to pet in a rowing of corn for the silo
or for fodder, and at the last cuitiva-
tion of this corn, rye and erimseon
give the crop the
foliowing spring. This Is much the
pang plan that is followed on the faru
of the editor, and when the crops are
utilized strictly for green feeding the
rexulias are entirely satisfactory. An
attempt to cure the crop of oxts and
peas was not successful, for ir is a
ditfieult crop 19 cure. The average
Field of outs aml peas cut green is
seven and one-half tons an acre, and its
value very great, especially in tbh feed.
ing of the dairy cows~Indisnapolia
rota soiling
of a zéasen
G48 ava
ead with a
ores ii—"
It german almest incredible that such
vast quantities of Tow abd wedive
grade commercial fertilizers are old
when the resnits of many experiments
have proved that these low grades »
most expensive (oo the end,
in other
grade fer
winds, when we buy
tiller we pay no
for the plant food in [24
the plant food
product, states the Ind 20a;
First, in the low grade ferrilizer a
cheaper grade of each plant food is
seed; and, second, less of the more
valuable plant foods are used and more
of the less valuable. On an average
thie cost of the nitrogen In the low
grade fertilizer, to the consumer, will
be about twenty-five cents a ponnd,
as against eighteen or nineteen cents
a pound for the nitrogen in the bik
grade product. One way of getting
high grade fertilizers at lower prices
is to buy the ingredients and mix them
on the farm, but lu dalng this of
course, the high grade ingredients
should be bought. So long as farmers
must use commercial plant foods they
“aR we
t bight
in the
should make an effort to ger the best
possible for the money expended, and
it always pays to buy the best grade,
gil ever al
the |
thade to the | sae
sugar mii} is being
srosted at Marelin, in the State of
Mishonoan, Mexico. AH the machinery
required for this factory Wil be of
dered In the Enited Stated,
{he master sToitrle ins ard the eles
frician sergeants of the newly eaten
sepa of the army will he desbnated
by a symbol of white metal resembling
forked lightning inclosed within »
wreath of gilt metal. The aniforn
trouskery of these officers will show a
An extensive
Thers has recently introsdndegd
to sofende a pew and powerful medion
went, An exd root of the supra send
glands eslind adrenatige, Thx exivact
i a hemewtatie of the Srst order, and
te vaso.constrictive powers are such
that its squad 8 nod to be fond i any
agent wsuplovesd br medicine, Ma nse
quickly arresting any Sow of bloal
while repeated gnpiications of adreni-
ihe destroy, of at least pastishiv sures
srtain paalignant growths Nitnorons
Hegtions have been made of thie
which sesras adapted pain
He) the
sa (rag,
the larly
Laving masonry ip froering weather
In rendered possibile, Jt is sk] by 8
subetanse recently brought oud in Get
many sxve the Engineering News The
substance is oa bgakd whieh wheb
mized with the water used in making fi
eng hles the later foo wid
in poldear winter
weather, le 1 #inzied thas mortar
made with the of fhe
substance show even silghtly areatey
strength than mortar male vy with
water. The lguid i= marksted
nider the name “Caloidom.” i= a solv
tion of chlorite of caleba, and Las np
freezing point far below gore. Ir is
eal to give popaatly gomd results wilh
ceineit 48 with ime morian
fH Tho miortar,
properly even tire
fad they
wrecking ersteny has bees Invented
} the fart That
peal frp ears
ponds Noon
Bisle in ithe
the Armeriean Iaventar. Th
feature of the EEE
RAR IR genes
pPresenss of water,
and when
ds pr :
8 feat
haw wife vel w 3 iy
own wall
ia 3554 xtit
warns # Nest
io paReds ™ ni
1% in the des ost
of stained
cgiared, while
wilte, ointaanan
wroekiyn Eagle,
re A A SR NA A Nl
wart in
aod ety
£306 roan
Glastetone™s Tip."
Canon Cattley, who dled at Glagew
stor, England, the Gay, used 10
teif a goed story of how cn one of hi
vigite to Gloucester Mr, Gladstone kept
a role of the Cathedral in
: nile hire aking spirit
¥ ign
pan of
a fhe
Wat or
gent na seh expositions
nagaily REATEATIAD, high hy
vile wt PRAT ST i rive” % Ai #
p hiss
A Difflendt Salvage Cndertaking,
+ Mong ¥h py ard aml Salvage Lom
A hit
# of cond, and white
fourteen fathoms of water, in
ition to which the salvaged goods
ta lw conveyed nile shores
wards The Moss Company Bas dis
paiched three salvage
two lighters, each of 1100 resister tans,
to the spot, with a staff of seveniyv-twg
amd the company locarred ex
peuses for new material of over $17,
S00, The Balvage Company is to have
seventy-five per cent. of the values of
the salvaged geods.—Philadelphia Rec:
He Works Downward.
The sou of the self-made man gens
erally begins at the top and work
downward. —Chicaga Record: Herald
and r
extergt |
nee |
speak highly of them. All druggists
| wed
Walding of Aluminum,
The welding of aluminun is said | :
Biot oes and disintogrative
Mes when nedr melting point, bas
very dificult to weld The German
inventor declares that at 8 tempers
ture Pust below fonvandescence, the
mntal softens sufficiently to
wolding possible. At this tempers
ture aluminum does not oxidize, and
flux is, therefore, not required. Pers
welds ars sald to have been pros
duced, belng equal in strength to the
body of the bar
The Size of an Atom.
The microscoped of today will re
veal a particle the hait-milifonth of an
inch in diameter. The size of an atom
may be jndged when it ls seid that
ench of such particles probably cone
tain at least 6 000.000 atoms.
! s what you need; : Some-
thing to cure your biliousness,
ulate your bowels. You
need Ayer's Pills. Vegetable; |
ntly faxative.
dicine ever made,
JA bundred millions
f 3 them have been
sold in the United |
States in a single
year. Every llores
arising from a disordered stomach I»
relieved of cured by their use. Se
common fs it that diseascy originate
from the stomach it may be safely ag
sertad there is po condition of MR
besith that wi not be benefited oF
cured by the occasional ase of Ripans
Physicians know them snd
sell them. The five-cent package Is
enough for an ordinary occasion. and
the Family Botti, sixty cents, containg
ft househoid supfly for a year Ope
| Renerally gives mlief wiki Deenty
i minates
ne Rave Wren olny Cascarety for Tesamniy win
WICHR I have pews gftiated far ave saonts True
Bet ofan EF Lhat | ssoeseis Nave given me saw
re Cal 15am AUT PIREY peed ¥ aw ava t9led
amit varietal ¥ REAR rey BRA a ; BY i
being sil tiny are roprosested y _
Thor Flat. Dats. RL
Best for
The Dowels
Pioasant Palatahie Patent Taste Goad, Diy
Rover Binken, J raken Ar irvine [Br The Pe dere
A bw bail, » pending tabiew fevped { eC
a » oars BY Fur Bone Lak
Sterling Remedy Ca., Chicage or w. Y.
The University of Notre Dame
eseriotien cated
the asking
FELL Cov ReRS IN Clanstuy, Tottove,
nee, Pharmecs, Faw
and Elecrvix Foal brit, Lrrhit
Coanrees, sad 4
Rooms Free ro al stolons whos Baw soe
Bots Jusior oF Sener Toms of 407 of the Co Duytale
i WE YE een ree aring Ter Dallegiante
A Dasited Snmiber of Canines © oe Tia
| ‘dwar dts Fall, for love
again BEY ar tte of Wa Wy
Cot au, ree,
C Provident, Box
twat fo meldiers of any war Wette ine of ani
Denver, Sain
£ Anwing phaue, free, Top
4. " ARYEY,
I~ » DINOTRY: gwen
oes ol Lmtimesais sad TU da pe’ weston
Br RO8 SANE Ase vay § ANasee See
Washingian, |
foaatyily Prosee Yann
Fronamies and fistnry,
T ross reparatery
tha so ha Pe ubead tor admieton te the
‘Rooms to Rent, mojerste Langa " Sradente
tat a wil ATA
gre is ® A yearn. to
AF B10 ven wey ty or fs 1903.
FRa3R Ho RE ER, Barth Ha ax,
af arson, Ohin.
DROFSY tian ceaiinf sud cures woe
© ai Wl 1 a whan «Gala. oWE dines
steamers and)