The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, October 02, 1903, Image 2

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ci Rn fe
Julia Astbury Cathe ine i
Phoebe Chapmnn, Marie Fisher, Elva
= + = Bue Radeliffe, Tillie Bheka, Nellie Kaiden,
¢ Fito inde Khaw pan ab | David Bloom, Leo Thomas Glenrpe
ot J i fred Pyke
Alseontinaed moti all areas “line, Kput Fy wsberg, Francis Fitapat.
Wald ar the eption of me (tlek, Donald Hobbaod, Moore Miles,
1Bteve Fedor, Steve Sinsce, James
Erra W. Hoon sian, Teacher,
Number enrolled, 72; average at tend:
anos, 84; per cent of attendance 98
Those present every day:
Wilkie, Waltsy Crossman, Richard |
Lloyd, James Brown, Coral Johnson,
Willie Jenkins, John Somage, Andrew
Bumach, Albert Christoff, Willle Alr.
hart, Willie Graham, Thomas Stokes,
Edward Roundsley, Esther Btair, Glad. |
; stone age obs dotie ang thing J
Maud Bhankwiler, Minnie Sinnaons,
: min Cioldle Willis,
v% bas been lasuad by | : onoray SvrmeR, Teacher.
end of Public Instruction | FIRST INTERMEDIATE
Schnettr deptpnating Friday, Outober
8th, 190% ss aniumn Arbor Day and anew, 80; por cont of attendance, #3
ohio! | Thowe prisent every day: Allee Rix.
or, Filan Karibolm, Mary MeMuldeen,
| Gertrid FLahman, Boamayne Woresll,
of trees and by other | i Rose Lodge, Levenin Williams, Laura |
pet tenon te, teal.
{ Winalaw, Lisle Banfield, Evn Hear
(don, Sara Williams, Annie Fitepaieick,
a Batiot to be med for the Margaret Brady, Walter Thon, Fred
¢ at the November election | Kub wey, Harry MeNamiarn, Joe Bun.
I 3 ; {ie ge Whelan, S50 a Lloyd
Ah enialler than the former 20TH Usong vk ! 34,
: PJames Whitford, Willie Elam, Seymour |
* nd intend of all the can. DeBoer, Alex Witiamason, Thomas
SIF ona party be ong under thie | F Powell, Wikthe Raini, Philip Mitehell,
¥ honslie ; | Bard Woarmne
fol i Lorre B Puss, Teacher
Number eurolled, 71; average attend. |
¢ | Those present every day: Clare Camp-
a and to vate 8 | Maggie Powell, Mary Povhvatela, lrene
i Sparen it is bnly pecs Rhody, Harriet Short, Charlotte Wil
ka cross after the party lis James Astbury, John Hoyer, Don.
thought that ¢ the. new bal. ald Brady, HRossell Barton, Harry |
Chapman, Emery Christoff, Luis
Christofl. Joseph Hubbard, Glen Hum.
phrey, John Jones, Joseph Lodge,
James Morgan, Francis Motormick,
Ralph Miles, George Mitehell, David
Nelson, Urawford Nelson, Harola
| Welsher, John White, Howard Yerger.
RENA B. Lewis, Teacher.
Number enrolled, 40; average attend.
ance, 3; per cent of attendance, 85.
“| Those present every day: Mand Locas, |
+ Lettie Lansberry, Ruth Galer, Eilsabeth
to Ethel © rook et al, | MoMahon, Alies Boyle, Sylena Chap.
iman, Violet Coruelius, Helen Reed,
+ Effie Lundell, Stella Watkins, Flossle
Will, William MeMuldren, sane Lloyd
Eisig FB. Bsesanr, Teacher.
Nuniher anrolled, #4; aver attend.
g ro Willis. Weak. | Lance, 4; por cont of attendance, 96.
ome present every dav: Willie Elms, |
Line Anstatt, Allee Blair, Mary Collon,
5 {Porn Cropks, Margaret Koerrs, Gene.
lor ot os to J A. Lord, { vieve MeCormick, Lillan Willian, |
: Coes Wilson, James Hodgkins, Ray.
provement company to! ‘mond Hate shinson, Redert Lindbloom,
“Gerald McNamara, John Powell, Wil
i rovement Sostpuuy to, Ham Whitford.
Tat Bu . Nina Moo NAME EY , Todo fi Pp
0, Bf
Number enrolled, 66; average attend.
argo to Mary Helena Glow. | William Denlinger, Howard Brady,
r 855. : Rowger Lucas, Albert Jenkios, Willie
de ot al to i. A. Kart: Meehan, Mary Woomer, Filzaboth
ip, §
Monteith, Romaine Smale, Fanny Wil
Gigdetl to Catherine PF. (king, Grace Anstatt, Francis Fisher, | :
; ow, #30. | Annie MeCormick, Justine Rhody, writes: “I had bronchitis for tween ty
dward : Rosella Miles, Dennis Burkey, Gieorge 0 adh
Foley's Honey und Tar, which is 5 sure
erolit wi, $1,000, Jones, Joseph Campbell, Willie Powell,
Huon ot ax to M. GG. Rhody, [John Corn ellos, UO firlon Haoman, Fred
: | Allen, Lee Lowes, Hilda Bishop.
: . ; : Number enrolled, 50: average attend.
“ot xia LK, Cries. : Br
canoe, 4H; per cent of attendaues, 85,
i The yopresent every day: Frances
Campbell, Marguerite Mullen, Lucy
Mellon, Adeling Guylor, Thomldine
Xo Halter, Mildnad Fewis, Dora Prescott,
‘Mary Hewlett, Mary Somerville Ea
HX to Bamuel Bishop, Sac in Bomervitle, Marie
Dietrick, Myrile Molligan, Janet Bru.
‘neat, Broce fel, Ben). Gaylor, Eddie
IMeConmick, Anns Banman, Rachael
Haden, Pear Lewin, Bertha Mellon,
to Sam
1H : or ot ux to Mary E, Wy-
Spangler, goo.
y BE. Wyland et vir to Philip
F, Spangler, $1.
. Baer ot ux to Mari Costello
Dunnegan, James Cornelius, Carrie
Holter, Paul Barton, Mary Witman,
| nelius.
Kepohr ot ux to Andrew
fan . Present ever ro durin mouth, |
robuxio J John Fllie- fs y Say qu
B. L MvERs, Principal.
SA A Sk Si Hr Am
i Old papers for ui at this offi. |
of it to paint his house, A few years
Elery Hubbard, Andrew Petrosky,
Monteith, Dick Morgan, James Linde
= say, John Quinn, Joseph Collegan, Hd.
ward Blalr, Sanne! Wiliams, William ;
Edward :
John Callaghan, Philip Baoman, Bi.
mer Cole, Coyle Marks Thomas Fletoh. |
jer, James MeMuldren, Joe PFletoher, |
ays Spicher, Agnes Crooks, Olive Mere | i
dith, Mabel Mellon, Mille Kuhmley,
{Geraldine Yerger, May Elms, Mary.
oe since the guberna- | spostahon, Ella Cheistoff, Bva Hofer, |
Hagel Ried, Elva Fargo, Bose Haden, |
Number orieolled, 87 avemes attends |
jance, 63; per cent of attendance, #1
"bell, Mary Callaghan, Katle Flick, Nel. |
“Llie Flick, Annie Goods, Agnes Harper,
the pooretions and giving strengih to
these organs, Sold by Patton Phar
et ux to Charles | ance, 85; per cent of attendance, 94.
Those present every day: Katie An:
‘ot ux Ww x W. Cone, statt, Elisabeth Nelson, Annie Mon.
iteith, Annie Jones, Pearle Yeckley,
bottles of Foley's Kidney Care effected
take Foley's Kidoey Cuore. HI has
re Woomer, James Muilen, Harry \ ‘1 ry
CANO embalmed husiness (nd
De sutahied ‘GEO. BOONE,
Iona Sanford, Enid Lewis, ‘Anna Cor.
house. Everything in season.
Whole number enrolled, 878; Average i
attendance, 583; per cent of attendance, |
ing which oy Ph! it well of,
rd this had occurred: 2 LOT,
Phew hal sold 8 costomier 18 gallons nl
ster, they wold the same man evo
lead and zine the same number of gals
Idi 1d . Phat's Mv
| bn to paint the Ram house, He bad» mos x
BEEN gril
The pednt of thw Tals
Deen puiota an 154
Pi von wand bo
OF contre, thal g's
Why does 11 gallons Devoe go as far
i eations Notice to Contractors,
3 3 fried Rn Bld ie § 3% " {
Cus 18 gal of oir past ? | Becaose | :
Libs ai paint, wii true, no shan, aod |
fat} measire. ; :
bo you want to sell it?
But that en's all. Devon lasts longer. |
Nu, no; you haven't got wo wait ten
[years bo nd that ont. Ten thousand BENT JONES,
people know il. Wes's got their Won STUFEMAR,
‘names. Our agents know them; they | T.-M BHEEHAN,
think a heap of Devoe. There's no dif
fondly in showing your townspeople toe i
what to expect of Devoe $10 willl 2s
paint a $15 hotse | and the paiot’il last |
twice as long :
Do you want to sell 18 2
Yours truly,
FW, Devos & Co,
New York,
Arnal Triek Inspection Next Wael,
The annual teack negli
; tayly yania railroad Bags Deen
bene Ahly 2 SHEL easily Yass Gries
T he plan of fren wit frre hina Seen th Ang
od this year. Instead of having the
engines ra ride only an thelr divisog
Coat of thea wail be ie i
Fhe ¥ 3g
Chie ontine trip fein Ti
CLALY, wo that they will
: $43 Jaa fg oi the in
on the entire aystem. General
Ppsrty will Pittsburg Thursiay OF PATTON,
Pornlng in two special tealne Th
Cnlghit will be spent in Harrisburg, the
party proceeding too Jeresy Uity the
cmexb day. Bowiil lnehude the division
superintendents, engines Bid super ;
visors and assistant superviesrs wilh
Lascompany the frais ooly over the
div fon on which their sadion is boo
Leder huge nein
Uaniaoth of the Sfoanaeh Cis
Wa. H, Baxoroni,
kL. Parron,
When the stomach is overlosded, ora a
“when food Ix taken into it that fails to President. Cashier,
{ digrost, it decays pnd inflames the mn.
[cots membrane, exposing the nerves LY ats ;
Land canes the glands to secret mn, Helmbold, Stewart
Instead of the natural juices of diges | & Mi i lle r,
‘Hon, This is called catarrh of the :
stomach. For years 1 suffered with! (yeneral Insurance A rents,
eatarrh of the stomach, caused by indi. PATTON PA
gestive, Doctors and medicines failed } :
{to beaefit mo until | used Kodo! Dys. | Fire,
| pepsin Care, J. HH. Hhea, Coppell, Accident.
(Texas. Sold by Patton Pharmacy. ; Plate Class,
; : ; ba Boiler,
Troost your Kidnews fof MBinastisne, © Torti
When you are suffuring from rheam- We raprosent over seventy. five million
| atism, the kidneys must be attends] to | Siniars ascris,
at ones so that they will eliminate the
Curie acid from the blood. Foley's Kid ‘
‘pwy Cure " the ot etic remedy D. H. STR 0 U P, ;
for this purpose. HT. Hopklos of
Polar, Win, save “After
ality doctoring Wave Youre for chen.
ntlsm with the best doctors, 1 tele PATTY IN ite g
Foleys Kidney Cure and it curd me.
1 eannat apes tou highly of this poens Piatino,
BNE ss
fond Bhan Bled usa ’
i Abani Bly EE war 1he Latest,
eg oy ; i a i :
Taken Lite Bany wrt win COME AND SEE THEM,
eure coostipation, billoussess and liver
Aroubles. DeWRPs Little Barly Risers
Aare different from other pill. They do
not gripe and break down (he mucous
membranes of the stomach, iver and |
bawsis, but cure by gently aroesing
Two Feotfios Cured Him,
“1 was troubled with kidoey com.
plaiat for about two years,” writes A.
H. Davis, of Mt. Sterling, In, “hol two Hho
a permanent cue,
Bropehitm tor Twenty Year
Mrs. Minerva Smith, of Danville 1} ; Bo nti st!
: ¥ Office upatales in
yours and paver got relief until [| psed five Hours
Why Othur Mesliotnes Haase FPuilod,
cured when evervibing has disappoint
A H. {ine of Moa avd cra
ber greet figs ten op twelve
night, and had a wevere
as Mile yu
Poles yt « Ki ine ¥ Lire
Oflice In the Gost Building,
deal strictly in
meat killed at our JUSTICE OF THE PEACE.
promptly attended to. Properties to
sell and rent,
Little Bros.,
Butchers and Denlers in All Kinds of
Fresh and Smoked Meats, name nealing saveint the worl. |
PATTON Read your own Cov RIER.
3 Baie 0 rome pvenl ¢
=; profession, an will esiabinbh a branes
have them fitted with specta-|
Office: in Good Building, Collections |
iy the troties ; L tne
tin ean pay ments =
REX, Thi Siem Mas
silegeneren (CL 8) Sime engi Prom dre Fel bere in town
luce. to get the loving
Naf Ced.” £ bd
Pea 1Siess, yg.
Buti lders' Hardware,
Machinists’ Tools,
Plasterers’ Tools, oi
Prints and Oils, |
1 pn Scales and Balanees,
One Day Only ! | Table an Pocket
: i Cutlery,
At Gunn's Pharmacy. Gh arpenters’ Tools,
Opposite Palmer Honse, ; Blacksmith Tools,
PATTON, PA. Glass and Jutty,
i Fishing Tackle,
Thursday, October Sth. Butchers” Tools,
Hours 8 a. oy, to 8 p.m Ww oodenware,
i yy |»
§ wit Hinenaport in nated fear high- grade Lrarder ; 1 Tools,
(uy © wpa Frade, Pio Ws es Ww a g
Prof. [J Angel, an BX per, reliable | : gous,
: Boys’ Wagons,
3 i coal WwW Baap, a oan |
(4 th » | ttl TE
: of we hewt re thin state for skill brs bis Linoleums fod pieces
j ffl cin Patton at the ative named | below cost),
Popnet owl ! a = . :
1 Hs Phi {0 5 torn bh. Stains and C Arnage
thle of the dite of exch viet $i Paints
| “min comatant | Hriishes of all
¥ preact re 2 * 2 RFR This i ; : 1 Fs tn a
thie serie $y A fhe pis HR.
trial will ponyinee any per
F urniture Department
Chamber Shits,
Fxtensiom Tables,
{En Attertayry andl {enoral Bayer fF] PSI Natio i) | Ba nk
Uewra tent Vipudah seved dhe dose Ti ; ~
» Patton, {in mbrin La, Pa
iran Beds and
Wied Beds,
Cs "pets and Mattings.
Give ns a call and see fo
vorirs wif,
J. by KIRK'S HDW.,
; h a & FURT. STORE.
If 20, it is an indication that : !
you should call at Tozer's and Magee Ave,
Do your eyes have “ That
Tired Feeling ?'
cles. Lenses exchanged free at
any time within a year from
date of sale, Satisfaction guar
% that
Ph i ty he
iy §roh a *
ri A { LE
hi sad brings Sewnty
3 bs the tawiern.
: Waring trom beraalg
: Ma ak Gn bn Casenmons.
Bk ng End G08 fa, Elma. Poems wa
I mend Watches, too mend JOHN A, GUNN,
them in the right wav. :
know how, 2 PATTON, Pa
Woateh Rpevialier,
gdom & ¢ Broad Top Mt
owes Rha Gy
oe ArePY ier at
; ta * Lak 2 ts Tm 4 or #1 ped es ; o
. “if fi : 3 : ¥ LE CeiasEe Tien With oP
1 : 5 : BoB bolle ver has? wisd ai Huntingdon,
Da : 3’ LAK ML. Gade,
* : Aye 3 or Coutsornh Manager
Young Building, Patton, Pa.
~HOURS: Sto 18a m1 to dp m —
tetem oo Patton Courier,
Promoter of Publicity.
| Advertising Hates made known oss
ot aid to OIaESTIoN,