Ra AAR Sh SSN his yo x eS Wed wes wh te vem ve prabe far, SLE Gait Hatters Las otha euliect £ For nice smoke get a Big lodion : 80 fie cent cigar at KRinkead's New No) soap bubbles on Dugisens beer, | hit Heollng'! 1s pure eremmn. Ask for it at the bars and got the best. Wanted Boy 14 or 16 years old to | leatn the jewelry trade. Banter the Jeweler, Two houses and lots for mie in Pat. 3 i £ i 3 ¥ i offer wil be refused. Tnguire of Geo, The anly relinble cure for falling biair | 1 Green Lirense. Por sale hy Eiariinkd vo Wilkins, Patton, Pa. Price 85 Chite | Te per box. Pid Hf son want the best eall for Du guesne Beer. Not a headache jo a ar | : toad of it. Cool, sparkling sod pe | | frembing. : Wanted Girl to do general hots | *linguire of Emory H. Davis, Ebene. | burg, Pa i yi Call fur Dugseane beer ab any of the | allowing hotel bars: Palmer House, Miner's Rest, Commercial Hotel and | Huotel Patton. ft Even the fellow who Js determined | party oh br t the Miswen to make a fool of bimeell should re. ing to » namber momber that what Is worth doing ut : all is worth doing well. ! Lost A red cow about five years old, | with short black round homes: front legs up to knee white, hind legs both | white, Also under belly white. Any | one knowing anything concerning ber te whereaboute wil plesse communicate | with Bteven Steranko, Patton, Pa. nA Frwy Gallons Wears Longer. Fewer gallons, takes los of Devoe | Pee AAS HA Wear longer; twice as long as lead | jsndoll. formerly propeivtor EL House at St. Boni: | d the Gallitein Hotel 4,000, Mr. Leovard | The Pride of the Household 1 ne 0 i, dived from Rome | ng the “awkward age” man. ¥ Very Rev. 2 A. aging his hands and his feet | formerly of Lo-| He'l forget all about them | (though, when he finds hi im- | self rigged out in ‘Mother's Friend” attire. * Mother’, * | Friend” " Negligee Shirts and ¥ .' Blouses are the sort that make “ cheap stuff” is found among . prices. ? Kexstone, ~ Clothing Co. MAKTER'S NOTICK, te the faurt of Common Pieas of Vesna ower nt ands, : County, : hy the Bakerton sha "is pe t Nox BEL mpi he tarda. she Ehird Fray oF Ootates, bind Tes, another i aght sing a naked A elas or : - ne Tom ef ihe ke hat hg ta hie di pat of the mine and of said ap ail AREER. Tate Lea AL, NOTICE. er} i ving in ths fourth o PRE on mation of J. FF § iy ot er, | at the pi of Tatars Me fn, it in he Borough of Patton, on Satur | y, the 101 in + aiid where rsonk attend If David So or 1 tom on essy terme No ressonable work, Small family and good wages | Lot and Zino than mixed paints. | What a time he has dur. | ow open tor business, and I wish ti say that while you are interested in money it will pay you to come and sce our goods and get our prices before Special on Saturday, September 19th: ‘150, our price "A" | | Men's Shirts at your own price if you are reasons CLOTHING going at lialf 1 Come in and see ofr Stock a nd : convinced that we have the best goods for the money. Men's St wits at $2.30 to $11.00 ol Saturday. Fn 4 kebeds, and at the best price : sree with us when you learn | ~~ We don't let anyone undersell ws in Men's, { | Women’s, Misses’, Boys’ and Children’s Shoes. LN Sion Department is complete and great pains HARDWARE DEPARTMENT. hase buen taken ts got the Prices Down at Rock | | Cin end will sell yo Hardware so much cheaper Bottom. { | than you have been fay ing that you will imagine that { | the stock is not good, but they ares Try it and you will be y convinced yourselves. HOS SIERY. headquarters as soon as our Fall TINWARE. We have all kinds of the very best away down price. Phx ad Shvrt Waists at about one-half (hinaware at almost ; invite everyone to COI MLE, SEE and INSPECT the goods. 33 ERE YOU GET MORE goods for the MON EY and better AVENUE, - PATTON, PENNA. a boy feel pride in his appears be. ance. They've such a jannti- ness in their ent; in the dainty ' strength of their fabrics. No then Yet observe the little % on gn 3 7 | : : Dore Ye The Man When be is treated right and gets what be asks for at a raoderate price is the one wha : COMES agai. With this fact in view, UL 18 i x . : 3: » Fav Rg le Cre ere Air rey #3 bos oy . ; : There is nothing better than no wonder we are doing a big business mm becoming clothes to bring out, trugs. - boy on points. "HT IS THE SAME IN EVE ERY Fhe Widow Jones pepaARTMENT OF OUR STORE. knows how to clothe little nt cohen s trast ment and fair E-business; and od I F Sten, : evotes ber entire time ra i. g ont just Ww hat boys of ages need it's her goods of i Your boy would look nobby in one of these suits? £1 Moda Water, Prupgivs’ Sandries, Cigars, an! Hayles Conf iacmiars i low of cay Spec inition, GOO 2UIL PATTON, PA. Magee Ave., 3 En thie it Ans afi all : 1 > i GUNNS P RMACY Thom So, P Patton, Pa. | msn AERO . ' SS - Bane m—— SECT] Dr. H. Ww. Ferguson, Reuel Somerville, ANTHONY ANNA, H. A. SEITZ, JUTE oF THE PEACE Attorney-at-Law, mp Denti S , P, : Eg » : 2 : Young Falling, Patton, Pa. | ParTo ron, PA. Collections prompily attended to. Offios upstairs tn Good Building. OF , | HOURS: 8to12a. m.—~) to8p. m.— : 4 dona oe has Boe Hours-8a m. to 12 m, and lp Aegp. m, Office in the Good muling. Le Dealer in real estate, ote. : [m-t08p m.
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