Hep the rich asic of th Hea i mie of Bhe voice, sounds from all k L rie als : calls her children to rejoice. : And round them throws her srms of love. _ Drink in her influence—low horn rare And wil the train of mean desire Refuse to breathe this holy air, And din the lying fabs expire, er wag Afty years old, of a modest fortune 1 A wposition. He dower, aud his ex i Intermed him that the riety . passed, ‘ ead. Boon youth and health rested thet {sway. Ceclle wrought a wonderfnl s | transi ormation in the lonely cotinge. : | Thoroughly feminine in taste, she loved | everything that Is pretty and delicate, and Marius, enchanted by the simple elegance which had succeeded ta the former disorder of his bowe, smiled gratefully upon the fairy whe und ‘brought about the change. He took his meals at home, and long conversations with his Chatelaine re [Dlaced the nightly sesslons at the eard table. He wns so happy, basking in this mild snd wholesome pliysieal and | moral atmosphere, that Lie took po ac cotint of the flight of time. After some months of this idyllic existence, she suddenly became very serious and Marius, greatly surprised, Ques tioned her, nnd finally she said: “1 think that I ought Bot to tive any longer at your—" But Marius frowned 50 fiercely that | she checked herself, .. | Hleve me. = | Hving. red | 17. anys raleed : oh and drew. her ot furniture. thelr sacrificed to ob. Tr arrival the mother | suddenly, leaving Cercle penniless in the zrest she Aid not: know a ge economy thie gir) te in almost In ipted by fite weeping. ace. ; Its Pitas elled—the darge, vel: r of hospitals, i poor child } git? In love with you even gave np his pipe, Affected i i ¢lear to Marios, ot | f00L" the young man replied. Fl promize—and 1 will Keep it” '| Robert. you will tet me do my : suffered : “Oh, do not doubt my affection,” she exclaimed. "yf am not ungrateful, be. My self respect : i ell, well? said Marigs, ‘impatient: “We with speak of thst tounor ‘But that very day a friendly neigh- ; | bor, an old lady, sald to him: “My dear M. lLouarnler, 1 feel it my duty to tell you thint people are begin. | Ring to talk. 1 know that you are the soul of tf honor and that Cecile in an angel, but evil tongues will wag Wer don’t you stop them ?* "How ean IY “Br marrying Cecile.” "What! Do you jmagive that 1 know she Is Tram a Woman's HT imagive nothing, intuition” And the old lady added witha smile: “SWhat if vou ure firty, iid ong bs yuu don't look un Marry Cectle? He? 1surd lea! But the more he thought abont it the less abaurd it appeared. And, look. ing sqnarely inte his heart, be saw that be loved the girl passlonstely, The little fairy bad given him hack his youth and awakened the heart that Ie had thought dona forever. Ah! if the old lady's intuition were correct! ‘Then he bogan to pay great atten fon to hig dress and manners. He Cecile notlead hin rejuvenation and complimented What an ah him upon it frankly, and then be fel | inspired to tell his love and ask her to be hls wife Ble Hatened Ip smiling silence and. mn i burst of grateful affection, put her hand in that of her benegactor and said: “Yes Tlie wedding was arranged to take i place lg the autumn, Meanwille Marius lived at A hotel, * Tom cate every day to his old house to sce hie young sweetheart, who al- wavs welcomed him with a smile of tender affection. The summer wore on, and there came a time when the smile gave placs to grief and tears as soon as the utcon- _ 1 scious lover's hack was turned, Then, ove evening, be came and : Pond Cecliv’s voice and anotlior’s com- o {Ing frem the nolighted parlor. «| Tecogoized the other voice 8s tint of ‘He a young svchiteet whe was spending : {his vacation with his mether, the lady who had suggested the marriage of ‘Marine and Ceeile, The situation at ones became hors Ile Hstened, "You are unkind,” Cecile was siying. ‘191 eannot be your wife: you know that.” “1 enly know that I hate the old “Hush! Robert! You stall not in 2 lanieihim.” “I hate him, 1 say! He hae ruined 4 self-atmegation ox pressed 1 for summer footgear. i ent and enamelled eall are worn in jl to be worn through the fall : ] fies have practically disappeared in seen on high priced dress slippers, dear, be seen, ‘But 1 must earn my own | HH. Iv Modn the wall of a build leaving a my He “He loves me, Robert and I hin everything. I have given bim my “Rut it lxenough fo drive me mad! owl tell him to his face that I love “Lwou--and that vou love ma! “If ven you do; simple 0 love me ag you 1Y 3 due” ‘Marius had heard enough. He went back to bis hotel, staggering like a drunken man. - He was an old fool, then? An old fool? He asked bis mirror and it told him the truth, How had he come to forget his thin gray hair and the crows’ feet sbont hig eyes and to fancy that Cecile could really love him? Yes! He was an old fool. To a night of agony suceeded al ia week, i Lamar played thirty games. In a slugle a herale resolve, on 1] devine mise.” : Ceclle's heart leaped for joy, tat | | she replied: #1 do not understand you, Gear Ma<i ius » “Hush ™ sald he. “Call me ‘Father! won't sou, my dear?’ : | She comprehended the admirable, ‘words, and erted: HOh, how 00d Fou fre to me ak] J ways-~Father!” “And pow” ; gall Marios, with his old-time, good-natured snille, Tenppose we ask our neighbors to dinner” NE i York News, SPECIAL "COUT" SHOE, ; Nh seme. : They Open Clear to the Tip of the Toe and Onn Be Loosely Lael, fhiny leather shoes lead in popularity Patent kid, pat. preference tn ail efee, and will continne Manusnish favor of wore feminine sud footwear, An enermons variety of sivap slip pers in French patent calf, suede, cas tor and viel are being worn every woman seeming 16 have an ndividnal style on her foot. Those sirap slippers have from one to twelve straps. Bead. ing la sen on many slippers In Jer, steel and colors. For Loudeir asd party nse heels are petting higher snd toes narrower, white ainminnm heels in gold, silver and natural finish are lghiter A pool many women fre niving shoes for summer morning and outing wear. At present tan shoes ave rather After years of lmnietss popu larity they went ont Altogether, but {now are made up In exprusive leather | for exclusive customers, As the summer progresses more And | move slilny shoes with dull teps will} It ts predicted that this going to Le a dominant sivie In fools i |8 White canvas |}? wear during the fail oxfords will be zeen on many a well gbod foot, A novelty {no footwear 1s a “gout” { shoe for men. These shines open clear 10 the tip of the toe and open wide, so that the foot can be laid ou the soft | inner sole and Inced as loosely ax de. sired. There are no seams. no lining in the shoe, nothing to bind or rah The soles nre Hght and the leather is soft and flexible, Plant That Keeps Off Mosquitoes, Thire would appear to be nine Lope ANI er fer those who suffer from fies, grate, | and wasps in suinmer time, Captain Lasrymore, wha his recently prevented a growing specinien of the “mosdinto plant to Bew Gardens wittes thus in the Tiwes covcerning it “1 enn personally testis fo the ex. tracedinary «flood which Is prodaced Git mosuiiors by the pheasant odor of fra fresh leaves, and by pledving wo or three growing potx of the plant in cach Toni and along the windward veranda, a bauss ean be kent braciie Srew of these insects, “am ‘really anxioos to whither the aforesald “masquitn plant” will Bourish out of doors and In Uds country. 10 sn, He proprietors will prabsbly made 8 fortune, The “mosquito pina” ow yal ! be invainabie; but 1 am tersibiy af ail press ently | be ar that it will fal fenreints in the open sir in thls connivy London Graphite, Aen a ally Singnlarly Preserved Cols, Some fifteen years ags a Virginia gentleman ptrelissed in Alesandria, Egypt, from a native who bag found Ixaken during a conflagration, w Bat apears] to bie a mass of corroded copter welzhs ng twenty pounds it wae Kept as 8 heart orpament, unt! recently it was found to oonrist of about MO Homan ecolne, struck in the dave of the early Caesars, Profissor Donning University of Virginia, finds thn: the colus contain ote part of silver to four of capper, but when dipped In acld a part of the copper disaprears, siivepy surface, which “wears” as a white metal. He believes the coins passed for silver, The mass had become encrusted with a double skin of malachite snd of rod oxide of copper and remarkable chepges fad gone an within, althongh the Jet tering and the dates remained legible, ass ob et Have a Peanut? An original young waman of Lamar lias invested a new kind of social diver. sion. It Is the “progressive prasat party.” Four guests are seated about cach table, and on the table is placed a crock full of peanuts. Each guest is provided with a hatpin, aml when the {word Is given all begin jabhing Tor pea. nute. The quartet tut cro rst wing the game. sels of players change, wnpties iis and then tlie It is seedless lo Eay that the peanat party Is strictly GW a “hea” fapction, a crockfiul of peanut but {he A man apndn’t jab ts with a Batpin Young weal aftocnoon Kan Sn A aA dotinal, City Remarkable Natnrnl Triage. Recenily a man props miging regions ef Avis markable natural bride. : depp canyon forty-five foot i The bridge {3 made by a great fied tree that les across the Selentific men say that many since this tree war prosirated by os ® terrific stormoand fell reves tho ogne yon, By the effects of the water » of time it has passed through many | stages of mineralization, and is now a wonderful tree of soild agate. And | there It lies, making an agate bridge over wlich men way pass [rom side te Aides : fu those | ian know | an, of the | = {It ix over thus with plas OME iieresting erperimentat conetusiong on the subject its ave been published by Professor Arthur Allin, who , he Chalr of Peychology and Fdueation at the University dorado. Professor Allin flustrates, br famifisy examples, cer. in of ths Inws underlying many of the mort common of our fs and habits, For instance, it I a fet that a single weak thouins, which Ix itself Ineapabls of easing ' reflex net, may] editce it if it (8 repeated often enoiigh. “The sound of a door-bell may tiot call np much of a motor = response, bi repeated often may chose a very considerable re sponse, continued, produce convulsive responses, pedatediy on the same cpot is to invite him to kick, Continued dropping of water from a faucet during the night, or the intermittent sounds of 8 mouse gnawing, produce extreme feritability. © ©. The peychology of advertising shows many s#vlilenoes of hiv uw, Temptation Ir sll its forms usmally works by the sun wsition of stimuli. The young man of slight moral resistabics, on his way hame #ireet his inkibitory power is exhausted and he Pisses helplessly through the duors ” The training of one porting of the body trains #t the gate time ths SYmmet rival yur! aud aise nelghlioricg paris. says Professor Alin “Experiments show, for exatople, that jraciice of the finger tip of the It hand increasex the fineness of the touch of ine finger tip of the right hand, bat does Dot increase fast of the eft forearm. The ability to write with the deft hand is obtained by | lmrning with the right hand. Practices in writing the figrire ning backwards with the ft head frequently causes one involuntarily to write the pine back. wand when using the right” : o In learning yonserscsylinhles, 1 oe, srilables sonsigting of a vowel between P¥o oimsonauts, an adolf, writes Professor Allin, is 8hie to imeniorige much #irger vows of syllables than can children. “To give a relative estimate, those at the age of elghiedn to tweety reproduce approximately one sud & Half timer as minny sriiabies as those (oom eight to ten years of age. After completed bod Hy Cevdivjunind the Sgares rematn practicaliy constant, Setlapers Weekly, by J edge Gray. FREE and untrammeled jress lg 8 potent influence for good, It is & reflex of public opinion, which, on the other hand, 1 beips 10 maid and direct, We all live to-day poider its calcium Hight, and} the growing sense of responsibility on the part of those who con Auer it Is pew ground for hopefuiness as to the future, We some times rezent Ha invasion of our privacy. its mistakes and false Judgments, and in our anger at the original offender we are ap’ to forget the beneficence of the institution and think we pay ¢ high Brice, a very high price, for the unirameled freedom of the press. But di not Jet us forget that we have received a hundredfold return for the price we hive naid, Furgugh it mainly does pulilie opinion exert Hs saintary infigence aad through It largely are exploited the trae defenses of the individualism and fursonad Hberty on which | have dwelt vo much. CC Publle opinion . + + comes from the eracibile of discussion and contention f1001g a free people snd from an awakensd public cousclence. Ita most pow ful instrument and vehicle j8, as 1 have sald, a free and ou trasaroeled press 11 1s the saber second thought of virtuous sud intelligent wen sand women, and | thes covamon aw of our country is st its best Lat the authoritative expression of Hi Loliesis, The Acquisition of Unavailing Wealth the Dominant Passion of Our Age. By Ellot Gregory. + 11 acquisition of property for which the pozsoseor bas ities o1 B Do nee ix fast beeoning the demloant pels Hef our i? age. Whet a pation Wdniges fo he weakness it te, I bedleve called "hig peristieg.” god hides behind a screen of patr tion ine i and corporations excuse thelr growed In mach the sane way All classes and condiilone feel the smibiterd sugsesthon, Eve our wothed gre hittin Oy the nndadss When we read of of Crorene weing ap Hix vorpal ver ir soidnlelt conferences, Cows 61 ¥ one suplose if iy becanse | Lip fee's he xopecesiiiy af more ones Preen rots] He can not, ax it is, yveekon uy bis possessions witlionr the sid of ¢ sReep er, and ax far ae personal was ig go the tneome of a i Iheomne wonk sly sutfice. Milllosy sre bat the ror i fATOES bf it aeiing throuel og “degl” i work 3 oemibine that holds then wl th th ely pose to the seiadstone. One would simply slgn at such wastiar of life's In yoga peas the alte By i were pot thal, In onder to st LL, Dives wlll cnjele the nuwarihy con fort with een be desphive, snd Fecuive At hie table fellow promoters of mon than doabiful reoorde, provided they can 34] the =che on whirh be has sf fis heart, Jost where honorable industry ends and svariclops piling vp o tresaure bering ho one £an tage it upon Limsell to say. The piri, however that tmpels 4 yousg ean to sacrifice all or alms of fifa in orders to nny 8 liberal eompetence (nto werlth too great 16 be sent and the giving sway o whick, unions carefully regulated, fs 3 denbifnl zood 1 cortainty to hes i 1 is miphiltion, we are {eld-a eonimendnlde desire to be honored and euvisd of | make one's mark ti the world snd leave a respected Bimie as an nhorftatee b ered ehdlibren that hnpeis many of our Sen to voare of peediess oll If the people win place such a vale an prestige and honor, and feilously in the gold mill to achisve this end, weuld only suspend 1k mbar lob encugh to look aloud thom they would see an oblection 15 the accuanisilof ¢f wealth for wealth's sake that onthaliinces the mivor reasons sa ind oo! wielghs matter. The réally great rewards the splendid and lasting prizes wor thy to crown a life of effort ard aliesation, hase never vit bevn geaardesd | any land or by any race to mere wealth not even lisre on this niu lovin} cantinent and in our material age. With certafn exceptions tis the YMotleys, th Clicates and the Andrew D, Whites who are selected to represent vs at Duper cobris and International eangreives, 1g the features of thelr Shonaine at Lincolus that an admiring nation caste in everlasting ropes, vot those of Dog presidents or syndicate magaitex, pie they never ¥a hich, When ieevurise Ly the sordid bent of meu's finds and the dUproportionnts fhe SER y the daring of # hing the Fo “ FT fy iged wall # veled 8 the dollar on this slide of the water, itis a detisfaction to roeall thls foe for 1oves that in spite of apoeatinces. the Beart of the tin is In the right place, 2 Vhen Wealth is Too Costly. By President 4. M. Swain, of Swarthmuore. EALTH ds sf ricoh Cc lawe, baat if . Aner 1 hag goons Cone a sures oo Lis fs who hag the aoe Iwasy : ¥. ux @ oy ef the dos pigs 238 aie¢al Wass He Anson “<’ 2? Tete A plimizesd apn wese nt al Lhe i sar Of Lind ¥ vy Took Hist : po a IgE v PE OHS as i 5 orb ina ve of fof a tapeniin Prog digtinetio, Al anxiety and add paws 7 Fon dn the fuliilioent of your p b necessary for a happy life and HB aL ey ually 4g nat brit Copen to all normally constituted wen and women wil partanities for happiness, Darwin was right when he placed domestic affection us a necosseby part of | happiness, The elevation of the family is an impo If not the most im portant, end of civilization. ile who allows the pursuit of wealth, the strogehe i for place, the thirst for glory or the feverish haste of wodern life to eneronek | upon the joys of domestic life crowds out the wost sacred ties which bring Jey {to uf e Lad tae ary eh offer the greatest up bo # rift, A slight tickling when one is asleep or awake may, 111 To strike a horse re | 01 the evening, pasess through one, It DAY by two, sires of saloons: In the third] Givi J Tie one ix possess of PARADISE Bax fair the world ould be: the days RE outd peer bed nl barren soem ™ Jo wouid blase, Fixit wan couul pave & rae 3, Te BROKEN METER. “Tack thinks Mary is a poem.” wr is averse to him. New York Lit. MADE AT HOME. Mrs, Knicker Why did thelr guest leave so suddenly 7 Mrk Bocker->She was treated lke pte of the fastiiy "New York Sum. EXTREMES ENCOMFORTABLE. I Bat Miiices wenn? "Why, you're ‘comfortable’ when fod're neither poor nor rich. “Dielrolt Free Prissy, ALL GONE. "ia Tobnson's purchases Inelude also the goad will of the business?” hers wasn't suy geod will te it L(t was a coal dealer that Johnson bonglic out, "=$rracuse Herald, ——— : XO SUCH NONSENSE POR HIM. Ion you die for me?’ she seked, senititsentaily. “Wow, look here” he rotarned, jn bs Aliteroffact way, “are we supposed . ito lie ninsnice a cheap novel or a weds 1 diag?" ~Biray Stories. SHUTTING HIM OFF. Borem (stonping sequaintanesy-*q SF ood loan, let we give JOU a pointer, ry Knowem breaking awar-"Den't ®t feno place to keep a dog-~ion's dke dogs anyway. "—Bullale News JIER PRESENT OCCUPATION. Naggshy—"What ls Miss Oldzyrie seampation ?” Wagzeby--“It was formerly that of sodiety bells: but she has had 8 steady fob for the past seven years sidestop. FH Mrihdags"Baitimore American, FETWEEN FRIENDS, Mies Elderleizh—“1"1l Jot you Into 8 sere If you'll promise not to tell iL" as Younger--All right” Mizz Elderteizh-"T'm engaged” Mize Younger—"0h fodze’ Supsose 1 tho tell 1: no one will believe "= Chirag | News, won AN'S av EER WAYS. 3, Chitags womnh wha Is §zuring In a divorce cass complains that her Biiaod would fo for days at 8 tine witheus sneaking to Ber” Mita just lke a woman. You'll ‘nei Hegre of 8 man goa inte court for sstel a thing os thaty BOSTON CH NESS, Linthain—-"You don't mesn In ny Clittley is guing to marry - Bowe girl, Whe, dan’t vou ko: Pw, ther pie & ferris “eal Lhdocded yace Mitihetyas es, go I've heard, cual Baile sillen =Hosion Trateoript, THOUGHTYUL, “Ten’t worry about moncr, darling, whits we are harried, We can live sR the proverbial ‘loend, eheese xed Rhagam " “f kadw. Archidald: bot who is goitiz to fornieh the hrvad and chess 7 ~Hiltimere Morning Herald, sever A ure valine shoal gin” ntrineic In amsdderieg a “1 never dows with oa” answered Mies Caveene “What aches me is the thonmpht thar anybody bss been willing to brave a evowd of baliday sidipety for Ly sake Washington star. A SAFE STATEMENT. HA fierman publisher ham lssued a pa] pdibet. In which be tells what a Toman does not do. Among other Hrd Lo says A genteman does pot «ean de cologne and read greasy men frown a circulating Hbrary™ A ge pilegian who uses eau de calogoe probably deesn’t rsd soything at all an the book ne” IN PURSUIT OF KXOWLEDGE, “Xeon nyest be asked a great nummy ah guestions in the rourss of the ¥aid the solemn man to the ele Rig ming, “Yzs wir: am” ix a? Ang what thes np" Ly sos of 51, + BIGE ns van re Saking” A MN ON Ca DIFFERENT. “I ennnst understand ada Pro nd si WR Ce Wasa aon iS. 3 TELE 3d 1 pea whe rnd him down ! secy the bl ande sha snut with bite -s ds she sent bin ba fae be Buse be “roust Bate work of game Kind, even if ke hod to work fer 3 Hnete pitancn. The metve of ber callin’ mie names Dk that! Phila Geipbin Press. eg x I i I spa EET the bleak i dove comfortable circum. -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers