Tala inmASIASSH RA E 55 : Hughson,” of Chicago, whos fo ows, is another woman in hig ion who ow s her health to the use of Vegetable Compound. 1 g suffered for several years with Sonera] by womb trouble. n pains, ca caused lip wake | for hours, and could Hye than when I retired. After ming to try the merits of Lydia od ee Tam to glad 1 did. Noone oi took three bottles Ind | oily. and did me. ay health, it drove all diseass and poison mace We feel as ep 0 and active as a young girl sre certainly sl they ore claimed to be.” — ST East Ohio St. Chicago, IL : How Ordinary Tasks Produce Displacements. incidents in woman's daily life frequently produce bh A slip on the stairs, lifting during menstruation, ine a sewing machine, or attending to the most 1acement, and a train of serious evils is started. trouble should be the signal for uick action. . become chronic through neglect or & ken ides Jearing it alone. have regained besits by the des of Lydia E. nd. rs which do not understand ass. for SE her advice, and Dean Mune, Prenat You are decd a end >, women, and if they all knew what £2 their draggin “1 suffered | for them, there would be no need » out miserable lives in agony, or years with be aring-down Jens ead. ‘womb troubls, nervousness, a and excruciating ache. but a fow hotties of Lydia E. Pinkham's ~ Vegetable Compound made life lock new and promising to me. Iam light and happy and I do not know what sic knees is, and I now enjoy the best of health.” Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable : Compound =n alwers le relied upon to restore health to women who thus suffer, It is 8 sovereign cure for rms of female complaints, — that besring-down feeling, weak 2 ment of the womb, Inflammation of the ovaries, and of the uterus or womb. It dissolves and expels tumors from the ‘early stage of develo it Sabduce excitability ; {ts record finoniels, whisk nt, and checks any tendency to cancers , pervous prostration, and tones np the : Heures is the greatest in the world, sod upon with confidence. FELT If we cxnnot forthwith produss the original letters and signatures of whwolnte penninenens | est vanes sdicine ever made. t them have heen sold in the United : States in a single} year. Every jilness ma disordered stomach is || or cured by their use. Bo fs it that diseases originate je stomach It may be safely ax. t there §8 no condition of {lp Ith that will not be benefited or tured by the occasional use of Ripans Fabules. Physicians know them and pea highly of them. All droggists | : . The five-cent package is lor an ordinary oceaslun, and ; e Family Bottle, sixty cents, contains | = househid supply for a year. One| y gives relief within twenty | PAY SPOT CASH FOR ND WARRANTS, ache are aud never found any bing your Cascarste. Bince ed abit b taking Cukearets ha hak never had “the basdarba, They bave sutirely cured kim. Carearata da what yous recommend Shem wr do. | will give 708 the privilege of uwsiog bi a »” EM oy £ Bis same. ns Realner $5, W.Indinsapolis i The genuine tablet 0 vere or ae mansy bask. Sterling Remedy C or i : : ple laxative you can buy. {They keep the bowels regular, cure e constipation. ad peep A stigrap Xl $e Frat aetis ins woh § fre AE tun paper in Bae De, RB. While, Prin, Wellesley With, Wass, Daarrintive entalor sow ng ho this asking. os 3 aferson. VERY How and then. one hears about invasions of grasshoppers that stop ral romil trains. The old yarn wan being nnresled the other night when a skeptic put in his unbelief, “1 have been through several grass. hopper epidemics,” he sald, “but | ‘pever saw any such thing, But I di encounter an exodus of prairie dogs once, on what was then a praivie Io Nebraska, that held up a long em ‘grant train for a day and night. It was during the rush for Pike's Peal JE wan po unusual split to see miles and miles of covered wagons wendiog | thelr way like an ariny toward what whan supposed to be the belter land We pad ben out fibout two weeks rom thaahe when one of the adeance tard burried bask along the Hine with Ne information that a drove of profile | dogs was crossing the road a mile or go ahead snd thai ther wore vs Ho {hit pore moment by one of the spots CL merons that the vanguard «of the prairie schooners had been stopped | A temporary hinlt wag nade “Xo one supposed i would be of long | duration, bot, darkness coniing on, we yeunded up for the night. The next morning the line dhl not move for ward, por did gain an iveh all day, Then a few of us monied our horsex god vode forward to reconbolinn When we got within 8 guarter of p mile af the bond of the ling we leaked forward, The face of thy eatth was i mation “Ax Tar ax the visio extended, north ard south 1 wax the same. They were moving from the north to the sonihie the prairie dogs were, They were 80 | clowe together you eonliln’t have tossed your hat between then They did mt seein fo be oanlesivieken, hat gw moved on and on like a great eloml It wae the sfrnngest slight 1 ever saw, Old pisinemen shid hey never aw auyibing Hike if. When they were first seen we turned the dogs in the traln faces upon them, bur the dogs saan gave aunt, Maybe there is some sort | af sMnity between donwestie dogs and prafcie dogs which prompted the for mer to strike sehen it cane to esters chrovwn, hut Ht fe thought that the ler : ror of hie situation in the bear trap and minating their species, Anyway thi domestic doge isl gave gp the jal Ax for shooting ths Hitle brown rvs cala, that would bave heen folly, Wel Cdora Kratg, mother of the Young : homestender, everyimdy, tend our with satouing if gave ny the doh and saught rest wheré { ever it cand he found, The pext day | hadn't the ammanition “Tin inet night of the great exoddix thers wasn't a pralele dog In sight We rsspmed our fonrgey. Ar we fear our destination pod the bag lige prairie sehioners hogan th ie} men hat espe hine elves thin abo? : ; & : pa 1 ET Bething eve ta think a § “loaning the loo Po pepard splines and the sight wae fareatien, 1 Rp But } never forget HH, spd now mad dreamed), 1 estiefiod sys not mistaken in what I sav where sone of them Toenail, but wiers Aid they come from?*-Lhicago Inte Ele to yest on oa lon's cage. When the Cteaek fa valesd the rool of the Wi Beasts houses will at the eames lime Ocean. a A BHORHONE HERGINE. ¥ by i i HY oo ihn bgt Fe 1. i 4 How the Lewis and Clack cestennindi pga ba dieciosed riding round the ae : side of 8 basin bat they silos tn 1005, leng-lslnved recog elebantion, to be held dn Porting nition will bo pald to one of the hero At the time of the appearance of Mix, The Conquest” which deseribed the first crossing of the Anmisyiean cont nent, the suggestion was wads that it | woth! be fitting to svect a statue of | this Indian hernlne ar the Louisiana! i Purchase Exhibition al 82, Louis the ST Inepector-Oeneral of the Nozsms ETC TIES * HE 3 3 fap SHE + HG a awatind. has 15 strange Missourl town being the starting point; forves at Hyderalad, has had 5 afr fof the Lewis and Clark expedition Inj’, 1804, It in now annasanes), however, that the statue to the memory of Sacajawen | will be erected at Portland at the | : : : Land took refuge In a cave, wherg he * : whe X srity discovered hiv the or Women, appropriately enough, have | O08 suddenly discovered hy Ih taken un the project of the sta‘ne. | : & iad The women of Oregon, Washington, | "ted. Caplan Maequold, » Tew 1daho, Mantana and the Dakoias will | Yards awar jost had ume to drop be ealled union to interest themselves down hehind 2 Te Yuk fo in the matter, It ix praposed ta ort i three feet nid 8 halt high, hey ho a stafne. costing fot more than Same. | tiger ettersid from the eave, cr led and it is further vroposed 1hat 4 | YiREL aver the lodge without noticing thse officer, and made for the ardirly. farhio had tripped and fallen, He had ! selged the native by the log when Dap to the part plaved by Sacajawea iq | 12in. Macquold hedged a bullet In hi the sueccsafnl expedition led hy Lewis ; i and 1ren shot him though ! ad and Clark, She was firet met by ha | head. Captain Marguaul nas had wie explorers in their winter emp among time of the Lewis and Chirk centennial, woman ‘geulptor, Miss Allee Cooper, of olorada, be glven the commission, Miss Dye in hor story gave fai oral the Mandates She was a captive, Shoshone girl only sixiven hut moar ried to a French half freed interpreter, | In the spring, when thie paris wove $ 3 ¥ forward, Sacalawes aceomuanied with her hoshaond sad Cult. proved af nest : quick witied, of the homing pix of gddes, AL ang horses pieant frusty and phuiost caviain pedition, it was the In eafoled the Shoshones their horses, and this men to press forward Racaiawen also gud fda the nariv. eh its return tripe It dwosald she meds ved | fully to realize the Guporian expedition amd to deglye IIR suecesy as; much ax the leaders. Many thisk, fF svithont thir Indipn girl the expadi ! tion which paved the path across the continent, might have been a fall ture. | t wis pot krown when or how she died, but a monument at jast will be | erected to her memory by the wonien © gE ¥ a : OTR TAR then oreasionaly 1 have met wise ote | » who sleo saw tlie sight anid ne 1 knew | they were men who never drank or Sf that T wis | he ? { : wn RFR tha fetire remaining ou ithe reek | $towas the gramd army of prairie dora looking for places to Lurrow, | Know | i for Bepeath them Hon Ines of American history, the Bhaghane i Indian girl, called Sacalawen, whe | petid as guide to the exploting party. mean for the wheelinen a fail into the | deg of will beasts, The man ager of Eva Emery Dives ramantle narratives aug oho protadly claims that it will be the most bloed-cn ating ¢ on recaril had tracked the aniiual Tor amd wanted bint msde good Nis esfine, and Leader, CIRCLED BY WATE! Becalined at sen while fifives watets spouts roared and hissed abomt ler, wns the experieiics of the Xpmbish Main schooner John A. Matheson, Capiain Vaux, which arrived in port yesterday from Ban Andreas, The Matheson wae in the latitude of Has vannah Ist Thursday, the sen smooth ax glass and pet a breath of air stirs ring, Off a distances the collision of evrrents of alr from different direc tions began sucking up the sea in tes volvifig cones until the velnmes of seater reached to the clouds spd wire formed Hike 8 sand hour glass The masses of water were hundreds of feet bhizh and shout thirty feet thiok at thelr narrowest part. in the middie. They whistlrd around with a terrifying roar, shooting off showire of spray. The spouts formed ahind anil astern of the schooner, off to sip hoard and to port, compbiely gure rounding and dancing about the be sniloed veges! The vessel had no steprage way, while no joes than nine of these “manines of the sea’ raved and fro gerose the waters, It vas expected that the Matheson would he that cavoripd about bea, whieh nenut n dismasting of the vessel to say the longt of I. Three of the lmmense whirling bods broke awl fell ute the soa oniv a few ship's leowths artern of the Mathesan, To all, fifteon waters granite roared past the schooner, The Mathezon twas seventeen dares an the passage, and during part of the Fin nade BOS miles ip sixty-nine hours “HBaitiinore American, DED IN A RE SAR TRAD. Herman Kratz, a bomesteader, wha Heed seventeen mnilles peorthwest of Ely. Northeastern Minnesora, myeterk | outs disappeared Inet Beptember, and tip traes was ever foand of lim until a few dave ago, when the eheleton if a ian suposed to have been Kratz was font by a viel engloeer in a deadfall sed for besr five or six miles froth his pines In the deep woods, The flesh Lad practically all disappeared from I skeleton, hut the sealp and lade sitll remained in part. The clothing was rotied away so that It was of little ties for purposes of identification, One puzziing thing le that the Lah seame somewhat gray, while the hair uf the mizeine bomesteader was dark he knowledge that he could never es rs eansed bia hair to whiten, Theo on ftved on a furm given ndies from Elroy, Wie, Is re wird to have Berane Insane over 34% disappearance sod peobalie death of her son, IR A DANGEROUS PERFORMANCE, se Feeneh Bave somp vErstiom on Cilon te the Sdeatlly elects over the bv He in aT ; fe oennaiste of a Hie track, which wikis pide pound i Ig smowiy grand. Feoninglly the exsist ave tenrifie sips whar hake « of a basin, with fin bottom, Yalr the alice wilde off. Thus ihe cyclists will, as 1] Ds Wire off thaw If ihe Intler were Laat tori oes, ve, unter the Whip of a Yammer, wil voor sud raze apd a sHp er the harsting of a tire wind £4 A TIGER YARN, Captain Maguold, of the First Line adventure with a tiger wear Bangalore, Aceon isd} by oa native erivriy hie thre days then lost him, The Hger was leriy. who gave a warning shout and los of Fook anily eral narrow excapes of a shmitar Hind On a former ocoasion a tiger apes Erleht over hinted STRECH BY LIGHTNING, A Brooklvn man wie was strnell by pining saves the experience is pot & at pd Hf so terrifying a cof ho YI owas N 5 a x enealied np beliingd © se af wad fast gone Had td his soe ny And Sms runing 10 nie. © muscle, They brought me home ina i aoe Oy strech came back, 1 have nat vel, HOW Ay er, recovered the {ull use of my legs”? Some people ave kept so busy giving ‘advice that they haven't time fo wiud of tse ceuntry which her servipes 1hielr own business nol ove ies Curtaln, of St. MES 188 NELLIE CURTAIN 88 Pears street, St. Paul, Minn, 329 sales Woman in a department siove, writes: “1 kave charge of a department in a dry goodsstore, and after standing the larger part of the day, I would g2 hom» with a dull ache, gennrally through my entire body. 1 used Po- runa and feel so much better that 1 walk to ani from the store now. 1 know Perunda to be the best medicine on the market for the diseases pror- | Har to women.’ Hise Nellte Cur. fain, Nothing is so weakening to the haman system as the constant joss of pours. (a tarrhal inflameastion of the muchas mem brane paeoduees an excessive formation of | mocus. WW hether the mucom membrane be LT NT a ny tore YY 9 bog drain of the duly loss of moos. located in the head or pelvic. erp AAS discharge of mocus © sure 16 oor. This disc of mnean constitutes & weaken: ; drain; 4 the system cannot wit the of mucus, hence that women afftisted with eatarrhal a tions of the pelvic organs feel hou languid, with weak hock and An Admirable Tonle, Congressroan Mark H. Dunnell, National Hotel, Washington, D. C., writes: “Your Feruna being used by myself ad many of my frends and scqemntances, MS only as a cure Dir catarrh bot Also 8 08 admirable tonic for phymeal recuperation, 1 gladly recommend it io 3 Pion » quiring sock remedies.” < Mar 1 you do not derive promt and satifees tory resuits from the we Teruna: Xr at anes to Dr. Hartman, ment of your case und he at pa fol ot give you his valuable advice hed son Address Dr Hartman, President of he Hartman Sanitariem, Columban ER Delicate Work on Fossil, Great difficulty haw hitherto beem found In reooving fossils from thelr rock encasement without breaking or defacing them. Dental engines and electric mallets have been used in mary aboratories, but without wholly sathifactory results, Now, however, the purumatic hammer Us employsd, with which a chisel may be driven at the rate of 3.0006 pevointions a minute, the compressed alr being comtrojlad by a pushbution valve and the In strument Leing so tmall thet it may ba held In any position and gsed to clear out deep cavities without injory to the {osyil FIT permanantly marnd, Xa 048 oF neredtne noes alter first Saya pen of Dr. Kiloe's Great NerveRastorar $Rrial bots asd treatisalree Dr. BH. Kix, Id, #81 4 Areh eh ut, Palisa, Fa A philosopher in very often a man who preaches what oiler paapie shoutd practite, The Bammer Bath. Kothing is more refreshing or invigorating tn sutner than 8 dally tath, Tus rofl, tepid water and good soaps lrory Hosp ie Jdeal for the bath: it bs pure, isthers quiskly and Jesven the alin west and white. Tha bath shosid be taken varie 1a the morning or just pefors Fetiring at night. treaxas Bo Pasexn Fores the business of the conlrsstor has been known to expand. Us Allen's Foot-Unan, It ts the only sure for Swollen, Smarting, Tired Aohing, Hot, SBwinting Fro, Corns and Bunions. Ask for Alien’ '# Foot. Ease, Apewdar fo be shalien oto the shies, Cares while sail. At all Drugeists snd Bios Stopes, Don't secept any sublstitote, Bampls nt Fux. Aditress, Allen 8. irated, |, Lakoy, NX. An exr i wovisid when the bon steals a nest by the roadeide. Mra, Winslow's 3ooihing Syrup t ae ashiideny teething soften ths pases, reduces Inllaams, Lon aliays pain, on res rind sulie, Loe, abate To bast of one's honesty dosan’t aleuys prove 3. 1do not believe Piso’ " Care far Conseinp- tien hasan o Jaa for sou and oolds—Joun ¥.Bores, irinity Apriogs, An 1.. Ved, 15 10, a Money ma saske 1 the mare go, out its ditlirent with an antomslile, Feghters Would Get Hurt. : The toy pistol In Bouth America would rueke those revolutions far more © dangerous than they are ~Pliladelphia ¢ Press. Shadow Dodgers. They are folks who are so careful that they dodge the shadows of thelr own making. —~New York Press, Ce100 R Rewsnd. $100. The readers of this paper will be nleasad ts jean that thorn is at jeast coos dreaded dss ease that sctende has bavg able to 2urs HME fis aiaxes, and that is Catareh, Hall's Ostared Cura is the only positive sure now Enowato the medics Tratemity, Catarrh olog a inilie stitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's CatarshCure is taken tabage nally, acting direotly upon the blood sod sie cous sarinoes of the sysiam, Thereby destiny. ing thie foundation of the disses, und giving be patiens strength by Lallding up the toa. sctaron and sssisting bature in doing Ss work. The proprietors have so much Inithin its aurative powers that they offer One Han. Origin of “Chestaut.” The use of the word “chestnut” a9 typitylng an oid story may be traced to Edwin A. Abbey, the celebrated are ist, who is painting the picture of the coronation of King Edward VIL, a8 the king's command. Mr, Abbey is an Anierican snd was born In phim and wducated at that city. Late jon he joined a prominent cloh, the members of which prided themselves on their ability to tell smart and witty anecdotes. The srtist wis fond of a joke and was In the habic of ab ways purposely teiling the same yarn. i was a pointless siory about & Iman who had a chestnut farm and who never made ary money beacanse he raid not resist the temptation wo give his crop away. Mr. Abbey always be gan this story io a different way, but wonld gradusily wad no to 1X enti] his bearers would recognize it and ery “Chestnuts’'” And In that way the world gradually assumed [ts slang sige pificance, and ia now used to brand » story as old wherever Lhe Eng! ih lame guage is spoken. I yr a and feaiure of the World's Fair will be a pottery In operation. Werkmen of the highest skill will cmnufacture Sart pottery, fo that visitors may note all the processes involved A friSg farpace will stand in the center of 8 gpecial buliding, and the potters with their wheels will bz ranged around the interior, so that visitors may make a clear inspection of the work. ‘My hair came out by the hand ful, and the gray bairs 0 Sree in. 1tried Ayer's Hair Vigon, the hair from fins the color,” MoH, b. Grats No. Suen, dred Dollars foraay asda that it falls to same. 1 pend {or ist of tastimonials, Address F. J. Cuexpx & Co, Posada, Sakl by Drugeists, Th Haii's Family Phils Are t the bast, Traveling Baths. Traveling baths ca one of the Nas. sian railways are the latest provision | for ita employes’ comfort in the Gute Iying Gistricts. The Matter ar Confidence. The man who has 100 IHiles conte | generally Las too Fp vs 34 odious go Ta dence In Dimsedf mach in others, The Effervescent ; always reliable } Morning Laxative cures sick stomachs and aching heads. a 81. The “Tarrant Co. 2 Jay St, New Yok P.N. U. 54, oS. KEW DISCOVERY: vee A red sailed and fu ren ors Ee we i "SREEE 8 o0nA. Bos Anata. bu. Tntoroal clean ined te thas wy : ts wnan’s beabh and wigan | Infamemadion, Rooveess, Peivg Clarets eased anes with 8, Paxtine need as a vaginal doaches is & revelation (a cow bi mod cleansing asad healing power. In Soead treated of foie Heshy Tolapamnlion wal cures ll aang Werpe $2058 bo vars Naagt (Casas Lares of vive per oy od sr pile and. Pal Chives Rare Throat, Rove A wh wad Rone Cres As a tooth poveder mothing eqanis it. Removes Tartar, Lis 4 Lhe Gras wind whiny the teeth, neakena bil hres peeet add spreads Thausands of 1eite ts fron arwmen prove hunt it In the greatos vure ie onowrriisen wyer discovered, We have yet to hear of the Brat uae i failed Lo cure. Yo prove sll this me wi mead! a barge rind tarknge with book of Bervtivay a haelateiy free, Ths § i mot 8 Uny saris, Sat enced 1 cunvineg STON |
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers