be Rnawn “pon ap unk antt! wil arrears at Lhe spt of the rar ak Patt IE secon. 4 Hrd : Called 1a Aevannt. Drs. Edwin 8 Cooper and Josaph R | Haun, convicted last Murch of con. aspiring with Albert Itell to perform a | criminal operation on Mahe {were sentenoed Thursday ul tie by Judge Walls the Western torpeys immediately appealed to the Lsaperior watt ; der 5, oo bs Villines H ER gr gov to bw #10 penitentiary. Their at They are sach ont nn. ill pepding the foal dels: | v fay Pastun ard 4 will en : punt of His a pickin Lied Match made | wh teingony at the trial ¥ | possible the epmviction of the phy: | flo was held on hia n “n recaghizance i Lin March for his appearance in June Lerimiual court. He did not appear and | his recognizance was forfeited, then | __ | reapited until this month. It will now | . This will continue indefinitely until the | i sommon wealth demands him sentenced cems to be 1 an » Sausually un- 1c peason for circvsen. Most of them bad been unfortunate in having thelr equipment badly damaged at some time and cesnalitiss bave been of Taine v were mote ve pupils enrolled in| Patton schools Tuesday than there ws two weeks from that date. On ition we are wilting to to stake be again forfeited and again respited. | which will probably be never. LETTER TO KIRK HDI. CO. ation, Pu. ig Sirs: Do you want to sll De | ou lead-and zine for your town and | ater ' : The whole SoctHne of it turns on these three pointe | 1 Ibias ali and true paint; (21 It is the strongest paint; 181 It is full measure. Because it is all paint, true paint, *| proportiaued for strength and full measure, : {1} It takes least for a job; {2 Looks best all the time; {8 Lasts longest; {41 Gathers the trade and holds cus. | tomers. : There i# no such argument for any | other paint; there 8 no other mich {paint there Is nothing bot talk for aby other paint. Devos is the paint, if yuu want the facts on your aide. : i i your trade, if you sell Devoe. Yours truly F. W. Devoe & Co, New York. | Carded Suntipos | Inte Coney. A mun by the name of Nesbit from Bakerton war one of the jurors drawn to serve at Ebensburg last week. The {known to the court, and despite his As snasconntable ar at by the announcement that the Y secured suitable quarters and TOOnA ua soon As possible is atifying. As an agency for it stands in the front rank of young men and should ported. There is a good an institution of this charso- rtment of fisheries at Har. ow rerdy to receive appli blanks for trout fry for nip delivery. All applications must | uid returned to the Har | ‘before January. No ap will be recrived for any fish r those to be placed in free or | pregrsnt with good SUE Ro- pone published th another “this issue relative to funeral Tis gladly given a place in KIER, a5 it touches on a reform that ought to be given consideration thinking people. The writer is one knows whereof he speaks and it ped that his suggestions will o of good results. itor of the Rescoe Ledger 8 exceeding wrath ovor the so. . Boom Edition Fehr in mba), 3 ad years and can pte! spricinte the ar Cownn's wrath, 3 far publ % to keep AWRY to retain the re de. His trinity is | igi fladivided on of the tax K posted conspicuously in min Siac just row, says an ex ange. Every good citizen pays his | of the public burden and no citizen willingly pays more. Just hy the owner of real estate should s of sixteen mills on the | this state and no other Inter. e han four ills and many half as : a" diy Hvit; at | : I SE 13 ie Rlate of Peonnsy jrania, 1 ¥ i Bape i Fabove statment Is true anil eoriiet to the best } physician's orders bo succeeded in os eaping and reached the county seat in time for the opening of the court. He mingled with his fellow talesmen until noon, when his condition became ¢ M. | known and he was Ioformed that the | disease had a stronger bold on his ao. tplace to 50 § EHR The country is fall of experiences, | ‘we bring these experiences to bear ou | | yourself, J. E KIRK'S HDW. & FURT. STORE. _{ smallpox also claimed his attention un- | cheapest | following wat and the Is the h Lpgad ge! Build * Hardware, Map; Tools, Carpenters’ Tools, Blacksmith Tools, Class and Patty, Fishing Tackle, Butchers’ Tools, Woadenware, Glue, Garden Tools, Plows and Wagons, Boys' Wagons, Linoleums (odd pieces below cost), Stains and Carriage Paints, Brushes of description, all Furniture Department Chamber Suits, Extension T ables. Kithen Tables, i Chairs, Dining Room Chairs, Cupboards, Chiffoniters, Sideboards, Ww ardrobes, Cradles, Iron Beds and Wood Beds, Carpets and Mattings. (3ive us a call and see Magee Ave, PATTON, PA. The tions than the law, and he was com. Watch Store pelled to vamoose the sacred precincts of the court house in mare than a burry, Trea! your Kidneys for Hboomatism, When you are suffering from rhea. | atism, the kidoeys must be attended to | at unoe so that they will siisiunte the | urie acid from the blood. ney Cure is the most effective remedy for this purposes. R. T. Hopkins, of Polar, Whi, says: “After uanstuooess- fully doctoring theese years for rheum. atism with the best doctors, I tried | Foley's Kidoey Care and it cured me. ® i Lennnot speak too highly of this great medicine. n ; wi, 0, Winslow is oti a vacation in Jefferson and Elk counties, ~Patronize the home print shop. Ww ¢ are better prepared than ever to: turn oul commercial printing of all Kinds and at prices that can’t be dupii- | eptad for good work. taceans of all } cclams, crabs, lobsters, ete, Sound kidneys are o salogranrds of life. | Make the kidneys healthy with Foley's Kidney Cure. EPORT if the coaadition of The Fist Nae tional Haak of Patton, in the state of | eanesivanin, AL the close of Imi Sept. SEE HESIOD BOES, fasiron nnd dlseosaste. Civerdenfin, seer wel Daseen red £m, Bones bo sevipee od revit tin, Premiums on | KB Bonde, oi, Mocks, seearitles, eto... : Ranking hertz, firnitare and Ry fits “ at ZH Pose from: Nationa? Punks riot po i FS, : "Ho “ iim hy her cash i faboy ¥i sexo of sdhiey National Fenotional faper curren BWIA grits “ou i righteousness of LLawml aon { Bprein. {ex reserved nn 4 Fehr is a. bean ®, vig Ee WALL 0 | Bedelnption fund « ¥ rar ih Eli iad ey (WEL £5. PEARLS, pid stonk pai 4 Wis fund siren Bix vie gs SF HELE ony HEANRY OE LX, fu 3 5 5 flo: 31 LELOEEY a Ty Endy rid fi wrtthed chavs Total £ ast nity of Chan Be, i te HL Mane 5 a’ AFIIOY OF Lhe albany Beery, ida sobeinly Swear that The 5 af my Rnowh aged tedief, SHoBAsnEoRD, Chrhier. Hubweribed ne a: ter before me this 1 2h | tiny of Sept, 19 Jesse BE DALE, Notary Pable, Jorveet— Attest A. 4. PALMER, E.C Brows, A, E. PATTON, Cogs Fine Job printing-—the Couns. > Plrectors, office, Foley's Kid: | Jee CUTS. Office in Good Building. |~-54, = to 12 m., and 1 top. m. All kinds, All qualities, All prices and each Watch the best of its kind, whatever the kind. I mend Watolew, too them in the know how. 4. °F. BAUTER, rvestch Rb way. | Watch Bpesialist, Magoo Ave the right price.” CITY RESTAURANT Is headquarters kids. and for crus hard soft GOOD LU 3 H COUNTER MEALS AT iL HOURS. ream with crushed fruit Ravers a specialty Fine confections, tobacco and clgnm, Mitchell & Metlormick, Props, PHONE. Moonee We 1, T. Petry -: Home Killed Mear No embalmed We deal strictly in nieat killed at oor slanghter hottse, Everything in season, Little Bros. Butohers and Dealers fn Al Kinda of read: snd Smadoed Meats business in PATTON, PA. DR: H. W. BAILEY, Dentist! P tion, Pa. | Atherton, Ls Hee nlen for lence, guarant: nt 8 hack ‘You have everything to gain and nothing to loose. ‘paint line, mixed paints, enamels § ysters, shell Prices mod furnish goixds THAT PR Onion Label on Every Ke i and Case Schlitz Blue Wrapper and! Export in 3 Doz. Cases. FINE GRADE. [ES am Thompson, Gugend Agents PHENIX BEER (O01 the Pittsburg Brewing Company, | & HARPER, Patton, Penn's srl OCAL PHONE. All rders Proowpily Attended te. QUINN R WORD WITH You ; We i have the best lite of Ranges s mad American Stand ard for excel ¢ unlimited. If we will take 1 kinds. satisfac tory and ask no questions, heimer, Ete. Far the Celebrated | The Js the A lence iy shos 113 We have cine of and amo exce perfect yall SEE IT if you at a Shoe for just received the largest and most select assorte nent of Fall ever bronght bria Conny, w and styles. 5} You will Instance, 4 AIRWAYS Your next Suit or" We have everything in the. Lead, oil, ready- varnish. and any thing you ‘may need in this Tine at © oie don't Our Hardw plete and we want wl stiins, “lust STOCK 18 ¢OM- you i to forget that we handle * Fu! erytht ng m Hardware The “Chryeolite Enameled. Ware best. best 18 ¥ the dle at. ty con- Of. course, if 11 we MUST han erate, quah sidered. In miners’ tools anvthing we you Al at ounce. ‘We Make of bugires, HAariiess want vl Aid A mn line on the price to a JIC EIS RIGHT . 1 and in our i 1 rt marke! at one Cone aii SUA vinced. Office Hours i R. Co rdel de 2 0. S. 24 and ; LU i 1 is comeeded to be the That's SANITARY PLUMBING, rand are pr pared ‘work in that Line ex EREied EF sist Vin NTH HA, $ and what we want ty well SRL f Fi siNation'l Bar OF IFATTON, Cs ambri; 2 Co. CAPT ITA LP AD 3 pr R104 {RNY Py SU RPLU 8, 0 JERR { Patton, . Pn hale terms ech tt Ww th wep Gr rgd } Musing 3 Sivsimsdip temas fora 3 ew, Forsigy Ihab es of the CH Work . All sorsspimdence will have oar pros | personpi attention,’ Interest paid on Siose deposits. A. E. Patron, Wu H. Saxnromp, President. Cashier. xp TeRi fis pont ele iy hs FRAT shared i 1 The price is right, too! k EO Bll the head) a and Winter Goods 0 Northern Cam. Al the New weaves want to see them. Now as naranteed in every Trousers! ! Can't we make it? Thy are madeof tha best: mater. Files, rt are 10 very: want of the HOUSE ~ wh wha is particular TBdntraents of tha CME BAR ERE oot 4 about the ape horme. PERFECT BOAT IRNG, Bod wih That user sland Ll, R. CORDELL & CO, Patton, Pa. “ That De your eyes have ‘Tired Feeling 2’ itis an i indication that 11 at Tozer's and it S43, you should ea have them fitted with specta- ites. Lenses exchanged free at time within & year from {ate of sale Satisfaction Luar anteed or money refunded. ein ¥ Eitan * on't foreet that we have i . . : * wry reed L Tepast SHOP %:% ¥ ¥ % : 5 Notthesn. Cambria Uo. ! the New Meat Market and save money. “verything in season. “ Nuf Ced.” ANSTATT & WIRTNER, Magee Avenue, Patton, Pa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers