The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, September 11, 1903, Image 6

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    Jot keep right on
net They Come Very Near Turning
It Inte 8 Comedy. ;
“One of the most laughable scenes 1
jever witnessed during the represents.
tion of one of Bhakespeares trage
dies” said a8 well known thenirical
SE far
™ Horseman Used an Argument
: Tha Made the Crooked Rider's
. : Chatter While He Get Out
a in the Animal,
: in hie Tobby of u hotel the other
pyening 8 number of men were discuss
| Ing sports and sporting wen when the |
subject of serve snl grit came np. One
of the party, & well known Californian,
| who knew “Lucky” F Baldwin in the old
days, said;
“Baldwin was abou! the hardest man
to be chiseled out of anything he met
4 | hin heart on getting that I ever met up
"with A whale lot of people tried to
| put it on him in busihess and other sort
of deals, but none of thewe ever suc
* ieeeded In eatehing ‘Lucky’ Baldwin gyffersd, began to swarm about the
| sutliciently ssleep to make thelr plats giage seeking reveuge upon the Ro
“happened to the Inte Tom Reens
| when he wae performing in a northern
i New York town. — company was
playing uly Cwm and at the
ast moment It was Yound that the
property man had filled to send up the
regular throne chair used in the sen
ste scene, aud an old rustic chair was
| hastily procured from the left of the
theater nod, after being covered with
ng, was press into service. In
the midst of the scene a large wasps’
sent was discovered sttached to the
ehair, and its inhabitants, becoming
i | years ago. Baldwin had brought his scene was ever acted with more feel
od | maguibennt string of Auarmughibreds to, Ing, for at the moment be was being
; ie stakes that were then on tap on | the wasps were moet industrious in
the tracks in the windy town, and he their work.
got them home first or la the money in |
many of the biggest events. Well, he |
had one of his finest horses entered 18 doubted its being the real Cwsar. It
8 valuable long distance event, and was the same tn form and dress, but
| Baldwin was particularly anxious to the face was no louger the same.
win this race, pet so much for the the last act Brutus had obe eye closed, |
| turing the stake. His horse Just about | jarged chin, Lucite as inequality in |
figured to win too, and Baldwin io- the siwe of his bands snd Octavius
| tended to ‘go down the line’ on the ant’ CCteaar 8 nose that would bara done
mals chances. not only st the track, service ss the mous nasal organ of |
but at all of the big poolrooms in the | Rardolf in ‘Heary iv.
country. He stood to clean up consid | “The tragedy came very near becom.
LIF the brate got under the wire first. | Las Canstus, said, ‘Antony, the posture |
taken sick on the morning of the mee, | your words: they rob the Hybls bees
(and the old man had to hustle around gnd Jeave them honepless’
bought for a big round sum the release |
tof 8 igh grade rider, who was to have
taken the meunt on a thoroughbred
; that didn't gute to get Dar the MOURY | Gop nwier explosions have one re
in the stake race. Baldwin gave the | popaple feature. The bodies of per
{ Jockey Lin instructions as to the way 0.0 yijled in swith an accident are
i be wanted the horse ridden. and the, | gpyuy found without clothing, but
when the betting opened, his commis. frequently one fool will have the shoe
sloners duw wd Baldwin's money into | This 1s true of hotwes alo. If
the ring io such large quantiles that °
the horse became an overwheliuing fa
MA quarter of an hour before the
horses were due fo yo to the post 8
well known bookmaker, to white Bald
{win had often exhilited kindness in
lesa prosperans days, ran to where the be found wearing the shee, while the
? old man was wsiandlog, chewing a other toot will be bare.
straw, in his barn
‘Baldwin’ sal! the bookie to the Making 11 Clear.
n old man, ‘there's a Jol to beat you, and A newly uppoltned Freneh mayor
you're going to get beat. They wanted ypuqpueated bis regime by A Botice to
we to go in with ‘em. but you've ak gh following effect:
Re ir been on the level with me, and 1
wonldn't stand for it The ring ba® ge fire brigade will Le reviewed in
| bought up your jock. und your borse ype afternoon if it rains in the worning
{1s going to be snatched” | and in the morning if it ralus iu the
"Much obliged for telling me that | afternoon.”
replied the old man. ‘I'll just ake 8
stab to see that the boy doesn’ do any |
snatching, though’
“Haldwis bortawed another gun
s | from one of his stable hands {in those
days he always carried oue of his own
about as long as your armi, and with
Freaks of Ruplosions,
other on the ground, the shos will be |
the ground and not from the other,
- plosions, the foot that happens te tn!
in the alr when the shock came will
The Foundation of Hesitls,
Nourishment Is the foundation
win Cure is the one great medicine that
at the turn into the stretch. He badu't form all foods into the kind of blood
mentioned to auytiody what he was go | that nourislos the nerves and feeds
{Ing Ww do, ADA the folks who saw the | the tissaes, Kodol Inys the foundation
old man making for the stretch Orn | for henith. Nature dows the rest. In.
nply thought that Baldwin wanted :
. to watch the race from that point ef
iview. He 41d, for that matter, but he
| happened to have another end ln view, |
“Well, the horses got away from the
ost in an even Lunch, and them Bald.
win's horse went out to make the ruo-
ning. The jockey's idea was to race |
the horse's head off and then pull him
g | In the stretch, making It appear as if
i ie suit bad tired paw iu had | claim it will cure this dread complaint
game and make bis bid toward the fin. | (1 advanced cases, but do positively as-
sh. The horse simply outclassed his “wert that it will cure in the earlier
company. however, and he didn’t show stages and never fails to give comfort
any indications of leg weariness what. {and relief in the worst cases. Foley's:
_— . he peu Ste backstratoh 08 Honey and Tar is without doubt the
e mil & couple O #thxs In front of | t and lv ;
his eld. Baldwin could see, however, Fo sabtioten. Inn remedy. Re-|
that the erookid jock was sawing the
of the stomach and digestive organs
are ctired by the use of Kodol, Sold by
Patton Pharmacy.
No Fale Claims,
{Tar do not advertise this as a» ‘sure
Lctire for consumption.” They do not.
manager to the writer the other day,
tudignant at the disturbance they had |
| mans in their low necked and sbort
“Horsemen still talk about a fonoy sleeved dresses. The wasps seemed to |
d | game in which Baldwin figured on ode pe particularly offended with Cmesr,
| of the Chicago race tracks a number of | and it ie doubtful if Cmsacs Seath
“In the tent soeme where Ceatir &p- |
pears to Brutus one might almost have |
Is |
| purse end of Jt as for the glory of cap Antony 8 swollen Hp, Cassius sn en |
LC ead Nao
erably wore than $100,000 on the horse | | ing & roaring comely when Mr. eens,
Baldwin's regular stable jockey was _ of your blows In yet unknown but for
and the
far anusther boy to ride his horse in the LAetor who was doing Antony rplied :
I Big event. From another horseman he wag stiagless tess! “Washington Star.
oie of the feet in in the alr and an.
| found torn from the foot that was on
When wen are killed In powiler ex :
“Ou the feast of our patron saiot |
health life strength, Kodol Diyspep-
his artillery he strolled over the infield | Obabies the stomach and digestive or.
and took wp his stand by the fence | ans to digest, assimilate and Lrans- |
digestion dyspepsia and all disorders |
The proprietors of Foley's Honey and |
oy Salve. It wi
' ng alse fails it had
done this in thousands of cases. Here
is one of them: I suffered from bleed
ing and protruding piles for twent,
years. Was treated by different speci
| alists and used many remedies, but
tained no relief until I nsed DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve, Two boxes of this
isalve cured me eighteen months ago
and 1 have not bad a touch of the is
since. H. A. Tixdale, Summerton, 8.
C. For blind, bleeding, itching ani
protruding piles so remedy equals De.
Wint's Witch Haze! Salve. Sold by
Patton Pharmacy.
AR Bass, of Morgantown, Ind. had
to get up ten or twelve times in the
night, and had a severe backache and
{ pains in the kidneys,
Foley's Kidney Cnr.
Huntiogdon & Broad Top Mt
In effect Sept. 1, 19061.
Po Ton No. | (Express; avs Huntingdon
{ ¥ due oxo Sunde; for to Pmiins al
i aT, arriving AME br wi Pes a, Ba
Train No 40 Matt) braves Halitiogdon (svery
Piny fxeepl Sunday for MU Dias al oS sem,
Caring ME, Tradbid at 70 p.m,
Tenin Noo 7 Bandara hwiyy ie
fading far Mi ii piles al SE an, ary
Pom thas net Bus a 4s,
t nt AM trains nme compton ad ML Dsl
i Bedford, Pa pnt Chimberiand, MA,
Jas Noyet thwa ed,
Lo Train Na. Bi leavin ML Dulins ievery
Lday eerept 50 1 ay brat 1 a at Bh
CRS Lateving a yiragelin atl 1 Wa, fii.
: 2 Fast Line
Lfetery day xeon! Seiay! ©
Rp Te Beri ig ad Flaating
Pruin Ris E manibays osiive lesvew ML Dab
Pima fry FH: srtimedon al BG Bove,
y .
i a J
ae FY amEbrig.
Fving 48 Mit
1% bo de dg
chs sodaidostionie with PY
wl went wt Food ingedions
Capt MM, thapie,
Sepia Manager,
| over-work Weakens
Your Kidneys.
A he SP es
All the blosed in 3
| your kidne, ya HNC BY hres minutes,
: he widnava wre your
Blo purifiers, thy fis
ter out the ‘wastes of
impurities in tha hissed,
AF they ara sick of 50
of prder, they fall to do
their work.
Fain, aches snd rhey.
srativr corns fron ane
cess of uric achd in the
“ blood, dus to peglecind
: kidney ney trouble.
Kidney trouble coisas quisk or unsteady
hesrt beads, and makes one feel ds hagh
| they had heart trouble, becuse the heart is
| gvsrowprking in pumping thick, kidney- |
| peiscned blood through veins and wrisries,
troubles were 15 be traced 10 the kidneys,
ba adern sclance hat reart
Diminishing kd i PTY WW € an do i ; u
Hor less money, we can do it, but we would
UH vou are sick you can aks no mistake
| ning in kidney trouble.
by first doctoring your kidoeys. The mild
. and tha extraordinary effocy of Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy it
soon realland. 11 stands the highest for ity
and is solid on Ha marily
by all druggists in fifty
gent and sns-doliar si
es, You may have a
sample heiitly by mish Rom of tna
free. also pamphlet toiling you how to find
out i you have kidnay or bladder trouble.
+ Bliaghamton, N.Y.
Don't make any mistake, but remom-
ber the name, Swamp Root, Dr. Kil
mers Swamp: Root, and the address,
| Binghamton, N.Y.on every hottie.
| Por may. yoars ft has bon supposed that
Catarrh of the Stomach caused indigestion
and dyspepsia, but the truth is exactly the!
opposite. Indigestion causes catarrh. Ke. -
peated attacks of Indigestion inflames the
| mucous membranes lining the stomach and
| sxposes the nerves of the stomach, thus cause
Ing the glands 10 secrete mucin instead of |
“the juices of natural digestion.
called Sattar o of he Stomach,
Was cored by |
arriving at
\we have enjoyed proves that we live up to
Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. |
ir body pasey hrough |
it used to be considered that only urinary |
wonderful cures of the most distrasing canes |
long ways
Metin this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer |
&k Co
This is
There 1s someone or some establishe
ment that stands out pre-eminently as the
best. That 1s the distinction that has given
‘The Courier job rooms the reputation it
enjoys. Everyone in the business can do
printing of some kind, but the public soon
learns to discriminate between a poor job
and a good one. Our specialty is i$
and the large business in that line
our specialty.
we make are these: Good stock and superior
If you want a job done on poor stock
rather not; it hurts our reputation and in
printing as in most things reputation goes a
Our prices are just and equit- ‘
able and w we are always ready to give esti
mates on any kind of work in our line.
Commercial printing for business men
who know a good job when they see it has
been the foundation of our business, but we
lare just as well prepared to do other kinds
of work.
Posters, tickets, note heads, letter
heads, bill heads, statements, checkweigh
sheets, weigh sheets, book work, and, in fact
anytning in that line ¢xecuted with neatness
and dispatch. If we are not doing
horse's head off In his effort to take
v dust Aboul Bedtime,
him back to the rick. When the horses | ust Alen :
were still a hundred feet from him, Take a Little Early Riser
Baldwin let out a yell to attract his cure coostipation, biliousness and liver
Jockey's attention, and then ho Sashed troubles. DeWitt’s Little Barly Risers
bis two guns in the sunlight and bawl | ge different from other pills,
an the Jasks Lorsi's Be a ont gripe and broak down the
RRO that horse's bead, You mon. opines of the stomach, !
tha trial ge, wiih sells tor S50 spt
key devil, and go on and win or ['Hl hawels. but ou be saptly 2
lioot you so full of holes that you UOWCIS BULCAre by gently ArOUSIDK orepared by E. O. DEWITT & 0O., Chicago, ih
he secretions and giving stresgth to
won't bold molaspes!
“The jock gave one look at those two these organs, Soid by Phar
guns that Baldwin was pointing macy,
mtralght at him. Then he gave Bali nn ;
{wins horse his head sst down to ride Twa Hott Cured Him,
for all that was in him, and the horse 1 was troubled with ilney com.
under Lim cantered in ten lengths to plalat for about two years,” writes A,
the good on the bit. As Jong as ‘Lucky’ H. Davis, of Mt Sterling, 1a, “but two
! Baldwin was on the eastern turf after bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure effec teed
that no jockey ever lad to yank one permanent cure,
| of bis horses” Washington Post,
t comin nearer, |
rape then [I'l eat
darkness and ove
nt i for shucks,
relieves all Inmnioy’ of tha mucous
it will membranes liniig the stomach, protects they
nerves. and cures bad breath, sour risiogs, a
gangs of foliness after salting, Indigestion,
dyspepsia and all stomach trouble
’ Hey do, Kodol 1 Digests Wha What ¥ You Eat
£ $ : 0 es HI Eid & 7
was oo ate 1 then, |
Botties cnly, Make the at abre Stomach on. Jars. 2% tres
yay wan to Kit up
ver and
printing it must be because you have not
given us a tral order.
Meld hay
ory TF
: 1 tried to whistle
dry 85 paper. 1 stare
t my own volte skeervd |
ng slow and bop
take the bluft when |
New Lire
Makes < New Nerves,
| New Life
Foley's Kidney Cure purifies the ew Life.
blood by straining out impurities and Tones Up the Whole System and
tones up the whole system. Cures kid
ney and bladde ve frothles,
Orders by mail promptly attended to.
bin bit Bie a the Beat
jart bead over heels down Bil
0 the bushes, It wis as if 8!
One Price
To All,
Bronolitis tor Twenty Years,
The Right Word, . : vy a
“Why do you speak of him as a fin. Mrs. Migerva Buith, of Danville 111,
i ished artist?” writes: ‘I had bronchitis for twenty
“Because be told me he was utterly vears and pover got relief antil 1 used
discouraged and was going fo quit the Foley's Honey and Tar, which isa sure |
profession. If that doesn’t show that ee»
he's finished. [ don't know what does.”
~Chicago Past.
= nadianes.
Radishes originated in China. where
they bave been cultivated for many
t centuries and sometimes grow as big W hy Other Mixifetmes Have Failed, SA
doa head Ib Germany 0 00 uke Foley's Kidney Cure. 10 bu”
| ness and cough with radish juice mix- ed when every thing has disappoint | -
ed with sugar candy. The radishes of ©'°
today have no Ravor, no character. | DYS P EPT I c i D E
Formerly their sharp, biting taste made | ;
tab The arantent, nid to DIGESTION.
: and movin Around. but he
: e to te. and bimeby 1 beard !
And that Price the L.owest.
TAT AED, co., Le Res, N. Y. i
¢ LW. > Rodgiine, P Patton Pharmacy. {
Subscribe fur and sdvertise in this
i ‘The Great Pamily Moral Edueator.”
- i