.! Is the best and ¢ Cheapest! ELE AE ron t when its shot. "is MMs poo Cl a 4 ; ] 1 OUF BOY wot id 34 ¥ . “§ % Ey z : 2 $ i 4 3 2 ria, Fp # dee tor Builders’ Hardware, sh BF SA | [ok nobby in oneof 2 Fo Machinisi Tools, : BRE! 11110 RE 1 Cvs Ebp Mont of oa pan Bnd fault without the l. "pi are Toile | RR 1 A 3 i the = suits ? * use of nosenrch warrant, : J Pais es “Fane A TEER, | Ri¥ 1tLIRY : ; 1 HD Foss & (0's candies 50 sndan 4° on = a 1d Os, ; rN ul ty res i Theres is nothing befles than joenie 8 posnd at Kinkead's News| peaies and Halances, / ae ce be : becoming clothes to bring out ig Clot] ies Line Wire, RARIICATER RAF a any boy! $ good potnts. Treat Your girl to a box of H n.. Table avd Pocket 1181 : i : i "1 Fon & Co's foe candies at Rinkead's | i hg rr : : : a we Ca 1 Cutlery, ‘BR 5 23 1 3 J ! laa 7 i Logout commons. | Carpenters’ Tools, 1 TOWHLULEFLLIA S$. The Widow Jones Ryafy have : commenced Mins Susie Wentz Is kept busy with “on pe * : a a j | a) Jin n the id plan of the P attom her large class. The private plano and. B lacksmith Tools, i sponds : : knows: how to clothe Title : Ca. SHE = o - Si | : i : organ recitals are 8 SHOCHES, Glass and Tatty, i : : ; Paen-—~it's her business: und id Mrs L| No soap bubbles on Duquesne beer. | Dishing Packie Ant ust and Union Made the divotes her entice the "1 The *vollar' ia pure cream. Ask for utehers’ ooly, : 2% er” g x Ei . ’ Lit at the bars and get the best. ! Woodenware, : ns : finding ou ¢ Se het boys of Of Wanlbed Boy 14 or 15 years old to Clue. i a ° Eb pes ea oil or learn the Jewelry trade, | Carden Tools Onion Label on Every Ke £470" yo : : Seli~~ accor ingly, c. Sauter the Jowalar. | Plows aud W a rons, and Case. Pr SoRmew | Cc avait ang he that | Two houses and lots for sale in Pat. Bovs' W kK : ou require we tan ve, it ton on easy terms. No reasonable YS agons, to you, i offer will be refused. Inquire of Geo. Linoleums {odd pieces ig | Boone, : helow Cost), a | We Handle It 1 by : Tho mpson, The only reliable cure for falling heir. Stains and Carnage s Groen Gress. For sale by Garfield | Paints, : La 1 - | : i ~ PATTON, PA. = of "oo Se Wilkins, Patton, Pu. Prien 5 conta i Brushes of all Asiirirstis Schlitz Blue Wra r and Ir you want the best: call for Po | | description, ppe : words * quesne Beer. Not a headache In a car. oad of it. Uool, sparkling and re. F urniture Department i Call for Paguiesns bear al any of he ¢ hamber Suits, : ! mn : i Choo following hotel bars: Palmer House, | ie T ables, : : ‘ : i W ALKOUER nd 130. i Miner's Rest, Commereial Hate! and KE ithien Tables f FINE GRA DE. : ; Export in 3 Doz. Cases, r i THE al sie a | Hotel Patton. : oe "Chai 18, wee ¢ -~ : eT EI TCI Te TT | | PF ls the Acme of excel . Lost About six Kn ago, A large Dining Baom C hairs WHMISKIFS PE : 4 : pans veiling vell wrapped in a pink Cunbicards | — \ lo nce and perfectio paper. The finder will be rewarded by | AR HHER TOS, : 2 kK returning the same to this pifice, | Chiffoniers, ae a. Tham | id 2 in shoes. Wanted Young lady to represent Sideboards, : Lg pron, i Hh ; “ae ha Eaton, Meo Lan vAming. Pleasant | Ww ardrobes, a . Hag i hey wears ii, nt wth and a! work, Bg profite. Address me Cradles Atherton, Guggenheimer, E te. | ood dm are soi at 4s low 4 price as ; Markie Boos, Iron B Jods and : Co. i 4 vood shoes can be produced : Clesnrfivld, Pa . 3 rie a £880 : : Laat A read oow about five your old, Wood Beds, WS a 3 yi ji « 2 wg ; i tg 3 ; {with short black round bors; front | Carpets and Mattings. [ We Kfa sie Agents foe the Colshrated; © : up to knee white, hind both | re 1 ¥ EB Th Hi h B 1] aga op Also under belly i Any | G1 Ive 1s a cal i and S80 for PHCENIX BEER ] 9 : 4 e If Da | one knowing anything concerning her | yourseif, ! ; fy | = ; : raps pep so mt} whereabouts ill please communicate ] is the latest, SEE I'P if you | with Steven Bteranko, Patton, Px. | J E. KIRK'S HDW. JOI the Pittsburg Brewing Company, “want to look at a Shoe for From September 9 to 12, inclusive, | | hs {eanty and comfort. per, | the Pennaylvania Railroad Co. will sell. | ; from wl satioon in Pony raniaoapec | & FURT. STORE. : | QUINN & HARPER, | H. A. Lu EIDE N. : Sac] ra round-trip tickets to | Patton, Penn's. “1D or. wo return until Septem: | Magee Ave, Sr LOCAL PHONE. : Al Ru I I ar of the meeting of Blip 0 a FrnEy. Absa ) ot the Society of American Voworsns of PATTON, PA. | A ort romps Aticsied te fit the Phlippine and China wars, to be | ah ig Having parcbase. the photograph Vv. on a vy of D. Perell, | have taken pos | 5 : "7 session of the same snd am prepared 8 j todo all work in that line, Ihave had “27 WITH YOU (ten years experience in photograph | Et ts : Co. work, being located at Glen Campbell] | A 7 a di a : ; ; Hse : en for the last seven years, and am sare 78 { We have the best line of We have just received the {that | can please you Lo | | Ranges made—aull kinds. The! DH smmove, DP American Standard for excels —. Noties 6 Parents. 7 |. lence, guarantee unlimjted. If ment of Fall and Winter Goods Fa Tor Siliqres becoming 8 years of age 3 Te ee — {not satisfactory we will take salt ween Sept. Ist and Jan, Ist wishing | : [hack and ask 3 18 questions. | ; SEE : 4 SRE ave jae f | to attend school will be quired tore-! Do your eves have * That) [Vou have ev erything to ga in bris County. AlVthe Sew weaves a | port within the first two weeks of no? "i school or they will not be admitted un. Tired Feeling and jinthing 26 Jou, {til Jan. Ist. Those becoming 6 years If so, it is an indication that, We have everything in the and styles, h | of age between Jan. 1st and the close . 1 ve andi paint ine. Lead. otl, ready rill want th of the term will be required to report YOU should call at Tozer's and | P* You will want ti see them. mixed paints varnish, stains, : the frst week in January or they will have them htted with specta- : 3.3 , The row te rrerbul bees VN : iN wl 5 4 f: $ & 4 2 . $ HE Dree 1s nent oo SHWRS i not be admitted this terns, allowances } enamels and auythi ng you price 1s night, ton! Now as x irs i“ + fr Y; “pe A : : ito be made only i Se ol, vickom. | cles. Lenses exchanged free 14) 4 in this line at just, always a fit guaranteed in every By order of the Board, . , . the = rurht price.” : : W. C. HUBBARD, Secy, jany time within a year om gm Hicduare stock is cont) Instance. - ye dateof sale. Satisfaction guar-| pl md we don’t want you Lanteed or money refunded. to forget that we handle © Ev | erything i in Hardware. Can't we make it? ] T he Chrysoiite Enameled- the best equipped repair shop ware” 1s conceded to be the ate good To : a Ll ‘in Northern Cambria Co. ‘best. Of course, if it is the 8 orders: 16. all township so- EE TOZER, ‘best we MUST handle it. fors and ad in thet Gt mete | a | THE Parrox |EwrLer., | Prices moderate, quality con- : : to 104 : g | . sidered. | In miners’ tools we can : FJ I) furnish anything yon want 4 8a the result of an of- CEE eel 4 | at once. : w Carnegie in which the | | p-— we : y " i eed to donate half the, ps oo y Gal ‘We Make 8 fine ipe organ if the church | i : : ; 11...’ is 2 ‘He Begins to Look Down -— 1! | a specialty of buggies, Phat's » hat Pennsylvania Railroad Co. on Qirls.-- : wagons, surres, harness and La ¥ : ; ‘ i : 3 CANE pet dens ETE a ! ’ rong, E - - : ER oceping ar from until he is as tall as his fath- A LTY! anything yon may want in Gunn = Pha rrmacy : ] 8 & bey bi i largest and most select assort- ever brought te Northern Came $% Your next Suit or Trousers! Don't forget that we have 9:05 p. m. daily. Space er, that boy of yours may be Hi 3% Jee a be reserved upon appli- fitted out in “ Mothers’ Friend” £ ayes IS FOR PURITY, EXCEL- to ticket agent at Altoona, goods. The tender age of, Sa S jh : I. a ies ar NEAT Pe ire thieves ave again at work in| oyrls and kilts ia none too That's what we make of Favorite Grain Dnlls, Deer- ; LENCE AND QUALITY. Pennsylvania. The latter part’ earlv. Our “Motl hers! Friend” vor Af: week seven apang of wire of the CANIN DV Nn oy andthe (fam. W ardrobe provi ides many styles SANI 1 AR) FR ry Lo Tas ! © company wire out be. particularly Cia CATING for kins 3 yy «TEN LA Hain and Cresson and dergarden ds AVS. Swagger lit. I LUN BING, ar ry i a Je SE : - ; way in a wagon. tle Sailor Suits, fo turn him jo! fat ab 8 dIRCTY AL 24 Af our Seda Fountain 1s sult 11 a pi 3 hg fisy cooling Mifntion Papers Soutaiuing tho, | nto an engaging “middy” all aud are prepared to do al ween Ci 1 op STINKS » Just the same as our pe find] i denartnoent 1s the pte Lo ph bE ; : Ve carry the best vrade of if the Prohibition candidates... 4 designs of jaunty work in that line expedionsly | TR eS HY, jury commissdoner and poor Shi t dq BI : ; gon X inoony line on the ; . an i J were filed in the office of the Hs an Dhisess ana nat and well, narket at one price toe ail and Draginsts Sundries, Smokers’ Articles aud Tobaces y commissioners in Fhensburg tier patterns in Shin Waists PH, AT PRICE IS RIGHT. and Cigars. vy and will appear on the bal. han vou've ever bought be- 11 ; 4 Fam bi be a BD ll. All i nds of tin work, roof: | Come and see and be con- Huvler's fresh every week as usual s oe : ; Huvier’s fresh every week as usual, ing and spouting, L inced ; , era ‘mother indeed who could not Big stock of stoves and tin- | GUNN’S J. C. HARPER CO., . | be pleased from this assort- .. .. pment, | E 3 hing Co. Fisher Block, Patton, Pa. | CY Je O. Magee Ave,