The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, September 11, 1903, Image 1

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    oy ous, which will exhibit at Patton the
Ton Horses of the Main Clrens Wore Killed | mien
5 5 at Oxtora Satarday.
Lightning struck the center pole of
the big tent of the Walter 1. Muin vir:
| Prony, Folnted Peneiiings Pertaining to |
People and Places
Laas Gonsiou,s Nutbraal organiser |
ir ¢ the nited Mine Workers of Aner. |
199th inst, during a terrible thunder ita, delivered an addrws to the
| storm at Oxford Saturday night while Patton members of the organization
3: the ‘evening performance was being 3 Lat Athletio Park Thu reday miorn-
Siven a Verdict against Rail.
road Compan; vy,
Whitt has Heen Doce #t The Terapia -|
. thousand
to the bottom of it. Seven men,
into a turmoil and a Kod ensued
fle, | among both spectators and circos em-
ployes. Half blinded al first by the |
to | flash and then held spellbound by the
{crash of thunder that followed it, the
big gathering of men, ‘women and
ofl down Sibiny tore ot the tent tin a vind of:
fort 10 eseape,
To the cries of the panic stricken
the multitude were added the roars and
wo howls of the frightened beasts in the
indjoining tent. The elephants tugged
y (At their chains and were restrained
| With difficaity by their keepers.
The confmslon was Increased when |
the center pole suddenly collapsed, |
{earrying much oeinvas with it. No
one | was seriously injured.
+ | Entire Third Pisor of Brady Bleck Leased
| bre YMCA :
An important meeting of the execn-
1 | tive committee of the Y. M. CA was
. | held Wednesday evening and the rec
_ | ommendation of the room committes
o (tolease the entire third story of the
, | new Brady Block was secepted and the
| proper officers authorized to. effect 8
lease for same, :
~The chalrman of the equipment som. |
mitten was instructed to make out a |
al osted for ins os
es ce ea:
or two a of Clearfield Monday ight.
b. | The victin'’s name was Jolin Shimmel,
of Wallaceton. He wus literaly cut to
. | pleces. Shimmel bad been in attend-
{ance at court at Clearfield, and quite |
early in the afternoon started to walk
. to hie kome at Wallaceton, six miles
He was considerably under
* ithe infinence of liquor. At a point |’
| just east of the county home, and on
a sharp corve, both firemen and engi-
neer of the passenger train saw a mao
lying neross the track. Strenous ef.
| fort was made to stop the train, but
| without avail until the man had been |
{run over, as tie distance was too
ishort. Hix mangled remains were
found ander the baggage car. He was
by Shimmel is survived by his widow and
Se | three shildren. He wis a widely
: Won an ¥ er CGamie,
One of the best base ball games
{that bas ever been played in Patton
this season was the one at Athletic
#1 Park labor Day afternoon, with the |
‘| Bt. Benedict nine as the visitors.
= five innings the Benedict club succeeded |
“lin shutting out Patton and the score
"| was 310 0 at the beginning of the sixth. |
Then the homa club took a spurt and
won out by a score of 10 to 5.
“| The score by innings
I8t Benedict 0210001015
| Patton 00000541"
: Advertised Lette EN,
_| The following letters remain uncalled
_ for in the Patton post office for the two
, | weeks ending Saturday, Bept. 5, 1008:
_| Floyd ‘Beagle, C. E. Heverly, William |
A. Miller, J. 8
(2), John Montgomery, D. RV.
42 Foreign: —Karl Pedersen (2).
ersons calling for the above letters
Bay that they are “Ader.
E Wiss - Gunes, Postmaster.
given bef re an audience of several | Hing. All of the mines were shat down | :
| The bolt shattered the tall staff and
killed outright ten horses that were
who were preparing the animals fora
chariot race, SATS Severely shocked by |
fer Medical hospital st Philadelphia
re | Priday morning, after having been |
there since Augnst 36th,
i four children: also by foor brothers | { Railrond company, which was tried
and four sisters. The funeral was hid | (before 4 jury, resulted in a verdict of .
ing are mentioned as candidates for
i the Republican nomination for state
{senator in this disfriot.
4 \ | repair shop in a short time.
{ Hall, at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m., Rev.
1d. B. Hartzell officiating.
| general superintendent of the Hunt
{was in town Tuesday.
by some of the passengers.
~ 3}
Holwager, Oscar Hay-
| and about three Hunde people were |
in attendancs. The Patton Silver Cor- |
net Band furnished music. Mr. Gong |
riod told of the benefits of organiza
tion for the laboring man and made a!
number of telling points. Be was at- | i Dlunber form of Pri > nvened
tentively listened to for about three i nibur Yoo = or
quarters of an hour, when the mesting srset cOnnty. on age es a ;
adjourned. Thos. Powell the president | | lowing busines of in to this —
of the local union, presided. | tion was dis - 1 of prid time the
“My. and Mes Walter Weakland : COURIER went to press: 1
were in Gallitedln Monday attending | a am :
the funeral of their brother-in-law, a uf Satna of A
John C. Snyder, who died in the Jef
: ; re-view a road in said township. How.
wed ©. Yerger, Charles Annas and
He wu born Jacob Thomas appointed.
- {in Carroll township and was aged 47 The case of the Eider township
years. He is survived by his wife and | "ohool district against the Pennsylvania
The Will Agninst Thomas & Walter, cof
The Central Hota,
Monday at 10 8. m., from St. Fateiek's | F720 for the plaintiff
charel, Gallitain, interment being | The allegation was that on April 30, |
| made in St Patrick's cemetery. L901, an engine belonging to the de
-Abtahar Jenkins, of Kargoolie, fondant company set fire lo some {
Western Aastealin is visiting his broth | rods in the township which eommo- |
Lor, William K. Jenkins, of this place, |? el to the school honse and burned ;
i Mr. Jenkins expects to remain in Pat | ® down with all its contents. The fire
tou aboot two weeks tong and from | | was first seen after a heavy train had |
here will go to Coloriddo to visit 7 | Jpassed and the school board seeks Yo!
another brother whom he has not seen | _— for the building.
Fur a number of years, Heexpectato! ¥ dufeune afferad a oy idence, bat
{arrive at hin home in the antipudes | (relied on the legal position that the |
about Christmas. | pinin tiff could not rvover, as the origin |
gy. : - Lif the fire which destroyed a schsool
~The Huntingdon & Clearfield Tels- | | house was too remote to - teaced to
| phone Co. has authorized the construc- |, company’s engine
tion of a line from Ularfield, whioh | 3 : -
wil take in Mahafloy, Glen Campbell, | dge O'Connor beard Chae 0
Arcadia, Barpeshoro, Hastings, 8 Thomas H. Hasson vs J. L Elder and |
3 IRR, pan- | Hy 1
lr and Carrolitown. It is also exe Roberts, an action in assrmpsit
: lo pesOver for fessional foes, |
pected that ihe company will give ser- py, So. Re amount for;
vice to Pittsburg and possibly Philadel: | fessional services rendered in ad- |
phia via Johnstown by January tet. | | justing affairs relating to certain lands |
~In sddition to the present ious | jn Harr township. The defendant al- | i
bent, Hon. J. U. Btineman, the follow. | leged that the plaintiff was not em |
ployed to do the work for which he!
said, but had been employed for other
lations and that the charges were ex-
twmsive, The plaintiff placed eight at-
torneys on the stand, who testified
P. H Walls,
. {of Frugality, Geo. Pox, of Altoona, and
Dr. A. 8. Strayer, of Roaring Springs.
~H. A. leiden bas increased the
basiness of the White #hoe Store to
{such an extent that an extension has
been found necessary and built in the |
| rear of the store. He will also open &
Jury rendered a verdict for the plaintiff |
in the full amount of the claim.
Petition of Augustine Miller, execu.
tor of Henry Miller, decensed, late of
Susquehanna township, for his dis-
charge. Ciranted. ;
“Nota troe bill” was returned by
the grand jury in the liquor law cases
bo which Chas. E. Walter and Albert
Thomas, of the Central Hotel, were he,
| defendants.
Potition of Louisa M. Stiger for s
«~The Trinity Episcopal nongregation
will bave services Banday in Good's
This will
be Mr. Hartzell's Inst Sunday in Pat
ton. ton
~W. L Malin, of Bellefonte, the
rue un the Gallitsen Building & Loan |
Association to bring their action of
ejoctment within six months for land
in Chest township, Rale to show
cats granted,
Petition of George M. Snyder, execu-
: tor of Frederick Boyder, decessed, late
labor Day was genoraily observed of Carrolitown, for an order to sell
as 8 holiday in Patton. The mines | real wetate lor the payment of debts. |
were shut down and the majority of | Petition of Thomas A. Sharbaugh, |
the business places were closed during | guardian of the minor children of |
the afternoon. While no organized James Sharbaugh, deceased, late of
effort had been made to have a parade | Carroll township, for an order to sell
or other special observance of the day, ; undivided interest of his wards in cer-
the two plenion held at Highiand Grove | thin real estate in Carroll township at
and Firomen’s Park farnbhed amuse. | privaie sale to Amandus Sharbaugh.
ment for the multitade. Granted and bond filed and approved.
The one at Highland Grove under | poe of Thomas A. Bharbaugh,
the atispices of Bt. Mary's R. C. church | guardian of minor children of James
was well patronized and the veual suc | Sharbaugh, dee 4, late of Carroll
Cems. At Firemen's Park the Giresk township, for a rie on the Logan Coal |
Catholics had a gala day. In the morn. | | Co. to show cause why & decree atithor
ing the Slavish societies attended (ling a private sale of undivided inter. |
church on the occasion of the blessing | Lest of said minors in the coal under |
of a handsome new altar und marched | ‘oprtain land in Carroll township to
from there to the Park. The bishop | Logan Coal Co. should not be vacated. |
{of the diocese was present and assisted | | Granted.
(the pastor, Rev. J. A. Zaklensky, in Report of Bo H. Davis as auditor in|
the Impressive ceremonies, which | { the eslate of Michael Dyrne, deceased, |
Jasted from piue o'clock until half past late of Barr township.
The big celebration in the north of
the county this year was at Harnesboro, |
Where the Usited Mine Workers and gr the members of the Hastings oor-
the fire company furnished inter net band. They amsisted [nn the cele
esting programs of speech making, ete. | hegtion at Barnesboro and while re
A number of Mine Workers from this turning about eleven o'clock at night |
| place were in attendance, as well as the | ‘the yoke on one of the horses pulling |
| Patton Silver © Ones Band. | the conv eyance broke and the team
ran away. The musicians were damped |
onit at intervals until the bottom of the |
large hill was reached, when the vehicle
{hurd been emptied of ita haman freight. | |
The bam instraments were damaged
biryond repair and the uniforms of the |
pOmpany have practically been ruined. |
ingdon & Ulearfield Telephone Co,
How the Holiday Wan € Observed in Patton
and Vicinity.
The Band's Hrd Luck.
Labor Day was an expensive holiday
Exaursion 1 Philipsbirg.
On Sanday, Sept. 20th, the New
‘York Central will run one of its low |
rate excursions to Philipsburg, selling |
tickets at Patton, Arcadia, Clearfield,
| Hawk Run ana all intermediate points.
Special train will leave Paiton 7:45 a.
, rate $1.30; Arcadia 8:00 a mi. rate
I 25; Mahaffey 843 a. m., rate $1; Cresson Record, Bas entered Valpara-
| Clearfield 10:10 am. rate 75 cents. iso College, at Valparaiso, Ind, where |
™ | Proportionate rates from other sta | | ha will take a course of one year pre.
tions. See dodgers for time of train’ | piratory to entering the medical:
and Fates from all points. | seboal of Columbia eolisgs, New York,
A. H. Bwope, former editor of the
Short and Long Looe Top Costa,
In Latics Es xtra §
‘We have unpacked and hung
up the finest set of Suits for
x en, Boys and Children ever
shown in Cambria Co. No ex-
We display re presentative
coats in onr east window.
The prices are marked on
each in plain figures so he who
runs can read, almost. $10 to $22.
Yeu are: invited to conte and
see yourselves,
More to say about it next
Bank ACTOSS street.
that the fees were reasonable. The |
We have the best of everything. | When we com-
‘menced business we determined to keep the best in every
line and results have proved the wi islom of our determination.
Duquesne Beer, Ale and Porter—without an equal for
purity and goodness. All connoisenrs pronounce it the best
and it is.
High grade Whiskies,
leading brands.
Goods delivered promptly and cheerfully.
The best stocked liquor store in Northern Cambria
County is that of |
Wines snd Cordials—all the
B. Kusner Announces the
Opening of AUTUMN WEAR
For Men and Boys, and would be pleased to have you ex-
amine what he has in store for the new sepson’s
offerings. Excellent variety, styles and fabrics.
Men's Suits and Top Coats.
Best grades, incindiag Back, Double Beeastod and © utaway
Fall Udate in a variety of
and sprightly
y ranging
from £5.00 to $22.00
Our Boys’ and Youths’ Suits.
The nobblest in tows. Ope vast array of pretty styles and cloths.
Your Fall and Winter Shoes
‘an be bought at my store at a smaller outlay tihan any other store in town. |
always make it a point to bay the hi grade and sell them at the lowest
prices. The W. L. Douglass and King Quality have no equal for nestness
and wear,
A Large Assortment
(Of Ladies, Misses’ and Children’s Coats and Cirpes. Ladies’ Suits and Skirts
Just arrived, Cull and see them.
Size Skirts.
{Good Building, Next Door to re