: and the Johnstown Democrat are eon. gaged in the up-hill business of teying | to give blackmailer Geo. Pea Rowell a | character. The Ripans Tabules man | nesds one badly enough, bat the two papers mentioned wil to many more calamns of their valoable | 3 1 have ue spave in order to make any well-posted advertising man believe anything that ; menos from the oles of Printers Ink, ! Your Usele George estimates ciroula- " {tion solely and purely by the amount | Heation mentioned. The wonder is that two such Bros. Balley and Thompson will allow | themselves 0 be bancosd, Hewat Gallons Wears Lenger The secret is out and Patton can Ko! been asked. No it ean’t either. Patton la not gor , you took the children to : Ing to be what it was before. 1ts houses decreased | enrollment sshool yesterday proves — to have some of their money left i circa to appear in this | buy other things with. will exhibit at Patton of the Eresinoms Blof Devoe Lead and Zine paint thay Ei ! with mixed paints, and it will wear several times as long as a baildiog band. There's proof abundant of it all over proof abundant of it in Patton, their motiey ! y Pronehitis ta Twenty Years Me. Minerva Smith, of Danville IL, Pwerites: CF had bronebitin for twenty | j Foley’ & Honey and Tar, which is a sure | with a knowiedge of the long | eninge before us soon, to rend | i sttractiony to be presented | houses in other | Pisce, Poioy's Kidney Care purifies the | | blood by straining out Imporitie: and ; tones up the whole system. Cures Li {ney and bladde or troubles, | Why her Met Letnes Murs Failed, : bases ; will be . served ex take Foley's Kidney Cure. Act in 18. Almost every ed size in. Pennsylvania wil . : i other follow does it, it : If the (Oc ; ia the , publ bebfusctor or | right. ‘who will provide a good und kidneys are safeguards of life, ree for Patton the coming | Muke the kidoeys healthy with Foley' none Wo early to begin | | Kidoey C ure. : tions if we are to bave This offloe makes a specialty of fine commercial job printing. Workmanship are all Fight, | too. - NOTICE. - PY CONTRACTORS, 1of the All Star foot. ¢- rantees that Patton will mt rank of the pig skin is year, as usual. Now lot from Ebensburg, Altoons and | PENNYPACKER appointed as )¢ men to represent the state Flirmery National Congress a n who had been dead for several ut Penny himself has been a since he signed the Grady the board of County Commisdoners of Cambria County until 8 p. m., Monday, Beptember 7, 1803, for grading and re laying the sidewalk of the Court House on Contre Street. | Bpecifications will be on fle at the County Ustimbsdoness' office on and after Aupast 20th. All bids to be accompanied with FY {bond in the sum of $100 The right to | | reject any or all bids is reserved BexJ. JoXEX, WB. SrUrzMaN, T. M. BHEEHAN, Attest: 2. B Jones, Ulak, Commissioners Office, Ebensburg, Pa, Agus 22 A803, iden nf forming a Northern: base ball league for next sea- without much trouble n each town In the adrouit. Pat s are heartily in favor of the County i - Commissioners. nent that this section : ivored with free rural mail will be hailed with delight by lar pumber of country people | 0 have been compelled to come to on for their mail. Free rural de- | no longer in the experimental id has proved a success where: “Repairing z and we guaranties all the work we torn out. Bring your watch or clock in at once if i needs looking r and we will do the rest. os doi os ni J.T SA UTER, gweler and Optician, PATTON, | PA. Eyes Ex E are altogether too many fAghts for » town as staid as Ani inereswe in the amount of aid by the belligerfnts might tendency to curb the passions of Li : he enlprits and diminish thei re 6 kaock on the slightest proves on, The remedy le worth trying THE decidon 01 the coal compan pestrict the production of anth : 1s gratify ving the Haited Vorke ™ and solves a. problom for them, They believed that the coal enmpanies had adopted plans to store | millions uf tons of con! sud keep hand io case of asteike. With Bix omths’ supply of coal above the sur. the esmpanies would have a big dventage in case of a strike. Ho wor. ried had the Mine Workers’ officers be- er the rapid accumulation of Dentist! the miners themselves were F tton, Pa plate curtail the pro- moe in Good Building. Office Hours Sa mtol2m, andlto8p m to ib ono Ww DR. A W. BHILEY, on living just as if the riddle had never | {The answer to the riddle i this: you! Loan paint & building with fower gallons the United State. There will soon be Who does your printing t If the may be right, uen does it, you know it is | WITH YOU : re CELEBRATED of advertising he seciires from the pubs} L " level headed men as] i What will people do with the rest of WHISKIES: years and pever got pelle! antil {used | 3 i Schlitz Blue Wrapper i= painted with lead and ofl mixed by Will open Saturd: full ine of Dry Shoes, Men's, W (Clothing, J | tis invited to come and inspect § | Anti-Trust and Union Made The place wher © ¥ SEE A get and (ase. We Handle It dn ay, Sopteniier Hardware, and Fancy Goods. EVERYBODY our goods and prices, as our Store will be one throughout all its departments better goods for the same money, Onion Label on Every Keg are going to be brighter; its people a} little more prosperoos they are goiog | Is the best anil cheapest place to get the following goods, sth, with ai ind Notions, | Children’s, Builders’ Hardware, Machinists’ Tools, Plasterers’ Tools, Paints and Oils, Scales and Balances, Clothes Line Wire, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Carpe fiters’ Tools, Blacksmith Tools, Glass and Putty, Fishing Tackle Butchers’ Tools. Woodenware, Glue, Garden Tools, Plows and Wagons, Boys’ Wagons, Linolenms {odd pieces below cost), ‘Stains and Carriage Paints, Brushes of all ( 100s omen’ and China, ! learn (3reat Bargain 3 mre goods for the money ; and Export in 3 Doz. Cases, FINE GRADE. description, Furniture Department Chamber Suits, Extension Tables. Kithen Tables, Festa or the Joast money should Sxamine % A AAR SI Large, Sam Thompson, Atherton, Gugenheimer, Ete, J. R. CORDELL 3 i 1 1 Le CO, Patton, Pa. s Chairs, Dining Room Chairs, Cupboards, Chiffoniers, Sideboards, W ardre shes, ‘radles Iron Beds and 36, li are CE ianeg hy meet . pry want of the hHousa-wifs ir ig particular abut the i PEP ite wf the home, £ BEAPECT HOGASTERS, Fold with that umisrsisndg ng, Le are also Agents for the Celebrated : It hus | - never before siuce the pas. ‘eure when everything has disappoint- | i % 3 } i | Ranges made—all Seated proposals will be received by | lence, PREC and nothing to loose. pant hine. «mixed paints, PHENIX BEER Of the Pittsburg Brewing Company, | QUINN & HARPER, Patton, Penn'a sl OCAL PHONE. All Orders Promptly Allendad to, For Sale by das. M. Gillies. | We have the best i of | THE nds. The CITY RESTAURANT American Standard for excel guarantee tinlimited. If is satisfactory we will take 5 k and Tie (questions. You have everything to gam riers for criss Qyste rs, SR $4 Sila headqua taco cl oh Hi bx % ¢ rabs, GMa not bs ; ask Airil i or bss iL 5, ei, XOH COUNTER wnt ALL HOURS LAD We have evervthing in the! Lead, oil, ready-i 1. a oo : AR varmish, stains, anything you M EA Is A AT i ¥ Crean: ih ushed favors «a spec ity. Fine confections, tobacco and cignrs. | enamels and ‘may need i m this | line at “just. the right price.” Mitchell & MiUormick, Prop'rs, PHONE ye tea dT Piters | ELE TY Our Hardware stock is com- plete and we don't want you to forget that we | : __lerything in inti ware” i best, Repai ring is one of our specialties best Prices moderate, sidered, furnish anything you w ant! iat once, Je Make Iw agons, anything yon this jine, Favorite 1 handle * Ev-| T he “Cc hrysolite Enameled- OF PATTON. 1s conceded to be the Patton, Cambria Co., Pa. Of course, if it is the. we MUST handle it. quality con- CAPITAL PAID UP, £100,000,00, SURPLUS, £20, 000,00. Avena ix af {hry Fal tis] Hanks * * aX . : In miners’ tools we can ew : Cities a Foo ATE eur CpEeseial Fier Interest pen ‘A, BE Patron, £ Wa il Saxoeanbh, ¥ 5 ix iy » ¥ 3 \, # a specialty President. Cusbder, SUTTIES, - iy ; ol bugeies, narness and iy wa We are a road mae SOT ry gents dla (3: al Hi Arves sting A” mg gouds in line aur at one price to all PRICE IS RIGH’ r and see and Hid rlet THAT Come vineed. 3 he CO Lore dell & 0 ’S. I A. SEITZ, : » Dentist! Office up-stairs in Good Building. ‘floe Hours-8 a. m. m. tod pom. Of. rut! FirstNation’ Bank = Oxfords >a Good d Meat to 12 m., and 1 p. Wood Beds, Carpets and Mattings, Give us a call and see for yourself. IEE E. KIRK'S HDW. & FURT. STORE. Magee Ave, PATTON, PA. At the | Palmer House, Patton, - WED. SEPT. 8th. HoumSa m top m. « Williamsport | in noted for high-grade Ley spestialinta, Co Prof J Angel, an expert, rotiabile eve specialist, of Williamsport, a oli [of the best in this state for skifl Oy his 1 will eetabiiah a oeaod | : at the abesn nay wil i an witl call regularly every Cmonth. The Cormier will inform i publ be of The date of vach visit, The Professor has been in constant practios for the past 20 years That bu the main reason for his success, A trial! will convinee any person that bis ability cannot deadly be equalled. All persons, including children, mf fering with RErvous beadachs, wank : (uyem, bloreed viglan, defective eve sight Do your eves have That or cross eves, who want good ress ity RUG save lsooey, will be well repaid to Tired F eeling ? zn Loall on Prof Angel, who comes high ‘ ; eecommended. ERY If so, it is an indication that Prices Very Reasonable. Patent Leathers you should call at Tozer’s and have them fitted with specta- cles. Lenses exchanged free at ‘any time within a year from Satisfaction guar- “anteed or money refunded. date of sale, ; Don't forget that we have For Boys and Girls, Latest Shapes the best equipped repair shop { : and Stules, with RIGHT PRIU ES in Narthern Cambria Co. ; Fall Line of er OZER | Tae PaTrox JEWELER fn both Walkover and Qianen Quality, You will appreciate cnr Oxfords for Chil. fine this soar, and Misws a specialty, SPEC IALTY! ew i's what we make of SANITARY PLUMBING, A full Hoe of si Bioads of Shoes, EIDE. The White Shoe Store. T hos prep: ared to do all + ne expediously gig “RE ”» Ladd ci at ony % 3 Wok EAN Hy a * A gn satugaier gi yf RY rythin All kinds of tin work. roof. (ing and spouting. Little Bros. ] Big stock of stoves and tin- war 2. SUAS, : Butchers and Dealers in All Kinds Fresh and Smoked Meats. PATTON, PA. J. C. HARPER CO, Fisher Block, Patton, Pa.