The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, August 28, 1903, Image 7

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    2 ALAA 000 Fad Cutaeh. ih ie
Bore Thromt, Sore Month ard Sore Een
; Hoth pevrder nathing equals i.
- RipansTabulesare
the lest dyspepsia
ned icine over male
A handled millions
of them have heen
sold In the Tinted
States In a single
year. Every loess
ising from a disurdercd stonlach is
relieved or cured by their use. So
sommon is it thar disenses origipnte |
from the stomach It may be safely os
sorted there Is no condition of ih
sith that will not be benefited or
by the occnzional use of Ripans
Tabules. Physicians know them and |
mk highly of them. All drugrists
sell thet. The fivecent package Is
= 3 for su ordinary ocrasion. apd
the "mmily Bottle, sixty cents, euntaing
household supply Tor a year.
_enetally gives relief within twenty |
of 3 pe
Ey TA a. 2
duntey Shops.
_wThers fs still a demand for the Ht-
te od Taioned tn ice coolers, pant
in ‘ golors on the outside’ sald
cturér of the joe tanks in
Broadway. “But we don't well
of them in New Tork any more.
of those tin ice coolers on a shelf In a
wooden ice coolers lined ‘with mine It
was too much trouble to fill the little
ones two or three times a day. But
the little ones were the more sanitary.
jt Was 50 easy to lift them down and
them out. An ice walter tank
bould be cleaned every day If per
me compelled to drink out of it want
keep healthy. | am afrald that
employes who have to fill up the big
follows before the Hoss gots down In
the morning take long chances
the whole business has changed. Butch
ors, grocers and frulterers in modern
awn stores have thelr fea chest
Botit by by contract, with the rest of thelr
fittings, and have a little tank built
in It that is surrounded by ice in which
110 Reap cond water for their rastomers
fn downtown offlos bulldings tenants
have load water constantly ou tap from
fanoets. It is not always very cold,
but it is better than ordinary Croton
water, and it saves the tenant an ice
Bill. In many of the swell sultes of
offices they have means of cooling huge
1 ars of hygienic water for a large staff
of clerks and a zine safe that will hold
a siphon or two of carbonic (and per-
| haps a drop of something to put in it)
for the uresident or manager of the
company. Men deliver this water and
fake away smpties avery morning just
ax Ieey do in residences in the uptown
A ——"
| Diamonds That Were Lost for Three |
Years Found,
The mystery
valued at over a thousand dollars, and
miswing for the past three yours, was
cieared up at jafayette, Ind. in the pi
rest of Walter Clogan, or Russell =
Be often styles himself He (8 the a
gan of Newion Clogan, owner of the
kan home, four piles west of here, was
entered and rosbed. A trunk belong
ing to the old man, and known to con-
: tain vainables, was ried and its con
tents strewn about the floor. The
mystery was never solved Waiter
Clogan stole the gems from his moth
{ or, and he waa arrested. The polien |
have not investigated the manner in
which the gems came into the posieus-
fon of Mrs, Clogan. A ring which was
the most valuable of the lot, proved
‘the downfall of ia snlawinl possessor,
When young Clogan went 10 a sacond
hand store with his diamonds, ihe
Keeper, grew suspicions and called the
| petie fg After 28 chase of severn
blocks Clogan was captured
Not to Blame.
Chiet Justice John Marshall koew
that water would tighten a tire on a
Pwhesl and, when he once found a
wheel Joose, he drove into a little
Thea be drove oul
ant into the water again,
hi it, all the time geiting the mms
part of the wheel wet
came along, and, sealing the situstion,
told the Judge 10 drive Into the waler
again. Then he took hold of a spoke,
turned It around, aad soon had all the
wheel wet. Judge Marshall sald
Why 1 never thought of doing that”
The colored man smilingly replied:
sense than some of thers, « RY how, ”
India’s Wheat Crop.
The final estimate on Be w} heat Soop
and bucked the
[e bu Rela. The
exports from that coubiry were at
their iowest in 1005 and 156, the year
i 6f the last farting, when 33.000 bushels
rwers gold. The ex 8
rent season are ale ; §=
Cale. Tha yleld to the & Bere during ths
Lpast year rans from three bushels in
I Berar to 16 bushel i im the United
lywer everywhere Iu [dia af the pres
: ent tine than in auy season since 1859
ine engine for tranaat Spt
] fully (eater
Kh x #* Carma
4 trun tinnroe
he Baa Ak
Shes 8 ilidren £1
A Ea
Ask Yone beater Eur Al ents Foot: Ene,
Haws This? »
Te “Ber Ope Handrad Do Hars Fawnntrae
8 of 1 aLareh shal sano! be wured by
Lali s Catares Lae
~The Cooling
For Prickly Heat, Stomach
Iva good Jor ch or children too"
The Tarrest Co Cou, New York
FJ, Currey x tia, Toisda, 0
We theunlermigned, have Ke awn P J he
rey fur the y 2 Et:
fertiy He tic :
and dnansiall ¥
tH mala b oy ih x
Weer & Tarax, Whose 40 Drageists, Toledo,
Warngw a. Kievan Hanviy, Whaiesale Drage
isis, Tooled, Onin
Hails Catareh Curels taken internaliv ang.
enowing photos. Tres: for
J. . HA yey.
Ine directly gion the Mood and AHeons SUL
tases of the systam, Testinoninis sent lrom,
Urize, The, por hottie, Fold by all Druggists.
Hall # Family Piiks are the bast.
An gir brake for antomobdiies has been
sror CASH ron
Sp i Mat
Mrs. Winslow's SoothingSyrap for shildre
teetiing soften the puma, reduces in8amma.
ten Aliays pain, our cures os wind solic, Me. abottle
An ele hant’s in: vy ” bas been unearthed ic
Halleck anyon, 8, Wyaaag.
ey raenat x
Pieo's Cure © canoe De too highly
hh ing”
Jaz, Re
They go to country stores and little |
fee cream shops in the suburbs. Time | ¢
“| was when almost every store and every {| 9
a office in a downtown building had one |
corner. Then pen begun to order |
¢ tha Clogan diamonds, |
diamonds. Three years ago the Clo- |
prTOr Was on a far
i tae reputation of the man of action or even from that of Zhe commander?
This wet ane part of the wheel, |
The same part of the wheel §
Again het |
A colored man |
some peslns Bally have micre |
= § Leen
he price of wheat In
| wild, useless efforts to escape from the strogele of lite
By M. G. Cunniff.
i . BORG PULLMAN once sald, when asked the secrt of rary |
riding. that the socrets dare so many that no one can keep them.
Thin is true, but the easing of curves Is one of them.
of true circles, ‘The outer rail is rafsed according to the sharpness
it. A mile-a-minute train on 8 one degree curve neatly an cuter
afl five inched higher than the inter rail; a slower fratn a
lower ovation, It Is clear from this explanation that a traln phing taster |
than the maximum for which the track is prepared would shoot off the rails. |
Conversely, a slower train than the one provided for would grind the anges |
off its wheels, Any road must strike a serviceable average for trains of varying
speeds, and engineers must nurse thelr locomotives around the curves as close | :
to it as possible. That puts in inevitable check on high speeds. The Empire |
State Express once made a burst for two miles at the rate of 102 miles an
hour on 4 stralghtway section of track, A heavy curve would bave shot the
engine at that top speed a quarter of a mile ‘cross country. On most roads,
however, sixty miles an hour is quite safe, though very costly.
To permit mich speed the engineers of the last few years in relaying tracks, | ]
instend of starting a true circle curve with the sudden 1{t of the outer ral that
causes the jolt and lurch that travelers know, have Iald a slight psrabelle
curve from a point a hundred yards back on the strajzht track, and have oles!
The re
vated the outer rall imperceptibly slong that enrve to the matimum.
galt of the dovice—In praciies quite newline been t
fs regards a passenger's senses,
track is straight or curved.—\Vorld's Worl,
he annthilation of curves
By Coldwin Smith.
LET of all Napoleon's insanities, for they were nothing loss, the |
climax was the Invasion of Rossin, What motive oan he have
had for this, suving delirious smbition, and what was also une
doubtedly strong in bing shosr love of the bloody grime of ward
Fe evidently reckoned on encountering the Russian army of de
fense nearer the frontier, winniug an Austeriits of a Jean, dies
tating terms as Le had dictated thew to Austria or Prussia, and returnlug
Paris jo triomph He was deceived In the character of his enemy.
He triad In vain to force a battle at Bmaolensko. The Ruosslans,
Instead of fghting Bim pear the frontier, retreated before him, gave ud
thelr country to his ravages compelled hing to make a march in which be
Jost a great part of his enoripous host, amd after handling him vary severely
nt Boradine, evaensted Moscow, leaving ft In flames. Thoy then refused to
treat with hime He had consequently to decamp without laviog provided for
retreat or subsistence. Fle lost almost bis entire army in the wintry wastea,
and but for the extraordinary conduct of Kotusoll In jetting bing and his guard
pass anahposed, would hime? have fallen Into the hands of the enemy. This
more fmposing scale and more tragieal than any blunder of
But was It jos of a blunder, or less of a detraction from
ix frightful to think what power a despot hss for evil There was probally
30f a soul on either side, saving Napoleon himself, who desired the Russian
Besullen or Mack.
expedition. ~The Atlantic.
&7 a P74
‘|The Development of
Racing Hu
By John R. Spears.
REDICTIONS are made that ge an experiment In the shapes
of hulls the races of this year are to Wo of greater niorvst
than any ever held.
in the races of the Galntea period the slem rose verth
cally out of the water. while the stern overhung the water by
& Tew feet. A bromdside view of either of them showed 3
Jateral plage that Jooked lke a lod runner cut from a plank
by a country bor. Seen from another polog of view the bow
of the yacht was found to be a vertienl wedge, (stn and abard,
the Made of 8 woodman's ax: and It was a question among buliders
whether the wedge abould have lives like an ax or hollow nes HY¥e a razor.
ner one than the bow, In general dimensions the Galates was 100 feet
: over gil eighty-seven feet on the witteriine, Altesn feel while, perlians fen
feet depp below decks, apd Ber draught was thirteen feed ax inches. Her sue
cesklul enponant, the Mayfower, was 18D foes nung over & if, was twaniy-
feet wide, and was perhaps seven feet deed under the deck, and sie drew fon
fet of wales.
With these facts in puns we can see how far we have traveled In changing
the shapes of boats of that dass. For Bhamrock [il though hol three fees
ron the waterline, is oh fost tong over all. The ald bent haul an overtiany
Bfteoyy font af which wag aft, while the new boat bas an overhang of
iF Sire feet at each end, The new defender, wi sompared
. SBOWR alnost ex actly The spud Shang In length,
y Funk each end af the ald vachia was a walle
To pare Piva a hal? of Shao
bo st 2183 Apes $y is Te 4
#2 Tid salad af 3
Yim Y
ig ai
Cy A
Mays fd Wd
® rs % ix
that i Satie
Il. la not
wn ont indy
¥ pw
ibe Wa AE
AX FA % ths Re
Bonzo: 4 vod Wedge with Ha oe
wi ue Ba ox ERY, Hox BEyREy§ ap is 7%
HOW cole to oa
a long, thin, ahd parallel with
in every
fran af a yacht and Darvas
Naw w¢ st ad of wn and Tose {aly
2 wo nad off aman and hak with
& 3 i _ 4 be 53
aid Ad 3 gens at a glance why tie
At ihe alters thes hain The Rell
Yoo st Hy PEE x {rs
ies 3 ee fi x ih pie Alwvy
Each ond pre nis a ne Ba srisontal the water, and thorsfore
safiing Hoe she & a sepw. We Bed to stand I
at the thinness of the vertieal we
delight at the sweep of the {
smodern is more easily, Taare
water, The modern hull proseats ne
A hE cy
wid nh pe ridted wi - A
ow eda 0
at x % Loe
We INOre. BW ir,
Se Rene intent by the aE, Ww
i p08 Word ‘3 We ie M
driven throagh 4
dere the
ih 2 and
J eas Ee
£7 Vg <7
If Women Were Men.
By W. D. Howell.
NE olen tears the
eniy a man
1 wre
suse 1
a san, -
oi ¥ A
Wikiae Rive gnRy wih! 8
uesty as $5
hinking of livir
hi wd to have 8 not waman, when
& livin pt
; : an estnie to Der huss
vrs BERLE] Ba a gable to sot gn example
i ! ¥ nest boy ine
i 18
roman, and when be
MALS He thar he hos io
oon Batam Bae wri i
SLT OF BaTure,
#5 lw
& ¥ a
ale is tas nk HE 41
YEN iw
FRE Banal,
Lia ET
£, and tor ¥ lio TE 108
Be Wa Ene YORE
Mae 10 FRI
fig a
ould nat,
the safest easiasl
them prreh to
nn bold the
a auratity of
arth; Le bows down
pot think it any
con from thelr blgh pices
din and beat of hatte, and the
He understands that
joey wish to be wen in order to show men what men ought to be, and would be
¥ ua
Lier ave Hiegt
raves them the
in woarsh sn af ths 2s. by
great thing to be a man, but he ls not surprised the
should somtimes declare thinseives eager to des
and be men, in the dust and grime of affairs, the
duit) Kter. gs an ¢
or af fds la
{ they were women, and that they are not meaning permatently to be men, and |
he forgives to their ignorance and inexperience what Le could not otherwise ae
count for. He forgives it with a smile, and possibly with a chuckle.
Curves, no patter how slight, have always been ind] as ares |
of the curve and the astimated speed of trains that ame to round |
With eyes but be cannot tell whether ‘he
i reoent
stern below the waterline was also something of a vertical wedge, though |
Ape |
E@¥ ;
Wits thio
Tn: all Be aesty, then, or in
If yom do sot derive prompt ariel aativton
tory resulta from the ose of Petuns, write
at ance to Dr. Hartman, giving io loll wate
ment of your cose aed he will be pleased tn
give rou his valuable advice ati.
Address Dr. Hartman, Prsadent of The!
Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, (hie ‘
£ | Catarrh of the Stone’ is
| wtasnach to
Apparently Impossible Feat Accom |
plished by Mountaineers
A sensational gscent of Mount Rae
pler, Washington, has been made by
WW RH Betts, of New Crieans,
snd MH. M. Barvant, of Tacamia Belts
coming from New Orleans with the
ahipct of dlaproving the sera bes
Het that fl mountain bad Hesn us
sarmonntahis for years slucs ave
olin bery |
Lamting Pars
roe above Gibraltar whish
formerly denonded on
dime valley
Bt Mulr, but terrific winds prevented
slenping. Btarting at theese gs they
regeliod Sitralar Back ony ta flog
ginclers whave all but impassable
using rones oir cytiing nurs Mian
EF steps in few thew ay ong ide
todrs arousd crevasses, fnally gaining
a sure footing. They roc the vam :
mit at il
a mo. and visited all thre
They found Be syidanse ot |
valoanie active though
Tymes and Steg Tt ary sili rising.
In ons of the i of Vinaa
soriimen have dug up part of the ¢
stone fearing of a Roman louse: dat
ing fram the third century
Cfiret person who hed ©
Che had taken orders desired shsolation
having committed .
: | ran through the frames of the sodi-
mnehes broke off the great ledge of |
the Cardinal
LAR years.
Called Ol Sly
to Producs Artifin Digese
tion is Generally Taken,
| Hence, Pepsin, Pancroatin and a Host
of Other Digestive Remedies
Have Baen Invented,
I Thess Remedies Do Not Reach the
The only rational way ot cy deep
i to remove the catares. Perana ©
tiret. Peruna does mot a
digestion. It cures catary wn og uwey the
perform digestion in
‘ Thin is vastly better and safer then
resorting ts artificial methods
? ; i er !
by Jocatoe it euros eatarrh Shetwerr Io
Peruana cures it.
ued! an the throat or bronchial tubes, Pes
runs cures 18. When catsrrh becomes sete
ted in the stomach. Perusa cares it, 8
well in this location 4a ia any sther,
Trans is net smuly a : f:
pepain. Peruns in 3 eatarrh remedy.
rana oures dvepesaia because it is ERR
sily dependent une eatarrh.
An Awlcward som ent.
Thers 18 a story which Sir Edward
I Malet recalls of a situation hardly
| saualed fn fiction A certain Cardis
nal ai an evening party. when pressed
by an admiring circle of ladies to my
whether he had ever received sony
- glartling confessions, rvplied that the
cane to him after
for & murder which he confessed tO
A gentle shudder
snes, This was tarnsd io eOnteris
tion when ten minutes inter, an ole
derly Marguls entered the apartinent
thoy campnd for the ninht |
and eagerly claimed acquaintance wht
“But | ses Your Bmis
pence does not rememiier me” he sid
“You wil 40 so when | remind you
Pttgr | owas the first person ¢Ho 00h
fesapd to you alter you sotersd the
! gervics of the Chareh!™
Thirty Years Under the the Sea,
A section of rable in the Caribbean
Rea was recently _ Fated froun 1.550
fathom of water whore {f has sin for
Tests tamed ita core to
ha in perfect electrical condition and
the rubber ipoulator aningiored A
fear that saiphur from the rabbes
| might injure the copper wire had 90
| foundat jan.
Ba hese. rs hearts thes
une of mesliciies, | ool mot
et rid of 8, 1 wade eiled
fo wee Gg oyRied fy elohd
momihe, wid 0 part of the
Lone wai unatde fa walk ai
ali 1 fwiriy sersaned Hf 1
absentee tix IL iby fet
front the er, mast Quad
3 jomt ponirol “of HE ia
WEY soon alds t walk
en hel of two
Aching backs are saad
Hin, back, snd loin
(ere: ae. 8
Wiroah mosiinens, ax § cond
pettiier besed reor sleaighiten
ag to my full Bedptt, wit ir FOL
mba sad dropey signe
cutdaion, 1 was My ta
Bandl went te Kelly's drug
atau wit Baemeht Beate 4
uy oF Desots Pils wit
passe 5a few days, sal,
Posie Brinda e vin
pat Ge aes RSet,
§ rake pig
Pio free tein bom is This renin i
TT above
pa od
sontinaisg he treatuwnt, §
Wi Bi
I D6 Se Php SE
Bigod, wind on the stomach, Nantel bhvweds,
pring alter eat fig, Heer tenuis allow: Skin ard Serine,
regulary You ars sick. Co
> Shree Ailes wad bs 18
CASCARETY talus, for your will
Hah Taka war nevice. wiry wit
seokliet frve. Addron
sel nrtion Riis mare peoples than «
ones of Merit,
Seer Eat wall and stay weil until
5 Cascnrets today under abaabite
wives fabien stamped CCC.
% g Hemady Sapa: Chioaes ar New York,
wal tronbies, appendicitis, Mllousness, bad breath, be
wi mounts, hesdache, indigestion, ]
Wien your bowels rT
{1 other diseascos together. If
Na matiar whet ails you. start
yous get Your
Lharantes 10 eure OF
Never ssid in balk
Your Liver
Is it acting well?
regular? Digestion good? If
not, remember Aver's Pills.
Bowels :
Fk Fine ~~
wad idl take
Al advance nent te
The kind you have known all
your life.
+ e. Ager On, Raat, Mass. | |