these esmentiain She br bane 4 by lack of experience and blinded to sll defects by her absorbing devotion. This is but natural, but the does not make up Inter on for t of the other essentials; and the who ignores parental advice In so ial a matter comes to realise that her mother's judgment was, after all, much better than her own, Considering these arguipents, jt Is fe to concede that a parent is far or not to tide a man per- % because be is handsome or has 8 She knows too well that | 2 Newell Barrett, tly celebrat: od her 106th birthday, ; The once radiant but now sorrowing | | tormer Empress Eugenie was devoted | to violets, the Bonaparte flower. Women are now admitted to the BL TOWN | petersburg Academy of Art as students bument. ~ Woman's | | r) s chest - coming to seem al jmportant to her than the | oh npon which, as a rule, she | t so much time apd thought. so the chest measurement sind pet #0 os to produce of at orery girl who 1s To Increase the chest means niore “vitality ; in the ugh It until the lungs npty. Then inhale pn- oogs are cked full of air. ple exercise, but excellent. ‘do not breathe with the nse the lower chest. when not using the pipestem, try Iv. Make both the ex- inhalations a little ger than usual. Deep ? method of “keting is certainly worth try- Mkely that to the qeation. Parents Choose Their Daungh- bands? all “young men and * will answer unhesitatingly t emphatic negative, in favor of parents choosing their ters’ Jife-partners. be novel, of course, ambitions pecunious parents are desirous edding their daughters to men om their own interests may The Jesuits of such ir First Ly view of - She looks ai at the aspiring mouth. with pongoer. But, in act, there is much to be | of architecture and house building. Mra. Isabel Beecher Albert, a grand | niece of Henry Ward Beecher, has Just made her appeatasce on the lecture Mrs. Lionel Ross Anthony has been appointed Worlds Falr Commissioner * {for Colorado by Governor Peabody. | Bhe is the only woman who is a com missioner of the 8t. Louis Falr, Miss Violet Defries has just been | pie 5 feliow of the English Royal Society of Literature. Sbe Is one of the | tew women who have been enabled to write “F. I 8 L" after thelr names. Its reported from Bt. Petersburg. Russia, that there ix a strong agitation | there in favor of admitting women to e Bourse, ‘and it in belleved that this | ‘will be effected within a The Governor-General of Canada has paented to Miss Georgina Pope the Royal Bed Cross, In recognition of het services in Bouth Africa. Bhe ‘lis the first woman in Canada to be . “come the recipient of this honor. 1 In the vilinge of GUI, Mass, lives oi Mrs. Sally Lamb Hayden, who, at the | age of ninety, frequently rides ack. Sbe has lived In Gilt fo more than Afty years. Whenever there is 8 coaching parade Mrs. Hayden fo always in line, | rade the members of the club gave | her a handsome present. and after the last pa Plas bands of satin stitched are usd 8 great deal, Wreaths of roses arc scaticred over thin sutnmer fabrics. One band trimming fx that of talleta edged with fancy silk braids, Nearly all smart gowns sre finished with a sash in some form or other. White suede gloves are now regarded as best style for evening and formal WERT A “tub hat" of white embroidery, trimmed in satin ribbon, is one of the novelties of the season. Embroidered corners in handkerchiefs are now quite passe and the new ef fects are all-around designs. Mexienn medallion or catstitched| band stocks are two of the most worn neck pleces of the sunimer. Yalo lace is to have first place nmong the colored wool laces promised such vogue for the coming season. Checked taffetas are extremely smart {trimmed with green taffeta strapping] and round, git buttons quite a la will taire, New designs in pmbretdered pongees i are constantly belng shown, An em: broldered dot of quite good size ip royal blue is effective on pongee. Carved ivory in rather plain effect and showing a little Bower standing out in bold relief is the very dainty * | bandle for milady'a dress sunshade. Red is particularly pood combined Strapping of red taffeta and stitching In ved zllk on ponged makes a very stylish little shirtwaist suit, ‘ : Plald designs in gay colorings are seen in chiffuns, and are ured for blouses made over soft linings of silk 1in one of the predowntuating tones of the plaid. Black and white checks in taffeta and Loulsinea coniinue in popularity, and the latest addition 1s a cheek with large discs of plaid in pale blue, yellow, {pink and green geattered over it. The new wide girdles of softest kid | come in a brilliant shade of red, which, a hat trimmed in the same tint ‘parasol to match, are quite enough coloring with an all-white gown. ‘ery beautiful mousselines are those site, with design of flowers in 1k, while scattered betwcen are {the We BOMETHING ABOUT SCREENS, no protection from pryiug eyes, nt the wire petting can be easly made to serve 1he purpose of A real screen a8 woll as a protection from files and ether lamects. This Is accomplished by giving the ontsides of all screens a ig | COL of thin white paint. Btrange se it may seem, the paint will pot Le poe ticeable, and while those insides the house may look through the serecn the anne as ever, outsiders canned lonk into the room. with torpeatine, spd sppied with a tirond, Sat brush. If the paiot Is eu. {ficiently thin and the work carefully done, it will not have the “danbed” ap- {pearance ope sees in so much bome painting ~Woman's Home Cotnpanion MARKING TABLE LINEN, The marking of table linen is an operation that often bothers the aver. age bouseResper. If she is well to do she ran hire other womet to embroider the initinle or mobogram in the solid white embroldery that Is so handsome ~and so expeasive, Or she may sitpiy stamp her table napkins and towels with a stencil amd Indlg nk, This tooks cheap, ox it le. Bpool embroidery, which is novel, easy and pretty when done, offers a happy medium between the two. One woman who does a good deal of it says the first step is to soles? a spool and draw a circa faintly aronnd 11 on the article to be marked, Riart at the bottom of the eirele and 1 brier-stitch around nearly half sar. Then start again st the botlom and stitch around the other half. At the top leave a tiny space, and the effect will be that of a dainty laurel wreath, if the wreath Is extended st the botton In two small straight lines eroselug pach other the wreath effect is height. ened. A small bow knot at the baxe is nlso pretty. Ion the centre draw the de. sired Initial with a pencil, working it finely and closely 1a over and over. Pittsburg Dispateb. wo HONDAY MEMS Te srt the dye In oolored cotten goods. somk the artlecls thoroughly In ooid water before 11s first washing: and to make assurances doubly sure, add a teaspoonful of sugar of lead or a band. fol of salt to the water, Many Iaundresses alfure the nee of soap altogether ia the washing of col ored printa. To do this plunge the sr- ticles In a bath of Jukewnrm water, mixed plentifally with bran, Rinse im. medintely in soft, cold water, and nang to dry In a shiedy, unheated place. Ire wien pearly dry. on the wrong side ; * & @ To prevent buff or gray Hnena from fading, add a teaspooniul of lilnek ov | riper to the water in which they gre ; we ~t washed, * ® Lace woven and fine slik stockines should be leaned with Denzel or naphtha--preferaldy the latter. Turn them Inside out, shiske free fromy dust, fay them fat on a dish, acd cover with the cleansing fold. taking care not to fio the work nu ¢ room where thers ia £ fire or Nzht. Str lriskly in this bath, ard then remove to a fread one of clean vaphths, which will effectually monave all turkina fraoen of solinve, Thin process rompleted the stockings should Le patted ax nearly dry ax pos. COED pir nail Smred, win the (ph the Ooid has Gleny - 0» a shine silk underwesr a slrong «mage of Lite sosp gt in I ERE npan Hae thoroughly AMY eater ni medion ninist soap be veh rarment. | Waae the latter but Hehe in two sao ceksive baths of the ae tpxnd fe and t rinse it in Jukewsrm wale Pat {iw witer out between the bands, elke the garment acd pull 4 ion yer then, when it Is simost dey, prose jt on + Hy Baku 4 % ea i% Lae] gli ig wide with & moderately & fron Phtladeiplia Telegraph Btrawberry Canapos--Crush ; iy Epread pensray on buttered white bread withont orus Ont in uniform if an a pile dalotily on pitte parn ed with soll lettee Jonves, Paulette Koup~— Mel rious of batter, Age shires tablespoons i of dived celery, (amin and o aus La lilvapoon of Ari Gurion, bo eal. a blade of mines, BH of pan sine wip i fw nty minttes, then ERI fo whon t FUL over it gradually three hi milk, add ene teaspoon of § fila Yu or and cook na doa de Dwienly miiputes, Brain snd add CX Yolks inn with one-half Crean Rhubarb Ice—-One quart of epam, one pound of sugar, two pons barb, half a pint of water, juice rind of one lemon. Wipe aud out tre rhubarb and put it into a pad the water, lemon juice and rind. quite tender press It well to ger ou all the juice. Put half the spear and cream into. a double baller; when the sugar is melted take off the cream and when cold add to it the rest of the sugar and cream. Put into a freezer and when nearly frozen add the cold rd 5 froah three fable 4 o 2 La Wg 3 wing Ei By Pek with Sry aen rhubarb julee and continue to freeze hand painted in brilliant hues’ until firm. Let it stand for two hours x blues und a dash of arenge before serving. | piece of paper. any of the eminent ecientivs bie showed The ordinary window screen offers The paint should be thinned Professor W. Markwald of Perlitl exhibited to the electrochemiosl sol | physical rection of the Chemical Con grese, A smoldze of dark powder on 8 it was the first tiie it 10 had seen the metal poloniom, dhe covered by Professor snd Madame Curle, of Paris. They donbied whether poloninm was 8 primary clement of related to histuth, but Professor Mark wall demonstrated thar if was Indeed a primary element, He exliibited a bit of the motal weigh ing 15100 of a grain, whirh was pr Gueed (rom foo tous of nrsniom at 8 cost of 215 If is mars thinly distributed fa nen niom than Xentn x In the pimosphons, The latter a tho most raring of gacen Professor Moarkwall procesdod lo ive 8 trarvelons exibition of the pon ers of Lg speek of poionuamn passing through the alr from the gos erator tn the peceiver, the alr regsing to be a conductor for the Rashes The room was then tlende placed pear the, poloninin glowed with a bright greenish light, FPoloninm rays differ from radiom rays inasmuch as they contain no oF thode radiation. It has hitherto been aseumed that poloniom only emits cans] rava-i eo, positive ions sufferinis only slight deflection by a magnet ated undergoing ahsorption easily: in ating words heavy particles of considerable momentos, but small free path. 1 Becqoere] has pow discovered anothiny form of radiation. of high penetrate power. Polonias appesrs. therelude to possess two ont of three forms of radiation exhibited by radinm, and Snly lacks enthode rays alates ooh ain AR WISE WORDS, Blessed are thn doyans gore ~ Wille, | Vighanee fs watching oiportunity. { Austin helps, Birtli's guide hat Beoteh Proverh Common mena ix the hiresiin's Detter — geting of our {age Homer Gresley. Every man i the architect of biz avtn character —Bosrdman, People &o tot lack strength; they Inck will-Shakespears, i Rincerity ls the highest quality of good manders Eowrsat, ; Desmpondency fx Ingratitade; God's worship ~H, W. Bescher, The man who ix goed at an sxenee is good for nothing else. ~Frenkiln The more we study the tore we Giscuver our lgnornnoe RBhsler, Ad yersity is thedismond dust Hens polishes Ha jewels with ah The chearlul lve jongea In years end aftereard tn our regards Pores, No man Is born in the world whose work fs met born with him Lowell We hand folks over to Goda merle, and show notice ourselves, «(George Ellot, Both man and womankind belle thle nature woen (hey Tt Baliey. There Dever was any hesrt truly great and pesernos, that wis pet slio fender and Gon liste The ABlrent fosterin habit of mind, even in rifles tor of bligh moment. S18 Cpunicnsse hope is id 4d oe ELS Rents a candid 3 aie both to charasier Howson, Razoo Don't “Tire FmThey Got Irtetys “Da you her why we di water wl oo * aw ed Fa yaa 3 rad wml do you Ksow why » §OERY Borage Bm Ciired” “Well, tile is a asr that a TREAT ma AR it owe Le 4 x af | oa lpr, SAW Eades ey tum When thoes Twi ih dirt 51] tk 1 2d Rath z Vines fr the warll w fed ize oot he 3 rages tx dull and poh ix will shares t Thon 8 the thee 1h ignorant ay it Is red” and slop us) ba It, bat the wise know itis only clogand, “Tae wise though, doen't suffer thrir TRIOS 10 gel clogs They din thash In warm waler belore they nse than, srl thas theoterrth are Rent clran It iv lwosune a razor a oo suw thst lather the beard. The Tae atime the Leapd 2s BO Fen the naked ose, 3 : ails am a sa Sent ly, a, Tord ia wad on doesn’t $i: Hen Toany SEE win pa ta Grr ; face 0 the razor” Slander * vy Telephone. A curipaa Action : an which, fo ir the Hrs ies Be FFE Fi Mian Yeu turinl, { 1 tried £1 ties wore a Minor arel wi fariaer, yer ind An Octogenarine cor. Ley esp police #1 Est tn Chileans tor i Awexander Bos July 1 in hig el He the added dbs base of Liavipg the first whitey 1a rin Ol eagn. As his wae longed to the French Cs prominent about Detroit for 150 years. Aired on has Fis ks Th MELD 2 5 SiRGIN) AA 5S BHA Talking nnd Thinking. Té is both trite and true that where | there Is most talking there is Jeast thinking. Hamburg fleet are bull of steel lecting of their venom, | od to produce rain in tines of deonght iis being constrocted in Yaris by & Wo it HE terrepted 8 &frang rarrent of sleetricily | being fmported in very small qosn tities, i darkened end pleces of barium, platinam and zing quoted azninst the ssmertion of Pro- i tre of the universes, than nine feet in height and widid for preservation. An expert ean gather i class bathes abomt core 8 fortnizht, ul TEE ad winter. Soap fs nse, day among human beings bur 1 4d Kinde | serves. Since then it has been very 61 ahd i tat | 4 | still recognizing its owner, Hittle Gog saffered froon sequente of fright from allway trav ! hag So able tn poesia with wate, Several patents for producing solid sieohal have been grasted ia Gers many, Seventy six per cent. of 21 Bremen steamers and eighty per cent of the ni The catching of snakes and the ele wihien fetches $1 per grain, is a pew fudostry in Australia. An slecirie machine which ie intends | nicipal engineer. The South African cycles trade fn practically in the hands of British msnuiactarers. even Aineriesan makes A Telegraph poles the lower end of which has been soaked In creosote laser | more than thirty years: in freind there are some erected In 1558 and still | fn good condition. There fs a large demand for pocket knives ali over South Afrien. The Kafir bowever, seldom pays more than twenty-five cents for a knife, and eonsequently cheap knives would find the best sale. The opininon of Sir John Hershel that the southern portion of the milky way, Dear the southern eros, is nearer to ue than the northern, is fessor Wallase that we sre in the Cob Electricity Ia x great economizer of space. At Essen two electric machines are now being bulit, which wil re quire shout 10000 horsepowrr. The whole spparains scenpies 8 space bien and about sixty feat in length, Capers are the Sower buds of a hash that grows in France Spain aud AM geria. The buds are picked by women | and are piaced in barreis of vinegar forty-four pounds a day. It Is be Hieved that the bush would do well ia California, All pew sehpals in Switzerland tiw Rave a portion of the ground faor ape propriated for purposes of baths. Fach and & warm bath la follawed hy 2a ccnler one. Rick clildrdn nnd Thies having skin diseases are excluded, Bysteria in Dogs. Nerves are the disease of the present | rated, they are Improving. One of the great Bot kwow until recestly that Lysieria ix wis a malady of daze. A friend of mine owned a dog which suddenly ape day was seized with an stiack © ronnd food, wandering ropnd the incessantly rou, tefusing hyateris In ome | sling, and IU really mess gs Though! civiiation, In rendering doze more delicate and more sesceplilde, Todos Lira sr # sl will, si Kew Sufary Laeaps Arn rovent © of Belen of Heoh, of Pragoe, et Pet poh phosBiores Prolesesny RET t Ldcteria. Fara Gales of 8 Puaay by meana of ts ows Inting larre glass capacity cuniaining & the o ar RK rEatisIme, terial famy” ef with whieh | Is goite possible for an obiervey al distance of coe or Two metres to vesd & theripometer or to ste the Ume of A On 8 dark nig the “Racterial lamp” is visible at 8 distance of ma than sixty paces SP Sr ES = i————— Funnies Ertrig: finary. 1 we wou! racing in iy the cave-dwelliny ard isis exbesned 5 wee SR RFA TR & Eg + fry sonstand ben © ArTied Clark's Fine Deosidenre. 14 heed nang CIES ¥ooLiEw ng ue