a J : 4 3 2 3 3 . _ THE FAT: ON cot KIER, AUGUST non * § x & i Ordinance No. 72. “An Ordinance smeiding Section 1 o) Ordinsnes No, 20 of the Burough of | Patton, Pennsylvan a, entitled An | sher 10 are the dates of the Ordinance Relating to Theatrical Por. — annual low ; rate formaonces, (iymnastic Exercises hibitions, Shows, ete. | Be it enacted and ordained by the Y | Burgess and Town Council of the Bor. ugh of Patton, Pennsylvania, and it i enacted aud ordained by atherity of the same; That Sestinn gue lof Ordinance 20 of the Borough « train of Pullman parioroars Patton, sutitled, “An Ordinance Reis. conchies will leave Pittsburg, Hing to Theatrical Performanies, Gym. mentioned date at BBb am Mm. | pautic Frercises, Shows, Exhibitions, Altoona 12. 15 Pp: ee Where eto, which reads as follows: Ee | “Bootion 1. Be it enacted and or 8 0:35 p. m., in time for sup. dained by the Burgess and Town Coan: | atlo City, via the Del. oil of the Borough of Patton, and it is oP Mie only aif} hereby enncted sod ordained by aathor. Famet: fers me ty of the same: That from and after 2 the passing of this ordinance that if 4 > {any person or persons intend to exhibit bs ; | within the borough any theatrical per. station on the Rollowing | enarice, plays, circus riding, feats of | horsemanship, gymnastic exercises, pe CA in dancing, tight or slack rope, ground = ; {and lofty tumbling, slight of hand jug. | giing, legerdemain, panorama, show or other speotachs, which has for ite object wi the amusement of the people and the | diadeiphia on returning, pecaninry Interest or emolument of will deposit their tiokets | yy, person or persons so desiring to , 4 aquot at I Mreet paxtibit us aforesaid, Auch pean or ¥ % % 3 i } propery, validated for | ‘the burough Yor a written permit to { exhibit as aforesaid, and the Burgess is | : be acid from stations at hereby authorized to graat him or ned below: | them permission to exhibit within the Pullman cars $11.25, borough, he, she, or they, procuring a Cresson Lo 50, | receipt in She Trensnrer of the bor. wi lio be sold or requir the ase af the ornigh for each exhiti- | | ving Pitsburg at 4:50 and 8 tion of a theatre, circus or menagerie which these the sum of ten dollars; for each exhibi aod fram stations from (tion of any other kind than a cirous, ar connection with them ia theatre, or menagerie, the sam of two at the higher rate only on to five dollars; for each leeture where aving at 10 p.m. Poliman ® charge is monde for adadssion, the s throngh to Atlantie City | aun of one dollar. Proeiled, that ) 10 m. tealn, and to Philadel. When a lecture be delivered or sn en. ay and 9 p. tn. traine | tertainment given before or for the use of any societ ¥ now in existenos of ] pons will be nceepted | | hereafter to be formed within the bur. ular train except the Pano | Lotigh, it shall bot he necessary to ohtain mited and the Chicago Lim. ia Hoense for the same: and soy land. Bt. Louis Limited. ord, honsekeeper or other person aa d information in regard to | aforesaid, who stall permit any exbi. o irains apply to Hoket pion we aforesald, where a loose bs Hot PAS required, to be exiibited in his or ber hotse, puthouse or other butidings | withont such exhibition having provi fed & Heense ax s aforesuid, shall; be Sued the ony caused by indi- | thi sro shall not prevent the and medicines failed {exhibition of natural curosities, ani 11 used Kodal Dys- | mals, ete, when an-connscted with any : “1 R. Rhea, Coppell, | of the above pao entertainments, vy Paiton Pharmacy. | Ansemonts, shows, ete. be amended {80 na to read as follows: 0g Es hve eh EE 4 reroivn the atonnt pavalie for the © ‘Hane me sfotesadd; avid farther pro. ; vided, that this ordionnce shail not prevent the sxhibithon of saturat our oaitioe. animals, ele. when nuroneetied with any of the above gamed enter. Ctainments, amoRe mantis, shows, eto Enscted and ordatoed this the 20h day of July, A. Br 183, Job Dasxpian, President of Council. Attest: En 8 Maou, Sevretar vod the Rares Approved by the Burgess of Borough, this the 27186 day AD se Frases Mo Hanpen, Roargaca, THE otal pumber of bmmigrants ar friggin Pennsylvania driv flee Mast flaonl year was 177,188, did ributed aw follows: Somth [alians 42.698 Polish 26.088, Slovak 18.897, German 15,142, Crontion Riovanian 15.955 The bal apce was distributed | among otier Fewer Gallons; Wears Longer, Patronize the home print shop. We are better prepared than ever to turn out commercisl printiog of al kinds and at pricos that can’t be dapli- enti] for good work. Brogehitie for Twenty ¥en, Mes. Minerva Smith, of Danville Ui, Lwrites: YF had bronchitis Tor we Liy years and never got relief nati 1 Jase! Foley’ 8 Honey nod Tar, which is a sare etre! Foley's Kidney (Cure purifies the {blood by straining ont impurities. and tones up the whole sysieun, Usres kid. ney and badder troubles. Why Other Modictnes Have Failed take Foley's Kidaey Core Jt haw Cotired when everything has dhenppoind, el, Who does your printing? If other fellow dows it, it may be righ TH the Ootmren does 38, you Rnow right. Round kidnays are safegoards of lle Make the kidneys healthy with Foley Kidney Cure, Thin 6M makin & apwwinlte of fine { commercial job printing. Priess snd workmanship are all right, ton oar Kidneys 1 tor Rheumatism. | Bection 1. Be it enacted and ordained a are suffering from rheum- | {by the Burgess and Town Counell o % must be attended to | Patton Borough, and it is hereby spe that they will eliminate the | noted and ordained by sothority of the fiom the loud. Foley's Kid the same is the most ve remedy rria i en a fpose. BH. T Hopkios of! That from and after the passage o mys: “After oosuccess | three years for rheam- : best doctors, 1 tried Kidney Core and it cured me. speak too highly of this great this ordinance that if any person or iborough any theatrical performance (plays, circus riding, feats of horseman light or slack rope, ground and lofty “rambling, slight of hand Jogging, leg Foundation of Health. erdemain, panorama, or any. othe (persons Intend to exhibit within the ship, gymnastic exercises, dancing, Try this Toa. We nie 8 will ake Gs WE and kes vik well, 1 anid mot wile § paticies sod he prastes Pomimare 12 fame sen lar tag Frou forge Ss 4 ci, ©, Lo CaRvawrne, “Hawtin Hinrt £1 Ca, Chmae. Poh dn Fon SALE BY JOHN A. GUNN, PATTON, PA C®IX dndrithe hence Cth day 100 voars aga had the same JACK. TAR'S GROWL. A Story Minatenting he Saflor's Habit of Grambling. the Antavrte wre all the same Ot te to sar. Mons day's dinners are all alike, sand what we bave today we shail have this day. Jnek's forefather 8 t 3 OBREG nde thy HG yoavw Bedve fn this day Jack wohl frvis Hid Pas eile His yarn’ i 18 that faed's habit of gr cpa he 2 Wins Witeh Hazel Salve Sold by se there fived a shitp { pod Howe wife said to him fit if whe Os agen 8 tire went to sea the fuer en Wei A Hover find faolf with thei foodl. Hor Bus band tonk her with him of 8 voyage Cand the good woanan attended to the cocking in the palley hersalf, The seonse was thick with fresh veg etabilen, the bread was whites and with ont weevils, the meat was good, snd the duff! was almost bhaif plumd bat still the men growled. Then the skipoer's wife thanght of the hens she had brooght oft board to Jay pees for her hustons breakfast sano pil LC EEETOTY DIETER pla i (Tbh wg dred A Bargin Operation Lis siwars dangerous odo not submit by | the surgeons knife anti] you have tried | ESTE ryt SIESRL de Lata Ud {home tid Gn thousands of cases, Cained vo relief goti 1 oaeed DeWine Witeli Harel Salve. Two boxes of thy Crmive sarod doe olga rbndine an Ed Land | have not had a boneh of ihe ple ates HL AL Tisdale, Rammerton, 8 £5. For bliod, bleeding, neldng ail proteadiog piles no retiudy Patton Pharmaay. CAR Bass, of Morgantown, Ind. bad | 45 + . . cy ooh Bg to get np ten or twelve Limes in the tht, aad hal 8 severe backache and fis in the kidneys. Was onred by eye Kidney Cuore, sutingdon & Broad Top Mt in ofc Bho took them owe of the comp wrung their nwcks with ber own fair bandas, plucked them, roasted them and sent them to the forccastle on the salip VY china “Now the men” she said to herself. “ell Know how nw we think of thels eofore™ At staht hella ashe stole forward ta the farecastle to Heten to the praise of ber skill ax a cook. Bhe looked down the hatch snd saw 8 Nig Black Hat plunge a fork into the ben aod heand a d'ye think this ‘ere bluedy fowl died of? A DOMESTIC JAR, The Little Dintogne VWith Whisk the Proceedings Were Enlivensd, Bitle akaily Bile that R04 month Cant ATR ing 1621 spake: pr Why. ol, why, did 1 ever marry you? He Becanse | way a good thing Bho You sre teeosming positively PORTA, : Flo Amwscintion, Bie-You pay bo attention whatever fo roy iijtle widen He Vhat's the gee of chasing a csr Biter svar vs caught 07 Fhe] believe you Have bwwn drink Ine agin : Heo Nox such ok. Fhe in rags He Sell willl an # gketeh. Bomb Rie haven't Loon ta the theater for town wovka, He Yau a 8 sad story. Khoo Heute! Heodhire is 3 poset! hone Ble Ave you gabe down town ta plight? : Heo It 1 ran swing sou for ear fave. Bhef have only £3 In niy purse He Hetty Green! Khoo-1 saw 5 pair of high heeled pat ont Jen thers tuday. reduced so £8, that ¥ must and shall have Heo lode sew any men's beopans for 1507 Bhs Why dint you get shaved? He SWalting for pay day. BheTn't you kpow the rest and the gas whl be due this pay day? He Then Ul rut ont the shave ao 1 do He Others, others! Bheo | have a pod botion to go rig ck to hor this minute He Have you got an smbrellat pe He BE 4 { Marth ward - hoarse vodoe growl CT asx. Bi what Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Unbealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood, AL the Bland in yor ur body pasnas theo | your kidneys SIE 8 REE Four ars, they fle | fail 1 bv a f 3 aches and rheys | iAtinen gore fraen #ge smss of uric acid in the) tdood, Seats neglecta i quis or sristeady 204 d mies one fesi a3 though | trae, bang vagh vei BY and arteries, To DEO os thal nasty | edges have thelr begin. make Po mist sky ners The old Cand De sxseacrdinary wir Kilmer's | Swamp-Root, 1 # o great kidney remedy 1§ S057 ar FmE ot, = : ai drugiie cant and sne-doiisr ie Cen You may Rave aT sample bottle By mail meee of Primus frees, alin pamphlet telling you Bow to fing . Gut Hf you have kidney or bladder wouble. | bad Bhie- 1 wish 1 had never left mama, Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer | . & Co., Binghamton, N.Y, Pron't make any oisinke, bat romens. ter he Le, MWare Had, fir Bik imer’s BRwamp Koad, ad the sldress, : Bsghamton, N.Y. on AYEry bokrle Bhe -Oh, you you —gggovernmint goclerk! (Tears, Curtalnr--Washing ton Post JUST A BIT OF LIFE. A SAR ANAT Indigestion Causes Catarrh of the Stomach. tats and need ming remedies, but ob i i § k Thaw ge mn iy Cres Meats AE & i tthe heart lg pamiping hick, kidnay- | 4 the highest for Hei sit di stressing case ; De Wits Wiel Hazel Ralve It will The antics =f Shean Pltnhareh to i ¥ i of the sailor's habit of grombline “ays “The dinners | ey : i iw oone of than: Fane from bleed: | sng and protruding plies for twenty years, Was trentend by different speci FPranoslvara Favihive Beech Creek District Condensed Time Table, Nov. & pen Ex pM Mo » i Poston Westiror = 2 “ oo ¥ Hania or ite rid WIE EE ERR Mugoeis 5 Hipaing Monssn Winbarne Poale Fiiiinteawsy Mysver Mowe Forasehs ones AE Fal Lari Baven Yon spedaie Femmes Bhire Jarnetion = TE orn Sher Lt Wit inept | PEIMS & Heauting BH RB : Ww Fl inmriason Fritadelptis % FABER idea Speedie Ly pe B VF Gn RBBB BEB iene ER BW S SEEESECRULSANRRENSAENANET SA ay Ls 8 = “is Bg nw | 28 fv NY ea a 7 rly NY vis Phil ar NDE pm oam Pimily EWork dues, = Poe Munday. S08 ines KEW Hain paper With Phileas #6 arnt Hounding Ba weg at Ferey X Chare the Fail Brook fiseelot: sf Mul Hall fenfegl Hated of Pinssvivesier st ¥ with Peonsvivanin sitiroad and iv iwiang raiiway. ar Mae Capertee and Oenrfield ands reiirond: af Mae Ponpspivanis and Nol WwW. HH Na TITER Loess Rent, Wittanteponrt, Pa. seh, Fees Hap Now York, Pittsburg, Johnstown, Ebens- § : : burg & Fasten | KR. R. ; Cries Thime Tale in elie: June &, 00. Foaming Hames { 88 % 0 Pron $n ! Farzad i RE eR GW 811 PE AW ihe zee Ha omaey Ee Solel. 5 x {ae Eden SK, w E i} Hy ¥ ek p FE ipedbes ea 535 Sah ES - = gh fn aving Phifpsts HE, BEY ane BN sr irae 2 et EEE E TE pL Ww hitay Bae b Poassas sng i SUNDAY TRAINS EEE en “ng Bot a 5 ale tus ® Ri f & ih H § hugh SalgE Fox isseiey, @& Ih Pm Plidiputing. ibianns BW 3g ¥ “mihi #4 PEDIGREE no IE IR fied 1 Tt Hach reso MEE IRN 245 Wag TEE Wie Ss 15 Fe Feadvwiund : bw Ain i: Lanne SVE AZ ad shige fon Nustiom) wi Ha: »h £ ok Fa livvend fon ne for anid Gan 3 ver Haves, 4 Anepor, f se, ban wri : : vivir Wail i, Clans dnd Laon : Lr ie fey nnd Patton: Breen iil, wise ney, Ridewas, Prrmidiloed, Weil anid Pow iwior EE sex’ Uonnadiivaie af Owionla Mills with Hoots Anje and Ramey with FF BK train oavieg Trane nd f30 pra. { Flos fir AREA A bY Th § i RL REED, Bape ntentont, Ais Philadelphia & Reading Railway. Engines Barn Hand Coal--No Smoke. IN EPVFROT NOVEMBER 17. et CER Lewes Wiis prt Fron Depot, Foot of Fite Sree, W Viark vie Pliitstelphin TI0 Ba. m, 0 Br Aasiday BUR 00 oc, Faston TP a ia. w., x a $a. Bn ens Heunding, Tren, Ma w 3 and ail patie ju sohayh 2 A, 4 sud TLE R Parnas : wi P has bean supposed thal A Pathetie Incident of the Pawwm. ar many years u = : sKops In the Metropalis. Catarrh of tha Stomach caused tndigastion tolject the amusement of the people aking ots a sroall shop bt p | 204 dripepsia, but the trum ia exacily tha) gth. Kodo! Dyspep- | ¥ Bueaking fotos a seal shop ln sn ob opposite, ladigeation causes catarrh. Ras is the one great medicine that Cand the pecuniary Liiterest or eroin , , sure ang poverty ridden joeniity, the peated atticks of ind Tgestion inflames thy | and digestive OP ; Pant of the person ar PersOns desiring 2 % 8° } | i + ¥ 4 p 56 al who “weit brake” at the idm Ws oUEs mehr is nin T the stomach and assimilate and trans- | | ta exhibit an aforesaid, the Bargess ta T F IRS "4 J 3 was realizing on a 8 superfluous Artbiie | exposes the ndrves of the stomach, hiss caus foods. sto the kind of blood hereby authorized to grant him or thems |] ‘THE ae gt of Jewale. A woman so Poor ain log he glands to secrets muslin instead i 8, 343 : permission to exhibit within the bor [EY TTT Eg pinched re. so marked with ihe juices of natural digestion. This by the nerves and feeds PLE ® care and desorption that it made k eallad Catareh of the Stomach, i ihe, she, of them procuriae a ro [EE ; + § pl . Kodot fays the foundation | ough } ® ind lghe! 2 feel sick 1h Lak at he ‘as hoddineg . . : { ceipt feo the Treaster of thie be orang wa EE , fied mick 10d at het, Was hedding Kodol Dys pen 2 Cure ey re does the rest. 1x RE Le SER oh something g wmwler her shawl aud walt: i min aod all disorders that they have paid him for the use of tng nervously antl) he should have fin relieves all inflammation of the mucows t and digestive organs the borough for each exhibition of a Inhiod Lis transection membranes lnlig the stomach, protects the. the se of Kodol. Sald by | Cthontre. oir or mictageris oo HE Ky 5 : SW git an 5 Bares. and res bad besaih, sour risings a gi SUSEie chon . ; brant ee ; 5 cof twenty-five dollars if an admission 5 . - ry.” Bae oto the En tek inal thee a THUnSEE Aner ay au ndigeation, } NOL BW REERS 4 : . EY SHON ous, : - foe of fifty cents is charged to pain es Arlen to slid Show, Gifs or Kodol Digests What You Eat ' Make the Stomach Swaet. loys Honey and Revie; and the sum of dfteen dollars fu a nn ; the st re a Lada caprad BB t Rees nr gi this as 8 “sure v8 an admimilon few of swontvfive j EON Tavs ; 2s 1 hey do not setts ba charged to gain admis d show, ecirous, or menagesie, yn ®, ig [TR Go HE ment is the foundation of (show or spectacle which has for ite Sar 'Witharmmiusrt: Rendivg Terminal, 30 Bho wadt BAG Bo, and # WEN a Im iE nom. No Fala § Saltes. 2 ania Railroad. ' Palmer House, Patton, _ a Ral it with pure in the Teadicr mission fer of ten cents WED. SEPT. at: never fails to give en fors CRs urged Lex ead pdiabsaicn Low Los, Re eae the wanes tightly writ the worst cases, Foley's reas, or menagerie for schedule ith cl ereglitre, poor de rues nd Tar is without doubt the thon of any other Kind than a : Yi art ds noted Tor blob aeafe Re ; throat and Ing remedy, tee theatre Or menagerie, the su of Biiatith PLEAS ps e had a bal { FERC FLEE MOTE ml Fi § HhoERL EYE i iis Bits tae Sar owe hited she waisted to 3 cto Hye dollars; and for esch Jectiure i AH Ead Bi EE rt enable Sut piney Tepiat ; , : § Prof J. Ange ha BAY BED, EYE fo barrows ow HBeY, the sare Rum #8 thie " when a obarge bso omade for adedesion, ave spel; 3 Villiarnasors, fon } ph ok i . Go hoa Ci ts sve wreedalist, a } - : ; #3 ; nity ; is Se A 13% hr woman had axked fare pas wry obi Ls wie : E A situa X FER wank dave ; dnat Abaur Nediime. «the sum of one dollar; prov dest of the bong In Und stale for sR I0 BS pel Las whi had bees 6 Foring a ke a Little Barly Riser it will when a lecture be delivered or an en. } profession, Gia wil fstubifen a brane ! 8 : ria & Clearfield Dis viston, | hi effect January 19. 1908 §ERAL TRICE Ad SEY aS, FMA { New Blood, frre Haris fo & oF EEERBEE Re do 3 FE oy Fh Te i og - wi ol Wve ” Ww ; Lhe tae hated and will ll reg “3 ever ; give me 0 The stone's worih 0 DeWitt's Little Early Risers cof any solely How in exiatenes sr heres month The {'OURIER WwW ii torn bl oo thoves gs moe” And, selzing the min it from other pills. They do | 4fver 10 be formed within the ria ph. public of the date of ean visit ey. he hurried after the wonian whe ic break down the mucous it shall fot be neces SREY 10 chain a The Professor has beer Hi ooBsiant had Just left the sho Pp He was pot M k 0g « N \ N - ¥ ¥ gr diay BT os Fs Fda oe A Lg > IRE Sh Td Hag © ihe stomach, ver and license for the same. Any lsndiopd, | Practice for the past 20 Fears That is given to act of charity, sad be felt BKCS < NCW NCPVES, wt : An Re. ov 5 5 i £3 CW HTS Fig ITY + 1 £ 3 re hy gently Rrousing housekes PET OT other persons whoshall Hw main reason for his soooes awkward, the more 52 as the womans Cah “LET 1 | {rial will convinoe BY pa Heank fro Hin he sovvintaad her. and vin afro 4 ; : SUTRNE TOG HIG 88 Be Add #1 He Ho giving strength to! (permit any exhibition as aforesa id, abilty cannot easily be ey : “1 bey your pardon” be began. “hat ol Le 3 ¥ x i RL ; Hh # ¥ nas! 3 Aw bs. RO i - rowing ns Sold by Patton Phar. ‘when a Heense is required, to be ex-: Al persons, incioding children, sof here's 35 1 have no ase for. Perhaps Be hs bees oh SAE ek wand 3 : ie Cn Ril : {hibited fn his or her house, thous fering with nervous headache, weak you~ iH fo Lor other buildings, withont such exhi- Pye Barred yisias, a Ruts ve eve sight wx not she cried, drawing further : 7 Lien © 3 ay HRY : : r 3 2 joi win hil | bition providing a license as aforesaid, und save money, will be weil rep en wir chill” he said pently shall be fined in double the amount for call on Prof Angel, who cones § hha of rour child” he sald pently a poehiibl da dead? erlnd the wi Hs BAT ORE Lik, LL 8 ~N, th | obtaining a license for such exhibitor; recommended, "My chili in dead?” erivd the woman, | ol 0 con, *e Ye Patton Couri ier, : srovided, that if the Burge be absent Prices Very with a queer sob. and fled into the OC. W_ Hi ugkine, Patton Pharmacy. + A. ¥ Cure effected I : fess be absent | riees very Promoter of Publicity. : labyrinth of alleys and hyways that | 1 tany member of the Town C tinol or | D Y Ss PE P wv 1 Cc i D E Advertising Bates made known on shelters so much wretchednoss. Now | A the Treasurer of the Borough is hereby apiiication. diamond folt oneommfortable. “Thote ipation, biliousness and liver ‘tertainment giveu before or for Sara nd Hi a Uresson arriving at Urolon Lared Hin. with ney com- Reason: able, rer is York Times i | yauthorizeq to grant said permit and | Fer ewer r tations; Wenrs Linger. ; Cf The greatest aid to DIGESTION.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers