i oe Ae AE 3 i 3 : i : 5 3 3 Radoliffe, of Pittabue g Sate in town this he Patton Siiver Cornet Band will suse. for the hig Labor | % ) oper to the opening | at an early date. Stranp, of Glen Campbell, asad the Perrell photograph token possesion of the i of aaatam Was renponsible, | ' omission of the semi. ; couneil meeting Monday | ¢ ua Gotineil No. #46, Y. M dere # now pool and a new abil for se in their roonis in Jnod muyed his family Tueaday, where Fryoeklund : “im fore and will i! he furniture business, Elmer Crawford, of Sunbury, | hin Copenhagen, of Wash. ., were guests al the resi. ohn £0. Gould last wok. Boone has been appointed an ant to Inspector-at-Largs Hart, of : for this, the 38th, district Line of Panusylyanis. ¥ 83 boing & plcaie at Rho- -D H ‘w. Ferguson, of New York, Bas leased rooms in the Young build. wer Dinsmore's tailoring establish. | and will open a dental parior n nest week, shin RB. Musser, chief burgess of v, has been elected president | Western Pennsylvania Fire dation. The next conven. roament will be held at. oyee was in town from | this wesk. While hore he 3 reslgence property on rome io L. Lc Hoover, the milk- Hoover purchased the \ an investment. y engine for the use of vision officials of the | ork Central is expected in a me, the old “Chemung” having | mned. Tt will be faster, ate and much larger than | farmers’ tnatatiste to be held ton next Januoary will be in: of Robert 8. Beeds, of Birming- mas J. Phillips, of Atglen; J. | of Belleville; J. Ww, Lighty, | n; and R L Watts, of, : id your plice of rats, says an n e, one good way is to sprinkle | mirated lye where they 4 e gots on thelr fost and Mr. Rat “eave his happy bome” for pas es new, never to return. Try this; surprise you how soon they get the 1 stock abode in a great shle. Later in the winter ashes wore thrown over the snow. On removin? these ashes it was found that the snow had not melted The gang of workmen was divided Linto two armies and a winter carnival | wae held guder the August san. «Fire stactel In the {learieid plant ‘of the Harbison Wilker Refactories Co. about 10:30 Bunday night sod the {property was partially destroyed. Prompt action by the Clearfield fire | department prevented total destrus ‘ition. The works are surrounded by a! | high board fence erected by the com: {pany alter the strike was inaugurated, | , and it was loside that the fire origl nated, in a pile of waste, The oon ~Lilen Milter, af Bridgeport, knocked out Panch Leigel, of Barnesbore, in {the fifth round of the fight at Browns town Tuesday night, ‘the real thing all through, lLeigel ex. | _ hibiting wonderfol gameness ander toe) flerce rushes and blows of Miller, who | seemed bo have the better of the bout | Io the fifth Miller sent his man to! dreamland with a hard left on the The batts was | stomach and a right hook on the jaw. A good sized crowd saw the mill, bat | [there was little betting on the remit One important aflolal appointment tn beet made as a result of the vie : of the officials of the Pennsyl ivania paitroad to Pittsborg. HO. RB Pin _willlers, now assistant engineer of cone ‘struction of the Pittsburg division, with headquarters at Cresson, was made chief engineer of construc tion of the Cddivision and will have charge of the $10,000,000 work that is now planted between Pittsbarg and Altoona. Me Plunvitliers will work under the direct supervision of ( biel Engineer Brown. CL PPED AND € oN RiBUTED. Power Gallons: Wears Longer. To be good requires constant prac Pine candies st Kinkead's Newk Btand. ‘You can do better at ihe White i he ylation store. Ena calc ated toni 11th an | Kinkead # for siationery, magazines novels, The staaliont minds are the one that | | are changed the most. A good bit of bravery is exhibited after the danger ix past. The people who pray for things often | | forget to work for them, Some people pever get busy anti there is nothing left to be done, The only way you can make some. . people listen to reason bs with a ciob, A man is not necessarily a miser be cause he refuses tO pay ecmpliments IV's a good thing to koow when to Rrisp an opportunity; also when to let Bo. H. DD. Poss & Co's candies M0 and #0 lpents a pound at Kinkead's News Stand. If vou can’t convinee 8 man jo an argument keep on talking until you tire Bio onl. Treat your girl to a bax of HD | Foss & Co's tine candies st Kiokead's News Stand, No soap bubbles on Dagueste ber, The “eollar’ is pure cream. Ask for it at the bars and got the best, Two houses and lotsa for sale in Pat ton on easy terms. No reasonable offer will be refused. Inquire of Geo, Boone, The only reliable cure for falling hair is Green Grease. For sale by Garfield Wilking, Patton, Pa. Price cents per box. 1f you want the best call for Oy | quesne Beer. Not a headache in a car. cond of it. Cool, sparkling and re | freshing. Call for Duguaesne beer at any of the following hotel bars: Palmer House, Miner's Rest, Commercial Hotel and i Hotel Patton. Dr. H. W. Bailey, of Mansfield, has will You Wear u oO XFC O RDS ANE SANDALS IN THE GOOD OLD SUMMER TIME? You will bie surprised tO sec the price 5 s at. which we are selling Oxfords anda Every pair will be closed out at onefourth | uted, remove all soggestions of Jor <3 joer cent Ot, bear . Holos in now oe rn im mind they are : ill new and this vears style OXFORDS. You can wear Oxlor ks fos 1% your time to get bare x ha a ial hia Comme quick before a long time yet and now ins that are bargains, they + re ¢ FORE. Note Trices. *. xi oxo Ix il ONE LOT OF SUMMIR SHOES To ba ol OO ent ad gene Raff ia minivan WE CARRY FI For B veryone For Every Place ‘WeFill (if Here ls more than « bargain if your size | SHOES Every Foot Want the Right Way and at the Right Price. During this >pecial Sale to last ! cent off on. 3 4 Sey st. 1st we will give E ~-YCry alt of Shoes, 1O p er Come and see the GOOD SHOES that we are selling. PATI wv. Treastirer Patrick Me. {rented a room in the Good Building Prices + wy of sub-district No. 1 of district M. W., has recently closed a which the mine workers of midale and Wehrum come into gion of two fine properties, The will shortly erect substactial | ¥ Madderied by her refusal to have sything to do with him, Frank Davis, burly negro, cut the throat of Laura avior from onr to ear Wednesday ing st Johnstown and shortly : grads fried to sever his own agular vein. The woman is dead, orial hoapital, is expected to re. : -Biias Hartz, of Reading, who has ‘been foretelling the weather by reading | the breast bone of the goose for sev. nity five years, says that the weather we are having is the coldest that. he has ever experienced at this season | of the year. He predicts early frosts says that he would not be sar- | i the oorn erop would be ser. ' He says it is a little arly to predict what the winter be, Land will open a dental parlor bere io ‘about two weeks. Miss Pauline Blomberg wishes state to the people of Patton that i# how prepared to give lessons on the guitar and Hani Teams wanted to haul bark and to cslid logs. Good wages. Saw. mil on Hopper tract, Spangler, Pa, P Mmons LL. PEex. Yor wile vheap £3 Dd Heer mit damaged, bol in perfeat ord sold vogardiess of price Manon & Huamdin organ goad se new, avis, who 8 iyipg at the Bell for 845. Terms easy, af Rbodi's Bul bas boon used Two years, cost 3180 Dr. H. W. Ferguson, a graduate the Philadelphia Dental College, has leased a room in the Young baiiding Lon Magee avenne and will open dental © | parlors in ahout ten days. Everything will be pew and of the most modern. Dr. Ferguson comes to our community ; highly recommended and worthy of | the fullest confidence. Fewer Gallons; Wears Longer. You oan do better at the White Shoe Store. $3.50 1 $10.0: ® i Ca : i Keysinnz Clothing Co. HAE RN I SR Re IL LE NN I I EYERY BOUSEKEEPER Who desires ta obtain the bagt rsuits for the least money whould examine the They are made of tha best mater- tals, and are designed to meyt | ha every want of the house-~wits PA Who is particular about the ap-~ pointments of the home. : GOOD BAKERS PERFECT ROASTERS, Sold with thal understanding. Sand le | Every Pu rse Mill Ends of 6c Cream Outing Flannel : 3; pC yard. Mill Ends of 7c Cream Quting Flannel 4c yard. Mill Ends of Fleece Lined Goods, worth ; 10k¢, for 7k:c. ‘ Heavy Ded Spreads. worth 98¢, for 69¢ each. Heavy Bed Spreads. worth $1.25, for 98¢ ‘each. Fine Lace Curtains. worth 52 98, for $2. os. Arabian Lace Coriains, marited $3.25. for $2. 25. until | | Men's Cheviot Shirts, worth 50c, for 37c. 20¢ Wash Dress Goods reduced to 9¢ yard Mill Ends of 8c Cretonne Bic vard. Best 6c Blue Calico reduced to 4%c yard. New Chain Waist Bags 25 and 49c. New Pearl Waist Sets 15 and 25c. Cotton Towels, worth 10c, for 7'ic each. 6-4 Tapestry Table Covers 98: each. Turkey Red Damask. 15¢ Kind, Nic vard. Boys’ White Shirts, worth B9c, for 19¢. . THE BON TON STORE Patton, Pa. Summer Coolers than the Soda Water obtained from the Fountain at Gunn's Pharmacy. Crushed Fruit Flavors and the Scientific Mixture of the Seda makes our Preparation as Good as the Best and Better than Most. OUR PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT 13 i : Perfection, 13 + Roig pt bo og Sard gh 1S STi 18ie Aalme 7 4 i Hah Wn a EWE Wy Loninetent LAE ERIE i 5 Ev Ge Te, Lanse —-1"1re rrgists Sundries GUN NS PP e Avi e., Patton, Pa. Parnell, Cowher, Go. GEO. BOONE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE FIRE, LIFE AXD ACCIDENT Office in Good Building Colwetions | promptly attended to, Properties sell and rent. REAL ESTATE AGENTR Choo Batiding, Pation, Pac-"Fionis Nk 5, y Fore Hane : ”-o
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