The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, August 21, 1903, Image 4

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    hand that for a season shook the
in the great affairs of men
dust; a gasp. a feather swirled,
- EODE bythe worid forgets
and fragile is the straining
de a life! A seeond—it is gone!
may sink the most illustrions
a1 lenges deen in Oblivion!
Reese, in Bun Francisco Bulle
on the North Side
8 big flat building
tenant can look into
fF other tenant's win.
re are many tenants, and
of them are afflicted with
hileh manifests itself In an
of the neck. All the fiat
bowever, lave been cured.
loss are practically deserted
an who finds the stesm heat
‘may sit at his dining-room |
bis shirt sleeves and eat his
vithout the necessity of draw.
8 heavy shades to keep the fact
impropriety from being heralded
the twenty odd balls of the big
be excellent apartments. The
in every room” offsets the disad-
hich arise from being an
curiosity to two score pairs
eyes sot In the heads of
hose husbands are inst well
i off to keep hired girls, thus re
them of the necessity of doing
but &it in the window and
the affairs of their neigh: |
Hired girls! Pardon Is begged of
of the ladies resident in the
ft house, Mads is the word
id bave besn used, for all the
of the $40 apartments keep
hile only those who dwell
bumbler $30 flats have hired
fiat In the big ballding was to
or the first thoe in the history
1 allding there had been an evie.
The other tenants had hardly
Ml from tha shotk to their
rhen something happened to
from their beads all thought of
aillation attendant on actually
in a building which had been
nated biy the presence of a
d bis wife who did not have
8 to pay for their rooms. A
aud a young woman care
the vacant apartment, The
man was about twenty-two
id and was dressed as well as
, tallor could dress him, The
woman, she wasn't a day over
looked as though she had
down from the canvas of some
artist who knew how to paint
women to the verge of perfee-
She was jaunty and dainty, and
clothes were surveyed by tie
le moved In no: a woman in
ig bullding went shopping.
every bay window, if
the gazes that went seversl.
h them. Night fell. It was
ynolds who started the thing.
over to Mrs, Broderick's
®, and of course had no social in.
| gome more paper”
with the humble £30-a-month-
Mrs. Broderick, what do you
of It ali Not a bit of furniture
t into that flat. Never a van drove
up. There was nothing but an express
gon with a lot of queer looking
and leather eases. I'm sure
something wrong with those
in No. 7.7
*No question about it. Mra
® said Mrs. Broderick, “that
g fellow and that young girl were
handsomely dressed to have any
about them. I was suspicions the
ante I laid eyes on her, That bonnet
came from Mme. Capote's, I know, and
that dress was from Greenfern, If the
dal status of these flats is not kept
: 1 shall have to move. What will
pusin, Mrs. de Courcey, say™
Broderick bad a fourth cousin
removed, and she had once heen
d to buy things at a church
eld in Mrs. de Courcey’'s par-
The £30 flatters took the thing up the |
ening. They all knew there
. be something queer about the oe-
. 7. As the days rolled
beonme more and more con-
‘that there was something
The young man and the young
n must be very early risers was
verdiet of all the women when
hurriedly finished thelr break.
nd had taken their posts In the
8. Every morning at 8 o'clock
ewly moved In tenants were seen
the watchers to enter the hallway
and go to their apartments, The query
AS, What are they doing abroad so
One day there came a shock that
y shopk fhe ¥igliant women sentl-
went tv No.
pered In the jaultor's ears:
¢ scovery of the posting of the names
was made by a £30 fintter, who used
the starting bit of information to se
cure an entrance inte the apartments«
and a welcome along with ft—of those |
whose husbands could go her husband
$10 a taonth better in the matter of
“Reandalous; they're rot married”
anid Mrs. Broderick,
de Courcey say?”
The landlosd pmsl know this at
once,” sald Mrs. Bexnolids, apd sll the
halls of the Bullding rang “Yes, he
Nobody moved in the matter,
must await developments. The heavy
shades of flat No. 7 were always down.
Charles 1. Jeffreys and Mika Isabelle
Leavenworth came and went through
the day. They Isft in the late alter
“SWhat will Mis,
noon every day, snd no one ktew at!
what hour they returned. The excite:
‘ment throughout the building was way
ahove fever best. While the shades
{ were drawn all day in Neo. 7, through
the cracks at the sides, when ihe ocon-
pants were at home, could always he
seen the glare of a white artificial
fight. Charles 1. Jeffreys and Isabelle
Leavenworth carried strange bundies
{rite the apartment. Af one time the
maid of the $840 flatter, who lived above
No. 7, ealled ber mistress from her
post at the window Tor consultation on
a household matter. Ther stood near
the sirshaft, with which all apartment |
bulldings are cursed. The mistress dis
missed the mald peressptorily fo the
kitchen spd sling the door. Yer ear
was at the sleahaft. This is what she
heard: “Charlie, this 1s a beauty, It's
absolutely perfect, It hasu't that dead
finish that made the colliery so poor.
This one will be sure to go. Bee bow
glossy it 8. We won't have to try
any more of thar ashi”
An olor of chemicals mingled with
the faipt smell of something burning
came un the ale-sbaft and assatied the
listener's nostrils. She hxd the secret
Bow. Those drawn &
white artifeis] light showing at the
edges, the mysterious boxes and bun.
dles and the lnck of furniture and the
seit of chemiloals were all expinined,
The select apariinent bullding was bars
boring 8 gang of counterfeiters, There
was mare copversation from below
about gloss and finish, acids, tests and
prints. The janitor was swntsoted,
He Dateped after heaving yoiosd the
tenants’ suspiclonz amd was convinesd,
The sews wer thrsugh the buildlag
Hike wildfire. Mre Jenkins, the $49
Hatter, was a heroine. With a desta.
tion composed in part by « speci] act
of grace, of the humble $30 renters,
the andlord wes waited spon. He had
left town for too Weeks
*This villaloy must be stopped, even
It the lamblord fs away” sald Mrs
Broderick. “Japltor, vou must do your
duty. 1 never can face my cousin,
Mrs. de Courcey, again”
Joho, the fanitor, wasn trifis” dense,
bu the knew his duty, He got his pass
key apd a plain cisthes man from
the East Cligago avenve station. They
7. Join sipped In his
key, opened the door and strode in, fol
lowed by the officer, There was a
bright white Hight in the parlor opposite
the doorway. There was a curious
odor in the place. There standing on a
chair in the parlor was as pretty a
girl as & man cares to look on. She
was holding a Little frame up within
a few Inches of the glaring white Hght
of the patent gas burner. Rhe turned
at the noise of the Intrusion. “What
do you want? she said, just a trifle
sharply. Then, turning, she exclaimed:
There, you've tiade me overprint this
pleture. This ts the last sheet of this
kind of paper I have in the house”
The officer grinned a little and whis
“You're a
tiet us out of this some way.”
John was not too dense to get a
gleam of lght {uto his brain thar
showed him a way out of the difficulty.
“Excuse me” he sald, “but I've
brought up the plumber to look at the
water pipes, and as your curtains were
down I thought you were out”
“Al right: po barm done: I'll get
and as she spoke
a door fn the rear of the fat ope esd
and Jeffreys appeared, saying: “Belle,
thls last plate developed beautifully,
It's a prize winner, you bat™
Three days later a morning paper an.
nougeed the fact that Miss Isabelle
Leavenworth and her half-brother,
Charlies I. Jeffreys had taken the prize
of $1500 offered by the Cloudy Day
Camera Company of New York for the
best series of amateur photographs
The paper went oa to state that the
brother and sister had taken a North
Side apartment for temporary Use as a
gallery. The $1000 money prize which
had been won would be given to St,
Barnabas’ Hospital for the Young poe
ple were wealthy and followed phos
tography only for the Jove of it. “Miss
Leavenworth,” it continued, “is the
daughter of General Joseph Leaven-
worth, of the Lake Shore drive, Mr.
Jeffreys is the son of Mrs, Leaven-
worth by a former marriage™
Fiat No. 7 is vacant again. The
landlord had let the awateur photog
raphers have it for 8 month on the pay.
ment of double rent. The £10 and £30
flatters are now sifting !n the back
rooms: the bay windows are desorted,
“1 am so glad” sald Mrs. Broderick
to Mrs. Reynolds, “that 1 never had an
evil thought cancerning the young poo
pie, I kuew everything was right {rom
the moment I saw them, 101 had said
or thought anvildng evil bow conld 1
face my dear cousin, Mrs. de Courvey,
for she lives next door to General
Leavenworth and is his lifelong
friend ¥'~Edward B. Clark, in the Chl
cago Record-Herald.
Feminine Perplesity,
A woman can never understand why
a bank makes a fuss if she overdraws
8 | her account, when sbe never twits the
th it if her account happens
: he waderdrawn.—New York Brese.
ade with the |
as ate Ti reg J
The medern girls education Is Ios
complete unless she has learp~d:
To xew,
To cook,
To mend
To be gentle,
To dress neatly.
To keep a secret.
To svold {dieness,
To te soil reliant.
To darn stockings,
To respect old sge,
{fo make good bread,
To keep an house tidy
To be above gossiping.
To make bome happy.
To control her temper,
To take cure of the nick.
To take care of the baby.
To sweep down onbwehs
To rend the very best books.
To take plenty of active exercise.
To keen vlear of trashy erature,
To be light-hearted and Bewt-foated.
When she has joarned all this, if sh
does tot grow wines and fiy away Yo
rR better jund, she will make some
lucky man a most excellent wile,
As to the new stoles a great many
of them are fashioned with a spercin!
view to the reguireisedts of the wie
man Cof a cortalo sage ated there are
grits lovely sehioties evolved ont of
hinck ¢hiffon snd cory Jace which aie
saking insistent clalms on our
The wile white mamtout sine a
constcerabily enk iy oo the little
festhery tulfx of black inh occur
intervals, and wh Mh ennaider
ably rales the value of a stole of this
desovintion. Ther oihers ta Lp
had, Doweaver, in olite and in oalots,
gray and pale bioe being especially
The newest of sil, however, Is fh»
handpainted stole, and it certginly
serves il the eulogies which are Ine
Ing Leaped upon it gs the prevent mgs
ment, Une seen the other day was
beantifel and origins to a degre $4
was composed of Irish crochet over
taffeln, the two eentre banda belong
painted in a desizn of moss roses car
ried In a tiny stragelity tall down to
the very edge, and the wide eapeiiin
effect vver the aboulders was still fap
ther mccontuated by the deep {rills of
accordion-pleated chiffon which elged
ft.-New York Cempercial Advern
“There is ane thing which never falls
to interest me, hut ar ail times con
tinves to puzzle re” remarked a wells
kisws physleian to A writer for the
Washington Post, “and that is, why
women who sre frequently beautiful
will deliberately, snd for po reason,
peralst in marriog the contour of thelr
it assumes outlines of vgliness
"The practice of working the mouth
ing the pauses of conversation or when
ocenpied with deep thought Ia ex-
pained by nanny as “hist a habit they
have formed,’ and this seeps to awake.
en satisfaction eoncerming the matter
and serves as suficlent reason tw oon
tinge the praeties. It is here we get 4
glimpse of the proverhial lnoonsistency
of woman, for notice the very same wo
olive part of ihe fares into all
sorts of the most ae sla pon
18 just the woman who fo apt to be 2
devoted reader of the beagly and by
iene columns ol the magazines and
papers and equall ix to be x d510
gent pond in the of beagty cull,
“singular ax 1h
part of the
of parva,
you need b in 8
short while when vou can wituess those
grimaces, to be cunvineed of the |
(on Flame am ave ¥
£4 Lads TE Yes aud
uly {face and
thie less true,
a1 il
As we log slong ife's pathway we
know next to 1 what is ab
mest within cur reach on each side of
us, and yet by oan erely pushing asl
the thicket of gw » borderiog ovr
road we woubd undo ahtediy discover
no eu of delightful possibibites
Sometiz ne, however, fate, or chats,
or Providence, whatever we may eail
it, suddenly brings ud to an opening.
And we find that we have all alorg
been nn close companionshin with sone
vongenlal spirit whose existence oven
wo have never suspistel
“The way | met my wife is a curious
exemplificution of thig” said the man
who kad been remarking bow
ane knows bevend bis tmmedate
of vision. “I was tzking 8 walking
tour through the Tyrol with a couple
of other fellows, and intended on that
eventful day to make & certain village
before nightfall And pow please note
eolucidence No. 1, A vicient storm
came up and we were obliged to go
out of our way 0 take refuge in a
little wayside inn. There we found
that another party, consisting of a
man and his wife and the latter's niece,
who were driving through that ple
furesque region, Bad also sought a
aight's lodgtog aa bad taken posses
as 52
in her little kitohen
posed to be the culinary genius of cur
cooking cinse
Inst with graduated bands of white
counenanres by facial distortion until
Into all sorts of meaniogless grimaces, | |
ich ave partienlarly noticeable dur
man who twists ber mouth, tte fos] |
car only nj
Little i
were most Kind. Bowever. the wo
Yinsisting upon giving up one of hee |”
{rooms and we sl] becdme very friends
fIv, foraging ihe
iarder for our slips
per and conking it with out handiady
As 1 was supe
had attended a
in New York City, we
2% A copimilter on the
commnissariat, gud we beonnie pees
sarily very ‘éhummy” espoolally as
the rain coutinned the next day, and
eo sll voted to perviin whers we Wire
until the roms got into condition. Weil,
to make a long story short, the pléce,
as you probably bave surmised, In 8%
present my wife. The addest part of
it all fa yet to tome, for mutpsl ine
party, and the niece
were |
guiries xoon elicited the fact that we |
were both from New York City: but
it was not pati] some (hoe afterwird
that we dizcovered that swe lived in the
samme street. cand, what was sfranget
still. setualiy pext door to sack other,
and bad grown up without Snowing
each other, separated only by w» wall
of brick and plaster. my boyhood at}
school and young manhood at college
making the circomstances a perfently
patural, one, eanvdially ag our parsnts
Thres hundred and twelve Anerioan
women bave married foreign titles
Wellesley College, at Wellesley,
Mass. this year graduated 158 young
The Princess of Wales ax Dnuichesy of
York always insisted upon baviag
pronty of rose bashes In the gavdes.
The Vienna University Bde fair to
heoono 8 woman 2 Nile 30 nL
mwerens are the fir ater for ac
sdemienl bogors on the banks of the
Dany te,
ast i
re Working
athietle field. Bach siuder ehgages
to contribute ten doi
them are ean
gal ved,
King Edward bas conferred
oration of the Rors! Rad
Lady Macdonald, wife of 8
Maswell Maw ition of
Bor sedyices in attendt ing the wounded
sobltery during the defense of the Higas
tion a Poesia in Hes Sir Claude Mae
Sonald was then the British Minister
In Chios,
Ire. BE. Castner, of Mavisnfelids, neat
Berit, who was one of the frst Gers
RSH wen th core 1h this counter to
study a profession closed 16 hor in Ger
many. has given up her profession of
dentistry after many yours of success
fol work, and is devoting
sob of borticolture for women
founded by bersell. There are iow 8
number of women denlists ia
After two years of litigstion the
Bighest court in Mexice bas decided
that the Rancho Liane ¢» Oro wirth
money terms
nikg the
bem {ler
Er ER% an
r Clade
§ otiilons of dollers, belongs to an Alper
jean girl, Miss Moga Clair Erskane, of
Tinos. Miss Erskanes foheritel a
claim to the lands in Mexico Irom her
father, with the advice to study law
ars! Spanish and to fght for the claim
in the courts. She 40d as directed
making ber own brief and arguing the
cass before the court,
Square ace yokes adorn both dresses
find tation rigs. -
Plaid cravass gre oil, ani, if bedom-
ing, very prasing
Poogee onilars oe lace on appilijue f
are tremendously ane
Same handaome eastuines show
ronts from throst fo tow
Ute row «f pearis is 8 charnivg tne
3 fer a rnb,
such rede?
w panel
ey ow Ba
AE ne
pire Os
are sinlfed into
faa 10 sees
Ef sige,
wor less lm
Tosesls grill play a 8
paris! part In dress and lx
Pleated skirts are
set on 4 yole which
panes front
There weepus to
Toreaes between
aul for misses
Ya oi reins dF
tg extended lo a
ic aR,
Bost liked
t on 5 on ¥
ess 410.
dresses for Wenn
re the shade of
wa Ve
id Ase
A tiny marak
p Goose
zat piuy
i a pr etl ¥ ouch ic
ne TH
oR Are 8 fan tire
bat plght well
RY oF £ tis dresgs
be © culled plot
It is whispe many an oud cur
tain bas been to tris & new
dress with “sntigue jae
Nealioped eects with strap fnlsliee
are consple
sO 12
SMe gO
wporbed tics costae,
Lo tuoked dresses (Us Trey a Ate
ter of taste whether the se is go ‘ruend
aud ‘round or are milred doen in
An aunderblouse of reddotied white
Liberty is effective on a pretty patgee
model, the dots showing up fetching
ty in the abbreviated sash as well as
the front asd the undersieevys.
Paradise plumes have become ex.
ceadingly fashionable in Paris, though
their expense naturally limits the pro-
duction. They are to be seen in yel
low and white on burnt-straw toques,
and the combination is one that for
a} the moment is considered the height
af all shapes are in
there being ttle cho
signars, round, oa
Iw De
zl and speoll
| of chic In millinery,
© Bavms:
; Pi i)
which, when used a4 an smulet,
not Sequaiuted. we New oo York §
| candles ant of
Berself to 8
faer |
8 misalobary.
gous on some of the band
exposes spend the aiher
cu ardly. Fie believes
wite hs, Glen, and
Proper ef Be
and Whit mei ty
REAtion thers a
i paeket,
bits of
pester Aire
valle Amd
Big wings
wr Reis,
or ovonvealed abn
rusty bBoysean
Sv micros and
He paris wilh 1
wiieh he relies for
of peril, with he great
and stipulates with
Bave thew refursed olther
The burglars greatest enemy in his
ska ied
turnkey ©
to himwesif or
noctirasl wanderings 8 3 dog Whose
presence he even dreads more tian
the policeman or detective, To protect
and guard Lipiselfl against canines at:
facks on his person he carries ahogt
with bis a sprig of the gray Umewar!,
is An
atolute preventive against the bites
of dogs. This plant, wien ved
piily, I» sald, on the anthority of
Bacon, to remove hydrophobia,
There i also a curious superstition
commen among all clases of the genun |
lawhreaker regarding the power of pn}
candi made from the body of 8 goung
woman. The Beja? 8 that suc
candle tot only renders the perpetvn
tors of robberies tavisitle, but that ir
throws the victim or sit nto 8
state of deep somnndeser. Wiiin the
Ins: teen years four izuofant Busian
peasant Sige) & gil and male
ber body. ufare thik
ard avers were exerted thay coulennlt
that they soni Hoe to malls
thepunlves Invisld rates
8 robbery they had plagned
in Seateh ermine] code of the
Sizhiserah eeninry BIE RRP
peaaities agadst this bibrous
superstition. The
poliance in the feu
by gypsies and ob
has been Known fo jay
profess] exponents of 1h
whey Threatened hom Ww
of perils
red-handed in enTipany with a chum bs
set down 8% Yun *oapd Is oonre
folly ded aml shunned ss | ohe
wera guffaring from somes efagious din
ware aullering from Ont
disease. It ls thes natracined thlevidu
in the corm ueemy k erime that ane
ptiliaesd by detectives i i hele EXjHur
tions «Londen Thi-Bix
¥ uae
is Ed
rw ledee ola oe
and le
{5 a
Hi anor
The Rain Drap.
The falling of a drop of raln
ee mmonplace HIE. Say matier,
flags of lehfning 2h that is som
thing out of ths endlnacy. somethin
to wonder at. So madd men f8iak
The bumble physician diag on The
trail of theses masifssteriana of phy
shen} energy. thinks otherwise Ts
Is x
Sim the drop of water filing Retin
a much more of a wystery than th
sudden rapture of the air gap and in
Ee tong rush of elsarrioal sper 0
dlaruptive discharges Although rin
has fallen sine the dawn of creatiin,
wan knows very little about the arh
Zin and structure of the rain dng
The reason {or this iat
locking drop of mig
a marvelous wmierTaiang.
when the wera of a dre 1 of ra
shall be made plam it will be tetas
that thy geiverse aif {8 gv Bore wan:
derfolly beld together The
the drop [3 not foe abetachy in the
way of a clearer knowledge of The
drop strocture, for the average dane
Ww in resilty
Some wd
| ter of rain drops bv not fay from abe
midlimeter and wen of srlence Yare
| deal with quanities finitely smaller
-Munest Magazine,
An Interesting Newspaper.
Away up In the frogen Neral
abwost within the Arve Cirle,
Cape Prince of Wales, the Esltinse Bil
etin, ane of the oddest newspapers inl
the world, fs published once a your
3% edited 2nd printed by WL T. Lag,
Eight years ago Sin
Lopp and bis wife decided to give shadr
lives 10 the teaching of the Eakins
The DissoRAry fool with Bhan
snail priasiag press amd some tere
He soon found 1
calling {ape
Wales fairly bungered
alter, and this gp
He would Print a pein 2
While the Bulletin 8 small, It}
ot news about alss Wo tow
Cosntry. amd reporis that
fram the outside world, To give fou
an lea of what the naver somntyiss
i omany De wae thay one
faxes fsauge todd how gw
vanced upon an Eakin
how they were repulse
Falitag Overboard in Mid-Dcean.
Provided one can keen gtloas fase
minutes, and previded, Iatberman
that somebody 2ives au alors, te fll
overboard in told -orwan doen Bet LR
saridy wean that ove tousg AEs.
While a German Hose was goiug nt
gay a conaed
fram the oidalilp
an alata
a ap of
at LRT To
ws rw
uingtes ron
witl probably make
was raised lpstantly
swaug on ber Reel
gut away, and
the time
in the Hfebwat
Passer jumped
Boampeone saw hla
tlie =e
ud ab
There peed be noo yy
peranenting 0 test the efficiency of
the arrangements for peseus,
accidents do happen Ir 8 comforting
to Ripow that such system and disclp
itae are the rule of the Atlamtic fegry.
Hs Baptists in Russie
The recent edict of the Czar grant
tog religious toleration in the empl,
Baptists wore tolerable than It has
been. There are 198 Baptist chuarclies
fn Russia, with 22.244 weuibers, and
haat year 1334 were added by bapa,
i tay
pond every
seeming to fervify the sig
hand, «
elinin armor,
A thief win has the misfar §
to Ne arrested Poa 6° thre Goud
at 4
Ethie males It saoral
Bar the simple |
yesterday Our Young Polka
size of i
CC rigent
| ars six—Seremiioll
y % Aa a wn i
tt the epews ob th
he poor fellow jumped he was |
. panm elaen
HHL sine
la oer Wenderfat steht Alosg Alipay
Road. :
Cur way was along the Alipur Road,
thi Big waain artery, where every hour
ae dav ox cory ard Strings of calle
els eats ekkax filled to ovarfowing
with far and eappiscent palives, whe
gifted with same special faculty
bslanoing themselves on A Tew
inelien of animal bean: tongas, 100,
with wretehod ponies, wideh decline to
Hidiva at any other pace thas the abs
Ln. apd endless streams of froosport
and supply carts with mules than ean
th upon each other at such an sogle
thi you never ceass wondering how
they amnsge to keep their footing at
sil in the greasy state of road when fhe
Bg ns
Ehlatimen have just watered it, saps
Ia Raven EDL in the Pall Mall Gazette,
A most wonderful sight, that Allpue
race in Indian passing
along. asd siways (8 a Lowry. As we
drew pear the Frontier and Ponjand
ramps. one remarked the difference in
the types seen on the road—tail, Dook-
nosed, fierce looking men from Cabal
and Peshawar with high conical caps,
with black walstcoate or yallow far
ited Jackein: aver long shirts and bag-
wiry: lewtiah overcoated tribes
3 lnoking more lke Cau-
casiane than inhabitants of India, in
their weoslenn caps aad bheelless boats,
hisseing Bes
wha Wasnderad meekly, hand In
quite as Bteveated ss the Kage
Hah globe tratter,
Alter Breakfast with the political
sient fhe fanatical Alkali Skis wore
#hntrn we, With their xeeange bine head
divaees nearly three feel hish, orng.
mented with anes eresespfabisped
Ehices bearing aves heorw and arrows,
Fears, dag sera and swords: with their
hvagarnintes snd shieids,
{raveing muse
riare. Here siéo, were
wey fra the Tibetan
Sraiasgue masks
“ sony sungested the
riivin gs of some Yitage in an East Bad
ix #4 Ry SP ou
sin rat anything Sida
ther murrxted a
radher than w
tie devil dans
baviter, wearing
chassy do
rather ths
Gales can gnsiitnts tha ohilng
Ir is the Bullet that Xie gud not the
Money créaton mon
The good fellow is not alwiys &
wants than it
A 2%
goat Tried
Troth fears noiaing $0 WUch 38 sols
tiry coninpmenr,
The dur bok of Ge d
tedlger al eterianily.
It is not the service, hut lig spirit
nes the
The good in a man may be Known by
the goed be toes iB Dien.
Men may do their worst, It matters
not i you have chosen (he best,
A mean man may becotie 3 aster
of mien, LU Beever 4 Drasler Jn.
Humility Is the sirige all preach,
poge practices, and yeo everyiady 3
content £0 Baar,
The snip of nwlancholy would often
tale ita 2ight from us if cally we would
tale vp the soug of praise.
A mas should pever Giosh ia confess
ing Wis errors, for be proves by Lis
thal Ge ia wiser eday than
The World's Yaleanoes,
The number of great habitual role
cate venly apan the globe lo eatimnted
at between three Dundowd and three
mtadred and BOY The American
istinant contains more than the coyns
pies of the Old Woarki-twenty io
Narth Ameriea, “wenty-five (a Centrsl
American and thirty-seven io South
There ix li: one an the whole cone
Europes. Vesgvins—tiongh
the Medliveranean there
and Valvano, io ths
Lipari Islands; King, in Nelly; Graham
Isingad, a snbuparine voleapo, off the
Kulian const, and Santorius and Nisy.
fon in the Aegean Bea.
Tie African Coutinent
contain ten active valonnoes four on
the west and $5 on the east coast,
and there are about ten others in the
slaviw ers In
i* Enown to
Foes are twenty-Jour active
A ber po tian tweive of
de are sitaated op the Peuissuls of
Boamaterin There are oo voicgooes
Poin Austrailia
Bi st Ge Gan
ratariy twice
gosto) over
These vole: ALES
gliopether, there
ad gad seventeen Tol
great enntisenrs, snd
g% many on the lands
the Severs] ooengs
usually axstipe In
shady Jixtribation a Unesr arrangement,
and pearly all of them have been
thrown UD sippy three wail marked
bumds and the branches procesdilg
Sram themeeed Literature,
0% an
Across Sonth American Continent.
The rallway across the Andes Des
tween Chile and the Argentine Repub
fie which was projected twenty years
xpos at last to be completed, the Chil
sign Congress having recently passed
a BH for the purpose. The loftiest
part of the pass, which Hes not fap
sith of the great Amdean glant, Acene
cagua, and which bas an eleentiva of
J fear, 13 to be penetrated by 8
which will serve both to avald
spawdriit and to decregse the maxis
tion of the road The ters
giinals of the rallway on each side
off the pass are pow within one day's
travel by mule caravan from one ale
gilrer. This will be the first rail Line
Toto gross the South American Ceoniins
Si gil.
Cont of Collecting Customs,
To collect a dollar of customs costs
& trifle more than three cents, while
the cost of collecting a dollar of intee-
mal revenue i» a little less than one
- and three-quarter cents,