The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, August 21, 1903, Image 1

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Do ler, of Burnside,
; Dowler, of this
in that community ever |
Mrs. . Martin, of Burnside; Mr
B 0. Hartshorne, of Barnesboro, and
| Elizabath at home. Twelve grand.
_ehildren are living. Mr. Dowler was a
member of the Methodist Episcopal
| chtiroh for about 43 years. For many
years he hat been recording steward
of the Burnside M. E. church and has
« always taken a very active part in all
eharch work.
For over half a century he was a
. member of the Odd Fellows. He Was
& charter member of the Burnside
lodge, which was instituted about 23
o | year ago.
x Funeral services were held in the M.
| E. church of Burnside Wednesday af-
| ternoon. The services were conducted
* | by the pastor of the church, Rev. J. C.
] Young, assisted by Rev. F. C. Viele
Nearly a handred members of the 1. |
"10. 0. F. attended the services in the
.. | church and marched In & body to the
| cemetery where ‘they conducted a
dance with the ritual of
remains were luld to
je Odd Fellows semetary near
Ce cave LAWS.
APOE | What the Fast Scasion of the Leghiiatare
Raid About Hantleg.
; The bunting season and the restric.
tions apon the killing of game birds
‘and animals, according to 8 summary |
To mated by the state game commission
! follow;
Doves, animited, san be killed at
* any time.
£ Bik, doer ar fawn, twa in one year)
ine -
Grouse, ft ruffed commonly called |
pheasants, ten in one day; Oct 15 fo
| Dea. 15, inclusive.
Hare or wabbit, unlimited, not be
re. taken with ferret; Nov. 1, to Dee. 15, |
AJuall or Virginia partridge, fifteen: |
in one day; Oct. 15 te Dee 15, ioe
clugive. ;
Rail or reed birds, unlimited; Sep |
: tember, October and November.
Web-footed wild fowl, unlimited;
- Sept. 1 to May 1.
Wild torkey, two in one day; Oot. 1"
ta Deo. 15, Inclusive,
Whodaack. ten in one day; Oot. 15 to
3 Dec, 15, and during July.
5 Squirrel, gray, black and fox, anline
. ited; Oct. 15 to Dee. 15, inclusive.
Plover, unlimited; J uly 16 to Jan. |
umber of birds each gunner is per-
mived to kid In 8 day.
; {Cotmmuniated)
An article was published bere in Pat.
st | ton some time ago charging a poor
¢ Innocent man with abusing his wife
and knocking her down. 1 am here to |
may that I am the woman, Mm Wil.
Hams, and there 8 not one word of
| He ang it will be right to call the man a
| big burly monster who furnished the!
ap | editor this piece to be published on nC
poor innocent man. If the man comes |
. i who furnished this plece and thinks
a there ought to be 4 whipping post my
d | huband can farnish the whipping post |
for him and give him a whipping, that
in just what he deserves. If actions of
| this character do not cause a revival of
7 the old-fashioned orthodox theory of a
hell for the man who gave the informa. |
| | tion for this Pieve, it is not because it
tis pot justified, 1 think if he stave at |
home and takes care of his own family
he will have enough to do. The man
te who helped him to farnish this plecs to’
be published is guilty of an ast ss
‘some black lies on him. He deserves
being tied to the whipping post and
‘whipped. Mus B Witiiams,
Patton, Pa, Aug. 20, 1003,
: f whose accident Exvurston (a Higler Camp Meoting
je last issue of the COUR. .
Ay afternoon as the re-
The New York Central will sell ex-
{carsion tickets and run special trains
Creek district, Williamsport to Patton,
inclusive. Train leaves Willlamsport
ig. m., rate, $1.80; Tock Haven 8:15,
10:30 a. m. and 1: 30 p. tn. rate 35 cents;
of Curwensville. Ten Patton 7:20 a. m., rate £1.10; Mahaffey
te to. them and of gs rate 00 cents,
three daughters
oir mother
Proportionate rates
| from other points. Trains will run di-
i rect to entrance to camp grounds. Ap.
ly to ticket agents for time of trains |
0 and rates from all points.
Fewer r Gallons; Wears Longer.
{evangelist of note, while the latter 8 8 yun to thelr homes. Then they made
The word unlimited refers to the
truth in the report. I am here to
o | testify that every word of it ia a black
© damnable as damnation and as hellish
; tas bell itself. He broke up a family of
little children, took thelr father away
lan, BR J Luther. from. them and then helped to publish
ito the Bigler camp meeting
; : born in County Aug. 20th, from all points in the Beech
Ireland June 23, 1526, und |
to America when about
old, He came into the ».46, ny rate 81.50; Jersey Shore 7:40 Patton borough schools for the com. VI ith us from Tuesday until Thursday.
: ¥ vy ok
: the present town of
bis vik giavy Fags rae
mine years of ageand 00 g1 og, P hilipsburg 5:45 a. m. and September §, 1,
1:30 p. m., rate 40 cents; Cl sarfield
FPithy, tainted FPeactiings Pertalviog 6 Ss
Pentite Hrd Places,
4 ne
-.8atarday will be pay day for the | Matte rs of Tate Test to
employes of the Beech (reek Cond & | Section.
Mr. and Mrs. Will MoCormick ACOPON WAS ROBBED i 7 £:} CY / 1 Fall Clothin J
were visiting friends in Philipsburg i gi eet #1 XN : x
this week. | Tha Barnsshors. Pool Boom and the Fost [5% ” N 3) The season is near at
Tw Cambria county postmasters Ofce Wurgts eed wi Taesday Mornteg | i Hy hand and we are pre-
were appointed ast week: Thamar al an Barly Howe. Marriage of x Former | | air é pared with
Holmes at Belsano and Andrew J. | po 00 pone : i ; or ; mi AL Er i
Jones st Lioydell. | i | A | 1, stock of Suits znd Ov
Wm. Cramer, of Olean, N. Y.,i The Acopan at Sarveshoro, owned A | | N ercoals ready UU) Wear
formerly yardmaster for the New by Patton capitalists and managed by — “We——— or to order, fo
York Central at this place, is FEnewIng RM Faoning, and the post office at : i 1 4 a We have bengkt the
acquaintances in town. the: same place were burglarized at an tr HY i ah choicest stock we bave
~B. 8. Hippey, formerly supervisor (S17 hour Tuesday morning. At the, Ep {1 J} ever had in Patton.
for the Pennsylvania Railroad com. |A00POD lobaceo was taken with some | Hii 71 Nothing but pure wool
pany at this place, but pow located at suinil change, which will bring the low | Hild Wb ee Ps
New Florence, was in town this week. up to about $10. H : in worsteds, cassimeres
~The name of the new daily paper The post offios, however, met with a. 11
Johnstown will be the Journal and | Ch anger los, about §1,000 in starnps | {/ |b har 4 Nil very latest designs and
at Johnstown will be the Journal being taken as well ax a con to of b i mew worn BH
it will be Democratic. R. J. Kaylor, "pn ol 0 Sr ah od hd a L |] : weaves. Suits will
wili be editor and H. GG. Kaylor man. | go ove by dynamite. Of the $20 yr rt Ll range in price from
ager. istiden $30 belonged to Miss Ronis Ad $10 sp to $22. Over
~Rev. John Peltwell, the converted Jones, the sesdstant postmaster. After nd coats from to
athelat of Alcona, and Rev. LR. | ! : : Ea $8 to $20.
rolibing the safe the burglars hostled |
| Willinmson, of Edinboro, are conduct- | out and with drawn revolvers com. Rain coats $8, $10,
ing a series of revival meetings at the puiied several citizens whom they saw np to $30. We are speaking gow of ready to wear goods.
Baptist church. The former Is an ooking out of windows or doors to re. i Suits and Overcoats made to measure from $16 to $350.
We have not forgotten the clothing for ontig men. Have bonght & ne i
(singer of considerable ability. The | Hndir smcayim, of strits up to $20 for young fellows who pkisinicd ® good sait. Fr the new
jmeetioge ae ig ii attended and pro-| The burglars seemed to understand (doths and very Intest cats.
gutive of much ge ‘ths necessitien of their busdness Be
Cambria County Pomona Grange fore vis ting the post office building a Wo havent ifractien the fittle boys either and have bought, about. #00 :
will bold te next reais: meeting In | they forced an entrance into. Nick | atts and Oversonta of one of the bast Phitadetphia specialty bouses, Prices
the parochial hall at St. Asgostine on Snyder's blac kamith shop at Haroes ranges from $1.50 op lo 38 15 Suite or Ovarcosta
October 5 and 8. An open session will | bars and stole the looks required inl We show the latent styles in Hats, Shien and Fornishings. ;
te held on “he evening of October 5. [their raid. Proceediog to the pout | it on 3
Hon, W. T Cressy, of Columbian office, which is located in the Barker {ind Noting Suchy or i Shy arler bonghy ormil But tat cuhyiitay ad
Teonuty, will deliver an address during buikliog, on Philadelphia avenue, they :
this session. A program, which will entered by cutting out a panel fn the We have curold motto: Not how ches, bat how good. Sill working
i bo published later, is being prepared back door. The rest was only & mat ninder it
by the worthy lect par te of time. Five shots of the ex pion | Already showing newest shapes of Fall Hats, Neoxwosr, Collars, Under :
IRANSACTIONS IN REALTY. i ors fired, Soeur Siok con rtd wear, Shoes, Etc.
—— “ rh metal, pictures
Proporties in This Ed of (he County Timi being blown off the wall, and Post. Salling agenta for Monarch Shirts, Sweet Ore & Co. Trousers and Overalls,
Chaogo! Hagids Bevontly, muster Jutnes Barnes’ comm asion ; ice i} Hutehins Sickie for Men, Arrow’ Collars and a dosen other best
John Boyes et ux {6 Liawrenoe LL. ; jets $y ploces. : 3 is £5 Al SERON MaOe, : |
Hoover, Patton, $1,800. : The poise of the explosion caosed ‘OME AND SE
Bimeon B. King of ux to HJ | great excitement in the immediate vi COME AN D SE
| Baa ey, Spangler, $1,600, | eink ty of the Barker building and, the
Thomas Barnes of al 1 Herman | WAR ROOD sprewling, telephone mes | Keystone Cloth fers and Tailors.
| Thiel, Busquehanna, $150, sages were sent {ar and near, supple |
A.J. Miller et ux to F, 8 O'Hara, mented later with tdegrams, giving Patton, Pa.
Loretto, $31,000, ; [such deseription of the bandits as {The Bank is Still Opposite tls, .
J. L. Spangler et de to J. Waltz, were possible. The burglars, in Seeing | : 2a ay
| Hastings, $10, from the soene of the dopredation, loft | esses"
id. L. Spangler et ux to A. W, Boek, Nick Bnydar's tools sattered around |
Spangler, $15 Lon the floor. Ab this writing there is
A.W. Buck #1 ux lo Jobo Bendle, Bo clew to the perpetrators of the!
Bpangler, §300, ied,
Mary E Clowes et virto J. DD, Ritter, Lk Ct tea
B bore, $1. EV. EVANS WARRHD,
a. That is what Ev ‘eryone e' Ought to Par.
J. D. Ritter et ux to Mary E. Clowes, ¥irmer Paster of the Patton Baptist Charel | i : 1
Barnesboro, §1. Takes Unto Himself 5 Wits, ro nize and what OLr rice S are
Charles J. Reilly et al lo Aothony | « core pleasant we
very pleasant wedding ocourred at ¥
Sod, Patten, 2 955 tale Alzado the home of our old and esteemed Calling dur
atterson eb allo AIOXANAOr ri ds, Mr. and Mrs. Elias Jones, in WwW i i pu nt.
Dunsmore et al, Spangler, §2,500. | Cumbria township, Wednesday, August Ne Bott ing Estab! 8 e
_Qurtls A. Hornaner ot ux to Bennett! su, the bride beipg their youngest
Maggie Haley ot wl to John Sulak, | 1,4y with a host of friends here ana in |
Johnstown and Pitsburg. The groom
Pt Par Par Pat Pot Na 0 Por Por Post
Carroll, $10.50, We personally put up every bottle of Beer, Ale and
| John Barnes, Jr., et ux to Thomas yo, Rev. T. W, Evans, of Taylor, Pa, | FOTtET we sell. The Product Js the celebrated Duquesne
Barnes, Barnesboro, $8,500. a young and popular Baptist minister, | ake, which insures Purity, Cleanliness and Perfection of
ie 3- i dary 0 Franch M. Mo firmerly of the Patton Baptist church, | the Brewers’ Art. Order a case sent to the house or call for
Mary Kane etal to W. A. Lebmier, | (and who will in the near futare fll a it at the bars. Now as Always He adquarters for High Grade
‘charge in New York State. i
8 “% ANC widials, Call and inspect our new
urroll, $1,500. Th coremany wis performed by) | Wines, Whiskies and Cords C I
Advertised Lettain, Rev. F. IL Bigmuond, now of Everett, Plant,
The following letters remain uncalled | Bedford county, formerly of Eben:
for in the Patton post office for the two | ! | biarg.
weeks ending Saturday, Xag. 15, 1903; Thelr bost of friends wish Mr. and |
0. J. Alto, Oscar Erecson, Bek Johan Mrs. Evans great prosperity and hap-| Ed. A. M Il Nn,
Andracs, 1. Bmith, J. W. Tedder, BR. Je - Fhensbarg Mountaineer. | ce OO
-H. George, Corry Simon, J. O. Btan- Herald, ” '
ley, Mrs. Media Willison, Foreign: - WHOLESALE LIQUORS,
Magee Ave. Patton, Pa.
Bodioerd Bales to Grnigers Pilente.
CP. Henley, Jan Grzes, Mike Strasuly, |
i Jedrey Naydoch,
Persons calling for the above letters |
Pwd ple say that they are “Adver
For the thirteenth annual inter-state |
re range pienie exhibition, to be held at |
: ates’ Grove, Pa, Angust 24 60 29,
‘the Pennsylvania Railroad Co. will sll |
ecprumeion tokets from August 94 to 29,
inclusive, good to return until Sep.
Wins Grease, Postmaster.
Haediesd 10a to Laniasior,
tember 1, Inclusive, al reduced rates,
For the benefit of those desiring to from all stations on its lines in the : Hp
attend the state camp of Pennsylvania gate of Pennsylvania. There will be A i : f ti k f
| Patriotic Order Sans of America, 10 bs | gq elaborate display of farm machinery | sale oI our entre s toc XO
held at Lancaster, Pa, August 24 10 {py actual operation during the exhibi- |
2%, the Pennsylvania Railroad Co. will tion, and addresses will be deliversd by |
z ‘ned! risa trip Lire hoes ta 14) Latnenste 3 and Cw known ag seeraitniral speakers, For i
return, August M4 0 27, inclusive, good formation in regard to teain service |
ito return until August 28, inclusive, and specific rates application should Yo | vv © “
from all stations on its lines in the made to ticket agents Boots, “ 1005 ais, _a] IS, Dry (r00¢ S,
state of Penpsvlvania, ab reduced rates ; I + $ Es d W tH * ; f 13 fh
3 : x F RT ¥ # * > t & oo = ri
& (minhmom rate, 25 cents i Wilh Opus a New Mine. = Ladies Dt o ac et { Lik | nc Of S irt Le iC..
Wid tor Coal, A Progality correspondent writes: | MM TT BE DISPOSED OF
The undersigned will receive sealed Sheridl E. E. Davis, Ex-8herifl G. M, | us
> x % } op ok Nh gi 4 y J + $a of ¥ i» a | of 4
proposals for furnishing coal for the Hou and James P, Thomas tarred Ho make room for an immense full stock already ordered. All
Sty fn . 1 1
3 : » iil oO CS rif FCe ICES CORE OT FREER, A big 5
ing term. All bids to te in before The ¥ were here io the interest of the | srtunitv to} x dard posts CHEAP. Kal : 0
Lands recently purchased from Me ton | portunity to buy STADCANG. KIeKIS C SAE. Dae Wi
3 11 2 > ¥
W. C. HUBBARD, ‘Bliss & Co. and now operated by the | continue until all 1s dispose sed of,
See ‘retary School Roar. Harbison Walker Co. The purchase |
consisted of 4,000 acres and is said to AL an ak vrata reeds Conk Ee >
J ) * get your pick ob the stock.
have beneath its surface the fod nC ome cat hy an d Kt 3 ) Ml . i ¢
3 5 5 3 5 " * "i og
Andy Danar and Marja Dunary, both jaality of fire clay inthe U Bited Nintes. Don t De av
of Blandburg. "They bave also purchased 1,708 acres |
¢. A. Norton, of Spangler, and of coalland lving between Frugality i Cw U irk \ E R
¥ : ig ‘ % hi 2 é “4
Laura B. Migner, of Vintondala, Sind Mountaindale, where in the near | B. Kk > i AN
William Gedetas and Java Lundildy, iuture they will open up a new mine | a » ls .
both of Hastings. {nd operata the same, | Good Building, Next Door to Bank, PATTON, PA.
ferrso il | and cheviots in the