ia A} rday and & comparatively large number of people went from Patton. i; {In fact; more people do and did go {from this place than any other town | {on the Cambria and Clearfield division. | With these facts before os it is beyond | the ken of xn unbiased observer why the railrcad company sees fit to ase | i this place the way it does. Gratitade, ave: mg of all kinds. jams, hard and ferabs, lobsters, ote $8. GOOD LUNCH COUNTER soft shell! anid MEALS AT ALL HOURS, cream with ernshed fruit Havers a 8 neciaity. “ol Hnnad untit nll nrrear nt Hie oyiien all the : re ws | Along, if no other reason, would natar-| ally seem to demand at least fair treat. | Mitchell & McCurmnick, Prop'rs, ment. All of the nomber who went | ; PHONE, {from here were compelled to buy tick- | "1 eta at Cresson or Hastings, the noarest | points. Not only were they compelied | to do this yesterday, but are compelled | {to do i every time ap excursion is! run to the sea shore. ; i ~ Why this is ia beyond the comprehen. | sion of anyone at all scquaiated with | the town and its environs, The Cotnien is nok familiar with the | amount of business done st any of | b the stations on the Cambrin & Clear. field division, but it will wager a big (ripe yellow pumpkin against a little | dried up rotten apple that there is not a station on the line that does uenr the | | business that Patton does, either tn | right or passengers. And some o| them where excursion tickets cin to emulate Judge Jndiaon? | bought do not do half the business. “ FipstNation’ 1Bank * The idea of a big, up-lu-now place OF PATTON tion are a little | . ih jon. . i lke Patton being compiled to ike & Patton . Cambria Co, Pa. 3 - iback sent for Garway and Bradiey at Washington a Junction. ra man who has sisen | Not only are excurvion tickets fot ra ka. That is proven by sold here. but Patton ix not on the map nt of Gen. Miles. #0 far ns the Pennsylvania railroad in ; : concerned. All of the excursion sdver. Brum, Prowign Drie tising matter sent out by the company, AD serreapondenos wil bath for the newspapers and other. pores Si exis VA pres wise, completely ignores “the north A. E Parrox, star.” People frequently ask the Covmen, “why don't you publish the : advertiser ; tho “ne whe | 8xoursion rate from Patton; we don't’ d : Goo results for Lis money, care how much it costs from Hastings an AT full campaign now. ig] OF Cresson.’ to state that the Coun. | Bo much for the facts. Now for the med am par excellence. reason or reasons therefore. Can uny- { h Lo New t and save Honey, Por Sale by Jas. M. Giliege. Francis oseph O'Connor FRR CAPITAL PAID vb. $100,000.00, BURPLUS, $a, D6 1 Astonia ud {aye ia an] Banas 4H hte boris covnadatenl wil date gin] we bankiney EFA ANTE Scandal Mongers Club nl interesting seRaione since ioe of the CovmEm. The ble of the gossipers could be pe blocks. psi te st. HL BaNproah, President, tlanhiior, tobe enlighten us? Why this palpable | ‘and anjust discrimination? Surely the Pennsylvania railroad company “hus {no kick coming” here, We furnish it more busines than any two stations < on this division. The relations of the company and the borough bave been most amicable, #0 far as wo can ascertain. The council "(has always granted every reasonable ‘request of the company and ite e i ployes located here, supervisors, e and the borough officials have ever worked In harmony and with profit to both. Why, then, this most anjust dis. {crimination The COURIER does not know who | 5 responsible, or the reason, bat it docs | know that the railroad company is do. | ing thin town a grave injustice und one | that ought | to be righted. Patra re Market Everything in season. “Nuf Ced.” ANSTATT & WIRTNER, Mago Avenues, Palen, Pa Ch Seat Bass base in good, honest besithy, Invigorating sport, and when played , | right, without any bickerings, a pleas- | ure to the spectators. Bat when it : generates into a talking match and a: game remains unfinished by reason of {one of the teams refusing to abide by : : 1 tive decisions of the umpire it is fo Lonrs. hi, e deal strictly . ferous nuisance. The management of meat killed at opr slaughter the local team will do well in the fu. house. ture to refuse to make contracts with | : clubs who disgust the spectators and | "7" | patrons by refusing to abide by the ¥* | rules of the game. That is the only way {in which interest can be maintained to | the top notch. Patton bas been singn. | larly unfortunate this year in meeting | H A - with that class of quitters. Little Bros. Fresh: and Smoked Meats, PATTON, PA. . SEITZ, “Tyrs evening is the time set for the | De nti on little exchange of courtesies between one Jefferies and a gentleman named Office upstairs in Good Hailing. fice Hossa Ba mo I2 om, amit Corbett. Both are reported as being wi wo spn | “fit as a fiddle” and will undoubtedly punch each other's faces to the supreme | ANTHONY ANNA, NG tends to put A man ou | delight of a inrge and enthusiastic pas with himself ss much as Audience. the tion. The reciose is always a papers have been teeming for sever 0, dyspeptic and vinegar faced . weeks with predictions as to the yo. Byid al who cannot sea any good i in pult af the meeting, shat eomverning Or himself It i% the man | the participants, ete, which must nec. bumps wo against his fellows and essarily end to-day. fs n ind broadened by the contact vouchsafed, let as offer ap sincere and Reuel gets the best out of f life, devout thanks. a Ee] : £ warrior. was ey fo 0 retirement without an ex. of appreciation and gratitude valiant and valuable services to! try is a disgrace to the nation, | JURTIOE OF THE PEC The columus of daily Hastings, Pa. i Tend hin videsid tis Sons Prom iy aie Preder in read esinta, oe For this reiisf Somerville, Attornev-at-Law, wag OF an enterprising Yow if Corbin could only be induoed agent was responsible for the to follow Root into retirement and i the Ebensburg Minister.al leave An opesing for a real soldier, on was to tke 8. hand in the Dp of the Carrolitown fair. | rToxN, Pa . Office in the Good Building, Fewer Gallons; Wears Longer. Teams wanted to ‘heat bark and to] | a ; | skid logs. Good wages. Saw mil on | Memos! ering sae IT : hrants Spangler, Ps. i oo Eason i L Prox. Fewer Gallons; Wears Longer. { Fine confections, thbacce and cigars. Sapoenminarrn to HLT. Peters, tieare, Fira, Individu § Mieminshiife tckeia for - is hoy = tha Tecdisng ; ir peat Reg Meat Meat Home Killed Mear No embalmed business inf Everything in season. ' Butchers and Dealers in All Kinds of the Pennsylvania raiiroad (CITY RE STAUR ANT Is headquarters for crus. Oysters, Is the best and cheapest! Place to get the following goods: Builders’ Hardware, Machinists’ Tools, Plasterers’ Tools, Paints and Oils, Seales and Balances, Clothes Line Wire, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Carpenters’ Tools, Blacksmith Tools, (lass amd Putty, Fishing Tackle, Butchers' Tools, Woodenware, (rine, Garden Tools, Plows and Wagons, Boys' Wagons, ; Linolenms (odd pieces below cost), Stains and Carriage Paints, Brushes of all description, We have just received the largest and most select assort- ment of Fall and Winter Goods ever brought to Northern Cam- bria County. All the new weaves and styles. | You will want ta see them. The price is right, too! Now as always a fit guargiiteed mn every instance. Your next Suit or Trous- ers! Can't we make lc? Din MAGEE AVE, A WORD WITH Y0U | We have the best line of Ranges made—ali kinds. The American Standard for excel lence, guarantee unlimited. If not satisfactory we will take ‘back and ask no questions. | You have everything to gain and nothing to loose. We have everything in the paint line. Lead, oil, ready. mixed paints, varnish, stains, | enamels and any ything von {HAY need in thi s line at “just. 4 the ont price.” rar Hardware stock 1s cons: | Poh and we don't waut om to forget that we handle * ervthing in Hardware. The “Chrysolite Enameled: ware” is conceded to be the best. Of course, if it is the ‘best we MUST handle it. | i Prices (quality co "istdered, In miners’ tools we can furnish anything you want | i ce, We Make a specialty of buggies, ‘wagons, surries, harness and anything you may want ny this Line. ~~ We are agents for the best road machine made, Farmers \ ‘Favorite Grain Drills, Deer- To both Walkover and Quben ing Harvesting Machinery,] Large, Sam Thompson, Quits Conklin and Kramer Wagons, Bally. Oliver and Syracuse Chilled line this season. Plows and handle a full line’ of farm machinery and farm- ers’ tools, We carry the best grade of goods in our line on the | JE het at one price to all and! PHENIX BEER * THAT PRICE IS RIGHT. Come and see and be com. Of the Pittsburg Brewing Company, " vinced. THE Furnitu re Department Chamber Suits, Extension Tables, Kithen Tables, #5 Chairs, Inning Room Chairs, C uphoards. Chiffoniers, Side boards . Wardrobes, Cradles, Iron Beds and Weoed Beds, Carpets and Mattings, EY a £1 BIG BEC ¥ (rive 1s a & ini ER yourse.d, Anti-Trust and Union Made - J. E. KIRK'S HDW. & FURT. STORE. Mayee Ave, PATTON. PA. ANA J "Onion Label on Every Keg and Case. We Handle It RAHA 3) wan Schlitz Blue Wrapper and - Export in 3 Doz. Cases. * Hoxie rate, Ys 4 on + Patent eathers For Boys and Girls. Latest Shuspes. and Biyles, with RIGHT PRICES. Full Loe of FINE GRADE. WHISKIES: You will appreciate our Atherton, Gugenheimer, Ete. Oxfords for Chil : ; Ida, and Misses a specialty. A fll line of all kinds of Shou. We are: also Agents for the Celebrated The White Shoe Store. Patton, Pa. Svinte, QUINN & HARPER, | srLOCAL PHONE. All Orders Promptly Atenited te Magee Ave, % 5 our eyes have “ That Ths " 2 i ry ER 2 LA ITENR peeing If gn, 1 oan tdicatio 33 that Id « SR La SANITARY PLUMBIXG, " Iyou shou i at Tozer's and LY ire to Bit expedionsiy + w alg Aare iryele wy +1 (¥ Tien Work 1 ta pg and well TOT 1 13] 2 bo 4F nd : s atteq 0p Sa ti ter's Store. ‘have them with specta. a 4 AP § CHES. Lenses exch: 411g ged free at Jewelry | any wi # lass ithin a year from 11 kinds of fin work. roof. Ldate of wal ts bs insted All kinds of tin werk, roof. or i. Sn date of sale. Satisfaction guar- “ine Repairing Loo , . E id ianteed or money refunded. Done. J. T. SAUTER, Jeweler and Op tician, | {Successor to J. C. Snyder! * PATTON, PA, ing and spoutn 12. Promptly Big stock of stoves and tin- ware. Don't forget that we have the bist equipped repair shop im Northern Cambria Co. | TOZER, THE PATTON JEWELER. J. C, HARPER CO, Fisher Block, Patton, ad | Power Gallons; Wears Longer.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers