The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, August 14, 1903, Image 1
RRA NS LA Sh WORTUARY. rmaxsacioNs IN REALTY. ARE et he Other Side, : C Ohaeged Hands Reeomiy. i anil a fow months ago, when be went : Bell, Patton, $700. tn Allegheny to live with his daughter, William E. Patton et ax to Charles “1 at the : OC. Grenninger, Patton, 8855. hi Hirsi in Knoxville, Pittsburg, Mon | | Joseph (1. Hollen et nx to John Chil | | day, aged 85 years. On July 4 he went 08% Reade, $37.25 ; | to visit his son and while thers Wis A. E Patton to William Sadula, Pat- | ¥ taken fll. He was a native of Loretto ton, $30. : _ | remaing ware taken to that place Taes- Carroll, $80. {day and the funeral services were h ol | in 8, Michael's charch Welneady | Carrol, $30. Andrew Eokentode, a well krown | aes, Chest, $40, and prominent sities of Carrolitowr +! neshoro a ox 3. 1 Akan at ix iy John Bar verouak, OB fode went fo Mr. token ule | Basquebsnna, $90. yin the week to undergo | . from which he did not ro | The deceased wan shont fifty-five | years of age and had lived Cacroll- town all his life. He is survived by rolls i bis wife and the following children RE in ete DE Net 5 Ss 3 - £3 % $5 £ Ao Bao DRI | hoi of F.N. Donahue, of Ear. ey, le rolitows a, wifs of H.W. Ohestor, Fits we: Wm H, the editor of i the Gallitzon Timo; Ma wie, wife of F. ¢ Sharbangh, of Bbeusburg: Fila, | Ww ite, $700. Vera and Myrtle, at home. qi B Hator ok Gr ti A mr Kivi The faneral was held at § © relook | Fiteon ro Better et ux 1 Amos Kirk 5 ria sein, 81 00 i Monday morning, the requiem mass in| patrick, proiitawn, $1.00 no, Basque hanna, $100, £0 Reade, $84 00, ' followed by interment In the church | O77 olf, §19.85. | cemetery. i Bmith, Barnesbora, $100. : WILLEN A winnR. : fe 1 Mage Rellenyder ot al to Mary BE. | : mu | Redfanyder, Soeguehanna, $1,000, | Oraek Patten Pileher is Wining Gitden | Lasteis AL WH Bair Lars, Carroll, $1. ’ Howard Miller, the crack pitcher of| Bpangior Improvement company to ¢ [the Patton base ball club, has been g A Difeangesio, Spangler, $85. {lately and the News of that city pays | : Loretto, $55. him the following compliment: } Btaniey Cloik to George Semanoski, Clear the track, Williameport ls com- | Carroll, 835 ing, with an engineer in the cab and, Nicholas Molnar to Andrew Falatek, be travels at speed. Miller is his DRG | Carroll, $10. | roost, be dova stunts In the pitching | Barneahoro, 154, 5 | £20 We Putin, «that ia, be does whes. Huong Allison to Pateoos of Kus 1 he fa pot ont or the Besphi {irerk railed budy Non ides, Br Lawrsmos, $40. 8 hand on the throttie sod | Ale ML Wharton to Jomph A. Liray, * biseye oh the rail s want Up BEANE Qearaiir, ioe, : | Milton, and when the down. nver Big | arabine BH Tuoker shal to Thoms gregation, strongthened with a lot of { Burnes, Barnidahoro, #1 2, be relied spon to do somthing, B90 Cneril, LE £ Siroush with Wie gure ¢ hey had bd Chat ; : A) ootapaniy to 4. W. Fargo, Patton, $125 watt Ose mrs af Mr Hor a: a 4 performanoe Warinuie a thurough tveslor Mie, Bpaugier, 840. Jonas : © tones, Hastings, $175, - ; ; seltsurny, B05 WwW hin war is on the charge | Im Tn fay Me dager, Piandburg, 425 a finish unless thers i surrender’ lo a base ball duel {8s play to a finish or | Boys, Susquehanna, 819, the Hit, 9 innings. On Monday oven. ing between 5 aod 8 there appearsil upon the hom use ball grounds two | base ball tears, one being composed of men from Bed Top mines, alins No. 10, | and the other team gomposed of twa from Rich Hill, alias Candy Bank. Saorday w win pay Say 8 al both Bins Carn inkl, Susenshanns, $70. : ¢ Koya, Hasqoshanna, $185, Pauline Hertz to Bruno Sploell], P Carradl, $99, Barr, $1 Houry MeAwahty ot ux to B. 4 ei ie ia late aren until ioe} B.F. Smith of 0x to Samuel I. sé ' Lewis, Hastings, §1. od, How the ‘boyw’! di fight 1 B. FV. Bmithet ux to Edw. F. Rodg-! country, but alse! Red Top was too { ore, Hastioge, $1,500 ; hat Rict ; roll, $535. foaat bt was i the ob Hl joven)” James F. Myers et ux to Mary M. | | from the first nine, but ho was an easy : No Assvigte, $050. 2. W. Greens " i i: A A re " MII mark. The Hne up was “ tlw | Patan, $2,000. John Clark |, Paniel Keith ot ux to Ante BR. Shell, | Joe Clark | BUT, i i. : Levi K age | David J. Boasher et ux to E, J ico wonoE Kibier 2h Dave Elden’ Bearer, Baruesboro, § $1, 0. 1 Wm. McNally ib Jas, Stuart CARROLLTOWN FAIS. (Bam'l Daff Joe Donahae | — Johu Jackson A f ion, Westow | The Spe Progam. Wo. Hill aH Ed. Miller: Tbe Carrolltown falr will be held To H-0-0.0-0-1-1-.5 Toesday, Wednesday, Thursday and 00-80-18 | Friday, Sept. L&, 8andd It by ex ne three-base hit pected Lo be the best fair ever held Louis Endler, at Carrolitown. A new exhibition Chall has been erected and the rave Rich Hill v= Red Top game. | speed program prepared: nr ERT, ! - TUEEDAY. . mtleman’s road ree for horees pl: To, dn and Mrs. John rich. owned in Cambria county, purse §75. Rifnday os : | Mule race, purse §25. Born-—To Mr. and Mr. Harvey | WEDNERDAY. Leary Saturday —a son. + 3:00 trot and pace, parse £300, NE 3 3» ss suming Mrs. Johu Ww. 2:24 trot and pace, parse $300, oi THURSDAY. P2112 trot and pace, parse 8300. of the The undersigned will receive sealed | 2:35 trot and pace, purse $300. Bids tor Cond. 8 in the history of the proposals for furnishing coal for the, Novelty race, | mile walk, } mile *£ & 3 Patton bareugh sehools for the com. trot or pace, and } mile go as your | ing ¢ ~All bids to be in before | please, purse $25. September 8, 1908. oH FRIDAY. Sa Hunan; | 240 trot and pace, purse $300. Becrctary School Board. i 2:30 Lrot and pace, purse §300, Martin Flock, u resident of Loretto] A. T. Cornsilus et ux to Annie M. “ and | a constr of Chan. M. Sohiwab, The John Kepshire et ux to Mary Figge, | John Kepshire ta George Kepshire, | JR. Cordell ot ux to James Doug. hing tip Bender to Apainmy Beadar, ; Ba A, Gray ef al to Thee Decon | John Buck to F. J. Mangold, Ose sth Mel artoey Wo Joseph Wo Joho I Shope tor Drasiel Hollis et al, | Or Cosmor Friday and Monday Sheriff Davis served the preliminary order on | the strikers restraining them from for. a i Foowin Hur Jrierference with the plant at the Carralititen Catholic chareh being J1EBiC Haley sb al to John Zarin, [ Blandburg. The order is made reform. | John E. Douglass of us to Lelitio able the th inst, when the strikers are to sobmid reteans why the lanpor- Lary injonction should pot be made | permanent. : The Hill of complaint of the eom- puny is a lengthy one, bat summed up, ssimphr mesos that as long as the steik- Lew and the people of Blandburg hold in cortaaapt, and are not afrakd to say | a0, te soabe shipped in by the com | pany, they will not work. That is not the exact language of the complaint, George CC Divers to Barbara BE. Div. * helping out thi fast Williamsport sie | C. F. O'Donnel et ux to Mary Biller, | votersn ball players who one oeually © Juooh 5 Haber to Els Farabaagh, took Land and Improvement 0 C0 ean A a Hl ounpany from employing any while Lupiovemeont. eompuny to” TRIE Wik are willing to. work for, ’ > Asi rompany, end have ined to drive away their workmen and injore said Sop ¥ anys tasiness, snd to compel : tr employ only sneh i ing out with some fast Sem ns lis | Dennis 1. Bradley to Diminico Mar | yo H AN’ TINGS. : hom A. Randall of ux fo John M, | Margurot father ot vir to Vincent j= ™ Margaret Luther ot vir to Simon Lona Long et vir to D. 4. Bogher, t a : or 5 © . : I{ strong for the Rich Hill boys, and the | { Henry Rossian to John Knapp, Car Aust Hon k CParses ol Two Thats otlars Of cred on | Wei Koowe Citizens Who Have © ronsed ta, Fropirties in Thin op wf the County That | ¥ Northern Cambria is A Taste of it. STRIKERS ENJOINED. Pratt tiningey Bnjenetion. Graniid by Judge! Connor Bostenining Brisk Makers From Walker Co, Eis, Fie. w'tiike it The wry face it makes is but a reflection of its fealings Tha Harbison Walker Refactories [even thoogh they were forniahed from. berry Lis Rewp them from deserting | hw at fost rodnited to he conrt and the 4 familiar Injunction so long tise} by. swpenalions {oo whip their smployes The injonction was granted by Judge. (hut that bs what ib means stripped of Low Ly he number of between three and Hour Handeed refused to do any work: Phar thy CHEpRnY of peamil others to, Work exespl upon the condition that Ceerialn employes who had wen dis BErged should be re-amployed. Thi prior sed deve sald date of Mave 180s 9 defendants have cone tahined to prov § an. they, the defendants, s boanling places of thelr workmen and by llowiog ssid workmen to and | from their work, stopping them on the highways, interfering with them in { their work, aod by holding thers up to! | ridicaies and contempt of bystanders , and divers other means of violence and | | intinddations, got. {That pending this bill the defendants, | their sywpathisers and other persons | | | i | nnkuown, acting in concert with the | cl. ne ot 1, s sadd defendants, be specially and there | after porpetoally enjoined from gather. | Ling sd and about plaiatiffs place o busitiess, and from following the work (men employed by plaintiff, or who may herenfior be so employed, to and from | their work, and gathering at and abou ‘the boarding places of sald workmen land from any smd all manner o Beingt ii or Aboat Promises of Harkin he Sin : : § : i ¥ a xT. : Hats, Oxfords, Cie, Sir raw H: Als, Novibern Cambria county ia having ils first taste of goverament hy injane : ‘tion. And ii fren to conteas that JD, Ake ab ux to Mike Dhpdak, Bar- 8 fou is 16] Lo, baving been unable to win the. strike ab Blandborg with the aid of car lode of ignorant Hoos and Tres, into line aml force them lo work, i whether they want oor not, ft bora Sartiuge The company ak and while he claima Jersey Shore as Bis | Thoras Barnes ot nx to John Droto, °F : Jit on or about May 9 the employ. bik : def sidan is have endeavored to Tw ek thei aalawfal purposes by Ciornatn, posi, lathmidations and ap i i probicus epithets addressed to piainlitl Margaret Luther ot vir to Vincent I on affiors and rl and: by githering in crowds abodt the com- | pany's place of business and at the Aud here fs what they wanted —and | : _ Orr Trousers, Shirts. tC. Men's 816 30 Suits Beduced to $13 i% 13 OS ef 4 12 12 0G s 'e &j 5% £3 30 Sweet Orr Troaseis Cut to $2 3 Ci) TE *E io ] 9 20 Ek 1 ; {3 fook in the East W indo fur the Prices * A Big table full of Mew's 73¢ and soc Shirts at 39¢. A box full of Ladies’ and Misses’ Ox- fords at 23c. & All Straw Hats on first counter soc— £1.30, 81.25, $1.00 valnes. or We cut prices on any suminer goods away down. Come iand see, Keystone Clothiers and Tailors, Patton, Pa. The dank 15 Still Opposite [s That 1s what Everyone Qught to Pat- ronize and what our friends are Calling our New Bottling Establishment. We personally put up every bottle of Beer, Ale and Porter we sell. The Product is the celebrated Duquesne make, w hich insures Purity, Cleanliness and Perfection of the Brewers’ Art. Order a case sent to the house or call for it at the bars. Now as Always Headquarters for High Grade Wines, Whiskies and Cordials. Call and inspect our new Plant. WHOLESALE OOLORS, Magee Ave, Patton, Pa. : o¥ua bi, would” Sallowod | track widened and improved. Purses | : him. time to run around the diamond / for racing have been increased to four or five time. Thus endeth the 2,000 and the following excellent | threats, menaoes, intimidations and op-| | probifous epithets, ridicule and suboy-! ance to and against sak! workmen or jany of them for or vu aceount of their | working fur the plaintiffs, as’ well as from interfering with the business of | ihe plaintiff company. ; ; TPT HII : Yu Gods and little fishes! And thoy Coie J call this » free country. il hiss } & > Gall LHS Y try : Be Sho CS, } [ats, Ciips. Dry Goods, The COURIER has taken the pains to! . Investigate this matter a lite and bas Lads Strits and a full line of Skirts, etc. ipome to the conclusion that there has 2 beet no serious trouble at the Bland. nM BE =F ® oO burg works, The strikers as a whole UST BE DISP SED F havi been orderly aud well bebaved. to make room for an immense fall stock already ordered. All Of course, there has been & little joer. will go at sacrifice prices-~cost or below. A big op- Cing at the scabs, but that dian't hurt ir Seas t h ; st 3: rd i ond 2 CHE AP Sal . All (any one. Where the show pinches the portunniy to ay : standard goods + AP. © Ww company ia that the strikers have been contifine until all 1s dispt sed of. | able to persuade a considerable namber oe : (of tie new men to quit, net by tntimk (Come early and get vour pick of the stock. { dation or threats, but by appealing to thelr manhood. Don’ t Delay. That is all there 8 to it. The hn 46 | junation ought to bet dissolved. I 3 K Us SN E F X. Fine job printing the Cov RIER - a : ak a Good Building, Next Door to Biaak, PATTON,