RE Mi AN 5 NA 0 0 oe Ba a « day and Tossday. Music for dancing | will be farsished by Prof Maitland's il oreheeira, of Gallitzin. On Pres | st 8 nine oa baer beadl j INDEX LATIONS. was visiting in Oar morning : ; ‘game will be played bedwesn the Pat ton club and the Bt Laurence nine ‘Excursion rates on all mals rosds {Tickets good patil the 15th nak A * {top over within the mit will be all owed al Thomas Mille on returning. | From present indications the pro. | : | posed street car Hne to connect Johns. | racture of the town with the connty seat will be com. sn commenced pleted within a year. Last week the | ws, of Elmora, is Boath Fork council passed an ordi e | nance granting the Conemsagh Valley SEL rad | Btreet Railway Co. the right of way eyor John 1. Elder, over the streets of the borough on con- in town Wednes (dition that the cars be running within ia year. This is the road that it is ex. _ pected will ultimately connect with the line of the Northern Cambria * | Btreet Railway fo. The Welsh Brothers’ circas will be ander the sole control pext season of | | M. H Welsh. Hels now in Erle, | ‘where he is about closing a contract Rg g rapidly o on the | for an entire new outfit for sext wen. : and it will be hoe (som, He will also close his option ona ay complete menagerie outfit, which will | : welcr, has a change bie one of Hie aby sew features. The | ! ut in another column | new circus will be a 40-0ar show. Col. 1) + John Welsh will retire from the tires | igboit building is being | | business to take charge of a hotel and to be vovupied by the play house st Lancaster, afte r thi com. | pletion of the winter tour of a big in| ire, of Ebonsburg. wilh | door attraction to be Backed by the | collecting taxes for . Welsh Brothers. : r Heffe «=A well known ponliry raiser says Ww Lerch. of Fhens. there will be a shortage of turkeys this | : Tnarsday trying 8 fall and winter. The orop of turkeys | ast your was very short aad conse. quently fewer turkeys were kept over] : : ; winter than usual. This spring was a | ark Sond, gravge Plane "| particularly hard one on young tar | nL ihe XT on acoount of the heavy rane, | the | young turkeys cannot stand much | ! dampness, therefore the number lost | was very great and even fewer will be | raised this year. It is also thought that chickens will be scarcer than hereto | fore, as they have been aftected, though ins im degree, by the wet weather. CLIPPED anp CONTRIBUTED. Base ball Saturday. Patton vs. 8t. Boniface. Granger's picnic Monday. Mau is never greater than his tools, You help yourself by helping others. . ; August the month of ripening fruits. NY, was in town Inst Fine candies at Kinkead’s News You can do better at the White station of the Patton Water shoe store. ansior added to the Mallon is on a vieit Kinkead's for stationery, niagazines | a : ovis, ota ational bank has been or- f) sontractin Sha . Fagan, Ks painting sville with a capital — decorating, ; og. od, 4 E bwin he) The election will be held three weeks ; T w. nu Rell, ; {from last Tuesday. 5 ™. : Ff H. I) Foss & Co's candies 50 amd wo conta a pound at Kiokead's News ja nid, visiting Patton iTatives | > Inia Lang. of New York, | A young man ean tears the painting Brendal. of 2 race with Fagan, the painter, Has ather rine (ings, Pa : guests at the residence low Gill . This ix a very busy world and the He mun in ont of harmony with al - the coal operator of | whout him. areoting a new machine : ; is mines and will build ail Treat your girl to a box of ILD himself in the futnre. Foss & Co's flue candies at Kinkead's : Ni swe Stand, dmor. of Port Chuster, NT : = Jon Kerr. of Clearfield, ; No soap bubbles on Drogiesss hoor, - aft r business interests 100 “voliar’ bx pure cream. Ask for ut a4 the bars and get the best, \ K: 0. the head mixcloght | In the moroiog lay your plans for e's Rest botel, ruptured a the day's work. Ab night see how 5 one of his nether Hobs | well you have lived ap to them. as been confined to his. Two houses and lata for sale in Pat. (tant Oi easy eros Noor § : ine SERRITEe of cholera infantum Bundy afternoon in 8 On « Gronm. For aul ! Wilkins, Patton, Fa Schwab has resigned gs POF Dox. Inited States Steel 1 you want the beet eall for Un 18 succeeded by WE sne Beer. Not a headache {pvr rg. Mr Schwab will Se of i Cool, sparking and ee rest and recuperate. “freahiog. , insurance firm of Parpell, Lost~A deracy cow of mediom size, j 0. recently v wrote a phik in about thee weeks ago. Any informa Set. tion will be gratefully recelved by Al , ju ia not a bad Husioens. Ericson, Patton, Pa. Clearfield Journal. £2418 Phy Dugassne beer at any of the Keystone Clothing Co. has following hotel bars: Palmer Flouse, isements in this fst Mis 8 Herty Commeroial Hotel and i Patton, a F them Both and ir you fol. Team wanted to haal bark and to instructions Fou : ean’t help gid logs. Good wages. Saw mill on | Hopper tract, Spangler, Pa. : _annomnced from Rome Evuons L. Prox. the conclave of cardinals Por sale cheap--Oue plano slightly Jardinal Barto, patriarch damaged, but in perfect order, must be ©, on the seventh ballot sa the 4.14 rogardiess of price. Alo one or of Pope Leo IIL. The new Mason & Hamiin organ good as wow, 8 taken the name of Pins X. but has been used two yoars, cost $180 factory sale at the Bon Ton Sell for $45. Terms eany, at Rhody 's proven a big success, chiefly ant of the low prices asked for : da goods. In the new advertise- Mra. Minerva Smith, of Danville, 11, in this issue a number of new writes: “I had bronchitis for twenty at are offered and more low Years and never got relief until I used Foley's Honey and Tar, which is a sure | A tho Democratic primaries held eure.” rday Frank Kane and Sound kidneys are safeguards of life, pbell were elected delegates Make the kidneys healthy with Foley’ convention from the first Kidney Care. | Bhort and Wm. Mo-| You can do better at the White Bronohitin tor Twenty ¥eurs, THE PATIO: cou IER, AUGUST 7 1003. qi Si pr Sa So SE AAR RABE md onto Zo Eat oo THE BON TON STORE ger and to mi a ie the following as been crowded with thrifty beoplt anxious to save and make a dollar. Flowers that sold at 49, 75 and O8c. 25¢ bunch. Belt Buckles, worth 25¢, for 10c each. Lodies’ 49c Belts reduced to 25¢. 4B3c Mercorised White Goods, 35 yard. 25¢ White Nainsook reduced to 19¢ yard. 75¢ Mercerised White Goods 5c yard 8c White Goods reduced: to 5) hc yard. soo "Linen Color Prints reduced to 5c yard. _ Children’ s Gauze Vests, long and short sleeves, sold at 22 and 25¢, reduced to 15¢ Ladies’ 3 49 Shirt Waists reduced t to ,$ 25 7 08 1.25 1.4¢ 1.98 75¢ Infants’ Caps reduced to 49c. 98¢ Infunts’ Caps reduced to 69c. One case of Muslin, Cambric and Twills Mill ends of 10 and 12!:¢ goods, 6c : ; v ard. Bc Silkateen reduced to 5. ¢ yard. Mill Ends of 5¢ Canton Flannel re- : Queed to Bi, c yard. Mill Ends of 10c Outing Flannel 53c ard. rt” Ends of 10 Mottled Flannel 6 3-4¢ ard. : sii dn Bissell’ s , Creo Bearin Carpe t Sweepers, were $2. 50 and 33. 50. 1S to 31. 49. Ladies’ 10¢ Initisl HandRerchiefs 5c each. od $2. os will buy: any Ladies’ Suit in the store, worth $8.00 and $10. 00. : Ladies’ Muslin Drawers 14¢ pair. WE'RE SELLING ALL MILLINERY AT HALF PRICE. 10¢ Cainbric Exbioiderics 7c yard, Bec Cambric Eiabroideries 85 3-4¢ yard BEST SELECTIONS We Have Ever Offered, Prices from $1.50 to $5.50 in Knee Pants Suits. $3.50 to $10.00 iu Long Pauts Suits. Come and Look Us Over. x ; 4 Sm . $.. $e as ™ 11 the Acme of erie im ANSE —-Pire LIrugs and wient Compounding, * ail Confections. Received fresh every and Cnrars are still of the Highest i 4, . - “%: > Ye SUNG Spec s PHARMACY Patton, Pa. GU! NN N'S Clagee Ave. Hs Parnell, Cowher & Co, > GEO. BOONE, ww Aenhy for. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT Oflce ta Good Building. Sotloctous Propertive prom ptly attended to. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. poll and rent. hood Buiiding. Patton, Pa. "Pbooe Na #