i RR I RE ren few “Suny body and postifer ous scandal mongers in this town A wha can't find anything sine to do be a sides indulging | in back yard Kossip, As al aa perennial and wiliful gonsips nod liars no one who is st all ac qn ted with them pays any attention turning. of the Saitorial Art. a And all out the seasons we are busy tdlest Creations “Clothes that wear well, ‘an any one imagine anything mors | "minimum of stants al and obnoxious to the hear : | the rasping clatter of the S | sonnaat monger, who to in- | Tt vent from the whole cloth stories, Select from. or | ‘which if believed. wonid biasken the fair name or character of some individ. | i nal who happens to be a little better in i the scale of morality than the back i yard fence conversationalist. id Very often the flame of scandal is blown by & Jealous desire to drag some | person down in the eyes of the public, ¢ but that it invariably fails and only | | breeds contempt for the perpetrator i iu trajsm. Life is too short to take tog- | nizance of all that a jeaious hearted | person might wish to say, and when | , anyove begins to talk in a disrespect fal way of people who are known to be their betters you can put it down in: Sin | your note book that that person has an bea very disoriminat. uxe to grind snd wishes to sharpen it guess who wrote the | | oti the raw edge of scandal. iby the Democratic | The defamer of another’ » character belive that the people hamedistely Buleyonque flavor is one of the most dangerous members Goncerned are the host jadges of their 5 of any manity. OWA interests. They believe that the principle of the initiative and refersn. For while characte: i beyond the ae | 512 caatitinlly Demcoratic aad they i saults of malevolence, reputation is BOL, anhesitatingly affirm their conviction and it sometimes bappens that men that if this priseipie wire recoguimed omen Lomein in law in Pennsylvania to-day the oe saoeliont dar amazing debsocheries in recent legis | | acters reputations {Iation would have been impossible. : by the malies of the whisperer, to The Democrats of Cambria county | whom sothing is sacred, aod with join with the Democrats of this state in «| whom falsehood is & more familiar denouncing the crowning infamy of fwispon'Vun testi. Shan the whis- Saloe-Grady law, which is direoted | against the freedom of the press and | | which is designed to terrorize the or. _.Rans of pobile opinion into silence in - COSt 18 - & our specialty. pring Patterns just in and Handsome new line of Trouserings. MAGEE AVE, Dros., PATTON, PA. pm WAS SOMINATED Wontiandd foam Page THE (CELEBRATED Inaiss that w herever the burden of tax ation oan be lifted from indostey and places apon privilege common interest | and common morality demand that it | should be done The Democrats of Cambria count declare in favor of homie role They ‘believe in local self government. They jo oted amply prove. n, Anyway. It the damuable and crime on the part of public ser vanis and their allies among the politi- | i cal bandittl led by anscrupuions boss es. The Democrats of this county de- nounos the three alleged Democrat who voted for this monstrous measars and they also denounce the senator and representative from Cambria who | aided in ts passage. We demand the repeal of this barbaric law and we Properties iu This End of the County That pledge ourselves to do all in oor power Changed Hands Reormtiy {30 bring this aboot. We believe in a free prem, in free speech, in free gov. Oras Bukhara ux fo Benja min | Seo Pre and in freedom of the poopie long runs, The from tribute f : ¢ paying in whatever guise. Chest (reek Land and Traprovement i We are therefore Oprposed to the e Johii and labor : ; : compan hu Doorossk, ton, t ever was. Life $50. ’ to Joma Ts (trusts and to the monstrous tart thay | . Giet a mach Rachel A. Miller ot al to Mux Frid- ; “haw bred them and which a» now their ; man et al, Spengler, $800. shelter and defense. Wi are opposed Executor of Lewis Scbimpf to Big. 12 §overment by farce and 10 govern. : We charge thar baker Coal company. Eidet, $4,000, 200 by injunction. | fn the Demosratic! ML Glasgow et al to Mex © NM *80GRLand jobbery ald corruption bitten, It Is 16 be hoped in | Sclumidele, Heade, $500, | are running riot every where in the ag- jood whration of publi: allies aod 2a £4 is mony that be will A. J. € ® 52 5 The Bast remain of poet ofee scencals are 8 mistake of Inst : Harvey Roland et ux to Rembrant stesen in the Be rils of the public B the Sinews of war’! 0 Peais, Bosquohanua, $1,500. feention tne wije ali _ mittesman, instewd of | John H. Duke et ux to C. : = E. Haspan Lei - | Buracatonc, $1,500. Cn Fido : rs SE Es ut Hew Bas % weet: | Francis Sherry to Clete Hogue Span. in the Fin of tho Po a: a no tim tke the present to ler, $45. err a " arnt Ean ities cetikiss o Mn : ohn ue et ux to Annie Hogoe, r aid weather Spangler. TaN. : ® Ie ® you know it, when J. L Bpangder et al to John Hogue, past fale to do it. Bpangier, $100. ont nom. Jobn Hipps, by sheriff, to Vinoent . Tonkin, Sasquehatns, £9, 6 fnatations : Auna Pee asks ek Vir to Bynn Taro, Tn ; ; Busguehnnna, $200, How thew to remain 6° cubes cou Lity The sldewalk commit- Ashville, 81 {Hen OC. Wilt ot ux to (0 bine, Ashville, $150. Unest Creek Land and Improvement ; company to J. T. Mullen, Patton, ong, & equally as effvetive and. 1 T Mulien et ux to United Mine come to time. It {4 bad Workers, Patton, $300. for in the Palton pest 6Mes for the By summer time, Hat what, Martin J. Anderson to James Lo Da. weeks ending Saturday, Ane LE 8 in the winter when ice and | vis, Barr township, $%0, ; Harvey Brett Som] Wim. Me | er the holes and defects in the | Client Creek Laod and Improvemant Hugs, | J. : =. Stam Stella . tonipany to Charles Bender, Patton, Wright, Fred D. ( amptedl Antonis : e them do i i NOW, | $40, Mois, John Shakes J W, Teddier, ; John J. Dietrich et ax to Heory Ho. Mary Ward fun toseen man read a sia, Carroll, $75. : Persons calling meelf in & newspaper than to | wiki please sas man slip on 8 atrana peel. ey Win Geerve, Postnusster, "mn : man Ie over, case of dyspepela or constipation in hide : gi times and then ip atton or vicinity to test Dr Howard's d appropriates what Copies pew specific for the cure of those § an _exehange. The kind diseases. \ goes home and reads it to: Take advantage of his challenge and d then goes to the office ax ‘secure a bottie of Dr. Howard's specific aud he ig office oa) at half price, with his personal guaran. an owes. success’! tee to refund your money if it does not who advertises regularly | |help you, money by it, immediately There is vo need of suffering with Don? t forget it is now unlawful to NY 0 find the editor, and the constipation, dyspepsia or liver disease gob troat. date of sale intly and thoughtfully | "hop you can get sixty doses of sclen- 1,44 qencunce a thing becadse it js Ls tific medicine for their cure like Dr. together and the busi- ‘Rew, a little o Bar in dl 9% atibetime. Toy Doo rt of being one of the best amateur hox- | ore living, and has been known to dis- | | play his skill when occasion warranted iit, We Handle It Rite go for a few days, Bow faces. You Export in 3 Doz. Cases. | FINE GRADE. WHISK TES: ® nad, Spangler, §1,80, sh G. Hogue, “°F site for the Uslehimatinl © LE nv son roitien PH(ENIX BEER rapid. SE reas Eos Pirtaburgy Huo FUREY Pi aE woaiare deliberation it i» almost felt ; 3% % Err tiely, iF to Hien Po dudegalon. rm Lon 2a [SICAL “frees Poses nts Lonoeed thal bi woud mame the 4 WwW. 1 fittee al a later date, "| § : i eh council hae 4 mis. Brum. in this matter TH Lant quests with a sharp atiok | : Actwvey tine Letives The following letters rain unealled | By Jorg tat the above letiers they are “Adver- CHALLENGE FROM JOWN A. GUNN. John A. Gann is seeking the worst Mids por taal, The undersigned will receive proposals for furtishing cos! for the Patton boroagh schools for the come ing term. All bids to be in before 7 Beptember §, 1903 have W. C Hounsanrp, Bee rotor Sehool Board. itian that cles, Satis anteed or money refunded. i Ho oward’s specific for the small sum of; The cheery heart generally sents, the biggest load. An office seeker often plumes nim. | the best equipped repair shop y self as a patriot. ‘in Northern Cambria Co. The devil searches no farther for a TOZER “Wom in ght hd man when he runs sro, Tdeinly a i6hyposte. | THE PATTON JEWELER. Card of Thanks. fit well andatthel.. ~~ = “TH Ih Jen anga : IN THE GOOD OLD) big variety to 5 * which we are selling Oxfords and Sandals. ‘Every pair will be or new and this years styles, | A Py Republican bowiam. embodied In the Anti-Trust end Union Made Every pair of Shoes. {the presence of jobbery, cerruption Onion Label on Every Keg. faction guar- cartie. Don’t forget that we have | take Foley's Kidney Cure. SH Ses ae, 8 % ¥ SUMMER TIME? You will be surprised to see the prices at closed out at one-fourth per cent off, bear in mind they are all 23 CAD wear Oxfords ¥ time In get for a Tom ng tine yet and now barges that are bargains. f £ gone. ast until Ang. 12th, al £h 38, $1 i at £1 +3 3. 2a at $:. 50 sat $2.21 : Nx = ONE LOT OF BUMMER SHOES at at soe bell off Hele is more than & bargain if your sise WE CARRY FINE SHOES For Everyone For Every Place Sie [his sale will only | Ws 5 Aen TH Nate ric £5, oo gv tires at & I ford ta Every Purse We Fill Every Foot Want the Right Way and at the Right Price. During this Special Sale to last until Aug. 12th we will give 10 per cent off on Come and see the GOOD SHOES that we are selling. * Schlitz Blue Wrapper and iain, and are god mtn dig Svipry want of the houss-wife wha is particular about the Ap Paintmants of the home, O BAKERS PERFECY ROASTERS, Bade! wath hat understanding. 3 J. 7 CORDELL & co, Patton, Pa. SANITARY PLUMBING, ae’ Sauter’s Jewelry 150 wt prevared to do all = St iste p: 1X “ok $e $n i pediously ¢, roof J. T. Jews er ai ty go X SAUT TER, % ¢ Optician, Wire mivdee TON, PA. ves aad tin. red EF wa Mal Fisher Blaek, LPER CO, Pat an, Pa tome | Kil led Meat FirsiNation’ | Bank OF PATTON. ' Patton, Cambria Co, Pa. Abadia CAPITAL PAID UP, $100,000.00 SURPLUS, $20,000.00, VET Vi forodnda of Corporations. Fleme, fadivide a aia wil Beniis srenioet Upon the most fa vis. l i e FO S ; Li tern costent with sf and conservative : hanging * Miemaeshisn tekets Bae sale for ail the tomadi 1 Hees, Foieign Prufls puyuiie an the prin min Al Kinds of | HE of Lhe OIE We Fresh and Smoked Moats sortespondenes will have our promptand | peiwonat isitention, PATTON, PA. Daterest. paid on time deposits. : - A BEB Param, WM. H 8 Why Other Moti eines Hare Yatiod, ARDEA, It President. — cared when everything has disappoir 5 ; embalmed bnsn 1X7 Wy £ allo Krieg jo i strictly in % og onr saanpnter x EY a * At TH Seasom., Butobers and Da x ay An 3 Subscribe for advertise in the "| paton THURBER. and Tr SEH SON rr RANA