{noon with supper at § 00d 0 day afternoon between the Patton nine 6 block. ucky fled Telephone Co. { i | upon his new duties next week. PARAGRAPHS. wa! Fonte wud Visces. { church at this place Tuesaday morning «Dr. and Mrs. H. A Belts were visit. 5 8 o'closk by Rev. Father Plerron. g relativis at Freeaport this week. i The couple left on the afternoon train cs a for a vialt to Altoona, atter which they ! bv Falien muon Yorn ie wil take a Welding teip to Washing. open | mn D.C. : inst, sv. John Radeliffe, of this plce, | ~The Cambria county grange picale | whi. preach in Lhe Yolen ahurel at will fie held at Firornesn' # Park Mon } Glen Campbell Sanday, both mod wing | day. The grangers will spend the day i and evening. | at the Park, taking their dinner there, Dr HW. Bailey, of Mansfield, bis but will leave about five o'elock and rented a room in the Good building there will be nothing doing fn the y (and will open a dental parlor hore in #Vening. The spesoh making, ste, * about three weeks (will begin at 1:90 oelock pom. and tf ~The Bt Bonifase bass ball club and ®verybody in invited Go by presont. {8 nine from Paton crossed buts wt Mra Woo Wilson, of Two Dots, | _ Carrolltown Tuesday. The locals were | ad defeated by a secon of 4 to 2. (Patton relatives. Me Wilson is he! Miss Margaret Hiton fell from the ® daughter of Michiel Ryan, Sr, of bl- | steam carousal Monday evening and : Beech avenne, and this i% her first visit J rocolved tijuries to her back that ne. | home in fifteen years. This is vot sar , | cessitated ber keaping ber bed fur sey. Prising when itis known that she wis leral days. {compelled to travel fy -four tiles. by Patton Fire Co No. 1, secompatied | stage in order to rexch a ratirosd from {by the Patton Silver Cornet Band, left | Two Dota, : | Thursday morning for Clearfield to at : ~The Patton local onan tend the fAremen's convention and | V nited Miny Workers of Amsties tournament. build a hall for 12 ~Simon'P. Nagle died Bunday st his | purchased the lo hint : il 5 years | Bottling Work: 1 Heian sri vived by his wife and funr | ford, T. Mul Cohildeen. The foneral was held Wed in nesday morning 1 at ke o'elock, af thie © { ue wn tae si have 25 held or Ana's Grove Thor 0 af refrshments if also bay sary Ti rid § Run id The ak A pet. ct in 1 the sore mf - the : Wm Oswald and Mise tds Yahnor, | both of Elder township, were nnited | Voktited Penetiings Pertaining te in marriage at St. Mary's Catholic | THE COUN Macher county, Montana, is visiting | ported CHanbarity and : Liha Fabric Fis Home Os With sae gien and ch explaimed | a ss: Fire and Police Commit Logg gerheads. C Frovvedings of wn taturouting Roandorei Mr, Tayinr's Sewer Assessment Fropouition | Tarned Down Flee Handred Poot of New | ; Home Bobaht tar the Firemon Sar President Donnelly. Beoretary Madore | and Councilmen Prindible, Lingle, | Berkey, Molormick, Lansbery andi Gould attended the rogalar session of | : the borough fathers Monday night. The first matter to be taken up under | t e had of unfinished busines was the | Taylor sewer proposition, which was | nid on the table at the jast meeting It : will be remembered that Jos. Taylor | offered to pay one half of his sewer as. | sesament Hf the baroaph would stand, Rood fur the other half. The propo | sision was refused snd Mr. Taylor was | ordered to pay the entire Anposnonenit, on motion of MeClormick, seconded by Lingle, : The fire snd police committee ro st Fhay had been onabde to Agree oo purchasing hose and both GHILY Pepart was pve. Parke y and Mati. 3 i £ ¥ 8 : o Jacket hose. at : FE . . . > | Lingle, the other member of the coun. oe alineh hie slpnatisre ntact £, Han hug that single : oe $s Revers Ged a re presentative of Word presant | repens aletive fs cher i sipmriieity of bin peedn. Fach hed bis: Ltherents and bo bring Ue malier ton | hoe V:woonded 8 seotion to the offeet that y The post office wan merved Into the to | new post ofifos block after the elise of business Satnrday night. The new ! #, | quarters are handsome and commbdion 4 k foe Li Hoe and Have Been leased by thin gukern } orroiede pal Free ad yi | ment for ten ¥eass. : these are farnisbhed will pay Hh i With teaceal hd in view. To F 4 orn with that k i Misses Agua wed Anan, ae : Monday on kn extended trip Malge, 00 #1 ght. futir Caen, Me. Donnelly is a native of tw Pine | Vertise the altraction theron Tree state aod haw not visited his birth. | Wirty five miles around. i place in thirty-three yours, «The Bbensburg Ministerial Ano I An interesting game of base ball ating hae served sitios on the man. | will be playnd at Athletio Park Satur. |Bpement of Lhe sonusl fair beid at ; Carrolitown that if any gambling nl permitted during that exhibition tis | fail prosecutions will be jontituted at Thuy agree to ad- iy for {and the strong team from St Hooifee | The game will be called at 8 o'lock sharp, an half hour earlier than winal. | ~Dave Perell has sold bis phote | graphic stadio to T. A. Wirtner and 3 will leave town the first part of (eto. ber. Mr. Wirtner was formerly em- plo ved in the studio, but is now located Me Pereil will locate in the Carrolitown people has not bean | lsarned. It will be recalled that simi. | iar action of the ministers in regard to the exhibition at the county seat Jed to | ; the abandonement of the project, leav- ing Ebensburg without a fair this year. Al a meeting of the stockholders of the Paton Industrial Co-operative Amociation held in Goldstein's Hall ast night the recently appointed build. 1 ing committes made a report in which they recommended the purchase of the buliding now oecupind by Geo. O. Brady oo Fifth suenue for $3,500. The report was accepted and the amount {of the purchase pledge In how stock "| before the men left the ball. The pres {ent quarters of the Asstciation are in. adequate for the inervasing business and the Bazaar property is admirably fitted to their wants, consisting as it does of a store room 100 feet long and a big ware room in the rear. There are also seven living rooms on the. sécond floor, Wr A : WH Doalingor. the president of | ni- | the Northern Cambria Street Railway te Co., was in Philadelphia this week on | business connected with that enter- rien. ‘There is hardly any doubt but ad Yl bn built and that, + la der was pty attended ~ iand a success in every particular. On | Mocount of wet groands the dinner and | supper Were served in the Harrington | : Cunt Hornaver and Misa Amelia Damm, both of this place, were recent NY s : tosh: Dernia FF ty nn £4, 8, Howard Woomer £1200 J. DO RBialr Ti 4 REE iElentrie apes. What sttitads will be taken by i 1 ly married in Canada. The groom is a well-known brakeman for the New York Central, while the bride was until lately day operator in the local ex. change of the Huntington & Clear: | MRS. TRUMAN DEAD. An Btimabis Wile and Mother Passed Away Thursday Aliernoon. Mary Elizabeth the wife of John: An infest son of Mr. and Mrs | Traman, of this place, died yesterday ~ Wm. ampbelt died Friday night after | afternoon at 1:30 o'clock of a eompll- | a short iliness. The funeral wis held | cation of diseases, after an illness ex. | n St. Mary's R. C. church Sunday af. tending over a period of three weeks. ternoon at 4 o'clock, conducted by | ‘Bhe was fifty-five years of age and a f Rev. Father Plerron. Interment in Pave of Baltimore, Mil. She moved | the Cassidy cemetery. The littie one 0 Patton with her husband from Bris- was four months old. bin about ten years ago, | ~Howard C. Yerger, the civil en. 8 Truman was the mother of oe gineer, will give up his office in the eighteen children, nine of whom + | Good building and will enter the em. WOE. Those who survive with her | ploy of the Beech Creek Cosl & Coke Dusband are Wm, of Windber, Mrs. Co. . He will be connected with the | John Myers, of Coslport, Mm. Emma engineering department, with head. | Kirk, of Baruesbioro, Miss Anna, of | Pittaburg, and Jacob, Rudolf, Wilson quarters at this piace, and will enter ‘and Misses Elnora and Effie Jane, at P home. The faveral will be bedd at the resi. dence Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, TPE ~ Patton Fire Co. No. 1 is negotiating | with Geo. 8. Good for the purchase of {the lot at the oorper of Fourth and | B : {conducted by Rev. E. H. Witman, pas. fos Mager avenues and intends {tor of the AM. E church. The inter. a house thereon if they |, will he made In Fairview cere. 6 property. At present there | tery. iti » difference of $200 between the par- i i a Hi Hl tien, Mr. dood sss Jt. for the lot. | ~Read your own UOURIER. An my hands for collection us Frinditde moved apd Linge He order be divided each tw fornia Hil fot and the motion prevailed, "ph he folowing bills were ordered Jom, Messenyror #5, Wn Gili #80, Ed Moore 829, Patton courier $14.10, A. FP. MoCannell 88.57. atton Walter Co. $0, Geo. 8 Good Light Co. $88.75, Pettibene | $1215. aon COURT. PM Da imimons Traowaried sf Bheoosharg of Tn Tevet Par thle Neston The foilowing Losinoss was transact Lied at the session of motion eoart bart | { 1d Ebenwbarg Toesday : ; John Halo eppoioted tax collector of Eider township, i Petition of Beriah Thurston for the transfer to himself of the retall licotwe of James Hatton st Moss Creek, Biter township. The Conrt held this ower, : lie stated, on account of certain reports that had come to his cars regarding Thurston's conduct while previoonly bolding license, Petition of Ed L. Blum for transfer to hlrasell of the wholesale license of | Henry M. Bium, the Son brewery at Clarrolitown. (iranted. Petition of John Ryan for the teats: | far of the retail license of C, A. Cypber at Hastings. Held over on account of gm exceptions filed. Petition of John Westover for trans. fisr to himself of the retall license of Michael Baker at Garman’ » Mills. Held over. - Petition of Louisa M. Stiger to sup- ply lost deed from Thomas Kirkpat rick and wife to Jacob SBtiger. Emory CH. Davis appointed commimioner to take the testimony. Petition of Elizabeth Malove for tlie i | appointment of a guardian for the as | tate of Mary Ang Shoehan, 8 woman of | fowhie mind, of Allegheny Sownabip, Ed A Bheehan appointed. i E. HL. Davis appointed anditor ia thie | sritate of Michael Byrne, decessed, Inte olf Barr township. Philip N. Shettig appointed auditor | iti the estate of Henry 8. Dumm, de ou ard, late of Bare ¢ Ganahip, : An alias onder of sale pragted in the ; esdate of Samuel Broth, deceased, late of Busquehanna township, : t In the equity case of Jacob Yost, | trustee, v8 Jos. AL Uray, motion for | leave 10 amend bill, Granted Nisttew ti Taxsayvs. : The tax duplicate of 183 for Pattan | school and borough taxes are placed! with & Per cont off till Sept. After December Zi, 5 per cent will be added. Pay. an a went can be made at the office of Geo. | i ‘Boone. J. D. Lyons, Collector. {Good Building, Next Door to Bank, a i hess © or RIER are you reading? IL MEETING! ; ‘Hats, Oxfords, Ties. Straw Flats Orr Trousers. Shirts, Ete. Men's $16 30 , Suits Reduc “ 15 00 12 00 ed to $13 2 12 9 Eid wk EX % o Bw eet Ore Trousers Cut to $2 : : £4 2 1 #% 6 Look in the East Window for the Prices. % $ 3 A Big table fa Shirts at jc. I of Men's 75¢ and soc and Misses” Ox. All Straw Hats on frit counter LOH we 5 $1.25, $1.00 values. . $1 W ¢ cut prices on any summer goods away down. Come and see, Keystone Clothiers and Tailors, Patton, Pa. | Opposite Us. 1 is Bank iil Stil) That is what Everyone Ought to Pat- ronize and what our friends are Calling our New Bottling Establishment. A - Ee - ans ow y We personally put up every bottle of Beer, Ale and Porter we sell. The Product is the celebrated Duquesne make, which insures Purity, Cleanliness and Perfection of the Brewers’ Art. Order a case sent to the house or call for it at the bars. Now as Always Headquarters for High Grade Wines, Whiskies and Cordials. Call and inspect our new J Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps. Dry Goods, Ladies’ Suits and a full ine of Skirts, etc., MUST BE DISPOSED OF tered. Gg A hig Sale to make room for an immense fall stock already or will go at sacrifice prices-—cost or below. portunity to buy standard goods CHEAP. continue until a all; 1S disposed of. Come carly and ge et your pick of the stock. Don’t Dati) B. KUSNER,
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