The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, July 31, 1903, Image 7

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    the ter question,
{ swor would devon ether ya
or Fanny Marsiand apd millions for
diffe. He peed bor to po the last svin-
_ | phony conc get of the season with hia,
| Bhs twas delighied,
Yan kusw, Mr
Sther Aare to play the grandest sym
phony In all wasle. Every pulse of
your being will be awake to the subith
ties of the rythm and to the concord of
sweet sounds thrazhent, There is ole
al tours,
Yonenn she sql
E passages in partienisr which awakens
all told who one
er ak ig to Bot
] belle it ed
EX ~ She had
to the true ,
HOH whieh she
nid not mich Hie
had received,
had about given
san appeared on
hi Site heat
£ ry one of these gatherings
ys Marsiand and her four mit
how the lek: of the i
’ ithies
= dbo
sien nr] sakls
pake any particular ia:
ing. hat 1 wish vousl
Marsland that 1
; Any Fas
sald Taek.
I think thei!
Fanule Mars: ;
” aking of 2 gil swith tony |
the i ot tansie,
; ate an finn: iy
of conrer, that Billy
0 are ned
ote at he
snd ther Southern |
bh, and 1a the course of a micah
sik k adagla. andanto : allezto
of bis dy 8 Tatticed wit-
Boe reason or other
kin L Sousa! she had
ze ket g the ring came right.
the man wuose pature
o pers
but persimmons are a fruit
#aid 10 be ter after it has |
Marsiand rhapeodized.
fen with sour 1
| Blily Benson
mind and heart and seul to the higher,
the better and the purer things of lite,
1 shall be delighted 1» so with you, a
kindred spirit
Billy felt a ltile conscience stricken
at this, but they went to the last sym:
phony concert of Le year, Billy never
Bad been able to feel at any of the hun
dred and vgs musical entertainments
{that h¢ had been ntisuding any of the
“mwakening thrill” upon which Fanoy
He felt spo
claliy unlike nay awakening theill tint
Saturday glght. Mise Maralamd was in
an ecstasy, “Perfect, exquisite, sonal
ful" abe prurmnrsd ceeasionally. Then
, | suddenly the sweep of the symphony
Lehanged. The passages which was to
vt and soni tn
the higher and the purer things of life?
was vibrating from the orchestral
Frances turnod t4 William Benson,
“It fu Bere. Mr. Denson” she sald, “lis
hols Telnet
A sound subdued but unmistakable
was the answer. Discord of discards
jt waa a snore. Billy Henson was
awsien Ymind and he
[ree days later Jnek Masters moet
on the stsent, “Bliy” he
said, “1 underxtaml the symphony rou:
vort's fend deficht this year simonnts to
“here's a
Jack” sald Rily
(6%) patie fusl S400
erg Herald
mistalie Anpew
The dellelr Is
Ye hleago Hoe
fork %
Herdy Pump Linemen.
cies of rien whe Knew the
AL of the tevin
tha handy
spperitten a
“ureonuony jie”
putnp Huemen, wha
transit of off fom
Tiny live thoosands
evel of the son on
Months pass and
new face
y Loae applawds thelr courage,
1 Ta annton Gazeite 1s no sineoure,
% 1 cltizens Rn
«| fuer than he can friends.
4 prents appended after their names.
- | these fists records of former duels
e | water,”
tetany dad
eternal anil
geason, the
van he endurnd;
“arta are the isolation
ne exhnusiian, But
wieh wihier elining the wountnins in
ey sangl si the Havnan fa #hibe
aetad to havdshing from which over
he strongest man wight well shrink,
Prven thouzh the mercury engumedis
with the 2200, the pipes mnst le Kent
n eurditton to carey the pil To wmnke
: ary repairs the Hoesian must
; § mountalos, cross ravines and
ford rivers and ereslla Fomelimes he
oA Hoy id
fore ithe
snd the phys:
#1 must stapd waist deep for hours in
spow and water, sud when his tusk Is
{ Anished, tramp back miles throug
i spow-choked and loe-bound forests be
fore he ean reach the shelter of his
j humble home. They are hetoes of
everyday life, these brave men, No
no. poet
sings thelr praises. yet they dally sul
mit to exposure and perform exploits
of daring that are pot surpassed in
aetna! warfure, The Susauehanns, Ju
niata, Lehigh and oiher streams whose
waters flow toward the Atlante evast
with the bomes of these
thrifty workmen. Philadelphia North
. ——————
The City Editor,
The position of city editor, says the
ian who follows up the Laps and nis
Laps the sing and sorrows of his fellow
pile up evemies och
Hw dg the one who has fo stand for
tal othe “local” lu a paper, no matter
ol be never saw ht ountil it eame out
tin print; and, as but few people uns
derstapd the divisions of newspaper
derarsments, the wark of the editorial
sriters is often ebargad to him when
it crosses the grain of some One Who
winces, whether there Is good reason
<tfor It or not,
For the kind words he says, the
burial of tragedies In domestic and
social life which come junto his sphere
and are not allowed to be aired because
they would wreck families and break
heaps he seldom or never receives
Ths politician forgets the “boost”
and compliments. and remembers only
ithe grisdges. and the average citizen
i= pasually as oblivious to any obliga-
Affileted With the Duel Hable
French dournaiista are famous for
“thelr dueling propensities, Once every
year the Paris newspapers publish a
1}i%t of thelr correspondents and contrib.
with their various accomplish-
stand out prominently among thelr
achievements, In fact, it would seen
from an examination of these Hats that
i4t is a sine qua non for the tenure of
ils position that every Paris news
paper man should fight Jt least ono
duel a year.
flawever, many of these duelists
soem to enter upon thelr encounters in
a very happy frame of mind. The em-
{nent French eritle Sainte-Beuve dure
ing an enconater with an offended aun
thor lified an umbrella to protect ims |
self against no few raindrops. His see.
onda pointed out that this was offering
a much better mark to his adversary.
“I cannot help it" answered Sainte
Beuve: “1 came to mtaud dre, no)
prosering hie: he wy th have to oot
and that on the ane
rel stiois |
aml white goods for several wore years |
i waist,
en aily
The prevention eof wrinkles is this
Meo fixe of most women nowadays
A famous specialisf save the only sare
preventive of crows’ feet aml donhle
chine ix never to Jaugh, A poor young
frierat bas already begin the pew treats
pend, hunt suffers agonles in the process
of suppressing her hilarity. Not a
gungels nf hor {40s moveso.even when
the table has been set fn a roar but
whe gives slog gueint said something
lke a mild, boarse bark,
I juvfer to laugl
= Ladies’ Field,
The women whom sloping shoulders
and risk the w rinkies,
Boil Will do well fo weary a wide Bohn le
aml elbow ’loeves of Lino or fd ovine
8 bloves in whlch case the lower part
of the blouse siceves should be very
full, These short coals nt Haw Doel,
with long lines in the front sve 3% roy
becoming to sour and to slighy Hanis
The fullverz in the {rout seems
Reconiunis the smailpnpes of
aud fo inks away any
gize of rhe Bios Few cat dhipenss
with ths elvis of Jae, wet, sain of
cuiffon saci,
The fine Freach tails veil Is nore the
vogue for summer Libdes than the
heavier voll of laee. 11 jends Weel
to graceful drapings,
fae wedding gown of material
Che Bridal void Is 8 banger worn ove d
fl {aoe undeas there is sinae mdbvldant
be sean fur preferrisg ib
Plier are any varying ways of bo
ranging the behav] of sls
het verchanes ane €0 the sinariey
ta have ibe dus *
4 - gE
Tadar wg,
veil faradd
Tie toile fy
sabe BiG cor 8 ried
Ray 1
tiny rat
{iia al.
White vinieis
Home Cotpanien
Soa be very ford of onse ele
fi ogrent consalxtivg tn Hie ew tried
& waning of many experiedivos reeentls
“If helps ta Keen contepied, it
preserves youth aud it jen wonderful
preventive of Chives” It spouht Le
considered in the lg af a virtue
rather than that of a fans,
a vanity, ss ix generally the ease, for
to love pretty surrounlinge argues Go
westiclty aud Is essentially feminine,
I do nat mea, be I endersoasd, an ex
travagant folninesy for dress: that is
quite awoether Gdns and is an repre
heusible na it Is zevorally const tAored
ta be. but to And cangendal cooupntion
In the gelewtion amd making of ope's
gowns, and ploasure in their sucess,
which creates a cevialn fomdness for
them. 18 a very good thing for our
sox, and I alwoars pity a Woon wao
looks gpon dress with disdain as 8
tiresome neressidy Nw XNiw Yark Trib
In ull effective exercise care
be mien do odd tie body In
poise. eo that on haty of dlenifled, of:
flelont pole In being eitabiished for
renesal use. Hw fitind
aber Toly throushunt the 0g
sid in good order, begining with Ph
seatling and tsi] mstion, procesding
fron the cpest IH the noel and head
thraugliont the arose abd bands ad
all the muscles 6 the body, 10 the Jods
and feet. Every mots, besides being
fell uninterrupted and gradually or
successively well esdercd throughout
the body, shanld also be patursly
prihmieal. That is to suy, mioilon to Le
good exercise should never jar nor
$erk, It should Ge taken In thine zs
slow as seems instipetively comforia-
ble to the individusi when the motion
foo ¥
FA exer Ee i
i tits
‘4% oft repentiml,
The exercise of our daily work, when
token vigorously, persistently and with
tha thwrongheoing eMeloney of fin
motion will serve excellently to keep
aur size normal, our Ylaoks” well Yup
to the mark™ and our condition gener
aly capable and well and bappy
Woman's # Homa Costipanion,
The woman who woth] have pretty
hands, in the flest place, bas hor
rade to order, if she can afland 15
ps, she buys gloves that
a large rater than
regis riy manliures her
Hi if they have Lecsnw
by wearing tight gloves she consults n
grilled mmssiur aid bas the trouble
repediod, Massage twiee on wee with
cold erestn will do anders toward pro
ducing beautiful soln lands
A few exercises Will silso serve as ine
dispenvable heip toward
grate of finger and wilst,
small, She
ow hande
Stand with the arns at right angles
witiy the
hands downwards,
“pnd down with
bady and the pdms of
Bend tite hands up |
the wrist as a pivot. |
Continne this eXerolse until the hands |
are ohly sghtly thd,
Land tightly, then throw out the fingers
gquiekly, spreading them apart at the
same time, These two exercises pro-
duce suppleness and ease of the move | sh Saped gid
manis of the hands,
gots, and |
fi:4 3
iii 3
Ard Bo
meh mor gppraprints to weir with i
or nt lest
y j fur worning wean
are a Hite
tn bw Twing
thie :
Next close the
veins and doh skin.
Wash the hands In wang water acd
~Ameriian Ene,
§ gawny con tinne,
is ia nane dune
other goreng for dressy
eava Tolisiioe Wer 1a
then formerly, This
of thy fashionalls
toneher the Bior in §
anger at toe sides and hes
i Hg
at BRirt:
nroper asl essen
ail arohmd,
Far the walking skirt, pow calied
eldeanik sRivf there fk po more rice
fal weiss than the sanplented or suns
barat skirt, which Is very {oll at bobs
withoid bulliiness at Care
mite he faden in the cllnice of mate
rials, however, for if it be slimsy ad
nelined fo streteh the all
evegness of epg is aligodd hnpossihie
tis geese; the pleats, Hille the folds of
a fun, sHyerge Pron the centre of a
spare of material and naturally
ual! pre and thr other hal
The hin take lk pny becoming to A
tall, siemiiel wenrer of the what skiph
Phe maith 1 aul pleated skirt are
Fhe sn len 3 in Gout an
a 8. Ey
Lhe Bids
Fede top,
SOR SER Glenworta je the on hr
gener of thy British peerage was hos
Pansed the comiury marh,
Mise BW. Cham a Nieves of Jot
0 4 hus besinia, { fajurid}
1d, 1
Viestes i dee Boat Wo
inl ogiven puniie rec ans Id RRR
fon a BEI,
dps Billy id
iar pann
ce Xoo
#33 ni
Widtan even
al LEY fe
ate fhe
Fw Ad
Fie, YWillianut,
Cal, has beey RB
gg fealty ¥
Hee enihires
she foxes the
Hast every shy oar 12 ¢'edork To last
Lil merning, to bed at 12.50 and
pivess ath toooet break iasl
Nearly 1500 English women have
hag snl te various stations In Boulh
Aries since 1001 by the Bopth African
a fateliy of
Expansion Comite, amd most satis
{risiory resulis have been received from
a majority of thew, The wetien travel
in charge of & matron, aml on their
arcival are plaied io care of a Gover
mnt departinent unill Ley onder mili.
fins, ;
Povo girlie are making a vovel suds
coin In buying and shipping eggs a2
Clay Centre, Neb. They buy gli thie
eggs that are bought to their own and
two neizhbaring towns, anil carefully
sett them, gecording to color. as well
ax grade. All of thelr eggs are washod
clei before being packed, and thelr
cdeed are tmmmenlately clean amd gr
tripetive In other wavs, Their husluees
tx #ald to be growing rapidly.
Rratted masiins and geass Jawns are
tied for maby of the fashionable shirt
Yiite hats trimmed
with biaek vely snd red or
nk roses are ju Digh favor
33 Lalarid
Elbow siesces characterize many uf
the muslin t al one Bees EUR.
ings on almost every other skirt
A distinenly vlvgant gown is of oyster
white cloth with a sunray skin and
Hongarisn ewbanideries in green ald
For morning neck wear there are toe
ditintiest of embroidered tun
collars, fastening across with
emerald, turquoise or garnet
HF diioes
Chiffon gathered and plea
orate] with petals of =IIK, or spots of
citeniile, or Hoes of riblon velver rin
tlrough insertions of lace make sopie
clinhorate deep cape collars
1a Paris the new short
the tratieuse is guile
ed and due
akint calisd
genvraily adopiind
It quite clears the
ground and demands smart boots and
a lin figure 10 be recily beroming.
Black lace medallions encristod gpa
ws hiite Jace white medallions of a
different and finer Kind of lace thhu
that of the foundation ave details
which give a Huish and refnemant WH
deep collars,
Tarre 8 a rene PRI of favor this sen
£151 the toned Yak lace,
contse kind of 4 decoration whinh
was neh In vagre years spo,
nEed upon the Hgbt sprang
wielons ail ton Tinen drosss,
adng dyed 10 Ge same color as the ma.
for adid-Jasd
A stylish costume made In sheet
walking length worg at a fashionalde
prsort was of blue and green tation,
reer the Kilted sklrt was a short
basgued green taffeta ceay, bralded
with green and irimsned with balls
buttons, wort together
with a Iaunty blue straw small toque,
Tight sleeves axe as injurivus as tight | siaply oroamented by green wings.
AR WS. nm
i gx ®
apocatul to one qua
Lim Before the soar.
js very!
fhe §
ar four Inches on the flood a1 the ek |
FT he weniking skirt
3 3
ff fringe
tis WHER
| tometer,
: pa af
josk wtgar if a
fone 3 aE
ial a ose
fenite-ls pk |
hing & patient
in hot sods water will Yoduee the foe
eer, A BR xia. prt in walter In
which weal aml vegetabisg are bailed
will tpake them tender and sweet, bee
siden Hastening the cooking and thera.
by saving fuel When added to dish
water po scap Is pesdad, and thre IA
pu greasy rim ayound your dish pan,
in warm weather meats may be fresh.
sued by washing in cold soda water hee
tors cooking — Woman's Home Con
Lamp shades grow lovey every sa:
#45, When one looks ick to the crude
Affaire of 8 Tew seasons ago We wonder
bow we ever could have thought them §
Among the new and egqulsite things |
Brought out ade 8 Shades af oul gites of
cides Leads, One willy ean gt no
fen of Their dainty besoly until seet,
(re Bad a top formed of glass beads,
grnng on Wide, with a « Yedg glass bead
fries, There 1s a purliy. a brilliauce
about encli a shede Ingescribabiy fase
Another on tie same lines had the
fon of cur giass, with the desp head
elase with gir Quis
why Telegraph,
A Sauna
Ta get a Bne prs i ak
ny COOR,
hwnd that
£3 Aged, Bweer
hake wakes that ruin Hike pound
Soy ur milk shakes spongy. Baht
sys dif Sour before nwie
oi} Brain wilh
Ba ¥ i aking |
Sew fukd
Bites the
sarke optn whibh
F pug Ra
bend easy warm
fi OCeNSarY warm the
fr worms ihe t
i texture
ag fa cur
The stnaiier
hairy should bie the oven,
Led peauirs very sinw bakieg, Grease
rake pana with Jard er del
bisrrer will likely to makes the cake
brspate kh.
: SE
In packing men's clothes, fold the
trousers in the front and back creases,
fir them fn the buglh of the Uru
and turn up st the Zoot, placing tissue
paper in the fold
in foiling auy sort of cost Ors jay
the coat on a table, then piace the
sleeves flat on ths back pleces, and
last turn the fronts over the sieeves,
saw] pack the coat this width if possi.
bie, If too wide, then fold together
down the middle of the bark. No tis
ste paper ia needed fn the coat unless
je te in this bast fold. or unless 8 very
jittle paper is needed at the ton of the
Birevy in,
Wen there is 10 special tray ina
TL lu ¥
ERE and “an ders
, filing in the corners with
arg -
wobnvin a trank. You see, it eannet
tiznt, and Sur east Sipe
aR, A hat %
nse in
Chesep CnrtardpLifmte three ar fonr
snsces of cheese! beat thee love] take
spoonfuls of Dulter to 8 cre) beat
two ergs; mix the chase and barter
then add the beaten ofggs
and ene toblesnconfel of mk; heat
all thoreughly; turn into 8 butiered
dish and bake in a quel even aut
firm in tho ovnire, Berve as soon Bs
removed from the avep.
Ruubarb PheeChop two teacunifuls of
riigharh and fet stand ten mingles
foowataw poured over it boliing Bon
Dreain, and mix with the fru a large
teacaplol of sugar yolk of ap
epg. a tatdespooniol of butler, and one
pg gonr, molstening with three ta biies
spoonfuls of water. Bake in one erst,
covering the with narrow sie
of pastry crossed, or a merlin
Velvet Sinleake— Gh) adn
fal of salt ope guar
Riles task
pahiespoonfol of
* Yon
of feat: dis
sonful of soda fofone
yo bailing water: gad ras
ta two and a guarier cuplels of =ony
eres; then add this to the Bourn: toss
air a Poured boand; roll nat Bail an inch
thieky out tbe size of a breakitst pals
pias ¢n.oa bot Sides
cn otho gander sido in
tie other:
Fray Jul
of apy in
and t Lire 050
spit buliter aad serve hot,
a Prede ting-Put sus cap.
It sy arith one eupiat of
the ire: Tub aga)
Lory stare in
: ctor) wien the Srl
jalee badl pda the cm
tare tirving upd ot thickens: add
halt a cup vet, 2 or by at the whites of
teen eggs and vent them late thy padi]
oa £5 turn inte a jelly wold; place fn
Be dee chext nptil ferving: save with
cream whipped a little,
over three
oa a
Poti PEE Hi
Of course, the laaps aise Ae
hinge Philadel
vr hing
tose. Bas
atimouphors Ale hs
wales, and tae
nore if fakes Uh
diem for
9% Br i i fu
The grove enmmends Haell to oe in
#0 GanY wars that we have no hesliae
tion in pronouncing i (ke most Ya
ghiy fruit grawn in this climate, and a
Roe wledige of (1s cultare may be turned
re pe
Lt zood seeonnt by every person whe
4 square yard of ground.
FAN contd
This can be ssid of no otha oui ~ Nie
tional Fialt Grower,
suniinary of the results of ali the
imants at the Govertneat sin
3 argent the pogtitry, shoul to
pubiiaisd by the Deumrisent eof
Agrimgitnse geome to show that where
tha Eyal os A pring walter 8 Bot oo
; of wharries Ix of
suring 8 Tail crap of
The water shonid
wt fru time, in the
psd slowed 14 clowiv flow
mr vatier than by Rosding.
hen anpossticn of HE
x #eaney of the year
4150 38 tha water TR fred
It ix not ton early. how.
FEI to pan far water for the
fie ft veie's ron ax ib piel be remem.
water nena) he apniled ont
coc fovtileer. © In 1aGRt c3%ew
Flin reaie one sesiahls
Ta wT len wit Tava ta he de.
reignite (he a ITY pated
great % ie *
fouls pmrde RaSh
wi a¥ #¥
pba 1B
pes, te ba
heres] hiss
of Deed
rir ERY.
av sreifeial
reas sie Ln
{og CON
sich ] tee
Gwing to die salt lo B~Pilltsonrg
hk i the stirs in the fing
It ia 2 danger
Wis exheriment tw ry to prek 3 manag
Erith With
when hows:
tg to
© tipo 2
in the svadiay
aod $4 ice doa lw
Loar gon tlY sade Bag
sees geal Teri
Ua a A & pre
wilawadd Foe and
nHasiag :
if before wag Know it.
The apie a
Aud many of thes
+r coarse they are faib
Preatably Bioeaentha of
Hee ready of thees goals falinres is
te cal down noany of the vrebiards For
the requeinder the troniment is cuitien
fun, fertilization, soraring the trinity
of ortiodux apple growing — Professor
LH. Baller, In The Cultivator
An excelling method for starting
walerne: cus, cuenmbers and other
erops 197 early market ia to plant the
Bond in small boxes or tubes. made of
tilek paper or eardtoard. These ate
slow in the sccompanyingiliastraiion,
Bice pieros of paper seven itches
jong and Sve mehey wide. Roll In the
firm ol a be aud tie a cord slont the
citer. Sgeh a device Is shown in 1 li
After sev eral of there tulies are pre
oa wooden box fom
sup, as shawn oan Fiz 0 PO
inhvs wide eanth aod plast the
Place in aw roo, where they
sprout and he yeady fos rans
Wher the tie cothivs To Dal
doors, SSDI Eel the paler
we young Rants fa lroles
prepansl fer thi & purpose; raving them
$11 the, They will start off readily nod
produce eafly orops~Mmierivan Agth
Yimbis wore should be sur
off as smoothly Ss possible with a
yarn anew and as chxe ta the main
sien a8 posse, When a Hinh eniers
a shoulder ut tue frank. the cut should
be as clase 10 the former as possible,
ver miver through if. There shoald
ueter be any stump left because the
conbivm dbs back and when the
samp decays there Is a hold loft which
15 Pas re
16 apt to cause the trunk of the tree
rot and become keliow. Torn
wounds are go supce of slanger to 8
from IF large Hinhs are to be reinoved
which shonil pever happen in peed
argving, there is danger of tie weight
af the Hob rearing the hark, Ta aveld
ily ont from hula first and nest the
Mit with ene rein above, or MH hid can.
nit be dope. eut of the limb a foot
fom the tree and remove the stan
Large wounds should beoameired over
#rith Agr Bick paint to Keon ext
moisture. Toda very imps iant that the
Beating process shouhd start soon atter
the eromsad In siade, ollerwise the cain.
Biv wilt be Killed baek enite 3 dis
hanes from the exposind surface and
bealing will be groatly relanded. Fos
this res prone shagld be avoided
In coll partioulariy frosty weather. In
shring the Cambium Is aciivel anal
wots made at this times start te
teal at once, snd there is litile or po
shying back of the catubivw -Green's
: fran Grower,