oun a He race coast. ; rerma¥ls, aiiin Rateant, Gi A BR Navona Energy mas. CR aint : On accom of the National enpam went of the Grand Army of the RB public at Ban Prancisco, (al, Angast 17 to 22, the Pennsylvania railvond , | company offers a personally condacted tour to the Pacifle coast at remark: ably oboth, Del, ar Ocean | low rates | i Tour wil leave New retarn within sixteen | bin, Baltimore, Washington and other date of excursion. (points on. the Pennsylvania railroad n of Pullman parlor cars east of Pittsburg Thursday, August 6 hes will leave Pittsburg | hy special train of the highest mentioned date at 8:55 a m. Puliman equipment. An Altoona 12.15 p. m., where will be spent at the Grand Canyon of or Ww 0 be made, reaching | ; Arigna, two days at Los Angeles and | : P my, in time for sup. visits of a half day or more at Pasa. : tlantie City, via the Del. | dena, Sants Barbara, Del Monte and Bridge route, the only all Bap Jose. Three days will be spent in | p.m York, Phila det i grade entire day Passengers may Ran Pranclsco during the encampment, | night in Philadelphia A day will be spent in Portland on the 0 the shore by any regu. return tip and a complete tour of the Market street wharf or | Yellowstone Park, « station on the following retarning directly ‘Billings and Chicago sud arriving for polis other than A Washington, Baltimore, Philsaeiphin ¥ will spend the night in sod New York September 1, A end tse regular trains the Round trip covering ail ex a Market street wharf, pense for teenty-seven days » Xewpt of within limit will be three days spent in San Fragoieco, $115; at Philadelphia on returning, Wo in one berth, $200 canh, : + poste thelr tiokita - Roun rks trip. rable, cover Hig geht at Hroud street penses io Los Angeles, including ¢ hia, immediately on Cportation, meals in dining oar must be deposited visits to Grand Canyon sad Pasadena on arrival ut seashore des and transportation only throogh Calle “o the east by Dec and roperiy valid ated for fornia and returoing p pe tober 15, vig any direct route, inoind at ing antherized stap-overs, $116; two in one berth, $1056 each. Returning vie Portland $11 additional will be hisrged. Rates from Pletabury will be $5 lows in each case. For fall information apply to ticket (agents, or Geo. W. Boyd, general pas. ‘wenger agent, Broad street station, Phlladeiphin to destication vis rati, “i i § Tin + sold from stations below: 25, Paliman cars $11.35, 0 am. Cresson $8.50, in leaves 11:45 a. m i s be mold for regular : tsbiurg st 4:50 and 9 Latations Bt which these pd Coan stations from | iF conpestion with them is the higher rate only on jy always dangerous do pal submit to g at 10 p.m. Pullman the surgeon's kisife until yon have tried through to Atlantic City | rio Witt's Witeh Hagel Salve, It will ®. train, and to Philadel. | core when everything else faite 3 bins A Bargiont Operation BE asd : covering six days, - NOTICE # ly AO 1s the est and cheapest place to get the following. goods: {Ea irrnie Foals sfekr tre Builders’ Hardware, Machinists’ Tools, Piasterers’ Tools, Paints and (his. Scales and Balance s, Clothes Line Wi ire, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Carpenters’ Tools, Blacksmith Tools, (rlass and Puity, Fishing Tackle, Gem pore, M Fit WOR ery ow AN, CM RHEE AN A ost i s §ooaSemmiadh mirdipenaiin wild Yoo Prasaiviead Boy STONE CONTRACTORS! LE wir Bhonsle ng, | sitar, Avg ad, Tee, Batiaents Har # | rel bn in Teds be reer, | Ey A aariig ag Tor R Butchers’ Tools, Waondenware, rine, Garden Tools, Plows and Wagons, joys’ Wagons, Linolenms fodd pieces below cost), Stains and Carriage Paints, Brushes of al description, convincing proof thes +4 ger ars gut of sreder Furniture Department there ia comfor Chamber Suits, Extension Tables, an Stpesud, tha: Kithen Tables, Ron Chairs, Dining woom Chairs, Cn phoa rds, Chiffoniers, Sideboards, Wardrobes, Cradles, [ron Beds and Woxd Beds, of ‘he urinary passage a, sr bad affscis folow | dating the Right § Fra licad i 2H - derful cures of is id Lr Ki 8 great kidney sen ade fui wish in Curing rhaumatine { bau, kidoeys, liver biaddar and grery be id water and sexidie Kafe if it stains Teton bew Anti-Trust and Union Made. 5 Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Don't Know it. How To Pind Out. Fill a bottle or corarison glass with yogr | water and int © stand twenty. §: Onion Label on Every Keg i5 il hoyrs 8 . i your Bren ¥ lt evidence of id. ney troglle frequent desire iv pass It ur pain Ths Pack What to Do. : in the knowledge in i ery Swamp pain fn the | pat it corrects frabifily | ape of 2 fhm CRs HL E%3L og ain in passing | wits or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant | | necessity of being compelied to gs often | dare ng the day, and t5 per wp ran tines I WHISKIFS: The rid ard the exirae { ordinary sffect of Swamp.Root as the highest for & ost dizressing H Jou | need 8 medivine you should have the | bert Seld by drugpists in Yc and ; the wii | : Penney ivania eviaian > + Beech Creek District Leomdonsed Time Yate. rk Nov, #8, we ha Nis So 38 28 Partion Weaver A pein Maru Br o WD «Fue 5 - a wf x 4 AL Ge and (ase BE 1 CEI HIRAL ENE TENHENRNSTRLNSS : We Handle It. 4p | Sehiits Blue Wrapper and ; : Export in 3 Dox. Cases. | i rion; ®i Ma yieunia any Kovels EPR Northrup Ede Faw Agt. 1 3 New York, paarh. Fa, HE Senet, veo Nept Now York, FINE GRADE. Pittsburg, Johnstown, Ebens- burg & Eastern R. R. Corcdonmsd Those Talle is offvet Foe Ey Large, Sam Thompson, Fema Ba sae & Ie Po A E% | Bats wou XW i i i re Vou may Rave a san mp8 bots of this | Atherton, Gugenheimer, Fie! Ir; 15% 2 ww (Bleyiainie. RAE uo 3 . NT ARES HR a 4 CYR : 1§ oA #0 and $ pom trains done this in thousands of cases, {ere Carpets and Mattings. at a ug | ge 5 5 * ¥ 5 og : a : oy * % : isa will be seeped is one of them: 1 suffered from bled Give us a call and see for mote about it, both sent oo EAI train except the Penn Chg and protewding piles for Panty | | shasiutely free bymail TT tf od and the Chicago Lim- years. Was treated by difforent spe Stren Dr. Kime & | Louls Limited. | lista and used many remedies, bat ob. { Co, Binghamton, N.Y re _— g men: } info 0 in regard (0 Gained no relief until 1 used DeWitt's IJ E. Ki RK'S HDW. | | Bios reading this generous offar in this paper, i Hime ofr alts spply to ticket Witeh Hazel Salve. Two boxes of this Bioii's Sain B5§ minaks; ye ye Kil. PHENIX BEER Thos. BE. Watt, district pas wlve cured me sighteen months ago & FU RT. STOR E. Magee Ave, (bur ihe nace, Swampitoot, Deo Kilo | i ti ar agent, f Saburg. and I have not had a tonch of tha piles PATTON, PA. natural juices Hi diges- Lia Rel Up tel or twalve times lo the Laer Nwamp He wad 1 . wid ron, i wines. -H. A Tisdale, Rummerton, 8 caturrh of the night, and had a severe backache and A ¥ | ORD { Bieghamton, X.Y. on every hottie (Of the Pitteburg Brewing © ompany, | rn ot the Somnsh, a For blind, biseding, ebing snd the tomach in overioaded; protouding piles uo remedy equals De. Yor sours I suffered with | pains in the kidneys. Was cured by | the stomach, eased by ladi- Foley's Kidney Cure. WITH YOU Bo 1 Bruneditis boo Twenty Years 2 4 ay i 8.0% | Foil putea i ¥ 4 a hd BRUTE Ss . : x Lanvtng Pyitipehsr. We are also Agents for the ( Selebrated | { “mam km pm CRRIpebarg 5 Ho ga Wn i Ei ie Qu SC Si 51 Hes qd ie 3 od 0 i x3 Ht wb AY TRAINS Fo Piltipntairy ¥ ourself. sxe E Eo hd EXER a i RE = & ¥ 8 pm i208 Hi $ i“ i% Ve 2 Everwood. i wa QUINN & HARVER Patton, Penn'a. Srl OCAL PHONE Altesibed fo. ‘Leathers tion that LER ea Bens sd Ee bs AE Oreders Prosmily Pom oR £3 wea gags 2 dd in taken nto it that fails to | Wint's Witch lagel Salve. Sold by cays and inflames the mu: pation Pharmscy ne, exposing the perves glands to secret mucin, A KB Bas of Morguztow: 1, Ind Yad and medicines falled | utd! I used Kodol Dys- | R. Rhea, Coppell, Patton Pharmacy. ¢ watt Pasialy wei miimid to © Bathrbaste Lew Haven Willa Hoenit tir ¥r dleipns in and New York, er sete, Crenlng, Wathins, Leervn 2nd Lyon: : deel, Manafivy and Patton: Carwensy ile, pabots, Punsentawaey, Ridgway, Bradfet, § Bainio and Hoshesier For Boys and Girls. Latest Shapes Php i y hr RR Poking Hote Coo Pye a8 0h00 pom and Btyles, wit RIGHT PRICES. RY a Fo iy fai infortation ke peatnhandent. Full line of Engines Burn Hard Coal--No Smoke. ix ty i i IN EFFECT NOVEMBER 7. 99 In both Walkover and Queen Trwiss Leave Wiki mapart From Pept, Pout fio Mirvel. \ x Pot New Yark via Philadelphia TH 10 Quality. You will appreciate oir yas, eso HL pou. Sandy S08 + tn io - -— : ; pt ro Now York vin Saston T% a ay, I * Oxfarda for On. | iad m-tasdays ~ on and Misses a specialty. Fear Put wim, Hesling A full line of all kinds of Shoes. § dsl 50, Sait and op RE dowd iow TH hw me 4 3 oP BE SMomlars ROR 0a wi, TE pom The White Shoe Store. ppsetinns- 41 Ph ip pa Uni sing and from We have the best line of! Ranges made—all kinds. The |. American Standard for excel lence, guarantee unlimited. If ‘not satisfactory we will take you should « back and ask no questions. have them fitted with You have everything to gain and nothing to foose. [Cles. 1 We have everything in the, paint line. Lead, oil, ready- mixed paints, varuish, stains, ‘enamels and anything you may need in this line at “Just the right price.” Our Hardware stock is coms plete and we don’t want vou to forget that we handle * Ev- ‘erything in Hardware. ~The “Chrysolite Ee emeledi] ware” is conceded to be th best. Of course, if it is th , best we MUST handle it Prices moderate, quality con- "sidered. ¢ In miners’ tools we can , furnish anything you wan ‘at once. we Make | a specialty of buggies! wagons, surries, harness and! anything you may want in ‘this Jine | LL] We are agents for the beat] THE road machine made, Farmers’ CITY RESTAU RANT Favorite Grain Drills, Deer- ing Harvesting Machinery, Yo Conklin and Kramer Wagons, New Nerve Oliver and Syracuse Chilled Plows and handle a full line the Whole System and of farm machinery and farm- CURES CONSTIPATION. Tals, Kes 4 at cure b tly arousin € carry the est grade o Bowe Ta a o wALAl gra drasgiutt and will Bot sappy your 7 ‘goods in our line on the . Sold by Patton Phar-| LANGHAM MED. CO., Le Roy, N. ¥, ‘market at one price to all and ) | C. W, Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. TH AT PRICE IS RIGHT. 17 Avmivisrmaroms worion | Comte and see and be CON- PHONE nine wi} indebted wil li make Ramen to | : ! latters of administration on the Fatnte of | 'y inced. two Tears.” writes A. | JOnN C. SNYDER, iste of the Borough of | FORD, | = AS iniatrator. oY Lo Mrs. Minerva Smith, of Danville. ‘Tha Cwriten: “I bad bronchitis for twenty years and never got relief until 1 used Foley’ ® Honey and Tar, which is a sure cure.” your eyes | % % 20 mgs Feeling ? Kiduers or “Rbenumtians. are suffering from rheum. ay will imine. ko itis an 1nGioa uk ¥y . call al Tarer i aml Foley's Kidpay Cure purifies the g | blood by steaiviog ont imporitie aod ", ti ’ tones up the whole system. Cures kid. mo T = x of ney and bladder troubles. specta-| Lenses exchanged free at | Philadelphia & Reading Railway. auy time within a year from | date of sale Satisfaction guar: anteed or money refunded. Don’t forget that we have the best equipped repair shop) in Northern Cambria Co, TOZER, Tug Patrox Jew line this season Traine for Witkinmegeors: Lede Now York vin Baton ed Tha. m., law Po 1 Weselnos £0 6. us and Lamers Naw York vin Philadetphis ia ao Rundays 129 He, 5 £10 ant Np ny, dn, £55 100 pid ¥ pom Lomi ve PH Tnateh shi, Fending Terminal, £30 * mm. 30 wa Sia se, nnd £3 pore, 83. Sundays & on SM. £08 p.m. Phobia delphi aid New netnded. ibe nn be pooeured in tho E1%y thedine o | rect for esd ina tive, ElsN J WERKN, Hosming Tir “hab baabe pita. Farior Cam an al po Shion Traine. ELER. - Magee Ave, Patton, la. : ad 3& pw : Broigh coariien sand Jarior eam fo wd frown ek Bight teins to and trom PY Philasteiphin, Aradnie run dally Sola $id Se gael at the dep Tike Hirvel, 4, Hag page cheat from Sote's and rasidenens Co Cetsornd Passenger Agent Wi RERLER, ol ren rad Migoerin Jetant ‘ Huntingdon & Broad Top Xt | Railroad. In effect Sept 1, 1901, Math wand Tewin Now 1 (Fapeowd leavin Huslingee - away day ew opt Sundiyr Grr ML [mil nt : 8K a. ma. arrty Pog at ME Dwniiss a8 BX an Touin Now LiMn 8 gto | {ary diy veept Steeda Pfr ML Deeihas wl el me, Arriving St M1 Dwibes af 10 FO Train No. 7. Sandsys only Gots for ML Daliss at $9350 am § Dads as B% a. ms Si a a Gal SAL tenios wae oowaeetioms at ME wi Is headquarters for crus | Sas Bor Hes ford, Px. sad Ouzabweisnd, Md - taceans of all kinds, Oysters, North want. ¥ 2 Ni % 1% ¥ 3 ¥3 clains, hard and soft shell Jin No i (Mail eaves Mt Dallas gory crabs, lobsters, etc. day exvept Sunday for Hundingdon » GOOD LUNCH COUNTER Lm mm, arriving a3 Hantingdon st 13:00 » and MEALS AT ALL HOURS. Mui To | Fiaatioe, “dni ins Train No. 2 Fast Lines lea Me Sha : every day REP RY for Muti Sheridna Adeons., wesk days fi Ice cream with crushed fruit flavors a specialty. | 308 p.m arriving at Huntingdon ki X18 Cambria & Clearfield Division. Fine confections, tobacco and cigar. Penusylvania Railroad. In efpct Feb. 5, 1903. Main Line §attig we Fe Eastward, i Beg Blaser Kinpress, week dass | Adon Asoo meoska tion, week days Maks Eine His poss, daily . # EATS aE Aotun monte fbot, uily Mbit Mxpewne, daily | Philmitel pdt Bix Babi vi 1 Fresaot | Bisoridian Sova, week ; ho Expres, daly. pi Hadly narg Enproess. oe oh iavew Hung. Larriing a ML | HNORGUENR ~C2mR¥g WTUTTES TUBES PERBEES BRERER Trio No & Sundays only es Hoe Huntiagion al iG p =X om All tralns make close connectives wir P RR. both ewst and west at Huntingdon Cann MM. Oage, Lreieond Masnnpr. eaves Miiui in effect Juanary 18, 1903. i. wreivig ed Lanve Bation—Southwant. es Nv NE ad 0 a.m. arriving at Dreeson Ta, ma rie Dr 98 at 458 p.m Arriving at Cresson pom lave Patton Nurthwant, Lo Traks No Mat 19:0 am arriving ss Ma Ha st ili8 a wm. and - Glen Onm Campbell st baoms Tonbs Noe 08 at 647 p.m the stomach, liver and al Mitchell & McCormick, Prop’, © BNuoressors to H. T. Peters Reuel Somerville, 2 BARI Bohai § Co ages Sea res Patton Courier, Promoter of Publicity. Advuctising Rasen made known oa Attornev-at-Law, ESTRAY NOTICE. * There cutie to the poanises of the wonder: | get st St Boniface on June 12 1908 » gay 2 mule The owoer pan have same by proving | property, paying for this notice and aspense of | keeping BL Borie, Ihe Ia, “but two! Patton, Cambria County, Pa, decomssl, lav. add | THE Deen grinted by the Register of Cumbria | PATTON, AL County to the undersigned, al! ons having | i Office in the Good Building. i Gino. H, Rimnemin, 1 j £ Patton Pa. May n 108. your own COURIER.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers